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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Ok. Feeling pretty good. Gonna have my friend being his nice leather belt and crank out these 4 reps of 195 at OHP!


the piano man
Thanks guys! Now, time to hit McDonald's.


I was salivating a quarter pounder with fries when all of a sudden I realized I had no money when I left the gym :(

I'll have pasta with shrimps... better food but dammit, the stupid scale showed me 68.3 when just 2 days ago I was 69.1... I mean it's not like I run marathons, why the fuck is it so hard to gain weight?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I was salivating a quarter pounder with fries when all of a sudden I realized I had no money when I left the gym :(

I'll have pasta with shrimps... better food but dammit, the stupid scale showed me 68.3 when just 2 days ago I was 69.1... I mean it's not like I run marathons, why the fuck is it so hard to gain weight?
Put that thing in the attic sphinx! Or at the very least weigh yourself every week or two. Focus in on your lifts and the mirror!


the piano man
Put that thing in the attic sphinx! Or at the very least weigh yourself every week or two.Focus in on your lifts and the mirror!

with mirror do you mean form or aesthetics? :p

the strange thing is that even though I weighted less, as I was doing some assistance with mirrors there, I liked how I looked.

I don't know how but excluding the occasional massive bodybuilder or truly ripped, advanced, experienced lifter, I think I blend with the rest of the guys, which makes me feel confident.

dunno, maybe I like to have a positive mindset.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
with mirror do you mean form or aesthetics? :p

the strange thing is that even though I weighted less, as I was doing some assistance with mirrors there, I liked how I looked.

I don't know how but excluding the occasional massive bodybuilder or truly ripped, advanced, experienced lifter, I think I blend with the rest of the guys, which makes me feel confident.

dunno, maybe I like to have a positive mindset.

That's exactly what I'm talking about! Your lifts are going up and you like the way you look. The added weight will come on time. Weighing yourself everyday will cause unneeded ups and downs.


So out of all my upper body, my traps are the muscles that really exploded. They're probably still small as fuck, but in comparison to my small delts,bi's and chest, they look monstrous. It's also been really easy to go up in weight/reps on my shrugs. Wonder if I should back off shrugs for a bit and let the other muscles catch up.

Tris are coming along nicely too, largely due to the fact that I've been benching with a much closer grip than I should have, making my bench press almost a CGBP.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I'm using that gif when I post food pics.



Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
10th time in the gym today since beginning! Yay!

I gotta say, I'm becoming rather addicted to this routine. Glad I've been able to consistently go every other day so far. I'm almost tempted to start going another day in the week (maybe both Saturday and Sunday).

I finally got my deadlift up to 150. Just about able to lift my body weight now!

Squats are back up to 135, which is where I had them before I reset my weights with a focus on form. Just going to keep focusing on 5 lbs. in gains per exercise (if possible), since I'm not doing a bulking diet that's heavy in carbs. Mostly doing the carb nite routine, so I know I can't expect as much gains compared to if I were loading up on carbs every night.

Still really enjoying myself and having a good time lifting heavy (for me) things!
10th time in the gym today since beginning! Yay!

I gotta say, I'm becoming rather addicted to this routine. Glad I've been able to consistently go every other day so far. I'm almost tempted to start going another day in the week (maybe both Saturday and Sunday).

I finally got my deadlift up to 150. Just about able to lift my body weight now!

Squats are back up to 135, which is where I had them before I reset my weights with a focus on form. Just going to keep focusing on 5 lbs. in gains per exercise (if possible), since I'm not doing a bulking diet that's heavy in carbs. Mostly doing the carb nite routine, so I know I can't expect as much gains compared to if I were loading up on carbs every night.

Still really enjoying myself and having a good time lifting heavy (for me) things!

You're doing some linear progression workout? Dooon't add another day. It's tough enough to keep up the pace on the normal routine with a big diet. Let the rest days be rest days.


Pulled into my neighborhood after a long day of work and my neighbors are having an impromptu BBQ. I hadn't eaten dinner yet and ended up having two burgers, chicken, ribs and 2 beers. Only went 500 calories over my limit but it was worth it to socialize.


Brian Burke punched my mom

I'm using that gif when I post food pics.

Wasn't sure how many calories I get from my poutine. My late supper tonight, treating myself after working outside in the heat all week and tomorrow.

455g curd cheese = 1820cal
750g Redskin wedges = 1060cal
Poutine gravy = 133cal

So my poutines come in at roughly ~3000 calories.

Weighing in at just a hair over 3 pounds.

Sitting around 5500-6000 calories on a non-lifting day for 192.5lbs.

Damn you.



Wasn't sure how many calories I get from my poutine. My late supper tonight, treating myself after working outside in the heat all week and tomorrow.

