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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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goes to gym during lunch hour, comes back to the office "oh hey whats this a buffet, shiiiiiit!!!!!"

apparently the managers had a meeting earlier and now they ordered too much food, oh well let me get this protein real quick :D


Age: 33
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 185
Goal: 175

Current Training Schedule:

For the last 3-4 months I've been going about 6 times a week for at least an hour. Before that I really stuck to about 4-5 times a week with the same kind of setup below.

For upper days I'd do bench press, flys, curls, dips, 2 core exercises mixed in between upper sets and 1 lower exercise (barbell squats or lunges) mixed in and 10 minute various cardio to warm up

I've slacked off on dedicated lower days but was doing leg press, lunges, goblet squats and some calf stuff but want to tighten up a better routine

So for my off days I would focus on mainly cardio, so 45 mins of stairs or 30 on treadmill and 20-25 on rowing or bike or ellip.

Current Training Equipment Available:

Fully stocked gym, so pretty much everything from free weights, machines, pool, all cardio machines, etc....


Luckily the gym I attend offers nurse sessions every 3 months to do measurements


To give some background, I weighed probably around 240-250 back in mid 2011. I dieted heavily with no workout to get to the 192 my March of 2012. That's when I started the gym membership and hit it hard (or at least hard for me at that time). So now fast forward a year and a few months and you can see the progression. I'm definitely happy with the results and got my body fat % down but while keeping some muscle.

My goal or issue now, is I think I'm getting to something past the beginner level and want to phase this out going forward. The left over part of me that simply won't shrink away is my mid section. Still from the fat body days it remains. So what I planned on doing was upping my cardio more to lose the weight since that feels like its the only thing that has an effect on that area. So main goal is lose more of the gut and is the best thing for my routine to step up my cardio and once happy with said gut, balance back out to get body fat down to say 15%?

So step 1 lose gut
Step 2 reduce body fat

So before (of course found the worst photos)



to now




Congrats on the huge weight loss. A few things...

- you can't spot reduce fat, so nothing you can do will focus on specifically losing your belly fat. You can continue to lose weight and hope it comes off your stomach.

- what's your diet like? Are you tracking/weighing/measuring everything you eat?

- your workout routine could definitely use some cleaning up. The OP provides an excellent beginner routine. I definitely wouldn't say your moving out of the beginner stage either.


Congrats on the huge weight loss. A few things...

- you can't spot reduce fat, so nothing you can do will focus on specifically losing your belly fat. You can continue to lose weight and hope it comes off your stomach.

- what's your diet like? Are you tracking/weighing/measuring everything you eat?

- your workout routine could definitely use some cleaning up. The OP provides an excellent beginner routine. I definitely wouldn't say your moving out of the beginner stage either.

- Yeah, figured as much which is why I figured continue to lose the weight and try to see overall jiggly gut go away and then build back up properly. I've met my initial goal of not jiggling when I brush my teeth though :)

- Diet for now has been basic, like no sweets, cautious on carbs and overall intake, so no tracking or measuring at a high level. Not eating after 8pm, cutting back on beer. I'll be honest that I wouldn't be able to start a proper measured diet routine unless I had the wife on it as well. 2 small kids (6 and 3) and wife also with full time job, timing just isn't there and motivation on her end isn't there to do it. For myself I could at least start looking at timing of meals with workout routine though, like having some kind of protein deal 20-30 mins after workout?

- Understood on current workout routine, still have a ways to go before ramping things up then


So I'm going to be making a removable pull up bar for the basement... Should I keep it stable or would hanging it via chain suffice? I have the ability to slide ceiling tiles out of the way for hanging brackets - this way I can put it away when done so its not hanging in the basement at all times.

I do HIIT everyday because if I dont do it I feel like shit. I am fortunate to have the time so I do it on the elliptical and I am DEAD when I am done.

Here are my intervals

1 to 2 min warm up

40 seconds intense 1 min slow for 20/25 min

5 min cool down


1 to 2 min warm up

40 seconds slow 20 seconds intense for 20/25 min

5 min cool down


1 to 2 min warm up

30 seconds slow and 30 intense 20 min

5-10 min cool down

I really feel awesome on it. I might be over doing it, but like I said I have the time in the morning to get it done so I might as well. I am trying to get to 6-7% BF and right now I am probably at 10%. I weigh 155lbs

Also the new Jack3d is kinda wack. I was fortunate to finally find the old one that was taken off the market after going to 3 GNC's. I bought enough of the old shit to last me 4 months


So I'm going to be making a removable pull up bar for the basement... Should I keep it stable or would hanging it via chain suffice? I have the ability to slide ceiling tiles out of the way for hanging brackets - this way I can put it away when done so its not hanging in the basement at all times.


