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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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One of my coworkers who used to be a hardcore powerlifter back in the day says that I should quick fucking around with losing fat and just eat and lift heavy. I'm at 225 atm and says that in a year, I can weigh 250. Told me out of that 25 lbs, 18 of it would be muscle. I was 240 on April 1. So I did lose 15 lbs since then. I trust the guy cause he is real knowledgeable but can I really gain 18 lbs of muscle in a year? Just seems like it isn't possible cause I'm no longer getting those linear gains.

He's real funny though. Telling me that I need to just get bigger and not worry about abs or looking good in my slim jeans. Says that who cares about some fat on your stomach if your chest/back is a lot wider than it is now.

The question of muscle gain depends on how many PEDs you're taking.


Just read through the Starting Strength chapter on squats. I do have a question, though. Is it possible to go too low in the squat? I tend to go pretty deep (almost what is described as "ass-to-grass" in one of the images in the book), but should I make an effort to not go that low and stop at the level that is described as a parallel squat in the book?

The SS squat is slightly below parallel. You can go deeper if you like, but if you are doing proper Low Bar squats, as you go deeper you'll lose hamstring tension, and that will make it much harder to get the stretch reflex.


Notice how the femurs are slightly below parallel. This is the preferred position at the bottom for the low bar squat.


My left hip has been sore from squatting. I usually don't really feel it unless I squat, sometimes the next day I will feel some discomfort as well. How much should I be worried? I do high bar squats, for reference.
So I tried doing shoulder dislocations before the gym to see if my shoulder could hold up. I couldn't even get close to getting the bar in position for squats. Disheartening, I had got my squats up to 195lbs before I figured out I was holding the bar wrong and hurt my shoulder. Should I do dislocations daily and just wait until the pain goes away before trying again? And what should I do instead? More deadlifts?


Bull on a Donut
What? Why aren't you doing them on the ground?

The gym only has 1-2 of those wooden platforms to do heavy lifting straight off the ground and 90% of the time it's reserved for athletes or being used by personal trainers. And no I'm not using a Smith Machine lol, it's just that there are low safety bars next to the squat rack and I'm tall enough to go down far enough past the knees to do a decent RDL (though not as far as I'd like).


The gym only has 1-2 of those wooden platforms to do heavy lifting straight off the ground and 90% of the time it's reserved for athletes or being used by personal trainers. And no I'm not using a Smith Machine lol, it's just that there are low safety bars next to the squat rack and I'm tall enough to go down far enough past the knees to do a decent RDL (though not as far as I'd like).

Does your gym have a policy that you can only deadlift on the wooden platforms? Moat gyms don't even have those ans I've never had anyone come up to me and try to prohibit me from deadlifting.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I've hardly ever done overhead presses. I think it's time to substitute my seated dumbbell press (which has always been my main shoulder exercise) with them. Started today, hope to make it a regular part of my routine.
Very very smart! There is no substitute for OHP! Your traps will thank you too.

Fourth of July lifting is complete! 190x4 OHP and 265x4 CGBP. Time for some ribs!


Do not believe what most of the gym have to say to you. As for the heart rate, I think you're going to be okay. Did you feel off at all during your second set of squats?

I feel fine, just heart racing and then cools down. Guess I'll just keep on trucking.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Decided to go on a 9.5-mile run with my roommate. Lots of hills, etc., but we're keeping a great pace for the first half of it, and I'm feeling really good (he's the more experienced runner).

Then, heat exhaustion sets in. It's 90+ degrees outside, we have no water, and we just ran half a mile straight uphill, and my body fucking FAILS me. Like, it decided, "No more," and I told him, "Dude, I need some fucking water." We walk to a fountain, drink up, and I try running again, and my feet are absolutely killing me. Long story short, I WALK back home (4+ miles), and I have two GIANT blisters on both feet. Also, one of my toenails is completely bloodied and I think it's going to fall off.

That's what I get for wearing my roommates shitty-ass socks. Ugh. :/

At least I burned like 950 calories. Gonna eat like a motherfucker.
Thank you all for your comments. I figured that 18 lbs was way too much and that if I'm lucky 10 lbs is a good number to shoot for. I want to drop a few more lbs before just going on a year long bulk. 235 @ 10% would be fantastic next year.


But can you deny the sex appeal of his aesthetics?

He looks pretty mediocre.

