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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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I don't understand the myfitnesspa App.... at all.

it prompst me to upload everything, fine. but because it rarely recognizes what I eat with the bar code feature, I have to search for it and when I put " Tomato" if gives me tomatoes on all sizes, variations and sometimes with brands included.. I mean, it's one fucking middle sized tomato, plain and simple, this thing couldn't be any less intuitive.

but I put up with it and upload everything, maybe at the end of it, I will get useful information.

No, turns out I am uploadaing stuff for that one particular day and I have to do it for every single day.... so if I go to a restaurant, I have to spend another hour figuring out how to put the stuff I'll get to eat in this godawful app, only for it to not consider my activites and give me moronic advices, it does not understand I want to bulk.

but the thing is popular so I am probably an idiot who needs to learn how the use it.

any help??? I really need to count everything... I am pretty certain I am eating bad, quantity and quality wise and I need to change that. I'll never get the volume I am looking for like this.

EDIT: o.k first things first. I am 5'5, 150 lbs. and train 4 times a week. I want to add mass and volume so I am supposed to be doing a clean bulk,

what should my daily numbers look like regarding my macros??

How can i know with exact precision what my macros should be?? The app told me 2500 calories would be a good number, for example..is that a good advice considering my heigh and weight?

2500 seems like a good bulking range for you numbers, to me at least.

If you search for 'tomato' in the database, you should get a bunch of plain, simple entries for a regular tomato, just like you're looking for. I usually check the first bunch on the list to make sure the macros are all in the same range or ballpark, then I just add one. The number of "verified" entries in the database also help a lot, and are usually spot on if they have a bunch of "verified" checks or whatever they call em.

A lot of people don't even input their veggies into their day on MFP, and just track every other food. Veggies are not going to be the reason why you either didn't lose weight (if you're cutting) or didn't out on weight (if you're bulking).

As for restaurants, I think MFP has a pretty vast amount of entries in the database, at least where I am. The meals are usually in there. If not, a) ask a server if they have the information anywhere in the restaurant, b) check the restaurants website to see if it's there. If all else fails, and you really want to track that meal, get a surefire meal that you can just make up yourself in the app, like chicken or steak or something with minimal sauces/sides.


Height:6'2 and a half
Weight: 172
Goal: T
Current Training Schedule:Monday-Thursday
Current Training Equipment Available:All gym facilities

Comments: Ok guys, I have mainly worked out cardio only on the treadmill and been thinking of moving onto weight lifting but I have no idea really what to do. I would like to have a little bit more muscle of course and not to have a little flabby stomach so I'd like to see all my body nicely "tight" if that makes sense? I am athletic fit from cardio workouts but I would like to shape my body a little bit more in a good way with nice posture and having my little pouch at the bottom of my body, and my glutes, to be more shaped.

What is the best thing for me to do? Would be much appreciated :)

Read the OP. Buy a copy of Starting Strength. Do a beginner program for 6 months or so, 3 days a week.

That's the best advice for your exact position.


Unconfirmed Member
Read the OP. Buy a copy of Starting Strength. Do a beginner program for 6 months or so, 3 days a week.

That's the best advice for your exact position.

Thanks man. I do have the starting strength book so is it best to follow that then for 6th months, to "bulk" with muscle added upon me, and then "cut" down?


Thinking about going on a 4 day upper/lower split. I already work out 4 days as it is, but do each body part once per week. Figured if I made the switch to upper/lower, I'd still work out 4 days but I'd hit each body part twice a week.

I generally find that doing 2 big compound movements in the same session really hard though. And if I were to do it, I know I wouldn't be able to give my all on the second lift. How many exercises are you supposed to do for each body part on a split like this?



the piano man

thanks for the advice above. I wished I could suggest something but I am not as experienced, You could try 2 compounds but be careful, doing squats and deadlifts in a single session could hit your lower back a bit too much, I wouldn't put them in the same workout session, but that's me...

turns out I am extremely low on carbs....all I've cared about until know was protein, as it is the popular thing to do but I've neglected the other macros significantly...

rice and pasta should be good sources for carbs, right? any other healthy suggestions?


