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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Do reverse grip Zollman curlz brah. Get a pump, feel like coming.

I'm convinced that other than stuff like a Base Smolov's Mesocycle, there are few things as hard, scary and mentally taxing than the advance novice stages of SS. You are doing your 5RM on every compound lift every training session.

At any rate, those are great numbers and it's awesome to see you push yourself like this. Kudos my friend. Please let us know how the session went!

And speaking of hard, today I almost passed out after chin-ups. I did 13, 13, 13, 12, 12 and the last couple of sets were a true grind. I was seeing stars afterwards. Last week I did 13, 13, 12, 12, 12 and it was reasonably hard but nothing like this. I blame it on the change of scenery (new gym) and the fact that I didn't eat my mandatory bananas during OHP beforehand.


Squat 310x3x5... done! Felt easier than 305
Bench Press 180x3x5 done, PR!
Deadlift 315x1x5 not a PR but man it burnt

I tried to take a video but the first dude didn't even play record, the second one deleted it by accident and the third one didn't get the right angle.


Any comments?


the piano man
so, a question for the more experienced members of FitGAF.

today was the third time I saw people going for insane 1RMs or 3RMs on Deadlift, Squat and Bench.

The thing is, all of them had other guys holding the barbell, like, touching it. The Squat guy had another guy from behind spotting for him and helping him go up again . Form wasn't bad, he'd hit parallel but the guy behind was helping, definitely.

If the exercise begins with other people touching the bar or helping get the rep done... isn't it kind of pointless?

I have mad respect for those guys, the bench guy was probably doing more than double his weight, so respect for him.. but I'e been wondering...


so, a question for the more experienced members of FitGAF.

today was the third time I saw people going for insane 1RMs or 3RMs on Deadlift, Squat and Bench.

The thing is, all of them had other guys holding the barbell, like, touching it. The Squat guy had another guy from behind spotting for him and helping him go up again . Form wasn't bad, he'd hit parallel but the guy behind was helping, definitely.

If the exercise begins with other people touching the bar or helping get the rep done... isn't it kind of pointless?

I have mad respect for those guys, the bench guy was probably doing more than double his weight, so respect for him.. but I'e been wondering...

There are good spotters and bad spotters.

Those guys are bad spotters. You only touch the bar if the person is about to fail and hurt themselves. Standing behind someone with your arms out is a bad way to spot a squat anyway.
so, a question for the more experienced members of FitGAF.

today was the third time I saw people going for insane 1RMs or 3RMs on Deadlift, Squat and Bench.

The thing is, all of them had other guys holding the barbell, like, touching it. The Squat guy had another guy from behind spotting for him and helping him go up again . Form wasn't bad, he'd hit parallel but the guy behind was helping, definitely.

If the exercise begins with other people touching the bar or helping get the rep done... isn't it kind of pointless?

I have mad respect for those guys, the bench guy was probably doing more than double his weight, so respect for him.. but I'e been wondering...

A touched bar does not count. That's my personal philosophy.


Felt weak as hell coming into the gym today. Still finished my sets.

Up to 125x10 on my squat rehab, but I might have to dial it down again because some of the lower back pain came back.


the piano man
There are good spotters and bad spotters.

Those guys are bad spotters. You only touch the bar if the person is about to fail and hurt themselves. Standing behind someone with your arms out is a bad way to spot a squat anyway.

A touched bar does not count. That's my personal philosophy.

but I really don't understand,

the guys trying those 1RMs are huge and have been doing this for several years, maybe more than a decade... yet the bench guy had THREE guys, two to the sides of the barbell and a normal front spotter all of them touching the bar... what the hell is that??

he should know by now about this "other guys touching my barbell nullify my rep" thing, shouldn't he?


but I really don't understand,

the guys trying those 1RMs are huge and have been doing this for several years, maybe more than a decade... yet the bench guy had THREE guys, two to the sides of the barbell and a normal front spotter all of them touching the bar... what the hell is that??

he should know by now about this "other guys touching my barbell nullify my rep" thing, shouldn't he?