455g curd cheese = 1820cal
750g Redskin wedges = 1060cal
Poutine gravy = 133cal

So my poutines come in at roughly ~3000 calories.

Weighing in at just a hair over 3 pounds.

Sitting around 5500-6000 calories on a non-lifting day for 192.5lbs.
I wish I could eat that much at 192. I'm pretty sure I could balloon back up to 210 easily. Maintaining 190 is kinda hard, my appetite is insatiable.


Food brag night? Had a cheeseburger from Five Guys with green pepper, jalapenos, grilled onions, ketchup, and mustard, and had it with some fries. Fucking delicious and perfect meal to have before golf tomorrow.


I've been training using a template from Jamie Lewis of the Chaos and Pain blog--man it is a tons of volume and intensity. It's more powerlifter style, triples, doubles, singles, with a lot of assistance. But it is fun as hell.

Just be warned, his blog is very NSFW. Dude is crazy and puts up porn pics and gifs, gore pics, etc., so beware.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Not recently, all my presses have gone down. Maybe 308x4-5 or 320x3 right now if my shoulders feel good. 5 years ago it was more like 320-330x10 on regular BP.

I understand the disappointment in going down in weight due to injury but your numbers are still monstrous given your weight!
Great, now fish/salmon/fish oil pills will kill you, too.

Fitness-GAF, we must pool our knowledge together to create a drug that won't give you cancer. We can do this.


when you feel bad about how your gym day is going

just remember

you can lift 300 lbs

300 lbs

and you can fucking hold it on your shoulders and kinda sit down with it and stand back up and do that 8 times and then rest for 45 seconds and then do it again

even if its only 200lbs holy shit youre lifting 200 lbs thats a fuckin lot great fucking job dude!!!

stay positive everyone


Great, now fish/salmon/fish oil pills will kill you, too.

Fitness-GAF, we must pool our knowledge together to create a drug that won't give you cancer. We can do this.
You can't get boners if you don't have a prostate. That's the worst part IMO.

Brb Throwing my fish oil down the drain


Bull on a Donut
Hmmm incorporated the overhead press today and between that and putting too much weight on my squats I think I fucked up my back (it's just a little sore). Should your back ever be a tad sore after workouts? Also do you bend your knees slightly when doing an overhead press? Most of the example stuff I saw showed the dude standing straight up, but some peeps at the gym were bending their knees a tad.


Great, now fish/salmon/fish oil pills will kill you, too.

Fitness-GAF, we must pool our knowledge together to create a drug that won't give you cancer. We can do this.

DId you read the study? It's not really conclusive. It's correlative and needs more research. Don't go nuts about.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
New PR on OHP. Feels great. Good night at the gym. No bullshit. Smashed all my sets. Left. Got pissed off at how hot it was outside!


New PR on OHP. Feels great. Good night at the gym. No bullshit. Smashed all my sets. Left. Got pissed off at how hot it was outside!

Walked outside around a plant all day checking lines and shit instead of being in the cushy downtown office like I have been most of this summer; shit was ridiculously hot. Glad it wasn't a gym day.
On that quest bar deal, I pulled up the site and the boxes are like $35 each. Are they different prices in the store because above a posted said they got the 3 boxes for like $40? After the $10 coupon I end up getting $60+tax.


I've been training using a template from Jamie Lewis of the Chaos and Pain blog--man it is a tons of volume and intensity. It's more powerlifter style, triples, doubles, singles, with a lot of assistance. But it is fun as hell.

Just be warned, his blog is very NSFW. Dude is crazy and puts up porn pics and gifs, gore pics, etc., so beware.

I like that blog, and Jamie can be very funny at times, crazy as he may be. He's also a really strong dude.. He's on the juice though, but he's still crazy strong.

And yeah, that blog is as NSFW as the internet can get.
I've had a shoulder problem since last September. At first I thought it was a torn / sprained rotator cuff and that it would resolve itself on its own. Here I am 10 months later and it's still not better. I've been going to a Physical Therapist for a few weeks and he's kind of zeroing in on what it might be, and his current hypothesis is that it's a torn labrum.

Anyone have any experience with this kind of injury? If so, have you had the surgery to get it corrected? I've heard the recovery isn't the most pleasant experience in the world, and I'll probably be out of the gym for a minimum of 6 weeks. This will be pretty unfortunate, as I've finally begun seeing noticeable improvements in my physique.

Also, if anyone has ever done this, do you happen to remember the cost of the operation (before insurance paid for anything)?


Saw this on reddit:

Arnold said:
Thanks for sharing this.

