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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
That should be factored in when you pick your activity level but if for some reason you'd rather eat more on certain days, you can subtract from rest days and add to those days.

Okay, great.

Today I upped my caloric intake from 1650 to 2000, and my god has it made a huge difference. I'm not a zombie anymore.

Will keep it at this level for a couple weeks and see how much (or if) my body changes.

Come fall I'll be doing my first ever bulk, which will be interesting (and hopefully successful because I'm so much more knowledgeable about nutrition now than ever before).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Okay, great.

Today I upped my caloric intake from 1650 to 2000, and my god has it made a huge difference. I'm not a zombie anymore.

Will keep it at this level for a couple weeks and see how much (or if) my body changes.

Come fall I'll be doing my first ever bulk, which will be interesting (and hopefully successful because I'm so much more knowledgeable about nutrition now than ever before).

What's your long-term weight goal Boogie? Also, what's your height? I'm curious.


The bf had an embarrassing tumble on his ass during squats today. Do your cardio after weights, people.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
What's your long-term weight goal Boogie? Also, what's your height? I'm curious.

I'm 5'11", and I've always generally been around 155lbs. That was when I was eating like garbage. I don't have any real "long-term" goals at the moment, so for the time being I challenged myself to see if I could actually maintain a diet since I had never done it before.

So I first began cutting, and I really wanted to try to get to 140lbs, while still working out daily. I got close... 143-144 is where I'm at now, consistently, although I've hit 141 after particularly extended cardio sessions. But I've noticed that even eating at ~850 calorie deficit, I haven't been losing anymore weight. I think I've hit a wall. So my next challenge will be to get up to 170lbs. I have never weighed more than, like, 165, and that was mainly fat and eating like shit.

As of right now I'll continue to be on a cut, although not nearly at the deficit I was at before, then gradually build up to maintenance, and then finally to bulking. +/- 15 pounds is a reasonable number to see striking differences, so that's why I chose the 140/170lb weight goals.



I must say I'm not a big fan of this guy. I dislike his condescending tone and his snobbish attitude, and he's also factually incorrect in saying that shoulder extension is not a biceps function.


The biceps contributes to the shoulder extension movement since the proximal attachments (remember that the biceps has a proximal AND distal attachment) are located on the frontal side of the scapula, the main bone of the shoulder joint. Since the tendon attachments cross the joint, they also help move the joint, and shoulder flexion is thus a biceps function.

I'm not saying all biceps curls should have shoulder extension. That's why preacher curls are so effective at isolating the distal head, since they eliminate all possible shoulder extension by fixing the elbow. But biceps curls as a strength movement are also legit, and in order to train the biceps in a functional (i.e, as a compound movement) there has to be shoulder extension involved. I do both, compound curls and isolation curls.


Hey FitGaf. I need some advice. I am participating in Ramadan when I fast from dusk till dawn.Its about a 17 hour fast.

My only time allocated for working out will be right before I break the fast. Can I expect to make gainz if I am taking my proper protien/carb intake when I am eating after my session? And how much will my workout be affected without a pre-workout.

Thanks. Much appreciated.


Hey FitGaf. I need some advice. I am participating in Ramadan when I fast from dusk till dawn.Its about a 17 hour fast.

My only time allocated for working out will be right before I break the fast. Can I expect to make gainz if I am taking my proper protien/carb intake when I am eating after my session? And how much will my workout be affected without a pre-workout.

Thanks. Much appreciated.

Sure, that's actually exactly how I would do it.

The need for pre workout varies by person. Maybe just a cup of coffee would be good enough? Maybe you could take BCAAs, I'm not sure if those count as breaking fast ;-)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm 5'11", and I've always generally been around 155lbs. That was when I was eating like garbage. I don't have any real "long-term" goals at the moment, so for the time being I challenged myself to see if I could actually maintain a diet since I had never done it before.