Maybe he wasn't going for 1RM's, but just wanted some forced reps?


1) they are delicious
2) they won't make you bloated
3) fits in with macros (easy 30 grams of protein)
4) satisfies cravings
5) better than having cookies, donuts and candy.

1. they're mediocre at best
2. they'll bloat you just like any other candy bar would
3. a cheat day isn't about macros
4. cookie dough quest bars are tastier, while filling the same craving, without the "cheat"
5. this isn't an either or, a burger would be far superior
Well fuck, seems like I have messed up low carb with excess protein. I have had some 200-250g protein each day for a month and a half, strict 30-40g carbs, 2000kcal and wondering about how easy it is, not feeling any of the carb depletion and loving it. But weight is not going down much either. Progress pics looking near identical.

Doing some research and listening to Kiefer's latest video I learn that body will quite effectively convert protein to blood sugar. So all the time I have been 'low carbing' I have in fact been shooting just more sugar to my blood stream.

Now I have to figure out an effective protein level for my metabolism. Kiefer suggests going as low as 30g protein for fat loss purposes but I think that's a bit crazy. I'm thinking trying 130g first. This means that I must up my fat to stay at 2000kcal since carbs are out of the question too.

Any ideas for fat sources that have no/lo carbs and not very much protein?

Ha, yeah, I'm learning SS and low-carb/fat-loss diets might not go too well together. Rippletoe himself mentioned that on SS.com.

If you’re a fat guy that has decided to go on the Atkins/Keto/low-carb diet at the same time you started the novice progression, are continually sore, and are stuck at 30 pounds of squat increase, You're Not Doing The Program

Hey, that sounds like me!


but I really don't understand,

the guys trying those 1RMs are huge and have been doing this for several years, maybe more than a decade... yet the bench guy had THREE guys, two to the sides of the barbell and a normal front spotter all of them touching the bar... what the hell is that??

he should know by now about this "other guys touching my barbell nullify my rep" thing, shouldn't he?

It's one thing to have a guy at each side and a guy at the bar when going for a huge PR (that's what they do in a meet) but those people do not touch the bar.


the piano man
It's one thing to have a guy at each side and a guy at the bar when going for a huge PR (that's what they do in a meet) but those people do not touch the bar.

all those plates loaded in the barbell looked so impressive... we all stopped doing what we were doing to see what the hell was going to happen, that weight could have crushed the guy to death.

but yeah, barbell was definitely touched, I am absolutely positive, he did x1 and then x4 with the same weight, but always with several hands helping... it was nice to watch, anyway.


Would you mind sharing some links about this (Google is failing me)? I don't know what you mean by "real insulin speak," but if this were true, that would pretty much rmean Kiefer's Carb Nite book is a bunch of nonsense (and Carb Backloading, too, to an extent). It also would mean that people have to be extremely careful when coming out of ketosis lest they encounter a situation where they have a prolonged period of very high blood sugar.

Oh man, my mind is so full of fuck if what you say is true... Metabolism is so confusing. I can't imagine losing a gram if my carb refeeds were day or two each week

Here is the article.


Its insanely detailed, but definitely a good read.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Here is the article.


Its insanely detailed, but definitely a good read.

Thanks! I read through it, and while I don't claim to understand 100% of it, I don't see anything in there that contradicts what Kiefer talks about in Carb Nite/Carb Backloading. I also don't see anything that indicates insulin spikes can't happen until 24 hours of eating carbs. In fact, this quote seems to state the opposite (assuming that insulin plays a role in glycogen synthesis like I think it does) and falls exactly in line with what Kiefer says:

During the first 24 hours, when enzyme activity is at it’s highest, it appears that the consumption of high glycemic index (GI) foods such as simple sugars promote higher levels of glycogen resynthesis compared to lower GI foods like starches (5,7,8).

Was that the right link? The content seems to support Kiefer's programs more than anything.