Thanks man. I do have the starting strength book so is it best to follow that then for 6th months, to "bulk" with muscle added upon me, and then "cut" down?

I don't think beginners should ever get weighed down by "bulk" and "cut" shit, that's better saved for later. Foolow the program, make sure you eat plenty, and even with some added fat you'll add enough muscle to look better overall; then you can worry about more complex shit. F;or now, keep is simple.



I only have anecdotal advice.

I have two friends into lifting. One does a 2/2 split like you're interested in and one keeps it simple, one compound a week with 3 accessory exercises. They're both strong but the one with one compound a week has about 50-60 pounds on the other guy for each lift (and they've both been at it about the same time)


My back finally healed from the nair burning my back, a little over 2 weeks i think. So FINALLY went back to do squats. New PR set, 330lbs 3x5. Also, made huge gains on my triceps, i was doing pyramids on the Dip machine, starting at 30lbs, going up 15lbs per 10 reps, and last time i got to 270 before my arms gave out. Happy that i hit the stack full today, went from 30lbs all the way to 330lbs strait. Huge improvement and i feel like i am nearly done hitting the triceps for improvement.

Hmm I think we might be discussing two different things. Kiefer's main thesis as I understand it is that a high insuling spike over 8 hours resumes your leptin and thyroid balance for the next week, whereas in the material you linked the main goal of the carbs oher 24-48h is to fill your muscles with juice for exercise. Former is to avoid stalls and hormonal issues, latter is to lift better.

I guess I'm just not seeing it. Kiefer's Carb Nite isn't really about replenishing glycogen so much as it's about spiking insulin hard a few times in one night to take advantage of hormones that aid in fat burning, such as leptin, and that last for multiple days after a Carb Nite.

His Carb Back Loading book does have more of a glycogen replenishment aspect to it, but that's because it tends to focus on hard-ass training multiple times a week. The quote you selected does say that glycogen levels can be replenished fairly quickly after exhaustive exercise, so this falls in line, too.

I get what you guys are saying, but keto isn't a new thing, its 150+ years old and proven to work. Once i realized that carb nite is just a modified keto, i did a lot of research and spoke to lots of people on keto. People for the most part do no carb refeeds, or if they do, its min 24 hours, usually 36 hours long. I also had much more success using the 36 hour reload then i ever did on the 8 hour like carb nite says. Since then, ive gone off of carb reloads entirely, and i have as much energy as ever, making gains at the gym and look best ive been, and clothes fitting looser. I stopped weighing myself, will do it once or twice a month. Everyone is different, so i can't say one or the other. Also, kiefer himself says that there will be times when the body adapts and his setup stops working, could be weeks to months. Its possible it happened to me insanely quickly. If you guys are seeing weight loss and things are working out, keep going. But if you get stuck, i would try switching things up.

Noticed that some people in this thread are cutting so I decided to inject some carbs into it.

I ain't even mad bro. I have a big issue where i have NO appetite AT ALL, i have to force myself to eat everyday now, its kinda pathetic since i need to eat so much everyday just to be under my macros.

Love days when I can up the weight and do my work sets without struggling. Really hits that success gratification part of the brain.

Carb night tonight, so I got things started with a ripe banana immediately after the gym and just followed up with a big-ass cup of chocolate milk and two scoops of protein powder. Tonight's menu is curry and rice. Then a bit later it's time to slam the cookies, pastries, and ice cream!

Even kiefers example carb nite meals arent really insane on the sugary sweets. He recommends a tiny amount, and honestly, i stopped eating anything with sugar in it a while back and have no regrets. From the way the book reads, i expected to do the same with crazy carb nites going nuts, but his example carb nites are VERY tame in comparison to how he makes it sound in the book. IMO of course.


I only have anecdotal advice.