So I first began cutting, and I really wanted to try to get to 140lbs, while still working out daily. I got close... 143-144 is where I'm at now, consistently, although I've hit 141 after particularly extended cardio sessions. But I've noticed that even eating at ~850 calorie deficit, I haven't been losing anymore weight. I think I've hit a wall. So my next challenge will be to get up to 170lbs. I have never weighed more than, like, 165, and that was mainly fat and eating like shit.

As of right now I'll continue to be on a cut, although not nearly at the deficit I was at before, then gradually build up to maintenance, and then finally to bulking. +/- 15 pounds is a reasonable number to see striking differences, so that's why I chose the 140/170lb weight goals.

I think you'll enjoy bulking. It's refreshing when strength gains are your only concern. You have some room to grow also at your weight and height!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I think you'll enjoy bulking. It's refreshing when strength gains are your only concern. You have some room to grow also at your weight and height!

I hope so. For my height I've got a small frame (thin wrists, legs, etc.), so I'm actually kinda anxious to see how much weight I can actually put on, and how weird that would look.


How do you guys warm up?

I can bench 200 lbs x 5 or 6, and 220 x 1.

But leading up to that I start with 90, 130,175 as warmup sets.

1. Should I do 200 lbs x 5 x 3 after those warmups? Or do the 3 warmup sets also count?

2. Is there any point doing 220 x 1? Should I focus on 200 lbs?


Decided this morning that just fuck it and let's do this shit. I'm trying the JC Deen's recomposition plan I posted earlier.

I need to gain dat muscle and summer's already half-over so getting into decent beach shape is already out of the question. Next year is time for that.

Wish me luck!
hi fitgaf I just signed up at the gym

•Age: 29
•Height: 172 cm
•Weight: 64
•Goal: get swole son
•Current Training Schedule: I just started

they just did an assessment for me, ok blood pressure and my bodyfat is at 10.1%
What I ate today, since so many people seemed to be curious. And note that my first meal was at around 4:00pm, since I got up very, very late.

-Cuban Lengua, Plantains, and Rice
-Potato Chips
-Protein shake
-A sort of egg/spinach/yogurt thing for dinner
-Protein shake
-Sunny-side-up eggs on toast
-A carton of sushi
-A bowl of cereal
-Protein shake


What I ate today, since so many people seemed to be curious. And note that my first meal was at around 4:00pm, since I got up very, very late.

-Cuban Lengua, Plantains, and Rice
-Potato Chips
-Protein shake
-A sort of egg/spinach/yogurt thing for dinner
-Protein shake
-Sunny-side-up eggs on toast
-A carton of sushi
-A bowl of cereal
-Protein shake

Can you be more specific? We can't really determine how many calories you had based on that. How many chips did you eat? What was in your protein shakes? Did you measure your cereal and what kind of cereal was it.


What I ate today, since so many people seemed to be curious. And note that my first meal was at around 4:00pm, since I got up very, very late.

-Cuban Lengua, Plantains, and Rice
-Potato Chips
-Protein shake
-A sort of egg/spinach/yogurt thing for dinner
-Protein shake
-Sunny-side-up eggs on toast
-A carton of sushi
-A bowl of cereal
-Protein shake

As Sean says, this is all way too vague to be useful. "eggs and toast" could be 170 calories, or it could be 800. Same for your shakes and cereal and frankly everything. From the looks of it though, you absolutely are not eating enough. Cut out the chips and cereal and get some more calorie and nutrient rich foods in there instead.


I'm maybe 10 days in. Keto's great. After the first couple days you "wake up" and shit is good again. My lifts keep going up though, so even if I feel exhausted after...I know I'm doing work.

Yah 10 days in, you're in a good state. Do you do carb refeeds? I was doing 8 hour refeeds, but as i do more research into keto, im trying out 36 hour now.

I know I'm probably opening the floodgates with this question, but what do you guys think the best "diet" is for someone who is working out moderately (moderate intensity weights and/or cardio 4-6 times per week)? Different versions of the "paleo" diet seem to be what is en vogue nowadays, but they don't seem all that realistic for someone who is working out regularly.

