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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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the piano man
I am happy ^_^

today I weighted 69.1 kgs. and that same machine showed 63.1 some months back,

Back day was successful, I improved on all lifts and exercises.

Everybody asking for a better grip, do pull-ups, damn that exercise is so valuable, it's so simple in its execution yet it feels so compound, lots of things going when you do it.

And because the my usual gym is closed due to renovations, I went to their other gym and they have this rare structure which is a squat rack but has handles to do pull-ups and a mirror is there. :p... I had never seen myself do a pull-up set on a mirror...

I felt so powerful, specially because the arms are nicely activated, you can see the definition of your triceps as they extend nicely while you hang there. I felt like a manly man, hehehe.

I love this, I have no idea why a year ago I didn't care in the least about all this and now I love it as much as playing the piano, seems like the piano just got a little sister called barbell.In ten years, whenever I give a concert I will OHP the damn piano and throw it at the audience just so they can feel all the adrenaline like me.
Just got back from preserving my gains



oh man that looks so good

No. I was skinny fat. Around 18-20% fat at 200lbs and a height of 6ft3.

From what I've read, the body is predisposed to put on more fat than muscle when at body fats higher than 15%. As such, for maximal muscle gain with minimal fat gain, it's best to cut down to 10-12% body fat before slowly bulking up to 15%, before cutting back down to 10-12% and repeating the cycle all over again.

Lyle Mcdonald has an article about this here - http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/initial-body-fat-and-body-composition-changes.html

I've always heard about dropping to 10/12 before bulking back up but never wondered why. Will read. Thanks.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I love this, I have no idea why a year ago I didn't care in the least about all this and now I love it as much as playing the piano, seems like the piano just got a little sister called barbell.In ten years, whenever I give a concert I will OHP the damn piano and throw it at the audience just so they can feel all the adrenaline like me.

Congrats on the good day Sphinx. You've been busting your ass and it feels good no?

I want to see you military press slam a piano after the fact. Ala Ultimate Warrior!



I did that when I first started lifting. I ate somewhere in the region of 3,500 calories a day, I did Starting Strength, and I was very dedicated to my workouts. Result? I ended up putting on a ton of weight and fat fucking myself, leaving myself in a worse situation than when I started. Yes, I put on some muscle and I got stronger, but it wasn't enough to make up for the masses of fat I put on. Cutting back down to an acceptable weight took a bloody long time.

Handing out bland cookie cutter advice like the advice you're giving is bad. It may have worked for you, but it's not going to work for everyone.

Must be a form issue, bud. Got any vids of you squatting?

I didn't say that. I said he is too focused on the wrong numbers, a beginner doesn't need to think that way. This "500 kcal over" and "ripped in 6 months" nonsense.
Feeling a bit frustrated with my squats lately. I think my shoulder flexibility (or lack thereof) is affecting my grip on the bar. Regardless of grip width, I can't seem to keep straight wrists. I always end up with moderate to severe flexion. I've only just begun starting strength, but I'm uncomfortable progressing in weight until I get this shoulder/wrist issue corrected. I've read that shoulder dislocation exercises can help with this. Has anyone tried them, or found another solution to this type of problem?


It depends, true skinny fats should bulk first but they should know their TDEE and do it right and not go overboard.

If I was to do things again, I'd follow JP from Strength Villain's advice - http://www.strengthvillain.com/?p=1218

TLDR; eat at maintenance - stored body fat will make up for the lack of calorie surplus

I've always heard about dropping to 10/12 before bulking back up but never wondered why. Will read. Thanks.

I really recommend spending an hour or two browsing through Lyle's website. The amount of quality information on there is mind blowing.

I didn't say that. I said he is too focused on the wrong numbers, a beginner doesn't need to think that way. This "500 kcal over" and "ripped in 6 months" nonsense.

The 'ripped in 6 months' stuff is obviously nonsense, but I don't see what's wrong with the '+500 kcal stuff'. If he's accurately tracking his calorie intake, he'll be able to more accurately monitor his results and make adjustments as necessary along the way, which can only be a good thing.


Gold Member
Any1 have pancreatitis? I just got diagnosed with it and my doctor told me to stay away from high protein/ high fat diet. How the f can I get big dood status on this shit? Told me to stop taking whey supps and eat a lot of carbs and veggies.

Fuck. My dog had pancreatitis and I have never seen him in a worse shape.

The fat is the problem I believe. Our dog is permanently on a low fat diet now, he gets protein though. I would probably look into a combo of lean meats, veg and fish oil if I was you. You might even see benefits to your lifting in eating carbs to be honest, those muscles filled up.


I love this, I have no idea why a year ago I didn't care in the least about all this and now I love it as much as playing the piano, seems like the piano just got a little sister called barbell.In ten years, whenever I give a concert I will OHP the damn piano and throw it at the audience just so they can feel all the adrenaline like me.