Hanging is fine if you can guarantee it's stability. There will be the issue of swaying, but that shouldn't be a big issue if you do controlled movements (no kipping).

Just make sure it's secure.
Damnit, I had a shit day at the gym.
Accidentally loaded the barbell unevenly on my second to last set on the bench, so I had to redo that one with a balanced barbell, which then made fail on the final rep of the final set. Then there was goddamn heat.

Not just heat, but really, really high humidity (or low, whichever one is the worst). At least I hit the targets for today, but I was planning on going a bit higher but ueguhguehguhg.


Hanging is fine if you can guarantee it's stability. There will be the issue of swaying, but that shouldn't be a big issue if you do controlled movements (no kipping).

Just make sure it's secure.
Roger that! I use the floor joists for my heavy bag and it hasn't failed me yet.

On a side note: I wish I paid attention that you swept through Chicago. We could have met up for lunch and sparred in the park!
Dislocated my shoulder about 6 or 7 times over the course of a year of football. By the time the season ended my labrum had been turn completely all the way around. Orthopedic surgeon said he'd only seen one other case as bad as it in like 15 years.

From my experience, the recovery was pretty rough. The first few days once the nerve block wore off hurt like a mother fucker, and I'd highly recommend getting a recliner or something like that for sleeping on the first week or so, because beds are going to suck.

After that, I think I wore a sling for a couple of weeks, like 4-6, and then I got with the trainer at the high school and started doing real basic rehab, which was basically super light front, side, and then like 45 degree lat/shoulder raises. I started with like maybe half a pound or a pound and worked my way up to 8 or 10 over the course of a few months. I also did some work with like a band, pulling it by pivoting at the elbow in a few different directions.

I did all of this for a couple of months, but I do know that I got the surgery done over Thanksgiving and I was not able to play football during spring training, which was in I wanna say April. I was able to play by the time summer rolled around though. I can't remember when I got back to full lifting, but I still have issues with my shoulders. For example, I have some problems getting a close grip on squat and keeping everything tight because of the angle this puts the shoulders at. And my shoulders can still hurt like hell after a night of sleeping if I happen to sleep on them wrong.

But like I said mine shoulder and labram were absolutely destroyed, so if it isn't something you've messed up several times I think that it could be a much easier recovery than the several month long ordeal I had to go through.

As far as money, my parents handled all of that as I was in high school at the time so I don't really have an estimate for you, sorry.

Thanks for the story. In all honesty my case is kind of mild. It only hurts when I go really far overhead motion (like put my hands straight up in the air and then have someone push my arm even farther back), or when I pull on my arm while relaxing my shoulder muscles (normally the ball will come slightly out of the socket when you do this, but just a little). This one gets me when I try to do pull ups, which is the biggest issue for me. But if I keep my shoulder flexed the whole time I'm ok.

I'm going to stick with a few more weeks of physical therapy and just working on strengthening my shoulder, and maybe since my case isn't too severe that will help me compensate.


Roger that! I use the floor joists for my heavy bag and it hasn't failed me yet.

On a side note: I wish I paid attention that you swept through Chicago. We could have met up for lunch and sparred in the park!

That would have been cool, but it would have been tricky to pull off. I was on a bus tour that had a set schedule.

Still could have been fun, my wife would have taken a gazillion pictures for us.
Damnit, I had a shit day at the gym.
Accidentally loaded the barbell unevenly on my second to last set on the bench, so I had to redo that one with a balanced barbell, which then made fail on the final rep of the final set. Then there was goddamn heat.

Not just heat, but really, really high humidity (or low, whichever one is the worst). At least I hit the targets for today, but I was planning on going a bit higher but ueguhguehguhg.

I've done that before. As soon as you pick the bar up from the resting position (whether it be DL, squats, bench, press) you can can immediately tell.

I generally take a second to stabilize after unracking anyways so it's not a huge issue. Although when pushing PRs it could definitely detract.
I've done that before. As soon as you pick the bar up from the resting position (whether it be DL, squats, bench, press) you can can immediately tell.

I generally take a second to stabilize after unracking anyways so it's not a huge issue. Although when pushing PRs it could definitely detract.

I thought it was just in my head, because it was a matter of a 2.5kg difference, so I just pushed through and wondered if my left side was just weaker than my right.
Should have stopped right there and then and double-checked.


That would have been cool, but it would have been tricky to pull off. I was on a bus tour that had a set schedule.