Not too bad today. Couple hot dogs. A burger. Some corn on the Cobb and salt potatoes. Calorie wise thanks to cardio I have like 1100 to go to stay on point, 1800 if I call today a wash like I had planned to.

Too much discipline sometimes. Lame.

Nelo Ice

Yeah that's much different than saying you haven't tracked progress! lol

That was my first 3 months of "SS", just going and doing whatever weights I felt like without the progression. Then I got the book and restarted proper. Damn wasted time.

Lol yeah my bad. Also just got the book and feel like I'm starting all over again. I should have just got it at the beginning but my friends told me I didn't need it. Well screw that noise my form is so much better because of it, not to mention it has a bunch of other info.


18lbs of lean muscle mass in a year isn't happening without dat dere celltech, only new lifters see those kind of gains.

my sentiments as well, Edge isn't a small guy, I don't know how much diminishing returns has kicked in but I think 18 lbs lean mass is probably overly optimistic. He is a taller guy though, and I'm very average height so my perspective might be slightly skewed.
I can.

But I can't deny Jason Statham's.



That last photo sends a tingling sensation through my under garments.

If I swung the other way, I totally wood.. I mean would!

so good.

my goal is still Tanahashi!




3rd week complete cut update.

2 months 1 week left

Weight 243.6. Down 13 lbs
Carb cycling
Haven't done any cardio yet and won't until I stall.




You are already a big dood and scary to begin with. Keep it up sir.

my sentiments as well, Edge isn't a small guy, I don't know how much diminishing returns has kicked in but I think 18 lbs lean mass is probably overly optimistic. He is a taller guy though, and I'm very average height so my perspective might be slightly skewed.

Yeah, as mentioned, I have been lifting for a few years but I really got serious this past year. If I'm lucky, I can get 15 lbs. HSo yeah, cut for a few more months, hopefully reach 220 lbs at a solid 10% or as close to it as possible. Start up year long bulk in late August. LET'S GO.

You guys are all great btw. Seriously, you all keep me motivated and make me want to lift and push myself as hard as I can.

Greatest community.


the piano man
After a disastrous Tuesday, where I actually had to stop and go home after 10 minutes into my workout I did what I had to do, REST and went today with a much better mindest,

Squat is at 85 kg x 5 which is a new PR, pretty cool, I don't know what it is but legs respond pretty well, I just wished they'd grow faster... I am not genetically blessed with fleshy legs but I have patience so let's see what happens over the years.

today I decided to fool around with the camera, so these are some impressions from today's workout:

I know Szu is the only who cares about stretching but I've been working over a year trying to get a split done... this is the most I can achieve. it takes soooo much time to develop flexibility, This a lot more than I was able to do one year ago so I am happy with the progress...


looking forward to have my crotch touch the floor, lol :p

then, these are some Squat pics, notice that I am in labor here, lol, trying to pull through the last rep on my PR today


yet another serious pic


and finally

_Issac said:

I use my cel to record myself somtimes, like today, then use the Gif cam app I mentioned several pages back, this is from behind, form looks less good than from the side... but it's o.k, it was at a weight I had never tried before..



Turkey burgers stuffed with mozzarella and roasted peppers were so good.

Had sweet potato fries too and I'm still under my calories for the day!


Gold Member
Turkey burgers stuffed with mozzarella and roasted peppers were so good.

Had sweet potato fries too and I'm still under my calories for the day!

Sounds delicious, I notice lots of people eating sweet potato here. Is it especially low in carbs, GI or something?


Sounds delicious, I notice lots of people eating sweet potato here. Is it especially low in carbs, GI or something?

From my understanding it's low on the GI and a better source of carbs than most things out there.

I just ate them because they were good and I could fit 40 fries into my calories ;)


Sweet potato fries are best fries. So good.

Just did round 2 with a burger, dog, and 1/2 rack of ribs. It's a fat day it seems!


Bull on a Donut
Sweet potato fries are best fries. So good.

Just did round 2 with a burger, dog, and 1/2 rack of ribs. It's a fat day it seems!

this. Sweet potato fries are my kryptonite, I will eat an entire truck of those things, they taste so good dipped in ranch too mmmmm
After a disastrous Tuesday, where I actually had to stop and go home after 10 minutes into my workout I did what I had to do, REST and went today with a much better mindest,

Damn dude what happened? :-(

today I decided to fool around with the camera, so these are some impressions from today's workout:

looking forward to have my crotch touch the floor, lol :p

Almost there dude. Soon you'll be doin' 'em splits in no time!


