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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm dragging this morning. Not a good sign being as I have shoulders/tris tonight and I was planning on attempting 195x4 on OHP tonight.

For my cheat day Sunday I'm going to the new Five Guys that opened in Reno today. I need my peeps to tell me exactly what to order so I maximize my enjoyment my first time there!


Felt like I lucked out today. Got a trainer at my university gym to walk me through good form on all of the major lifts. Turns out the guy is a huge Starting Strength fan and is thrilled that I specifically requested that type of program.

Super pumped to start taking strength seriously. Can't believe I've put if off for this long.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Felt like I lucked out today. Got a trainer at my university gym to walk me through good form on all of the major lifts. Turns out the guy is a huge Starting Strength fan and is thrilled that I specifically requested that type of program.

Super pumped to start taking strength seriously. Can't believe I've put if off for this long.

Excellent. The value of someone who loves the program and helps you is as good as gold! Let us know how it goes.


I'm dragging this morning. Not a good sign being as I have shoulders/tris tonight and I was planning on attempting 195x4 on OHP tonight.

For my cheat day Sunday I'm going to the new Five Guys that opened in Reno today. I need my peeps to tell me exactly what to order so I maximize my enjoyment my first time there!

Get a regular bacon cheeseburger (their regular is 2 pattys) with whatever topics tickle your fancy, and the important thing is dem cajun fries. nom nom nom!
Are wrist curls a waste of time? The fact that it's in the title makes me think it's a tongue-in-cheek thing.

I'm no expert, but from my observation, merely from deadlift, overhead press and bench press, my wrists have become pretty thick and strong.

I'd say yes. But don't take my word for it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Damn it! Forgot my bag of gym clothes and towel at home.

Thought about skipping the gym today, but screw that. Going to hit up the mall nearby and buy what I need.


I'm dragging this morning. Not a good sign being as I have shoulders/tris tonight and I was planning on attempting 195x4 on OHP tonight.

For my cheat day Sunday I'm going to the new Five Guys that opened in Reno today. I need my peeps to tell me exactly what to order so I maximize my enjoyment my first time there!

Burger for me too this weekend. Local place with the 3am burger. Patty, fried egg, hash brown and bacon.


I'm no expert, but from my observation, merely from deadlift, overhead press and bench press, my wrists have become pretty thick and strong.

I'd say yes. But don't take my word for it.
Ok, it's probably something I will phase out of my workout soon. I have really long and naturally boney arms so I'm trying to bulk my forearms up asap.


Yes, you'll make gains if you're getting enough protein and you're eating healthy (low sugar, high omega 3 to promote insulin sensitivity and adipose tissue mobility) and not starving yourself. You have excess calories sitting on your body and you're a beginner, so don't worry too much about locking into bulk/cut principles for now if you want to do a general aesthetics improvement. After six months you can reflect on where you are and decide what you want to focus on (lowering bf% or increasing lean mass) since gains will start getting harder on a caloric restriction.

What qualifies as starving oneself though; to expand, I reckon on some days I have around a 1000 cal deficit at times, but im not hungry at all. Usually stays around 500 deficit though.

Hey, expand on that, does anybody know of a fairly good BMR calculator? I seem to get numbers all over the place using a few online, so I'm really unsure.


I'm dragging this morning. Not a good sign being as I have shoulders/tris tonight and I was planning on attempting 195x4 on OHP tonight.

For my cheat day Sunday I'm going to the new Five Guys that opened in Reno today. I need my peeps to tell me exactly what to order so I maximize my enjoyment my first time there!

Seems like you always have on-days and are breaking PR's at the gym. It's about time you have an off-day. :p
Please don't tell me I'm the only one here who can eat a 5 guys fry by himself and not feel stuffed :-x



Damn I'm feeling lazy today. Literally slept on my floor for an hour. Was planning on hitting the gym today but might change that to tomorrow after I play 18. Could have been the fact that I walked 9 yesterday then spent three hours at the gym which included a combination of lifting and working, and the total time spent lifting was around 90ish mins, so I worked out for close to 3 hours total yesterday lol. But on the bright side I did hit 185 for 15 reps on bench press and 135 for 4 reps on OHP.