I have two friends into lifting. One does a 2/2 split like you're interested in and one keeps it simple, one compound a week with 3 accessory exercises. They're both strong but the one with one compound a week has about 50-60 pounds on the other guy for each lift (and they've both been at it about the same time)

So you're saying that the guy who does 1 compound lift a week is stronger? Why does he only do one a week? Confused, as it seems like the other guy who does upper/lower body should be progressing faster (giving he does the basic compounds like bench/squat/dead).

You're telling me your friend whose routine is mainly accessory movements is stronger, even though everyone in here would likely tell me not to follow a routine like that?


Gold Member
How can i know with exact precision what my macros should be?? The app told me 2500 calories would be a good number, for example..is that a good advice considering my heigh and weight?

EDIT: well, it just suggested the following:

2,550 Calories / Day
Carbs / Day 351 g
Fat / Day 85 g
Protein / Day 96 g (the fuck?? I am supposed to reach 150...)

should I pay attention to this suggestions??

You don't. It's highly individual. For example, I am a physically active 210lbs 6'3 guy. Stats suggest I should be able to cut with 2000kcal / day. No such luck, my BMR seems to be much lower. I would maybe need closer to 1500kcal to lose now. Only way to know is to try and adjust. Or, get your BMr tested, I plan to do so next week.

Also, protein wisdom varies, but definitely in your case when bulking shoot higher, 150-200g maybe. Welcome to the frustrating world of individual metabolism where stuff you read isn't always applicable to you.


Sphinx, there is no way for an app to tell you exactly how/what you should eat after you answer some questions about yourself. You should go the website and edit the macros to your liking if you want. But really, you should just look at the numbers you're consuming, and forget about hitting the targets MFP sets for you.


So you're saying that the guy who does 1 compound lift a week is stronger? Why does he only do one a week? Confused, as it seems like the other guy who does upper/lower body should be progressing faster (giving he does the basic compounds like bench/squat/dead).

You're telling me your friend whose routine is mainly accessory movements is stronger, even though everyone in here would likely tell me not to follow a routine like that?

I think he typoed and means the friend who does one compound a workout is stronger than theone who does 2 a workout.


Well that's interesting. What about SS, where it's ALL compounds and you're doing 3 a day?

Has more to do with being a beginner and being overall efficient. Sure your squat could go up faster if that's all you did, but it's more efficient as a beginner to do it that way. Once you're getting close to your max, this no longer applies.
So to update you guys on my leg workouts. Got a guy at the gym to help me with my squats, and did some jump roping (does this help your leg or is it cardio only?) and some other exercises you guys suggested.

Felt good, I kinda hate squats already, but I also love them :).

Are box jumps and squats the way to go if you want to jump higher ?


the piano man
Are box jumps and squats the way to go if you want to jump higher ?

use a trampoline, it's the best you can do to get some spring and jump high.



So you're saying that the guy who does 1 compound lift a week is stronger? Why does he only do one a week? Confused, as it seems like the other guy who does upper/lower body should be progressing faster (giving he does the basic compounds like bench/squat/dead).

You're telling me your friend whose routine is mainly accessory movements is stronger, even though everyone in here would likely tell me not to follow a routine like that?

Nah the guy who does upper/lower isn't making as much progress because he keeps hitting plateus and has to deload. Basically, he's well past being a beginner and SHOULD move to something like 5/3/1 but doesn't want to.

The other moved to 5/3/1 long ago, also we ran Coan's together for 2 cycles and I think he's doing the cube method before the next meet in the fall.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Originally Posted by Cudder

Thinking about going on a 4 day upper/lower split. I already work out 4 days as it is, but do each body part once per week. Figured if I made the switch to upper/lower, I'd still work out 4 days but I'd hit each body part twice a week.

I generally find that doing 2 big compound movements in the same session really hard though. And if I were to do it, I know I wouldn't be able to give my all on the second lift. How many exercises are you supposed to do for each body part on a split like this?

