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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Aside from the first guy's comically absent pecs, yeah, not denying it whatsoever. The bottom line is that most women want fit guys, not swole guys. The size of your muscles matters much, much more to other men than it does to women, so if you're trying to bench 400 to pick up girls you're doing it wrong. As far as being attractive is concerned, just have some defined muscle and cut to 15% BF or below and dress well. Never really need to go past linear beginner gains phase to accomplish that.

Everyone has different goals, of course. Some people want to draw out their full potential in strength and size. Some people want maximum athleticism for their sport. Some people want to look intimidating. Some people want a beach body. It's all personal. Let's just not pretend that "average" muscle (in powerlifting metrics) on a lean, cut frame is actually average or not highly desirable.

I want an intimidating beach bod that is at its full strength potential! Damn right!

Oh wow! Happy fourth to me. Twenty ribs, corn on the cobb, tons of watermelon, two pieces of apple cake, and a bowl of peach cobbler. Bring on hi rep squats tomorrow!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Cooter, do you go to the gym just about every day?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cooter, do you go to the gym just about every day?
Five days a week for a total of about 6 hours.
I haven't missed a day in over 2 years. I was just talking about this to a friend. I know I should take a week off to rest but it's proving difficult for me.


Old school boxer Mike Weaver and I are the same height, that is ultimately my goal -


Or a slightly more bulky David Haye

I feel like when I'm done with my cut I'll be somewhere around there.
Aside from the first guy's comically absent pecs, yeah, not denying it whatsoever. The bottom line is that most women want fit guys, not swole guys. The size of your muscles matters much, much more to other men than it does to women, so if you're trying to bench 400 to pick up girls you're doing it wrong. As far as being attractive is concerned, just have some defined muscle and cut to 15% BF or below and dress well. Never really need to go past linear beginner gains phase to accomplish that.

Everyone has different goals, of course. Some people want to draw out their full potential in strength and size. Some people want maximum athleticism for their sport. Some people want to look intimidating. Some people want a beach body. It's all personal. Let's just not pretend that "average" muscle (in powerlifting metrics) on a lean, cut frame is actually average or not highly desirable.

I just want to look intimidating while lifting heavy and being a bit lean. As my friends say, I'm trying to get wrestler big.

240 @ 12% next year. Here I come!

Old school boxer Mike Weaver and I are the same height, that is ultimately my goal -

Or a slightly more bulky David Haye

I feel like when I'm done with my cut I'll be somewhere around there.

That is a fantastic look. Approved!

My realistic goal:


Might be slightly out of my reach without AAS but not by too much I hope

Props to you man. That is too hard for me. Not dedicated enough at all.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Five days a week for a total of about 6 hours.
I haven't missed a day in over 2 years. I was just talking about this to a friend. I know I should take a week off to rest but it's proving difficult for me.

Interesting. Is that how you started? Just wondering, because I always read about the importance of resting properly. From your posts, it looks like going multiple days in a row hasn't hindered you at all.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Interesting. Is that how you started? Just wondering, because I always read about the importance of resting properly. From your posts, it looks like going multiple days in a row hasn't hindered you at all.
No it hasn't but I do get plenty of rest. Besides pull ups and squats twice a week every other muscle gets a full 7 days of rest. I also don't do crazy volume. That being said, I'm fully aware that a week of rest would be beneficial for me.


Gold Member
This has been my goal ever since FE posted the picture. I have no idea who he is, but he has got my ideal amount of body fat and muscle.

This has been my goal ever since FE posted the picture. I have no idea who he is, but he has got my ideal amount of body fat and muscle.




NFL linebacker used to be my target, but the heavyweight boxers from the 70s like Ken Norton and Mike Weaver are where it's at now. Basically Apollo Creed is where I'm trying to get to.

Just from googling, I would say Weaver > Norton.

imo of course.

