Was just thinking about how shitty I used to eat.
Would eat a Chipotle burrito bowl (~600 calories), and then right after would crave a Snickers bar (~250 calories), followed immediately after by a slice of dollar pizza (~400 calories). Was completely ignorant of nutrition and had no idea what I was putting into my body. All I knew is I could "eat a lot."
But in reality I wasn't eating enough to properly bulk at all, nor was I eating low enough to cut weight. Was trapped in a perpetual unhealthy maintenance mode, which is why my body seemed to take forever to really change. Would never had realized it until I began tracking food. Was one of those, "It's so hard to gain weight!" guys, but I don't know about that anymore.
I'm actually really excited about bulking because if I do it right, I can't imagine not staying relatively lean. I'd just eat all the foods I eat now, only more of them. lol