I'd rather ask this question in here to get answers from those who are working out regularly rather than in the dedicated weight loss thread where I may get answers from sedentary dieters.

I would normally suggest Keto, but cardio and keto are usually not advised. And every diet is different for everyone, some people NEED carbs, others NEED ice cream snacks, etc etc. Its all in how disciplined you are. I had to brainwash myself for months to be able to stick to a diet, and now i dont know why i would ever go back to eating carbs normally. Need to see what works for you.

Am I the only one who doesn't "feel it" when on keto? I don't get keto flu and I don't get that burst of energy either that many talk about. I just feel...normal.

I definitely got the keto flu initially, but im just a lot more alert and energized on keto. ymmv of course. Everyone takes to it differently. I read the FAQ on reddit which really helped for keto, its located here:


Great page for keto info.

New unplanned PR on OHP in memory of Ryan Davis. Ordered fractional plates now though so that I don't have to summon the necessary chest hair for any more straight 5 lb jumps. ;b

Good job. What weights are the fractional plates? My gym has the 2.5's which i use almost everyday. They are my go-to's. Still making gains so i haven't needed smaller plates yet.

Decided to end my cut today because I've stopped really seeing progress over the last couple weeks. But considering I started here (163):

And ended here (149)

I'm pretty pleased

Great job man, the difference is extremely apparent.

How do you guys warm up?

I can bench 200 lbs x 5 or 6, and 220 x 1.

But leading up to that I start with 90, 130,175 as warmup sets.

1. Should I do 200 lbs x 5 x 3 after those warmups? Or do the 3 warmup sets also count?

2. Is there any point doing 220 x 1? Should I focus on 200 lbs?

I warm up similarly. If my bench weight is 225 3x5, i warm up with bar only 1x5, then 95 1x4, then 135 1x3, then 185 1x3, then 225 3x5. Its a lot of weight but i go through the warm up weights very quickly, essentially nonstop.


the piano man
hi fitgaf I just signed up at the gym

•Age: 29
•Height: 172 cm
•Weight: 64
•Goal: get swole son
•Current Training Schedule: I just started

they just did an assessment for me, ok blood pressure and my bodyfat is at 10.1%

One tip: eat lots of good, nutritious food :)


How do you guys warm up?

I can bench 200 lbs x 5 or 6, and 220 x 1.

But leading up to that I start with 90, 130,175 as warmup sets.

1. Should I do 200 lbs x 5 x 3 after those warmups? Or do the 3 warmup sets also count?

2. Is there any point doing 220 x 1? Should I focus on 200 lbs?

I don't think you should work out at your max of 220. Those warmup sets sound good, and number 1 sounds good. Warmup sets don't really count. I log everything, so I would write those down (or log them into Fitocracy if you're into that), but those are warmup sets, not working sets.
Not sure about pricks but what's with people moving the holder outside of the power rack? I've seen it twice where people move the weight holder outside of the rack and start doing squats there without the safety bars.

I can't comment for everyone, but people generally do that either when they are doing something where the resting position of the barbell is on the floor (like rows or DLs), or if they are doing deep squats where the safety bars just get in the way.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yah 10 days in, you're in a good state. Do you do carb refeeds? I was doing 8 hour refeeds, but as i do more research into keto, im trying out 36 hour now.

None for probably a month or as soon as I crawl out of the gym with nothing left to give. I'm sure it's a matter of time.

Keto's so good. Removes bloat entirely. 0 gas. Rarely have to shit. Good stuff.


None for probably a month or as soon as I crawl out of the gym with nothing left to give. I'm sure it's a matter of time.

Keto's so good. Removes bloat entirely. 0 gas. Rarely have to shit. Good stuff.

You should give a weekly carb refeed once you're deep into keto. Especially if you are lifting. Im sure you know about CKD, but here is a link anyway just in case;


Most people i talk to who have been on keto for 6+ months and lift all use CKD, and get results at the gym and lose fat. YMMV of course. And also less sugar on those carb days the better, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.


None for probably a month or as soon as I crawl out of the gym with nothing left to give. I'm sure it's a matter of time.