EDIT: yeah it was definitely the golf lol. MyFitnessPal says that I burned 750 calories while golfing! Unbelieveable.


A nice feel good story for this morning.

Last night was leg day. This morning, I feel some very slight DOMS.

I take the NY subway to work and my train station is on an elevated platform. It takes about four flights of stairs and a short path to get to the platform.

I also take a bus to the subway. Usually, I like to get out of the bus ahead of everyone, because I don't want to fall behind the bottleneck crowd that slows down the commute. This morning, I was mixed together with a few people as I walked toward the first set of stairs.

Then as I got about 10 feet from the foot of the stair, I heard the rumbling of my train arriving at the station. If I gun it from this point, I could usually get into the train just before the doors close. However, there was a teenager in front of me who had the same idea.

Don't worry, this didn't turn into a race. He was probably half my age and size, but he had a fast enough pace to get to train on time, so i didn't try to overtake him.

But then, disaster almost befell our mutual commute. His umbrella that was poorly holstered onto his backpack became dislodged and fell to the stairs. It startled me to the point of stopping to inspect the fallen accessory. The teenager also stopped a mere few steps from me trying to contemplate the dire situation. We were losing the precious seconds which could result in the lose of almost 8 minutes waiting for the next train.

Fearing the lose of 8 minutes of our lives, I retrieved the umbrella and extended it to it's rightful owner. He also reached out to accept this display of broness.

Once he touched the umbrella and our eyes made contact, it was as if our minds had merged and a single thought was uttered from deep within our souls.

"Let's roll."

With an new found sense of determination, we increased our pace to the peak. With our Metrocards in hand, we swiped through the gates of Bay Parkway station. There were a few more elderly dissidents in our path. We glided out way past them with ease until we reached the final set of stairs. My new companion misjudged a turn and was blindsided behind a woman halfway up the stairs. In his moment of distress, I saw an opening and pressed forth through the final steps.

There in front of me was the magnificent beast that would transport us to new worlds and different boroughs. I leaped into the mouth of the silver dragon. With all my might, I held open the doors to our salvation. My fellow companion rushed into the belly of the beast.

As I was about to crumble underneath the crushing force of the doors, I heard a faint voice behind me.

"....please hold the door.....for.....me...."

It was the woman that nearly impeded our success. However, chivalry shall not be denied. With a deep breath, I clutched the doors and held them open to welcome another fellow traveler.

Today...was a good day.

I looked at my new companions and we were joined again with a single thought in our different minds.

"Let's find a seat."

TLDR: Had a leg day. Legs sore, but still fit enough to be able to keep up with someone half my age by running up a bunch of stairs. Feels good, man.

I think we're going to need a dramatic reading of this.


Ahahaha. Saving that.

No lie, after Christmas shopping my wife and I went to 5 guys and tried ordering 2 regular fries. The guy was insistent we order 1. Like, he demanded it.

Of course we were still hungry and got ice cream after.

Have you tried the malt vinegar on the fries? Man it's so good.


Junior Member
Found out that our local pharmacy has a scale that can calculate BMI, body fat and other niceties that could be good to know and went and gave it a shot, and figured I should share with you guys. Don't know how accurate it is, but it's at least good for comparing down the road.
Was quite surprised at some numbers, but I like what I see. Will definitely go back and get another reading in ~3 months-ish!


Found out that our local pharmacy has a scale that can calculate BMI, body fat and other niceties that could be good to know and went and gave it a shot, and figured I should share with you guys. Don't know how accurate it is, but it's at least good for comparing down the road.

Was quite surprised at some numbers, but I like what I see. Will definitely go back and get another reading in ~3 months-ish!