Still gotta get to Tanahashi levels

slowly getting there :)


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Something like an Anderson Silva physique is fine by me, since we have similar frames. Few more pounds of muscle (probably to 3x5 135 OHP range) and ~15 lbs of fat loss would get me vaguely to that territory, so nothing really problematic. 6 months barring any more major injuries or bloody motorbike crashes. ;b



If we're talking goals, my ultimate goal (as in hopefully within the next 20 years or so, hah!) would probably be along the lines of Frank Zane, seeing as he's my height:


Plus I've always been a big fan of classic bodybuilding as opposed to the mass monster mayhem of today. Frank's a legend.

For now though, getting to even half of that aesthetic would be awesome. Currently on a bulk for now though.


Right now I am a taking a D3 and an omega-3 supplements on doctor's orders. I know that I am not eating enough vegetables, but I do not have full control of my diet. Are there any good multivitamins that would help me get more of the essential vitamins and minerals that I am not getting? For my purposes, good = not a complete waste of money.


Doctors apountment is Tuesday and then it's a matter of scheduling a sports medicine doctor with a referral. God, no wonder why our health care is fucked. This whole process takes forever. Laying off squats and deads completely until I know what's wrong. I hope it's not a herniated disk issue. I was diving deep into google last night and wonder if it might be piriformis syndrome


Gold Member
Right now I am a taking a D3 and an omega-3 supplements on doctor's orders. I know that I am not eating enough vegetables, but I do not have full control of my diet. Are there any good multivitamins that would help me get more of the essential vitamins and minerals that I am not getting? For my purposes, good = not a complete waste of money.

I am cutting quite heavily, so I have a fair mix of supplements. Here are my daily doses:

- Pure Whey protein x 2-4 scoops
- Multivitamin x 1 cap
- Extra Strength fish oil DHA/EPA 1000 mg x 3 caps
- ZMA x 3 caps

I added ZMA recently because I believed my diet had made me deficient (not great deep sleep, less active in the bedroom). Whether its placebo or not, both two aspects have improved in the last week significantly.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Still gotta get to Tanahashi levels

slowly getting there :)

Bro! The fuckin chest and up you've got it! You're almost there man! Fuck, what good progress!

In other news I put on a polo for work today (casual fridaaaaays) and my biceps are bursting out of it. Feels nice.


Bro! The fuckin chest and up you've got it! You're almost there man! Fuck, what good progress!

In other news I put on a polo for work today (casual fridaaaaays) and my biceps are bursting out of it. Feels nice.

Filling out a polo is always good. On my honeymoon I told my wife you don't see too many men who can. She kind of gave me the yeah sure look but at dinner I started pointing out every guy who couldn't and said told you. It's a fun game we play now. If you see a guy who can't fill out his polo you say told you. Does that make us bad people :(

(Obviously some brands are easier to fill then others, but why buy the cuts with baggy arms!?)


I use my cel to record myself somtimes, like today, then use the Gif cam app I mentioned several pages back, this is from behind, form looks less good than from the side... but it's o.k, it was at a weight I had never tried before..


Your right heel is coming off the ground - try to sit back more like you were sitting down on the toilet or a chair or something. Improving your hamstring flexibility might help this tendency as well.

Pete Rock

I know Szu is the only who cares about stretching but I've been working over a year trying to get a split done... this is the most I can achieve. it takes soooo much time to develop flexibility, This a lot more than I was able to do one year ago so I am happy with the progress...
Great work! Although what you say is not true - there are a few of us who "care about stretching" - I personally feel that my rehabilitation and forward progress would be nonexistent without investing in a flexibility routine in parallel with strength training. I try to promote this idea with anyone I talk to who speaks of troubles with their physical health, let alone compound lifts.

I perform a Yoga routine each day for half an hour in the morning first thing. I go to a group Yoga session in an attempt to learn from different teachers and styles, once a week for an hour. So that's 4.5 hours of stretching for each 6 hours of lifting at the gym, and I still feel I should get that to parity.

Two years ago I was an overweight pack and a half a day smoker with two herniated discs in the lower lumbar spine at any given moment. In between checking on the Bad Company 2 community thread I would peek in here and be "reminded" of my glory days of high school football two-a-days + starting strength, and imagine I could never be in that kind of shape again.

Long story short, it's always important to have goals, if nothing else because it is entirely surreal when they are in your rear view mirror.