Talk about dropping the mic.


the piano man
Congrats on the good day Sphinx. You've been busting your ass and it feels good no?

I want to see you military press slam a piano after the fact. Ala Ultimate Warrior!

well, I am actually trilled with how lifting will impact my playing, I have several concerts scheduled in october, where I have to perform solo, meaning, I have to get that rich, full sound out of the instrument, which is normally achieved applying the relaxed weight of the shoulders and arm, I wonder what kind of impact will all this have on my playing, I have no idea.

I suspect it wil be better because muscles that are trained tend to feel better when relaxed so let's see what happens.


I got like 2 hours of sleep last night deadlifts gonna suffer.

i know that feel...my ohp suffered yesterday after only getting a few hours of sleep. I expected to get 145 for at least 5 but only got 135 for 4...still a solid max to build my 5/3/1 program off of tho.

question: after the first 4 weeks of 5/3/1, do I recalc my 1rms for the next 4 weeks?
Tweeked my shoulder. Sloppy incline flyes are the likely culprit. Is the best course of action to avoid any arm-involving movements until the shoulder feels 100%?


Fuck. My dog had pancreatitis and I have never seen him in a worse shape.

The fat is the problem I believe. Our dog is permanently on a low fat diet now, he gets protein though. I would probably look into a combo of lean meats, veg and fish oil if I was you. You might even see benefits to your lifting in eating carbs to be honest, those muscles filled up.

Yeah it blows. I will have to research just seeing if anyone ekse here has dealt with it. This has been a shitty lifting yr for me. Got the flu that put me out of commish for 2 weeks and then developed sciatica. Finally was getting back on track and now this.


The 'ripped in 6 months' stuff is obviously nonsense, but I don't see what's wrong with the '+500 kcal stuff'. If he's accurately tracking his calorie intake, he'll be able to more accurately monitor his results and make adjustments as necessary along the way, which can only be a good thing.

For one thing he has no idea what his needs actually are, especially once he starts lifting heavy. Better to gain a little fat and not waste beginner gains than not eat enough and spin your wheels going nowhere.


That feel when you push out a monster bench press set, and the random (bigger) guy you recruited for a spot looks at you funny and says "damn that was a strong set, bro".

I'd like to replicate with squats but finding a squat spot is... harder.
That feel when you push out a monster bench press set, and the random (bigger) guy you recruited for a spot looks at you funny and says "damn that was a strong set, bro".

I'd like to replicate with squats but finding a squat spot is... harder.

i'll spot you for squats any time brah



Gold Member
Yeah it blows. I will have to research just seeing if anyone ekse here has dealt with it. This has been a shitty lifting yr for me. Got the flu that put me out of commish for 2 weeks and then developed sciatica. Finally was getting back on track and now this.

Stick to it, try not to feel too down and keep your mind on lifting, thinking forwards. I had a DVT during my best month of lifting this year, and I think there are some people here who fight a lifelong battle with diabetes which I can't even begin to imagine, so the likelihood is that some crap will happen your body at some point and it's the ability to bounce back that defines who can build quality physique over years.


I've been beasting on incline bench lately, have hit 315x6 and 295x10 in the last two weeks. Before that I had been taking it slow and going no higher than 275lbs for my work sets, last week decided to see if I could get up 315 since my shoulder problems and was able to do it. This morning got up 295 x 10 without a spot, feels good man.


the piano man
you know what I 'll say it because that's the way it is: shogun has a damn sexy, powerful, big chest.

Definitely a highlight of his physique and I remember him saying bench press is the exercise he likes the least!

I'd love to hate an exercise and see my muscles grow just because I am a badass like that, lol. .


Petrie MFP log is pretty funny. Dude literally eats tons of quest bars every day.

I've been beasting on incline bench lately, have hit 315x6 and 295x10 in the last two weeks. Before that I had been taking it slow and going no higher than 275lbs for my work sets, last week decided to see if I could get up 315 since my shoulder problems and was able to do it. This morning got up 295 x 10 without a spot, feels good man.

Damn impressive. Nice work.


So since sleep is a key factor with gains, how many hours do you guys/girls target a night?

Think I'm past the beginner stage now with a solid grasp on the majority of lifts, exercises and nutrition goals.

Would you say this routine is overkill or OK?

Mon - Rest
Tues - Shoulders/Biceps (includes OHP)
Wed - Rest
Thursday - Chest/Triceps (Includes bench)
Friday - Legs/Upper body rest (includes squats and deads)
Saturday - Back/Biceps (includes pullups)
Sunday - Triceps



Petrie MFP log is pretty funny. Dude literally eats tons of quest bars every day.