Nelo Ice

Well buyin a box of quest bars at gnc got me no discount wih coupon but individually i just paid $12.72 instead of $24 with box an coupon so yay.
Brad Pilon has one idea to fence and continues to milk that to this very day. It's a brilliant idea, found completely independently of Martin's conclusions, but it seems he is trying too hard to capitalize on that idea and so cheapens it with the marketing. He doesn't have much more to say beyond his book, but it's an important starting point for making sense of health and nutrition.

Succinct and direct conclusions make Eat Stop Eat a great read and very dependable. Fitness and nutrition needs more of that.

From the sound of it the content seems well researched and thought out. I find the the marketing style rather abhorrent though.


So I'm going into week 4 of SS next week.... I'll keep this short seeing how the longer it is, the more it doesn't get read/questions don't get answered.

I was only able to do 170 on the bench press 5, 4 , 4 times, and each 4 was kind of like 4 and a half, do I deload back down to 165 or stay at 170 to reach 5, 5 , 5 next week?

As far as everything else goes the gains have been pretty good
something like 180 squat to 230
Deadlift from 155 to 205
Just learned how to do Power cleans the right way, but staarted at 100 for now to get form down. moving up next week.
I was only able to do 170 on the bench press 5, 4 , 4 times, and each 4 was kind of like 4 and a half, do I deload back down to 165 or stay at 170 to reach 5, 5 , 5 next week?
Starting Strength explains it quite well. You get 3 tries to complete 3x5 lifts at any given weight. If you still are not able to to complete the 3 sets of 5 on your third try, you deload.

Those are great gains! Keep up with the good work!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well fuck, seems like I have messed up low carb with excess protein. I have had some 200-250g protein each day for a month and a half, strict 30-40g carbs, 2000kcal and wondering about how easy it is, not feeling any of the carb depletion and loving it. But weight is not going down much either. Progress pics looking near identical.

Doing some research and listening to Kiefer's latest video I learn that body will quite effectively convert protein to blood sugar. So all the time I have been 'low carbing' I have in fact been shooting just more sugar to my blood stream.

Now I have to figure out an effective protein level for my metabolism. Kiefer suggests going as low as 30g protein for fat loss purposes but I think that's a bit crazy. I'm thinking trying 130g first. This means that I must up my fat to stay at 2000kcal since carbs are out of the question too.

Any ideas for fat sources that have no/lo carbs and not very much protein?

Man, I don't even know how you'd consume so little protein (in the extreme case of 30g) while still eliminating carbs. Seems like most good sources of fat have an almost equal amount of protein (in grams). I could only imagine someone chugging cream and dousing everything in olive oil.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
The essential parts of a low carb diet are the low sugar and high protein+fiber. That keeps your satiety up and improves your insulin sensitivity, and the abundance of protein turns your body away from muscle catabolism . For weight loss to happen you need to be in a caloric deficit no matter what your macros look like ratio-wise; keto isn't magic.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The essential parts of a low carb diet are the low sugar and high protein+fiber. That keeps your satiety up and improves your insulin sensitivity, and the abundance of protein turns your body away from muscle catabolism . For weight loss to happen you need to be in a caloric deficit no matter what your macros look like ratio-wise; keto isn't magic.

Don't think it's as clear cut as that, particularly the "caloric deficit" stuff, unless all you mean is that there's a capacity to the amount of certain kinds of food you can eat under certain circumstances and if you go over that you will store fat tissue. I realize it's not a popular opinion in this fitness thread (or many nutrition threads for that matter), but I've seen too much that indicates that it's not just about the calories, regardless of their source.

Also, being in a state where your body utilizes ketogenesis makes it pretty difficult to lose muscle mass from what I can tell, as it's primarily breaking down fatty acids instead of going to muscle tissue. In such a state, the focus after keeping carbs low should be on getting more fat in your diet than protein.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Don't think it's as clear cut as that, particularly the "caloric deficit" stuff, unless all you mean is that there's a capacity to the amount of certain kinds of food you can eat under certain circumstances and if you go over that you will store fat tissue. I realize it's not a popular opinion in this fitness thread (or many nutrition threads for that matter), but I've seen too much that indicates that it's not just about the calories, regardless of their source.