Everybody, behave and stop bickering. This is about inspiring more people to get into fitness. I've never understood people who argue constantly about who is wrong and who is right in fitness, because the fact is, there are many "right" answers, especially for people just starting out.

Do you think Sergio Oliva and I did the same thing? No. In fact, you could walk into Gold's and watch the 5 best guys and see 5 completely different routines. And you know what? We didn't argue.

Do me a favor. Try to focus more on expanding the fitness community as a whole than protecting your little corner of it.


dat wisdom.


I've had a shoulder problem since last September. At first I thought it was a torn / sprained rotator cuff and that it would resolve itself on its own. Here I am 10 months later and it's still not better. I've been going to a Physical Therapist for a few weeks and he's kind of zeroing in on what it might be, and his current hypothesis is that it's a torn labrum.

Anyone have any experience with this kind of injury? If so, have you had the surgery to get it corrected? I've heard the recovery isn't the most pleasant experience in the world, and I'll probably be out of the gym for a minimum of 6 weeks. This will be pretty unfortunate, as I've finally begun seeing noticeable improvements in my physique.

Also, if anyone has ever done this, do you happen to remember the cost of the operation (before insurance paid for anything)?

Dislocated my shoulder about 6 or 7 times over the course of a year of football. By the time the season ended my labrum had been turn completely all the way around. Orthopedic surgeon said he'd only seen one other case as bad as it in like 15 years.

From my experience, the recovery was pretty rough. The first few days once the nerve block wore off hurt like a mother fucker, and I'd highly recommend getting a recliner or something like that for sleeping on the first week or so, because beds are going to suck.

After that, I think I wore a sling for a couple of weeks, like 4-6, and then I got with the trainer at the high school and started doing real basic rehab, which was basically super light front, side, and then like 45 degree lat/shoulder raises. I started with like maybe half a pound or a pound and worked my way up to 8 or 10 over the course of a few months. I also did some work with like a band, pulling it by pivoting at the elbow in a few different directions.

I did all of this for a couple of months, but I do know that I got the surgery done over Thanksgiving and I was not able to play football during spring training, which was in I wanna say April. I was able to play by the time summer rolled around though. I can't remember when I got back to full lifting, but I still have issues with my shoulders. For example, I have some problems getting a close grip on squat and keeping everything tight because of the angle this puts the shoulders at. And my shoulders can still hurt like hell after a night of sleeping if I happen to sleep on them wrong.

But like I said mine shoulder and labram were absolutely destroyed, so if it isn't something you've messed up several times I think that it could be a much easier recovery than the several month long ordeal I had to go through.

As far as money, my parents handled all of that as I was in high school at the time so I don't really have an estimate for you, sorry.


What's the difference between Whey Protein and Whey Isolate?

I've been looking at some products and some brands sell Whey Protein in one tub, then Whey Isolate in another tub
As someone who is still a beginner when it comes to working out regularly what whey protein do you guys recommend purchasing? I know there are a lot of brands out there and I wanted to be sure I get something of quality and not snake oil


As someone who is still a beginner when it comes to working out regularly what whey protein do you guys recommend purchasing? I know there are a lot of brands out there and I wanted to be sure I get something of quality and not snake oil

I love Optimum Nutrition Whey Strawberry.

I workout so I can drink that shake :)


What's the difference between Whey Protein and Whey Isolate?

I've been looking at some products and some brands sell Whey Protein in one tub, then Whey Isolate in another tub

Whey isolate is whey protein.

There is two kinds of whey protein to my knowledge. Whey isolate and whey concentrate. Isolate is better quality but it's also more expensive. It also has less carbs and fat than whey concentrate. But as far as general needs go, whey concentrate should be enough for most people AFAIK.

And Blackflag, I know you've told us many times but could you again elaborate on your CKD experience? I know you did it for a long time and had great success with it. How (long) was your carb refeed? What was your protein/fat ratio? Did you make gains?

The reason I'm asking is that I'm not sure if I've ever managed to get in to proper keto before despite trying. I've probably been eating too much protein. How much would you recommend? I weigh 185lbs.

Found this little calculator and I'm tinkering around with it:

Came up with something like this:

2914 kcal TDEE

2477 kcal Daily Calorie Intake
30 g Carbohydrates (5%)
140 g Protein (23%)
200 g Fat (72%)

Also anyone else who knows about keto/CKD, feel free to comment :)

Searched some of the previous posts from the thread and got some info, but if you think you can tell me something relevant that hasn't come up lately I'd apperciate it :)


So I was always kind of hesitant to post in this thread for advice but the recent "Girlfriend and I split because of her mother" thread and the comments in it prompted me to muster up the courage to post in here, since I'm not super different from the OP (sans girlfriend situation). I'm a total beginner to fitness.