Does that make us bad people
In my mind it speaks of bad attitudes, although I would not necessarily say that makes you a bad person. Only because I feel physical fitness should be pursued for your own gratification, and not to fit other peoples ideas of a stereotype or to appear in any way "relative" to another.

A similar bad attitude I used to have was being really shitty about people "in my way" at the gym - now that I am "that guy" who discourages people just by standing there in shorter shorts than they have ever seen, I like to try and support and encourage everyone if I see a window of opportunity. Hey, at least they showed up, which was better than I managed for ten years.

Promote positivity whenever you can and it will come back in spades.


Gold Member
Chittagong you're in the UK right? Mind sharing the brands you're using?

Sure, happy to. Here's my mix:

Multivitamin - Boots
Extra Strength Fish oil - Boots
Pure Whey - Optimum Nutrition via Amazon.co.uk
ZMA - Optimum Nutrition via Amazon.co.uk

Happy with everything else but thinking that I would want stronger Fish oil, I down now three of them a day and still get barely my recommendation. I have tried to find Flameout somewhere for a reasonable price but no luck yet.
I'm only on my second week of SS, but I think I already injured myself. I felt a weird twinge in my hips/low back area during my second work set of squats. It's even more embarrassing considering I was only up to 125 lbs.

Now I'm at work and walking around like a damn hunchback if I sit for more than a few minutes a time. Should I skip squats on Monday, or deload?


what about

Damn who can achieve this, it's hard as fuck, I'm overall skinny as hell with thin wrists, even with my chest bones showing up I still have a belly.

Doing clean bulk, fishes, lean cheese, nuts and fruits all day long, post-train shakes, 3 months lifting, and it looks I'm still starting.


Damn who can achieve this, it's hard as fuck, I'm overall skinny as hell with thin wrists, even with my chest bones showing up I still have a belly.

Doing clean bulk, fishes, lean cheese, nuts and fruits all day long, post-train shakes, 3 months lifting, and it looks I'm still starting.

Lol 3 months is still starting.

Now if it was 3 years and you looked like that you'd have a problem.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Damn who can achieve this, it's hard as fuck, I'm overall skinny as hell with thin wrists, even with my chest bones showing up I still have a belly.

Doing clean bulk, fishes, lean cheese, nuts and fruits all day long, post-train shakes, 3 months lifting, and it looks I'm still starting.

You gotta get your mind right brah. You've begun to take a journey, not a day trip. It's going to take time, and it's going to last a long time, and you're going to be happier when it's all said and done. Think in years, not months!

I've got 2.5 years to go for my ideal body!
Bro! The fuckin chest and up you've got it! You're almost there man! Fuck, what good progress!

In other news I put on a polo for work today (casual fridaaaaays) and my biceps are bursting out of it. Feels nice.


And yeah man, don't worry about just 3 months. It takes time to get to where you want. I still am a few years away from where I want to be.

I wished I lifted in college. So much wasted time =/

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

And yeah man, don't worry about just 3 months. It takes time to get to where you want. I still am a few years away from where I want to be.

I wished I lifted in college. So much wasted time =/

Same here man. My only regret was starting 10 years later than I could have. I could be poolside in a banana hammock and people would be happy if I had done this before. I could be in the banana hammock right now and people would be buying me drinks! Aaaah!

I'll make up for it.

ACE 1991

So how important really are macro goals when cutting? I've been using my fitness pal to track caloric intake, and have been staying at about 2050 calories a day with 1g/1lb of bodyweight for protein and keeping a close eye on the amount of carbs I take in. I also take a multivitamin each day with 2 capsules of fish oil.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So how important really are macro goals when cutting? I've been using my fitness pal to track caloric intake, and have been staying at about 2050 calories a day with 1g/1lb of bodyweight for protein and keeping a close eye on the amount of carbs I take in. I also take a multivitamin each day with 2 capsules of fish oil.

While cutting? Super important. When bulking? More leeway. But during cutting, you gotta be diligent and disciplined.


So how important really are macro goals when cutting? I've been using my fitness pal to track caloric intake, and have been staying at about 2050 calories a day with 1g/1lb of bodyweight for protein and keeping a close eye on the amount of carbs I take in. I also take a multivitamin each day with 2 capsules of fish oil.