Still could have been fun, my wife would have taken a gazillion pictures for us.
Ah gotcha. I could have stood along your route and held a sidekick out while flexing... Which would have been dwarfed by your guns :p

Pete Rock

Not just heat, but really, really high humidity (or low, whichever one is the worst). At least I hit the targets for today, but I was planning on going a bit higher but ueguhguehguhg.
Every summer the barbells and plates in my gyms basement go through another round of oxidation due to such poor environmental controls. I find it augments the dungeon ambiance quite nicely.


Had a great leg workout today. Got up to 225x8 on squats. Most I've ever done was 10. I have to learn to not be afraid of squats man, they scare the shit out of me for some reason.

Plus, it was either the high volume or the 2 scoops of Craze I took today (probably both), but I had to take a seat on a bench at the end of the workout before I passed out. Leg days can be dangerous, man.
Whats worse than a person curling in the squat rack? People working out for 20/30 minutes using that elastic VPX band or whatever its called in the squat rack. God damn thats annoying as hell.


Had a great leg workout today. Got up to 225x8 on squats. Most I've ever done was 10. I have to learn to not be afraid of squats man, they scare the shit out of me for some reason.

Plus, it was either the high volume or the 2 scoops of Craze I took today (probably both), but I had to take a seat on a bench at the end of the workout before I passed out. Leg days can be dangerous, man.

Yeah man, they're exhausting. And they sneak up on you too. I remember when I was going to try 200x20 so I could say I did 20 reps at my body weight and I got to like 12 and was like nooooope

Whats worse than a person curling in the squat rack? People working out for 20/30 minutes using that elastic VPX band or whatever its called in the squat rack. God damn thats annoying as hell.

Seriously, tell them you're working in. Don't even ask. If they give you attitude point out you can only squat in the rack.


This guy at my work is ridiculous. He just started working out a month ago, when he joined my gym. I only went with him once and he did my workouts, he struggled deadlifting 290 lbs. Now he's going around saying he's been both squatting (high bar) and deadlifting 375. Either he's full of shit or he doesn't know how to count. He thought the bar weighs 75.


This guy at my work is ridiculous. He just started working out a month ago, when he joined my gym. I only went with him once and he did my workouts, he struggled deadlifting 290 lbs. Now he's going around saying he's been both squatting (high bar) and deadlifting 375. Either he's full of shit or he doesn't know how to count. He thought the bar weighs 75.

Definitely full of shit.


This guy at my work is ridiculous. He just started working out a month ago, when he joined my gym. I only went with him once and he did my workouts, he struggled deadlifting 290 lbs. Now he's going around saying he's been both squatting (high bar) and deadlifting 375. Either he's full of shit or he doesn't know how to count. He thought the bar weighs 75.

He seems to be letting his ego get in the way as a beginner. An attempt of 290 as an beginner seems too much.
Seriously, tell them you're working in. Don't even ask. If they give you attitude point out you can only squat in the rack.

I was so happy when I got to the squat rack before the VPX women. She looked so pissed judging by the look on her face. I told her I wouldn't be longer than 5 minutes tops. The elitist attitude of some people..jeez


What would you do if you had to take a dump in the middle of a workout?

A) finish your set then take the dump
B) finish your workout then take a dump
C) take a dump in the middle of a set then finish workout
D) other
A or B. Depending on my bowel control.

90 kg/200 lbs squat was succesfull this time! Moving up to 92,5 kg. If you're reading this Sphinx I hope you got there too buddy!

Also bench press'd 57,5 kg/125 lbs. My plateau was 57,5 kg when I did stronglifts 5x5. If I manage 60 kg/132,7 lbs 5x3 on the bench on monday I'll go ecstatic :)

60 kg has always been the barrier I've wanted to break.
Still making nice progress with 531 even though I haven't really taken any deload weeks since early May. Doing my 1s this week and so far PRs on OHP with 2 x 70 kg (154 lb) and 2 x 121 kg (267 lb) on bench. Really pleased with the bench which is up 13 lb from the last cycle.

Yesterday I also realized why my deadlift day was a miserable failure due to my grip problems. I go to two different gyms depending on if I train alone or with my girlfriend and only now figured out that the other gym has much thicker bars. Holy shit the thicker bar makes deadlifting much harder on the grip. I think I can probably deadlift 20-40lb more with the thinner bar... looking forward to my next DL session with the thinner bar.
Whats worse than a person curling in the squat rack? People working out for 20/30 minutes using that elastic VPX band or whatever its called in the squat rack. God damn thats annoying as hell.

People useing the Squat rack for chin-ups or pull-ups. Especially if there's available equipment for those exercises elsewhere.

I don't get it. I really don't.
What would you do if you had to take a dump in the middle of a workout?