Age: 22
Height: 6'0
Weight: 320 lbs
Goal: Fat loss to reach a normal weight.
Current Training Schedule: Been trying the Couch-to-5K because of the recent running thread. Currently on the 4th week but redoing week 3. Aside from that nothing else.
Current Training Equipment Available: Treadmill, electrical elliptical/bike, and a cheap exercise wheel. There's also a paved street right outside that isn't very busy in the mornings and afternoons.

Comments: Read through the OP but I'm not really sure what routines I could do since a few of then looked like they included stuff with barbells? I don't have access to those or a gym. Would love any guidance since I feel like I'm not making the most out of my time. Thanks.
Someone else is going to give you some proper advice, but my advice to you is to just focus on your diet while doing HIIT for 20 minutes, 3 times a week.

Diet wise, something like keto/low-carb might be the way to go.


the piano man
So I was always kind of hesitant to post in this thread for advice but the recent "Girlfriend and I split because of her mother" thread and the comments in it prompted me to muster up the courage to post in here, since I'm not super different from the OP (sans girlfriend situation). I'm a total beginner to fitness.

Age: 22
Height: 6'0
Weight: 320 lbs
Goal: Fat loss to reach a normal weight.
Current Training Schedule: Been trying the Couch-to-5K because of the recent running thread. Currently on the 4th week but redoing week 3. Aside from that nothing else.
Current Training Equipment Available: Treadmill, electrical elliptical/bike, and a cheap exercise wheel. There's also a paved street right outside that isn't very busy in the mornings and afternoons.

Comments: Read through the OP but I'm not really sure what routines I could do since a few of then looked like they included stuff with barbells? I don't have access to those or a gym. Would love any guidance since I feel like I'm not making the most out of my time. Thanks.

Hi! :D

if your only goal is to lose weight, that's all diet and/or cardio, which is related only to a certain extent to the main points mentioned in the OP, which focuses more on the topic of strenght training and/or bodybuilding.

I know some guys here have successfully brought down their weight to normal levels before getting into strenght training, Evilore himself did that and I think Chittagong too, maybe they can give some some input.

when I didn't have access to a gym I loved going into parks and do bodyweight workout. push-ups, crunches, dips whenever there wer double bars, chin-ups whenever there was a bar.

do you have access to a park with some equipment?


Whey isolate is whey protein.

There is two kinds of whey protein to my knowledge. Whey isolate and whey concentrate. Isolate is better quality but it's also more expensive. It also has less carbs and fat than whey concentrate. But as far as general needs go, whey concentrate should be enough for most people AFAIK.

Whey isolate is also, by definition, 90% or more protein by weight, so it's around 95-99% lactose free. Concentrate is anywhere from 70%-89% protein by weight. There's also hydrolyzed weigh protein, which is even further filtered and dissolves easily in water.


Someone else is going to give you some proper advice, but my advice to you is to just focus on your diet while doing HIIT for 20 minutes, 3 times a week.

Diet wise, something like keto/low-carb might be the way to go.

What would be a good HIIT routine starting out?

On diet, I've been trying a low carb diet since the paleo thread was made on GAF. My meals have usually just been vegetables, meat, and fish, and nuts like walnuts and almonds. I'll also have half a fruit on some days. Not really sure on the specifics on the diet but that's what I've been trying to keep to recently.

Hi! :D

if your only goal is to lose weight, that's all diet and/or cardio, which is related only to a certain extent to the main points mentioned in the OP, which focuses more on the topic of strenght training and/or bodybuilding.

I know some guys here have successfully brought down their weight to normal levels before getting into strenght training, Evilore himself did that and I think Chittagong too, maybe they can give some some input.

when I didn't have access to a gym I loved going into parks and do bodyweight workout. push-ups, crunches, dips whenever there wer double bars, chin-ups whenever there was a bar.

do you have access to a park with some equipment?

Yeah I wasn't sure if this thread was the best place for asking about weight loss.

I have bars I could try chin-ups on.

I don't believe there are any parks around here with equipment though.
What would be a good HIIT routine starting out?

On diet, I've been trying a low carb diet since the paleo thread was made on GAF. My meals have usually just been vegetables, meat, and fish, and nuts like walnuts and almonds. I'll also have half a fruit on some days. Not really sure on the specifics on the diet but that's what I've been trying to keep to recently.

Personally, I do 30 seconds high-intensity training followed by 60 seconds of low-intensity (this can be on your treadmill, bike, outside, etc), repeated for a total HIIT session of 20 minutes or so.

There's also this infographic I found, detailing three variants, of which I suggest you go with the 27 minute one:

60 seconds of high intensity, 75 seconds of low intensity, for a total of 12 cycles or 27 minutes.
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