Also, being in a state where your body utilizes ketogenesis makes it pretty difficult to lose muscle mass from what I can tell, as it's primarily breaking down fatty acids instead of going to muscle tissue. In such a state, the focus after keeping carbs low should be on getting more fat in your diet than protein.

Your macronutrient profile will have many influences on metabolic processes and hormone response, which will change your energy levels, your willpower and hunger levels, your ability to readily store or burn fat tissue and gain or lose muscle. All true, yes.

If you're eating x calories and burning x calories, though, you're not going to lose weight, on low carb or otherwise. If you're a beginner in weightlifting you can add muscle and lose fat at caloric equilibrium, but that only holds up as long as you can readily add more muscle; in Sean's case he's just going to be treading water.

Extreme low carb high protein has not been found to be different in muscle sparing compared to a high carb high protein diet during a weight loss plan of equal calories (and protein)/day, and was shown to be equivalent in satiety, too, so I'm going to go with the high protein being the relevant factor there.


Gotta be careful with low carb, high protein. Too much protein and it becomes carbs. Protein may also cause similar insulin spikes as sugar.

Also I am pretty sure that if you're on keto, any extra fat you eat gets peed out when it's converted in ketones since your body can't store them. So you could technically lose weight even if you're eating over maintenance (provided the extra calories come from fat).


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Also I am pretty sure that if you're on keto, any extra fat you eat gets peed out when it's converted in ketones since your body can't store them. So you could technically lose weight even if you're eating over maintenance (provided the extra calories come from fat).

I'm glad drinking 50,000 calories a day in oil is cool on keto. Let's try melting Abrams plating with my Super Ketone Breath and Pee!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Your macronutrient profile will have many influences on metabolic processes and hormone response, which will change your energy levels, your willpower and hunger levels, your ability to readily store or burn fat tissue and gain or lose muscle. All true, yes.

And because of this--this insanely complicated set of circumstances--I personally think it's just ridiculous to come up with a number and stick to it. I guess it works as a general guideline for some people, but it bothers me that calories remain the focus of everything diet and fitness related.

If you're eating x calories and burning x calories, though, you're not going to lose weight, on low carb or otherwise.

Sure, but unless you have a full understanding of how your body works (no one does), you'll never be in a situation where you can know for sure that X piece of food can be negated by Y session of exercise. There are just way too many factors at play that determine how and when nutrients are used (or not). I mean, the mere fact that bros time their big ass protein shake for after a workout shows that they understand timing can be an important factor, right? No one would say you can have your protein shake along with all of your meals for the day all at once in the morning (as long as it fits your macros!) and still enjoy the same muscle-building and fat-burning effects, would they?

Extreme low carb high protein has not been found to be different in muscle sparing compared to a high carb high protein diet during a weight loss plan of equal calories (and protein)/day, and was shown to be equivalent in satiety, too, so I'm going to go with the high protein being the relevant factor there.

I believe this makes sense because in both situations the body is running on glucose for the most part. In absence of carbs (easy glucose), and when not using ketogenesis, the body will turn protein into glucose via neoglucogenesis. If protein isn't provided through the diet, it will turn to muscle tissue for its needs. However, when the body is adapted to use ketogenesis, it will prioritize the breaking down of fatty acids for energy.

That's my understanding of it at least.


the piano man
Question for people with a keen eye and good muscle senses

I think I just found the body I'd like to attain once "everything is said and done", here are 2 pics (it's the same person):



you guys think this body is natural?? can this be attainable with nothing else than the usual creatine/protein? guy looks big but not like a BB competitor...

this is going to take fucking forever, right? 8 years, 10 years the least?? that sucks, I am 35, looking as good as that by the time when I am 45? shit.... stupid me for not beginning earlier.