I think you answered your question in your second paragraph. If you find doing 2 compounds in a session too much and that your second exercise tends to suffer, I wouldn't do it. Everyone is different with volume and recovery time. I squat twice a week and do pull ups twice a week. Although one day is strictly body weight pull ups and muscle ups while the other day is weighted pull ups and part of my back day. I have found that hitting each muscle once a week and allowing myself plenty of recovery time works best for me. Everyone is different though and you really need to find what works best for you if you are far past the beginner stage.
look into this:

The Periodization Bible

This option is based on an article written by Dave Tate called "The Periodization Bible, Part 1". If you havent read it yet, go do so now.

Basically, it takes the Westside approach to lifting, throws out everything about max effort and conjugate method and all that, and just leaves the method for doing accessory work. It says that you should determine your accessory work based on the most frequently-taxed muscles that are used during that exercise. It looks something like this:

Military Press (5/3/1)
• Shoulders or Chest – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips, Pushups)
• Lats or Upper Back – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB rows, Bent Over Rows, Chins, T-bar Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs)
• Triceps – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions)

Deadlift (5/3/1)
• Hamstrings – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Curls, Glute-Ham Raise)
• Quads – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Press, Lunges, Hack Squats)
• Abs – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Sit-ups, Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bend)

Bench Press (5/3/1)
• Shoulders or Chest – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB bench, DB Incline, DB Military, Incline press, Dips, Pushups)
• Lats or Upper Back – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (DB rows, Bent Over Rows, Chins, T-bar Rows, Lat Pulldowns, Face Pulls, Shrugs)
• Triceps – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Triceps Pushdowns or Triceps Extensions)

Squat (5/3/1)
• Low Back – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Reverse Hyper, Back Raise, Good Morning)
• Quads – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Leg Press, Lunges, Hack Squats)
• Abs – 5 sets of 10-20 reps (Sit-ups, Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Wheel, DB Side Bend)

You go to the gym 4 days a week, you still do all your main compound lifts but you hit each body part twice a week. I liked it a lot.


I think you answered your question in your second paragraph. If you find doing 2 compounds in a session too much and that your second exercise tends to suffer, I wouldn't do it. Everyone is different with volume and recovery time. I squat twice a week and do pull ups twice a week. Although one day is strictly body weight pull ups and muscle ups while the other day is weighted pull ups and part of my back day. I have found that hitting each muscle once a week and allowing myself plenty of recovery time works best for me. Everyone is different though and you really need to find what works best for you if you are far past the beginner stage.

I do essentially do 2 compound movements (sometimes) with what I do now (always do Bench/incline/decline+Dips for chest/tris, sometimes do Deadlifts with pullups for back.) I think what I am trying to say is that I can't Deadlift or Squat in the same workout. I mean, I could, the weight/volume is just not going to be there for the second exercise if I go hard on the first. I've never tried to couple Bench with Squat or Deadlifts on the same day, so I'm not sure if I couldn't handle that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sit back, not down. Seems to me like you're dropping down as one would in a high bar squat. It also looked like you lost extension in both your upper and lower back in the bottom position. Try to make sure sure that you keep your chest up, upper back tight, cervical spinal erectors back (push your head back towards the bar) and maintain the load and tension on your hamstrings as you sit back. I'm sure someone will post the picture from 70sbig soon enough.

EDIT: Also, you may find it easier if you don't look down so much. A lot of people read Rippetoe's advice in SS about looking downward (and his objections to looking up) and then take it too far. Your head position should be pretty much neutral, your gaze pointing slightly downward. I'm pretty sure in SS it's recommended to look at a spot on the floor several metres away.

Thanks a lot!

I don't think I really understand the difference between sitting down and sitting back, but I'll look into it. Maybe I need a wider stance? In the mean time, I'll definitely try to apply your advice about the head position. SS says to put your chin down slightly and pick a spot on the ground 4 or 5 feet in front of you and to focus on it. Unfortunately, all of the equipment is up against the wall in the gyms I go to, so there isn't even 4 or 5 feet. I'll try adjusting my gaze a bit more and focusing on pushing my had back towards the bar.