A) finish your set then take the dump
B) finish your workout then take a dump
C) take a dump in the middle of a set then finish workout
D) other

B) but there have been 911 situations where I just stormed out of the gym to go home and missed an exercise.
People useing the Squat rack for chin-ups or pull-ups. Especially if there's available equipment for those exercises elsewhere.

I don't get it. I really don't.

Of all the things that bother me at the gym, I think people who try to do circuits using the power rack are the most frustrating. Especially when they don't understand why it is disrespectful to use multiple pieces of equipment at a time at the busiest time of the day.


So it's Ramadan, and though I had finally decided NOT to cut, I think it will be inevitable during this month. I am just unable to eat enough food between 9 PM and 12 AM to continue bulking. I am just hoping that I eat as much as I can and even if I cut some fat, I preserve my muscle.

Working out for the first time in a deficit state was not that easy. But I am hoping to maintain my protein intake for sure. Doing the leangains method since, well, it works really well for Ramadan lol.


He seems to be letting his ego get in the way as a beginner. An attempt of 290 as an beginner seems too much.

He said he lifted before, just stopped for a few years... But the guy is about my height, 20 lbs chunkier and he has tiny legs and arms, I don't see how the fuck he could squat 375..


People useing the Squat rack for chin-ups or pull-ups. Especially if there's available equipment for those exercises elsewhere.

I don't get it. I really don't.

The bar on my power rack is perfect for pull ups. Just the right height and thickness, as opposed to the pull-up station, which is so high that most people have to jump or use a stool.

I use do pullups in the power rack in between my squat sets.


Junior Member
A or B. Depending on my bowel control.

90 kg/200 lbs squat was succesfull this time! Moving up to 92,5 kg. If you're reading this Sphinx I hope you got there too buddy!

Also bench press'd 57,5 kg/125 lbs. My plateau was 57,5 kg when I did stronglifts 5x5. If I manage 60 kg/132,7 lbs 5x3 on the bench on monday I'll go ecstatic :)

60 kg has always been the barrier I've wanted to break.

for some bizarre reason I've regressed badly on my bench.

went from 74kg 3 reps to 60kg 5 reps. guess I'll have to start all over.


What would you do if you had to take a dump in the middle of a workout?

A) finish your set then take the dump
B) finish your workout then take a dump
C) take a dump in the middle of a set then finish workout
D) other

Dude, I have UC so this is a constant issue. Get up, take your dump, and go back to working out. Just hope that when you fart, you don't blow a wad of mucus and blood into your underpants which sucks. Thankfully, I workout from home so it's not an issue.

Probably too much info but anyway! Down to 178 right now at 5'9" Sticking to upper body 5/3/1 until I get everything under control. It is crazy how much strenght you lose when you consume about 1500 calories a day and are sick. Almost dropped the bar on my chest of bench doing 245x3. I just want to be healthy. My son who is 5 works out with me which is a huge encouragment to hear that "I am the strongest dad in South Carolina." but it still sucks being sick 24/7 and having to workout under those conditions.


Yeah, that's why I want to work out with him again to see him squat, but he's been avoiding going with me..

I had a friend like that. He was smaller and more inexpierenced than me but he was putting up better numbers on fitocracy. I'd ask to workout together and he'd always have a new excuse. Unfortunately for him my wife would go around the same time a few times. Half benches, quarter squats and seated OHP in the smith :/


Damn, that sucks.

As for quarter squatters, I can count with less than two hands the amount of people at my gym that hit parallel. Best is one of the buffest guys I've seen that's 2 inches shorter than me squatting 3 plates below parallel. Never seen anyone there go for 4.

Speaking of plates, it's hilarious that I can knock out 4 for 12 reps on the leg press with relative ease, while feeling burned at 105lbs x 12 squats. Hopefully I can keep adding 10lbs each session with my back feeling 100% by the end of the month.
Of all the things that bother me at the gym, I think people who try to do circuits using the power rack are the most frustrating. Especially when they don't understand why it is disrespectful to use multiple pieces of equipment at a time at the busiest time of the day.

This type of person is the worst gym offender.

Thats a tier 1

Tier 2- person hanging out on bench/leg press/etc while texting or reading paper

Tier 3- lurkers. They are mostly found in the cable section that lurk way too close to you and want in when you are done. They wont even ask if they can work in with you. They just lurk..waiting... mentally trying to rush you.


My chest has been beast mode the last 3 weeks now, don't know where that extra gear has come from but I like it. Was able to rep 140# dbs 3x8, feel like I should be able to do working sets with 150-155# dbs soon, rather than just using them in my final set for 3-5 reps.
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