Thanks! I read through it, and while I don't claim to understand 100% of it, I don't see anything in there that contradicts what Kiefer talks about in Carb Nite/Carb Backloading. I also don't see anything that indicates insulin spikes can't happen until 24 hours of eating carbs. In fact, this quote seems to state the opposite (assuming that insulin plays a role in glycogen synthesis like I think it does) and falls exactly in line with what Kiefer says:

Was that the right link? The content seems to support Kiefer's programs more than anything.

In particular here:

Regardless of carbohydrate intake, there is a maximal amount of glycogen which can be synthesized in a given amount of time. That is to say, consuming all of your carbohydrates in a 4 hour time span, with the goal of returning to ketogenic eating that much sooner, will not work. Only when the proper amount of carbohydrates is consumed over a sufficient period of time, can glycogen compensation and/or supercompensation occur. Following exhaustive exercise and full glycogen depletion, glycogen can be resynthesized to 100% of normal levels (roughly 100-110 mmol/kg) within 24 hours as long as sufficient amounts of carbohydrate are consumed (1,2). Assuming full depletion of the involved muscles, the amount of carbohydrate needed during this time period is 8-10 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of lean body mass (8-10 g/kg). With 36 hours of carb-loading, roughly 150% compensation can occur, reaching levels of 150-160 mmol/kg of muscle glycogen.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Have any of you tried Penetrex and can vouch for it?

It's highly popular on Amazon, but I'm always skeptical of alternative medicine. Does it really work? I get this constant knee tendinitis after running and I really don't want to continue taking painkillers for it all the time. Figured I'd try something new.
Sorry to intrude, but I didn't see a running/jogging thread. :)

Any have a good jogging app for iOS? My wife has an Android one that Actually breaks down her running and walking, so she has a graph of peaks and valleys.

I haven't been able to find one yet for iOS. I did see MapMyRun, but that is subscription-based, and I can't justify the monthly charge for that; and, the free version doesnt have that function.

Any help would be appreciated. Just started the C25K, and just completed the 2nd week. Yay me! :D

Thanks, everyone.


Question for people with a keen eye and good muscle senses

I think I just found the body I'd like to attain once "everything is said and done", here are 2 pics (it's the same person):

you guys think this body is natural?? can this be attainable with nothing else than the usual creatine/protein? guy looks big but not like a BB competitor...

this is going to take fucking forever, right? 8 years, 10 years the least?? that sucks, I am 35, looking as good as that by the time when I am 45? shit.... stupid me for not beginning earlier.

That guy is huge lol. Looks like a BB just not contest ready of course.

I think physique goals are great, but I think its a healthier mindset to compete with yourself. Genetics, muscle insertions and bellies, etc, vary widely, so I prefer to compete with myself instead of looking like X person.


Sorry to intrude, but I didn't see a running/jogging thread. :)

Any have a good jogging app for iOS? My wife has an Android one that Actually breaks down her running and walking, so she has a graph of peaks and valleys.

I haven't been able to find one yet for iOS. I did see MapMyRun, but that is subscription-based, and I can't justify the monthly charge for that; and, the free version doesnt have that function.

Any help would be appreciated. Just started the C25K, and just completed the 2nd week. Yay me! :D

Thanks, everyone.


I used Runkeeper for C25K. You can create an interval program with the free version.


Thinking about going on a 4 day upper/lower split. I already work out 4 days as it is, but do each body part once per week. Figured if I made the switch to upper/lower, I'd still work out 4 days but I'd hit each body part twice a week.

I generally find that doing 2 big compound movements in the same session really hard though. And if I were to do it, I know I wouldn't be able to give my all on the second lift. How many exercises are you supposed to do for each body part on a split like this?


the piano man
That guy is huge lol. Looks like a BB just not contest ready of course.