Also I'll call you James Sphinx from there on out. :p

FYI, I can't do splits worth crap.


you look great man. can I ask how many years of lifting it has taken to build all that lean mass?

Best to not go my route. Play lots of football and boxing when you are younger, military training, lifting, then get super fat and then when you are almost 40 start lifting heavy and drop 100 lbs.

I've always been big. I was 180 and pretty lean at 18 without really trying. The last couple years though I've been super dedicated and killing it. Now I decided to try getting to 10% or less so in just trying to maintain muscle while cutting.


the piano man
Damn dude what happened? :-(

Almost there dude. Soon you'll be doin' 'em splits in no time!

Also I'll call you James Sphinx from there on out. :p

FYI, I can't do splits worth crap.

I slept like shit, didn't eat like I should and had lots of stress because it's the last week in my University and I must take tests.... Before heading to the gym ,I was falling asleep but I wanted to go.... I did and I failed on everything, My first OHP working set was 4 reps, second was 3, arms wouldn't go up, I unloaded the weight and said.. "o.k"... tried to do some shoulder presses and the same, not being able to do the numbers... I left the place and thought, "It's the last fucking time I go to the gym like this, it's pointless, no, it's even worse than pointless, I fucked up a complete session".

Resting is a CRUCIAL part of the program, that's the lesson I learned.

and by the way, james isn´t doing a complete split there ;) just saying hehe.


After a disastrous Tuesday, where I actually had to stop and go home after 10 minutes into my workout I did what I had to do, REST and went today with a much better mindest,

Squat is at 85 kg x 5 which is a new PR, pretty cool, I don't know what it is but legs respond pretty well, I just wished they'd grow faster... I am not genetically blessed with fleshy legs but I have patience so let's see what happens over the years.

today I decided to fool around with the camera, so these are some impressions from today's workout:

I know Szu is the only who cares about stretching but I've been working over a year trying to get a split done... this is the most I can achieve. it takes soooo much time to develop flexibility, This a lot more than I was able to do one year ago so I am happy with the progress...


looking forward to have my crotch touch the floor, lol :p

then, these are some Squat pics, notice that I am in labor here, lol, trying to pull through the last rep on my PR today


yet another serious pic


and finally

I use my cel to record myself somtimes, like today, then use the Gif cam app I mentioned several pages back, this is from behind, form looks less good than from the side... but it's o.k, it was at a weight I had never tried before..


Good stuff man, actually a new goal of mine is to work on mobility via stretching, rolling, etc


GAF, I am trying to gain mass like I said before in this thread, the only thing is, I work for a moving company. Apparently you burn a fuck ton of calories moving furniture all day and I have a hard time getting enough calories as is. Is this a big concern for me trying to gain muscle? My day: Wake up, work for ~7 hrs (lug boxes up and down stairs/through houses), go to the gym)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The SS squat is slightly below parallel. You can go deeper if you like, but if you are doing proper Low Bar squats, as you go deeper you'll lose hamstring tension, and that will make it much harder to get the stretch reflex.


Notice how the femurs are slightly below parallel. This is the preferred position at the bottom for the low bar squat.

Got it. I'll try to stop before getting too low from now on. Don't want to make it harder on myself if there's no great benefit.


GAF, I am trying to gain mass like I said before in this thread, the only thing is, I work for a moving company. Apparently you burn a fuck ton of calories moving furniture all day and I have a hard time getting enough calories as is. Is this a big concern for me trying to gain muscle? My day: Wake up, work for ~7 hrs (lug boxes up and down stairs/through houses), go to the gym)

Then you need to eat more. Add some shakes, or nuts, or anything easy to down and high calorie.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
But can you deny the sex appeal of his aesthetics?

Aside from the first guy's comically absent pecs, yeah, not denying it whatsoever. The bottom line is that most women want fit guys, not swole guys. The size of your muscles matters much, much more to other men than it does to women, so if you're trying to bench 400 to pick up girls you're doing it wrong. As far as being attractive is concerned, just have some defined muscle and cut to 15% BF or below and dress well. Never really need to go past linear beginner gains phase to accomplish that.

Everyone has different goals, of course. Some people want to draw out their full potential in strength and size. Some people want maximum athleticism for their sport. Some people want to look intimidating. Some people want a beach body. It's all personal. Let's just not pretend that "average" muscle (in powerlifting metrics) on a lean, cut frame is actually average or not highly desirable.
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