Keto's so good. Removes bloat entirely. 0 gas. Rarely have to shit. Good stuff.

Yeah I barely poop on cuts. Messes up my whole morning routine.


So on Monday before recording my deadlifts I decided I'll also capture my squats because once I went past 72kg I was no longer happy with them either. Here's my videos for both exercises they both look terrible to me and though I've read and watched guides multiple times I still feel like when I go in the gym I forget everything. Hopefully some of you guys can point me in the right direction to fix my form.

Deadlift 70kg Warmup (only got one rep recorded)
Deadlift 85kg
Squats 77kg - this angle didn't seem good
Squats 77kg - I think this angle is better though it's a different set

Nelo Ice

I can't comment for everyone, but people generally do that either when they are doing something where the resting position of the barbell is on the floor (like rows or DLs), or if they are doing deep squats where the safety bars just get in the way.
Ahh , yeah I understand for DLs or rows but the people I saw where doin squats and not going deep much less parallel. Was thinking why not just stay in the rack espcially when it looked like they were new to squats.
well the thing is, it seems like he need it...look, this is the squat rack we have at the gym (from the pics I posted some pages back) , if you see the metal, gray structure, to the side, it has like a platform at mid level where you can place the barbell.

The guy puts the fully loaded barbell on the platform. From there, he grabs it, with 2 guys watching over if he messes up, he then proceeds to do 3 reps and puts the barbell back on the platform, where he can comfortably change plates,

Since he is DLing a lot of weight, I thought he really needed to do it that way because it would be a pain in the ass to change plates having the barbell on the floor...

is he doing it wrong? Noema also told me he doesn't need the rack for anything..

Your description makes it sound like he isn't even deadlifting!
So he takes it off and is in the lockout position of a deadlift to start off with? That's dumb as. Gotta start from the floor.
And having spotters is also dumb as. It's a f'in deadlift, drop the bar if anything goes wrong, it's not rocket surgery.

I don't know about the other guys ITT but while yes changing plates for deadlifts on the floor can be a pain in the ass, I do it because I'm not going to be a dick and take up a rack when I don't need to.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Shitting is awesome. Fuck that. lol

I'd rather not-shit than shit.

Shitting offers:
-possible toilet clog if you're huge (I'm 6'7" so uh, do the math)
-discomfort if you want to at work. sure you can go in there and drop a bomb but it's a courtesy to wait until you're in the comfort of your own home (where you can either read comics on your kindle or bring your Vita/3DS/nerd shit

Not-shitting offers:
nothing and everything

You should give a weekly carb refeed once you're deep into keto. Especially if you are lifting. Im sure you know about CKD, but here is a link anyway just in case;


Most people i talk to who have been on keto for 6+ months and lift all use CKD, and get results at the gym and lose fat. YMMV of course. And also less sugar on those carb days the better, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.

I'll probably end up doing that. Thanks for the link, it never hurts to refresh what I know.


Thanks guys, but without foam the grip on the bar causes a lot of friction and pain on my back. Is that because I position it on my back wrong or something else? Any advice on the deadlifts?


Thanks guys, but without foam the grip on the bar causes a lot of friction and pain on my back. Is that because I position it on my back wrong or something else? Any advice on the deadlifts?

Deal with it. You'll get used to it. Also, learn to rest the bar on your traps.

It sounds like you need to go back to relearning the lift with just the bar.


Ok, I'll do that with squats but is it even possible to do deadlifts with no weight? I don't have access to a platform to raise the bar would 15kg on each side raise it enough? They are only slightly smaller than the weights in the video.


Ok, I'll do that with squats but is it even possible to do deadlifts with no weight? I don't have access to a platform to raise the bar would 15kg on each side raise it enough? They are only slightly smaller than the weights in the video.

You can stack weights on the ground to prop it up.


Thanks Zoe and Warrior. I found the source for the card and they will be a huge help as I can quickly consult them while in the gym.


the piano man
For your squats lose the foam stat and you're not going nearly low enough.