Also, I'm curious about the 70sbig picture if you have a link to it.


the piano man
Dear members of FitGAF, the time has come, go out there, take off those shirts and show those gainz with pride.

Summer is here, we have 30C°/86F° here in Germany, is Sunday and sunny as fuck so I decided to do this a free, outdoor cardio day, get some sun and enjoy myself.

As I arrived at the side of the river and began warming up like I always do I noticed everybody was shirtless... everybody... I said "O.k let's do this" took it off and ran 12 miles getting sun and enjoying myself.

on my path, I got 2 honks from cars, 1 girl and 1 guy saying hi :-D . .

everybody go and enjoy yourselves.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I do essentially do 2 compound movements (sometimes) with what I do now (always do Bench/incline/decline+Dips for chest/tris, sometimes do Deadlifts with pullups for back.) I think what I am trying to say is that I can't Deadlift or Squat in the same workout. I mean, I could, the weight/volume is just not going to be there for the second exercise if I go hard on the first. I've never tried to couple Bench with Squat or Deadlifts on the same day, so I'm not sure if I couldn't handle that.

Anytime you are not getting your absolute best effort on a compound I would rethink your routine. This is just my opinion. I always start with a compound while I am fresh. It is the focus of every workout and the only thing I care about that day. For example, my Shoulder/tri day is as follows:

OHP- I start with it. No super-setting. 10,8,6,4. The only 2 I really care about are the 6 and the 4. I usually start with 135x10 and 155x8. At that point my next two weights are dependent on how the first two went and how I feel. Typically I shoot for 170x6 and 190/195x4. After that is done I move on to my delts/tri super-sets.

front raises/Weighted dips or CGBP
side raises/Cable pull downs (palms up)
rear raises

Done. That's my Thurs and has been for a couple years now.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I get what you guys are saying, but keto isn't a new thing, its 150+ years old and proven to work. Once i realized that carb nite is just a modified keto, i did a lot of research and spoke to lots of people on keto. People for the most part do no carb refeeds, or if they do, its min 24 hours, usually 36 hours long. I also had much more success using the 36 hour reload then i ever did on the 8 hour like carb nite says. Since then, ive gone off of carb reloads entirely, and i have as much energy as ever, making gains at the gym and look best ive been, and clothes fitting looser. I stopped weighing myself, will do it once or twice a month. Everyone is different, so i can't say one or the other. Also, kiefer himself says that there will be times when the body adapts and his setup stops working, could be weeks to months. Its possible it happened to me insanely quickly. If you guys are seeing weight loss and things are working out, keep going. But if you get stuck, i would try switching things up.

No one's claiming that keto is new, nor is the idea of carb refeeding, but Carb Nite is less about a proper carb refeeding and more about the "sparking" of certain hormones. Obviously, do whatever works for you. I'm still pretty new to properly doing Carb Nite, so I can't quite speak to how effective it is on me yet. It seems like a pretty good plan long term for my needs, but I'll have to give it a few more months before deciding. Obviously if it has negative results, I'll end up trying something else.

One thing Kiefer does mention is that it's probably not a good idea to keep carbs completely out of your system for long periods of time. This was in a video, so I'm not sure where his research on this originates, but it would seem to mirror my experience with prolonged ultra-low carb and stalling when it comes to fat loss.

Even kiefers example carb nite meals arent really insane on the sugary sweets. He recommends a tiny amount, and honestly, i stopped eating anything with sugar in it a while back and have no regrets. From the way the book reads, i expected to do the same with crazy carb nites going nuts, but his example carb nites are VERY tame in comparison to how he makes it sound in the book. IMO of course.

The few examples at the end of the book seem pretty high in sugar to me. Biscuits and jelly, peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream, cookies, Oreo milkshakes, blueberry pie, rice pudding, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, donuts, etc. Also, I've watched a lot of his videos, read his forums posts, and listened to him talk on podcasts, and sugary foods (just not junk like soda and juice) seem to fit right into the diet on carb nites.


