Err I farted, not menuhin, Vengerov was the one
Way to go Sunflower! Nice job exposing idiots by starting your thread.
I got mixed berry, apple pie, and cookie dough.Which ones did u buy? I had something similar happen with the cinnamon roll; tasted like chalk, barely edible. Returned them and exchanged for PB&J and tasted more normal.
I got mixed berry, apple pie, and cookie dough.
Mixed berry is nearly inedible, and apple pie and cookie dough are a little bit better.
I tried microwaving the latter 2, and while it did improve the product, it was a race against time to eat them. They became an even worse cement after cooling from the microwave. I can't eat them that fast!
lol, Menuhin died in 1999 and looked like a bag of bones all his life, lol, I was sure it was a mistake.
yeah Vengerov is well built, a nice guy.
they've been stored in a kitchen cabinet since i bought them from GNC, and i'm in san diego so i really doubt that the weather is giving them any trouble.Sounds to me like they either weren't stored correctly, or you're too used to the sugary mess that is most bars.
Berry is terrible though.
Did Menuhin
even lift?
About a week ago, I decided to start treating myself better by eating right and doing light exercises until I decide to go to a gym. I started yesterday at the gym, and did my second day today and I am amazed to say after weighing myself and weighing myself again to make sure, that I've already lost 8 pounds in a little more than a week.
Thanks FitnessGAF!
3 or 4 on average.
Well fuck, seems like I have messed up low carb with excess protein. I have had some 200-250g protein each day for a month and a half, strict 30-40g carbs, 2000kcal and wondering about how easy it is, not feeling any of the carb depletion and loving it. But weight is not going down much either. Progress pics looking near identical.
Doing some research and listening to Kiefer's latest video I learn that body will quite effectively convert protein to blood sugar. So all the time I have been 'low carbing' I have in fact been shooting just more sugar to my blood stream.
Now I have to figure out an effective protein level for my metabolism. Kiefer suggests going as low as 30g protein for fat loss purposes but I think that's a bit crazy. I'm thinking trying 130g first. This means that I must up my fat to stay at 2000kcal since carbs are out of the question too.
Any ideas for fat sources that have no/lo carbs and not very much protein?
they've been stored in a kitchen cabinet since i bought them from GNC, and i'm in san diego so i really doubt that the weather is giving them any trouble.
but yea berry is pretty gross lol, i'll eat it because i'm too lazy to do anything else for a snack, but i definitely regret buying a pack of them.
Not at the prices some of these fools have managed to snag em for. It seems like some ppl are getting em for near a dollar a barDamn that's like $12 a day on that.
Damn that's like $12 a day on that.
Nuts aren't too high in protein and have tons of fat.
edit: Supposedly I had 250g of protein today. Ugh
Try $4. GNC coupon bro.
Unfortunately the cool guy at my shop is gone, so now I need to find someone else who will let me do enough transactions to stock up for a month in one visit!
Reading the entire 600+ page ACSM textbook today. Some fun snippets.
-"Among overweight/obese adults who successfully lose 10% of their initial body weight, 33.5% will regain their weight within the first year. Within 5 years, approximately 95% of people regain their weight just below baseline."
Unfortunately the nutrition section of the textbook is based on outdated FDA guidelines from the Ancel Keys era and desperately needs rewriting. Eat as many carbs as possible, drink mainstream sports drinks when you work out because electrolytes. Don't take any protein supplements though because excess protein beyond 180g/day might not be utilized for anabolic processes and instead be converted to body fat. ??????????? Go ahead and chug sugar water and slather jelly on your white bread, though! Nothing could possibly go wrong!
Reading the entire 600+ page ACSM textbook today. Some fun snippets.
-"Among overweight/obese adults who successfully lose 10% of their initial body weight, 33.5% will regain their weight within the first year. Within 5 years, approximately 95% of people regain their weight just below baseline."
Unfortunately the nutrition section of the textbook is based on outdated FDA guidelines from the Ancel Keys era and desperately needs rewriting. Eat as many carbs as possible, drink mainstream sports drinks when you work out because electrolytes. Don't take any protein supplements though because excess protein beyond 180g/day might not be utilized for anabolic processes and instead be converted to body fat. ??????????? Go ahead and chug sugar water and slather jelly on your white bread, though! Nothing could possibly go wrong!
Sounds like you're doing way too much and likely impeding your gains.
Less is more in this regard.
Really, unless you are roided to the gills or only going 1 day a week, 3 hours in the gym is fucking dumb.
Maybe he's admiring all DEM
Gainz in the mirror between sets.
You really do take that long?
Are you doing shitloads of accessory work or long rests? I wouldn't have time for 3 hours! Efficiency is my biggest priority.
the most I need at a gym is two hours but there's plenty of dead time in there, warming up slowly, filling my bottle with water, going to the toilet, changing the music on my MP3, waiting for a machine that is being used...
3 hours of pure exercise,.. damn, that's a lot Count. may I ask, what do you do on a normal three hour session?
I could see myself needing an extra hour for all sorts of ab exercises as they have to be high rep and with plenty of variations, but other than that, I can't see an scenario where I'd need that.
EDIT: now, I think I remember Darth saying once he usually needed as much time too, so I am not condemning anyone here.
How long are you lifting? What does this 3 hour session involve?
Well fuck, seems like I have messed up low carb with excess protein. I have had some 200-250g protein each day for a month and a half, strict 30-40g carbs, 2000kcal and wondering about how easy it is, not feeling any of the carb depletion and loving it. But weight is not going down much either. Progress pics looking near identical.