This. Lose the shitty foam, and drop the weight and go WAY lower.

this x 100000

putting that foam on your back is the worst you can do on a squat, You prevent your traps from getting used to the bar and carrying the weight, you are hindering your progress on form and upper back strength a big deal with it,

it hurts or burns because your back/traps aren't used to it... and because you use the foam, you are preventing your back from getting used to it....


I understand the importance of form and will drop weights and persevere until I have nailed it. Petrie mentioned I need to relearn squats is my movement completely wrong or is it just how low I'm going? With lower weights at 62kg I can easily go low enough to touch the sides of the rack with the bar, but if my movement down and up is wrong I'll completely drop the weights until I learn it.
I understand the importance of form and will drop weights and persevere until I have nailed it. Petrie mentioned I need to relearn squats is my movement completely wrong or is it just how low I'm going? With lower weights at 62kg I can easily go low enough to touch the sides of the rack with the bar, but if my movement down and up is wrong I'll completely drop the weights until I learn it.

Are you able to post a video? Getting the proper form down on the squat is the priority for everything. Hell, just use the bar and practice the form for several reps before slowly adding on weight.

I injured myself earlier this year, but have been progressing slowly and steady on squats. It'll take a while, but go look at the Starting Strength wikia to learn about the squat, and get the book if you can.


Lunch today: Keto Pizza.

Crust is almond meal, flax seed meal and parm cheese. Delicious.

I'd rather not-shit than shit.

Shitting offers:
-possible toilet clog if you're huge (I'm 6'7" so uh, do the math)
-discomfort if you want to at work. sure you can go in there and drop a bomb but it's a courtesy to wait until you're in the comfort of your own home (where you can either read comics on your kindle or bring your Vita/3DS/nerd shit

Not-shitting offers:
nothing and everything

I'll probably end up doing that. Thanks for the link, it never hurts to refresh what I know.

I take sugar free fiber after ever meal to help go to the restroom (and get more use out of my vita). I go quite often due to that. Also, I never ever fart while on keto unless its on a carb refeed. Enjoy the link, always good to read and learn.

Also, picked up some more sugar free syrups for my coffee + coconut milk after meals.

I love keto. p.s. - Those starbucks drinks aren't for me lol.


Wow, I got back from my mini-holiday bus tour with the wife. I ate like crap, but I didn't care. Checked the scale and I'm up by about 4 lbs. at 183. I'm pretty sure I can shed that weight by the end of the week.

Oh yeah, incoming photo barrage coming soon in the pic thread.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Wow, I got back from my mini-holiday bus tour with the wife. I ate like crap, but I didn't care. Checked the scale and I'm up by about 4 lbs. at 183. I'm pretty sure I can shed that weight by the end of the week.

Oh yeah, incoming photo barrage coming soon in the pic thread.
Only 4 pounds? Shit! I can gain double that in one night! I would consider that a successful trip on the diet front.
what's the recipe like for that keto pizza crust? that sounds tasty.

also in the last week or so a guy posted his routine which was like a SS/Practical Programming but he had a day of isolation stuff that was like Arms/Back. I meant to check it out because it looked pretty good but now I can't find it. Anybody remember who that was?


Wow, I got back from my mini-holiday bus tour with the wife. I ate like crap, but I didn't care. Checked the scale and I'm up by about 4 lbs. at 183. I'm pretty sure I can shed that weight by the end of the week.

Oh yeah, incoming photo barrage coming soon in the pic thread.

Welcome back! 4lbs is nothing, post link to pics once they are up.

what's the recipe like for that keto pizza crust? that sounds tasty.



I dare... Nay... DOUBLE DOG DARE you to do 6!

Also, I was considering picking something like this up and/or making my own bar since I have a drop ceiling in the dungeon. Does it hold up well?

Sorry for the late reply, but yes, it does hold up amazingly well, and I'm over 200lbs. Most of the force goes into the frame INWARDS (horizontally) to the door frame, from the handles on the sides, rather than downwards.
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