I think physique goals are great, but I think its a healthier mindset to compete with yourself. Genetics, muscle insertions and bellies, etc, vary widely, so I prefer to compete with myself instead of looking like X person.

well, it's more like the kind of physique I'd like to have, of course it will be my version of that.

mmhh. I am not sure he is or could be a pro BB, I have friends that look like that and they'd never consider themselves pro... with potential? sure, but more than that...I don't know.
My fat is melting away slowly eleven though I am bulking. I am trying to stick to clean bulking although am not too serious about it, I stuff my face after the gym, but try to keep it low carb...

Anyway it's exciting to see where I'll end up


That guy is huge lol. Looks like a BB just not contest ready of course.

I think physique goals are great, but I think its a healthier mindset to compete with yourself. Genetics, muscle insertions and bellies, etc, vary widely, so I prefer to compete with myself instead of looking like X person.

Exactly. I would love to look like a number of people, but the fact is you can't choose the cards in your hands and you're better off making the best of yourself.

Be the best you that you can be, Sphinx :) and just remember you're already ahead of the majority of the population because you get out there and work your ass off.


Gold Member
In particular here:

Hmm I think we might be discussing two different things. Kiefer's main thesis as I understand it is that a high insuling spike over 8 hours resumes your leptin and thyroid balance for the next week, whereas in the material you linked the main goal of the carbs oher 24-48h is to fill your muscles with juice for exercise. Former is to avoid stalls and hormonal issues, latter is to lift better.


Goddamn this skinny ass dude is loading up the bar and benching high. There's literally a foot+ between his chest and the bar.

I wish the gym had a big ego check box near the entrance.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Question for people with a keen eye and good muscle senses

I think I just found the body I'd like to attain once "everything is said and done", here are 2 pics (it's the same person):

you guys think this body is natural?? can this be attainable with nothing else than the usual creatine/protein? guy looks big but not like a BB competitor...

this is going to take fucking forever, right? 8 years, 10 years the least?? that sucks, I am 35, looking as good as that by the time when I am 45? shit.... stupid me for not beginning earlier.

Go for it sphinx! Yes, it will take a long time and you may not look exactly like him but if that's your goal then saddle up and go!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
In particular here:

I guess I'm just not seeing it. Kiefer's Carb Nite isn't really about replenishing glycogen so much as it's about spiking insulin hard a few times in one night to take advantage of hormones that aid in fat burning, such as leptin, and that last for multiple days after a Carb Nite.

His Carb Back Loading book does have more of a glycogen replenishment aspect to it, but that's because it tends to focus on hard-ass training multiple times a week. The quote you selected does say that glycogen levels can be replenished fairly quickly after exhaustive exercise, so this falls in line, too.

The Lamp

I'm trying to follow the routine in the OP but I've watched a couple of videos and I'm still confused as to how the hell to pull off a power clean...(and it looks noisy and distracting to other people lol). It looks clumsy and hard to do. Any good explanations as to how to do the power clean, video or written?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm trying to follow the routine in the OP but I've watched a couple of videos and I'm still confused as to how the hell to pull off a power clean...(and it looks noisy and distracting to other people lol). It looks clumsy and hard to do. Any good explanations as to how to do the power clean, video or written?

I, too, am interested. I've been doing the Practical Programming routine because I'm too intimidated by the power clean.


I've had my suspicions, but never bothered to ask anyone.

There are 65lb barbells in my gym and I've been using them the last several months interchangeably with the 45's. Initially, I just thought I was weaker from my last workout lol.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I've had my suspicions, but never bothered to ask anyone.

There are 65lb barbells in my gym and I've been using them the last several months interchangeably with the 45's. Initially, I just thought I was weaker from my last workout lol.

Funny. My gym claims all their BBs are 50 but one which is 45 pounds. The 45lb one in question is clearly thinner and seems to weigh less but I just chalk it up to my mind playing tricks on me. One of these days I will weigh them all. So there is a decent chance that most of my PRs are actually 5 lbs more!
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