Doing some research and listening to Kiefer's latest video I learn that body will quite effectively convert protein to blood sugar. So all the time I have been 'low carbing' I have in fact been shooting just more sugar to my blood stream.
Now I have to figure out an effective protein level for my metabolism. Kiefer suggests going as low as 30g protein for fat loss purposes but I think that's a bit crazy. I'm thinking trying 130g first. This means that I must up my fat to stay at 2000kcal since carbs are out of the question too.
Any ideas for fat sources that have no/lo carbs and not very much protein?
Wow. We've come a long way even in just the past ten years. Why hasn't the textbooks kept up?Reading the entire 600+ page ACSM textbook today. Some fun snippets.
-"Among overweight/obese adults who successfully lose 10% of their initial body weight, 33.5% will regain their weight within the first year. Within 5 years, approximately 95% of people regain their weight just below baseline."
Unfortunately the nutrition section of the textbook is based on outdated FDA guidelines from the Ancel Keys era and desperately needs rewriting. Eat as many carbs as possible, drink mainstream sports drinks when you work out because electrolytes. Don't take any protein supplements though because excess protein beyond 180g/day might not be utilized for anabolic processes and instead be converted to body fat. ??????????? Go ahead and chug sugar water and slather jelly on your white bread, though! Nothing could possibly go wrong!
Wow. We've come a long way even in just the past ten years. Why hasn't the textbooks kept up?
Finally noticing some upper body strength changes. Starting to see some visual differences in my traps (some nice little bumps), shoulders, and biceps/triceps. Was able to do 70 lb. working sets with the overhead press today without too much trouble, which is a big improvement considering I was stuck at 60 lbs. for a while.
Also finally managed to hit 10 reps on wide arm pull-ups (is this the right name for the image below?)
Still hovering around 140 -- 150 lbs. for deadlifts and just 110 lbs. for really deep squats. Kind of disappointed in my squat progress, but I reset the weight because I wanted to make sure I was going deep.
CountChocula, what's your height/weight/etc?
Sounds like you're just a genetic freak to me, I dunno.
5'11, 284lbs last i checked (havent weight myself in almost 2 weeks, on keto diet, was 337lbs when i started working out 15 months ago). 35 years old. I feel like i might be genetically blessed but im not sure. My fat belly really kills me, the rest of my body looks fantastic but its the belly fat that just refuses to go away, slowest of my entire body.
p.s. - got my username changed lol, i made this account a long time ago, and ive been using this nick on the gaf channel and prefer it.
From the mouth of Alien
"That chocula dude's routine needs to be nuked from orbit and started over."
Apparently we are both having the same convo with Shogun.
I miss him.![]()
So what should be changed? Just telling me its too much doesn't help me learn anything.
You said you're doing a SS style program, but you aren't, because SS specifically calls for a focus on the big lifts, which you can't do with all that accessory work.
I wouldn't change things, I'd abandon the entire routine for a reputable program.
I got mixed berry, apple pie, and cookie dough.
Mixed berry is nearly inedible, and apple pie and cookie dough are a little bit better.
I tried microwaving the latter 2, and while it did improve the product, it was a race against time to eat them. They became an even worse cement after cooling from the microwave. I can't eat them that fast!
I do my compounds lift first, and the accessories after, how are they not the focus when they're the first thing i do on my compound days and are my main lifts?
So what should be changed? Just telling me its too much doesn't help me learn anything.
If I tell you I run a mile, then go bike 26 miles after, would you say my focus is running?
We've had this discussion too many times before with people, the OP goes into it, we've said it over and over, less is more. 3 hours in the gym for someone with your level of experience is silly and counter-productive. Even for someone with years of experience its too much.
Your routine is poorly designed.
Ilovebish, took a look at your routine, and it looks like there's way too many accessory lifts in it.
Stuff like forearm and (imo, but my traps grow quickly) shrugs aren't neccessery if you do heavy OHP/military stand. Even if you're blazing through them quickly, you could spend that time on heavier lifts that will work those minor muscles just as well in the process.
I think you are ready for 5/3/1 my friend. This will allow you keep your focus on the compounds, but you'll be doing just one main compound a day spread over 4 days and then the rest of the workout is devoted to assistance / hypertrophy. Much better for recovery.
Here's a sample 531 program that I just pulled out of my ass, but should give you an idea of what you can do. 531 is very modular in that, as long as you do your 531 compound with the proper programming, you can pretty much do whatever according to your needs for the rest of the workout.
Squats 531
Romanian Deadlifts
Seated Calf Raises
Curls or whatever
Bench 531
Incline Bench
Skull crushers
Behind head dumbbell
Tricep sideways extension
Deadlift 531
Squats or Front Squats
Chinups and arm work
OHP 531
Arm work, etc.
This will greatly aid your recovery, keeps the focus on strength and the big four but it also allows you to add a bunch of stuff for hypertrophy.
wtf CountChocula, lmao.
I cant remember who posted about the cottage cheese with whey protein, and more goodies in it in the freezer earlier, but THANK YOU, freakin delicious low carb snack!
See, i see your point here 100%, but even with all this work im doing at the gym, im STILL making gains on my compounds. And the forearm machine has helped me quite a bit on other lifts, my forearms were super tiny and from that machine they've gotten much bigger and help me on dumbbell routines. Ive had certain body parts not develop anywhere near as well as others, like forearms, chest, triceps, which is why i pay special attention to them, to make my compound lifts even stronger. Am i making sense?