So this men's physique competitor Rob Riches was dq'd from first place after testing positive for drugs.
so much for being "all natural"
So this men's physique competitor Rob Riches was dq'd from first place after testing positive for drugs.
I thought it was a safe assumption to make that everyone who does those shows is on something?so much for being "all natural"
I thought it was a safe assumption to make that everyone who does those shows is on something?
So with bench press do you guys prefer to touch your chest with the bar or keep it slightly above? Are there any benefits of doing one over the other?
I'll start the first all natural bodybuilding competition
We'll call it
The All-Natty Kings
If you are found in violation of any usage of anything besides food, sleep, and hard work - we cut muscle OFF of your body.
And the only beer you're allowed to drink is Natty Light.
I'm an advocate of touching your chest and have never had an injury in over 20 years. However, I've had numerous people tell me that I shouldn't be going down all the way and by doing so I am risking injury. I say if you are able to without discomfort then go for it. I do believe it will lead to a stronger chest by going down fully.So with bench press do you guys prefer to touch your chest with the bar or keep it slightly above? Are there any benefits of doing one over the other?
Came across this. Should be added to the OP
I'm an advocate of touching your chest and have never had an injury in over 20 years. However, I've had numerous people tell me that I shouldn't be going down all the way and by doing so I am risking injury. I say if you are able to without discomforts then go for it. I do believe it will lead to a stronger chest by going down fully.
Because they have no interest in being strong. All they care about is size. It's precisely the reason a 185lb guy like myself consistently puts up more weight than most guys 30-40 pounds heavier than me.True. Why is it that I see some of the big roided out bodybuilders do workout videos and most of the time they're not doing full range of motion on bench press or squats? Assuming they think they get a bigger pump not going as far and doing more reps?
Because they have no interest in being strong. All they care about is size. It's precisely the reason a 185lb guy like myself consistently puts up more weight than most guys 30-40 pounds heavier than me.
Only 4 pounds? Shit! I can gain double that in one night! I would consider that a successful trip on the diet front.
I never touch and I never fully lock. Keep dem pecs engaged the entire workout. I also prefer coming down slow as it works the muscle a bit more. Just my .02So with bench press do you guys prefer to touch your chest with the bar or keep it slightly above? Are there any benefits of doing one over the other?
Came across this. Should be added to the OP
Sitting in the waiting room. Anxious to hear what my doctor says.
Sitting in the waiting room. Anxious to hear what my doctor says.
Correct. My wife gets bummed sometimes because my friends gf squats more than her but my wife goes really deep and the gf barely hits parallel. I try to tell her how much more difficult it is to dig yourself back up from a deep squat and that she shouldn't compare the two.Gotcha, they're lifting more weight than they can really lift with proper range of motion.
Correct. My wife gets bummed sometimes because my friends gf squats more than her but my wife goes really deep and the gf barely hits parallel. I try to tell her how much more difficult it is to dig yourself back up from a deep squat and that she shouldn't compare the two.
LOL yeah.I'd rather not-shit than shit.
Shitting offers:
-possible toilet clog if you're huge (I'm 6'7" so uh, do the math)
-discomfort if you want to at work. sure you can go in there and drop a bomb but it's a courtesy to wait until you're in the comfort of your own home (where you can either read comics on your kindle or bring your Vita/3DS/nerd shit
Not-shitting offers:
nothing and everything
I'll probably end up doing that. Thanks for the link, it never hurts to refresh what I know.
Ok, how many calories do I need per day? I'm 78-79 KG and 183-186 cm tall
I'm beginning my bulk soon, to gain as much muscles as possible. Should I add an extra 500 kcal per day?
You should give a weekly carb refeed once you're deep into keto. Especially if you are lifting. Im sure you know about CKD, but here is a link anyway just in case;
Most people i talk to who have been on keto for 6+ months and lift all use CKD, and get results at the gym and lose fat. YMMV of course. And also less sugar on those carb days the better, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.
I'm the same way on lower weights. It's automatic now to go deep and pop back up. When I start approaching weight close to my 1rm usually around 400 the difference between below parallel and parallel is pretty significant. At least for me anyway.I'm not sure what the reason is but i think i actually find it more difficult when i don't do a deep squat. It probably doesn't make sense but when i tried doing a few squats where i didn't go all the way down it was actually harder for me.
Sitting in the waiting room. Anxious to hear what my doctor says.
Well. No squats or deads for a month until my next appointment :/
If that doesn't make it better she said I can see a specialist. She doesn't think it's a disk issue because of where the pain/discomfort is and because its not a constant feeling.
Well. No squats or deads for a month until my next appointment :/
If that doesn't make it better she said I can see a specialist. She doesn't think it's a disk issue because of where the pain/discomfort is and because its not a constant feeling.
She also...
Warning! Explicit!
stuck her finger in my butt
See, along with the back pain I was having blood in my stool :/
I ended up having fissures and now need a stool softener
You need to stop thinking there is some exact number.You want to add as much muscles as possible? Add another 8000kcal per day. The more overall calories, the more muscle possiblr. Just means lots of fat alongside it.
You are way too focused on the wrong shit. Eat a ton. Lift hard and heavy. You are a noob.
Ok, how many calories do I need per day? I'm 78-79 KG and 183-186 cm tall
I'm beginning my bulk soon, to gain as much muscles as possible. Should I add an extra 500 kcal per day?
So yeah squat day is turning into arms day.
Help me, fitbros!
Incline DB curl
Cable One Arm Tricep Extension!
Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension!
Cable Lying Triceps Extension!
Cable Incline Triceps Extension!
Your tris are gonna be lookin' brolic in no time
She also...
Warning! Explicit!
stuck her finger in my butt
See, along with the back pain I was having blood in my stool :/
I ended up having fissures and now need a stool softener
Yeah I barely poop on cuts. Messes up my whole morning routine.
Like Petrie said, just eat man. You're in a beginners stage.
I did CKD Keto for a year. It was a good time. Now I just carb cycle .
Well. No squats or deads for a month until my next appointment :/
If that doesn't make it better she said I can see a specialist. She doesn't think it's a disk issue because of where the pain/discomfort is and because its not a constant feeling.
No, I don't want to get fat. I'm not at the beginners stage as I've gone to the gym for the last 4 years. Just haven't taken it all serious until now.
Like I said, I want to gain as little fat as possible. Was planning to get to 85-86 KGs in 4 months and then start cutting