While cutting? Super important. When bulking? More leeway. But during cutting, you gotta be diligent and disciplined.



read numbers wrong. Carry on


So what's the verdict on dried fruits? Yay or nay? Healthy or unhealthy?

Dried fruits are exactly that: fruit with the water taken out (and nothing added, in theory). Fruits are basically sugar, a little fiber and vitamins. Fit them into your diet as you like, but obviously sugar needs to be kept under control.


Well, it has been a long ass time since I posted here. But I've made some great progress since breaking my leg, and have decided to move onto 5/3/1 since I'm tired of starting strength and it fits my goals better. Got my squat up to 3x5 at 315, deadlifted 315x7 for my last ste yesterday to put my 1rm around 382, and gonna figure out bench today. Last I did was 85s for incline db, so flat bb should be interesting. Still 6' 183.


the piano man
Your right heel is coming off the ground - try to sit back more like you were sitting down on the toilet or a chair or something. Improving your hamstring flexibility might help this tendency as well.

Yeah, that's the first thing that I noticed when I saw the video... normally I have no problem sitting back and keeping the feet on their place, but I guess I was bit overwhelmed by the weight and form took a hit. I'll try and be more careful next time.
So I've been going to the gym for a few months now which I know is fuck all time really, but I still have this feeling that I'm not able to do the lifts or pushes properly. I go with a mate who's been doing it for 12+ years and he thinks I'm doing it right, but I dunno man.

For example, when I chest press, or do flys or cable cross overs, I try really hard to use my chest to squeeze the muscles together, then bring it back. Only I don't feel anything in my chest. Instead I'm feeling any burn in my shoulders or right under my armpit infront. Nothing in the middle. (I know any burn isn't a good indication anyway, but still)

Could it be that I need to bring the weight down a little to try to focus more on the muscle group I'm working on? Or is it down to the fact that I have literally no muscle there that can do the work (yet)? I feel the same for my back workouts too - my shoulders feel like they get a better workout instead.

I get the routines and exercises from Jefit and I'm pretty sure I'm doing them as you're supposed to.

It's pretty frustrating because I leave the gym feeling I've not done much and need to do more, yet I'm being told I'm doing it right. Was anyone else feeling like this when they first started, but it worked out in the end?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yknow having form checks in .gif form is awesome, because you see it again and again and can EASILY pick it apart. I'm all for form check .gifs now.

So I've been going to the gym for a few months now which I know is fuck all time really, but I still have this feeling that I'm not able to do the lifts or pushes properly. I go with a mate who's been doing it for 12+ years and he thinks I'm doing it right, but I dunno man.

For example, when I chest press, or do flys or cable cross overs, I try really hard to use my chest to squeeze the muscles together, then bring it back. Only I don't feel anything in my chest. Instead I'm feeling any burn in my shoulders or right under my armpit infront. Nothing in the middle. (I know any burn isn't a good indication anyway, but still)

Could it be that I need to bring the weight down a little to try to focus more on the muscle group I'm working on? Or is it down to the fact that I have literally no muscle there that can do the work (yet)? I feel the same for my back workouts too - my shoulders feel like they get a better workout instead.

I get the routines and exercises from Jefit and I'm pretty sure I'm doing them as you're supposed to.

It's pretty frustrating because I leave the gym feeling I've not done much and need to do more, yet I'm being told I'm doing it right. Was anyone else feeling like this when they first started, but it worked out in the end?

When I began, all I did was leave feeling I should do more. Patience - keep moving up. You'll start putting in serious time before you know it and start missing "the good old days"

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Petrie you're crackin me up in the FF7 thread. Statute of limitations is FAR over on that game, people gotta get over it and accept it.


So how important really are macro goals when cutting? I've been using my fitness pal to track caloric intake, and have been staying at about 2050 calories a day with 1g/1lb of bodyweight for protein and keeping a close eye on the amount of carbs I take in. I also take a multivitamin each day with 2 capsules of fish oil.

IMO they are more important even than they are when bulking.
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