Bros. New PR's at the gym tonight.
Squats: 325lb 3x5
OHP: 150lb 3x5
Deadlifts: 315lb 1x5
Was EXTREMELY satisfying getting that 3 plates on deadlift. I started doing them very late in my routine due to fear of hurting myself, so im still catching up on them, but love them now. This is all on a cut with ketosis, 5 weeks in now cutting.
So i have some questions for you guys. I wear a heart rate monitor watch, and after a heavy set on squats, i usually hit 160+ on the heart rate, today i hit 171 right after my 2nd set of 325. Should i be concerned? I turn 35 soon, not sure if im possibly causing damage to myself? One of the guys at the gym said my heart could blow up from being that high, now i'm not sure lol.
Also, i decided to add skull crushers and kroc rows to my everyday accessories. Now that its too many accessories, im considering splitting them up and doing half on A day, half on B day with 3 sets of 8 each, or do them all everyday im at the gym, but do 2 sets of 8 instead to make them go quicker. Thoughts?
Yah, cleans are not for me, anything i have to drop from the air, no thanks. I do pandalay rows instead. Love the explosiveness of them.