This thread doesn't like Tanita's measurements. They've always been consistent for me though across different devices.
well i mean sure im going to have to pump the breaks when i start having problems with increasing weight eventually

but its the fact that a body can be new to lifting and improve in such a drastic way... its astonishing and against all that ive ever believed with regard to how muscles would react to weight lifting

you can spend 1-2 hrs in the gym 3-4 times a week as a newbie and your strength will grow significantly, provided you eat the correct foods and the correct amounts of those foods

like....... what???? the human body is amazing. more people need to realize this

It's all about room for improvement. An olympic athlete would have to bust her ass for months to see a slight improvement. A total beginner has all the room in the world to get better, every bit is an improvement.

What's the old adage? "90 percent of the results comes from the first 10 percent of the effort?"


Junior Member
This thread doesn't like Tanita's measurements. They've always been consistent for me though across different devices.

So people here consider it inaccurate or something? Had never heard of something like this before so I figured it would've been worth a shot.


This thread doesn't like Tanita's measurements. They've always been consistent for me though across different devices.

It may depend on individuals. They are very very inaccurate for me. I have one and after losing 13.6 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks, Tanita hasn't gone down a % yet.....


It may depend on individuals. They are very very inaccurate for me. I have one and after losing 13.6 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks, Tanita hasn't gone down a % yet.....

That is kind of weird, but if the percentage is staying the same, that still means that you're losing fat mass.


Well 5 Guys was damn good, but now I essentially have to do cardio to make up for anything else I want to eat today if I'm going to stay on track. Regretting this decision!

Whatever we were celebrating, maybe I'll just say "fuck it" to today's numbers.


Well 5 Guys was damn good, but now I essentially have to do cardio to make up for anything else I want to eat today if I'm going to stay on track. Regretting this decision!

Whatever we were celebrating, maybe I'll just say "fuck it" to today's numbers.

Fuck it man. You guys are celebrating. This is a big deal, hasn't she been looking for awhile?

I just did 60 chin-ups (5 sets of 12 at 220lb BW).

Took like 45 minutes but I'm feeling good about it.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Found out that our local pharmacy has a scale that can calculate BMI, body fat and other niceties that could be good to know and went and gave it a shot, and figured I should share with you guys. Don't know how accurate it is, but it's at least good for comparing down the road.

Was quite surprised at some numbers, but I like what I see. Will definitely go back and get another reading in ~3 months-ish!

That's really cool, what pharmacy is this?


Fuck it man. You guys are celebrating. This is a big deal, hasn't she been looking for awhile?

Yep, though admittedly she only really started hitting the job hunt hard these last few weeks. Now it seems like the floodgates have opened, thank goodness because those loans are huge!

Pizza later it is!


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I hit my first GSLP deload on standing barbell OHP at 125.

Also I am now at 205 for squats. My legs are killing me from Tuesdays squats and HIIT though.

I have no idea what numbers are good for a beginner on a training regimen.


I hit my first GSLP deload on standing barbell OHP at 125.

Also I am now at 205 for squats. My legs are killing me from Tuesdays squats and HIIT though.

I have no idea what numbers are good for a beginner on a training regimen.

Those numbers are great. Keep at it.

Why are you doing HIIT, btw? If it's for fat loss, you'd probably be better off doing LISS since it stresses your body less and gives it more time to recover from lifting. If you're working on improving your conditioning, then keep on HIITing.

Some links with info about HIIT vs LISS for fat loss - http://www.leangains.com/2009/07/questions-answers.html / http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/stead-state-versus-intervals-finally-a-conclusion.html


I hit my first GSLP deload on standing barbell OHP at 125.

Also I am now at 205 for squats. My legs are killing me from Tuesdays squats and HIIT though.

I have no idea what numbers are good for a beginner on a training regimen.

Depends what your BW is but for a beginner, those numbers are great. 125 OHP isn't anything to scoff at. You'll be at that one plate soon.
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