They're how I remain sane at the office while there is constantly donuts, pizza, subs, etc. :)

I really need to get my diet on better track though, my calories and such are fine, but I need more "food" since moving to an office environment.


They're how I remain sane at the office while there is constantly donuts, pizza, subs, etc. :)

I really need to get my diet on better track though, my calories and such are fine, but I need more "food" since moving to an office environment.

At first I was surprised by how few calories you eat until I realized you incorporate calories burned. I just don't count those and eat 2000

Edit: your log also made me say fuck it to making two salmon burgers with my chicken and rice tonight and instead I'm eating two quest bars. Petrie style!


Bull on a Donut
Again with the specific numbers. You are a beginner. Eat a ton, lift heavy, see results. You're going to make it even harder to achieve anything with this micromanaging as a beginner.

Is pizza everyday ok :)?

edit: On a more serious note, like twofold has said, don't overdo it on the food. I made the same mistake when I was a major newbie and just way overate, I gained a shit ton of muscle but I gained a shit ton of fat too, and that wasn't what I was looking for.


At first I was surprised by how few calories you eat until I realized you incorporate calories burned. I just don't count those and eat 2000

Edit: your log also made me say fuck it to making two salmon burgers with my chicken and rice tonight and instead I'm eating two quest bars. Petrie style!

Yeah I have a low starting point and just log every bit of cardio. Makes me feel like I have to earn anything I want to eat!

Oh man, Salmon burgers sound SO good. fuck.


Yeah I have a low starting point and just log every bit of cardio. Makes me feel like I have to earn anything I want to eat!

Oh man, Salmon burgers sound SO good. fuck.

I'd make them but I'm on a huge time crunch tonight. Just finished the gym and now I have to prepare a lesson for tomorrow. My coworkers and I teach private social skills classes once a week and I haven't even started mine yet :-x

Gonna brew up coffee and chow down on some quest bars!!


Bull on a Donut

Eat a ton, healthy-style.
Meats, nuts, eggs, cheeses, milk, etc.

See I do this but then I always run into the "where the hell are my carbs???" problem. Eating a shit ton of fruits and salads only gets me like 100 a day, and seems like I need to devour a mountain of brown rice to hit the 200-400g of carbs most people seem to recommend. The protein is easy, my dining hall has meat, fish, and chicken and I can take as much as I like. Carbs, not so much. Salad and a bunch of white grains.


Bull on a Donut
So I bought these "Pure Protein" bars a few weeks back and they don't seem as good as the Quest bars (2g of sugar alcohols per in these pure protein ones). I really don't want to waste $$$, so is it detrimental if I eat this entire box of 20-30 bars in the next month or so?
See I do this but then I always run into the "where the hell are my carbs???" problem. Eating a shit ton of fruits and salads only gets me like 100 a day, and seems like I need to devour a mountain of brown rice to hit the 200-400g of carbs most people seem to recommend. The protein is easy, my dining hall has meat, fish, and chicken and I can take as much as I like. Carbs, not so much. Salad and a bunch of white grains.

Wholewheat pasta is a life saver there.
Or sweet potato.
Or brown rice.
Or broccoli, brussel spouts, cauliflower, etc, etc.

And then there's the legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc).

You will have to eat a lot, but it's not an insurmountable challenge (5-6 meals, with a decent size serving of the aforementioned healthy carbs, and you're set).


Brian Burke punched my mom
Damn snatch DLs are humbling as fuck. First time trying them and my legs and upper back are toast after 195kg. Starting in them in full squat position from a deficit just destroys you. Used to RDL ~500 for a few reps and my legs were never this weak. Actually did regular DLs for the first time in a while felt pretty good. Can barely squat medium weights.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
My one lifting buddy in his prime cut to 165 and was still drinking beer. He just fit it in his macros. He also had an extremely physical job so take it for what it's worth.

Personally I wouldn't.

I'm about 15 over my prime. I know beer will drastically slow down the fat reduction, but man. I've done research and most of what I've found has been it's just extra carbs/calories, so it seems to make sense that if you fit in an extra calorie burn routine on the days you want to drink a couple of brews. But that doesn't seem right either.


I'm about 15 over my prime. I know beer will drastically slow down the fat reduction, but man. I've done research and most of what I've found has been it's just extra carbs/calories, so it seems to make sense that if you fit in an extra calorie burn routine on the days you want to drink a couple of brews. But that doesn't seem right either.
Beer is a tough one for me too man. There's no real "good" solution


I read through the OP, and I am following the beginner full-body routine. Could anyone give me some details on what exact workouts I should do for "Abdominal work" and "arm work?"

Also, should I do my stretches before or after a workout (or do them before and after)?

I'm aiming to become an army officer, and I meet every criteria besides the physical fitness. I am working on my cardio by running bidaily, and I am aiming to follow a good routine at the gym (i.e. the full body routine).
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