Anytime you are not getting your absolute best effort on a compound I would rethink your routine. This is just my opinion. I always start with a compound while I am fresh. It is the focus of every workout and the only thing I care about that day. For example, my Shoulder/tri day is as follows:

OHP- I start with it. No super-setting. 10,8,6,4. The only 2 I really care about are the 6 and the 4. I usually start with 135x10 and 155x8. At that point my next two weights are dependent on how the first two went and how I feel. Typically I shoot for 170x6 and 190/195x4. After that is done I move on to my delts/tri super-sets.

front raises/Weighted dips or CGBP
side raises/Cable pull downs (palms up)
rear raises

Done. That's my Thurs and has been for a couple years now.

That is essentially what I do now in regards to my compound lifts. Always begin workout with them, and I also keep my first 2 sets the same in terms of weight (I might do a couple more reps on them if I feel good). But the next 2 sets are where I either try to increase weight and get same amount of reps as last week, or keep the weight the same and do at least one more rep.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That is essentially what I do now in regards to my compound lifts. Always begin workout with them, and I also keep my first 2 sets the same in terms of weight (I might do a couple more reps on them if I feel good). But the next 2 sets are where I either try to increase weight and get same amount of reps as last week, or keep the weight the same and do at least one more rep.

And it's not working for you?


Dear Fitness GAF I ran into a problem, and don't know what to do
After doing Starting Strength, and cutting calories down to 1800 a day In the last week (week 3 of SS) I am stuck at 233 pounds ......

Now after doing some research it seem's like alot of sites are saying, since I go to the gym, and workout etc that I should be eating somewhere around 2500 calories ......

although I swear I read somewhere that 1800 was the level for extreme weight loss, which is my goal (trying to hit 205 - 210)...... so what do I do, stick it out at 1800, or should I eat more and go to 2500???

I realize something like macros might work better, but its hard enough counting calories, having to worry about getting 96 grams of fat, 300 of protein etc sounds like a lot of organization for someone who is generally very disorganized


Good workout today! First an hour at the gym, with squats, deadlift, benchpress and lying tricep extensions. Immediately followed by an hour long hike in the mountains. Four kilometers going up, then running all the way down. Getting back home to eat was heavenly :)


And it's not working for you?

It is working. I've essentially been doing the same thing in the gym for 2 years (2 body parts per workout, once a week).

Mon- Chest/Tris
Tues- Back/Bis
Wed- Off
Thurs- Shoulders
Fri- Legs
Sat- Off
Sun- Off

Although my Squat has been somewhat sporadic/problematic in terms of gains, one week I'll do 10 reps at 225, the next week I can do only half that, wtf?

I guess a part of me just wants change in the routine to see if I progress faster I suppose.

Dear Fitness GAF I ran into a problem, and don't know what to do
After doing Starting Strength, and cutting calories down to 1800 a day In the last week (week 3 of SS) I am stuck at 233 pounds ......

Now after doing some research it seem's like alot of sites are saying, since I go to the gym, and workout etc that I should be eating somewhere around 2500 calories ......

although I swear I read somewhere that 1800 was the level for extreme weight loss, which is my goal (trying to hit 205 - 210)...... so what do I do, stick it out at 1800, or should I eat more and go to 2500???

I realize something like macros might work better, but its hard enough counting calories, having to worry about getting 96 grams of fat, 300 of protein etc sounds like a lot of organization for someone who is generally very disorganized

I've heard of people cutting and doing SS before, but it's going to be hard keeping up with SS if "extreme weight loss" is your goal.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
It is working. I've essentially been doing the same thing in the gym for 2 years (2 body parts per workout, once a week).

Mon- Chest/Tris
Tues- Back/Bis
Wed- Off
Thurs- Shoulders
Fri- Legs
Sat- Off
Sun- Off

Although my Squat has been somewhat sporadic/problematic in terms of gains, one week I'll do 10 reps at 225, the next week I can do only half that, wtf?

I guess a part of me just wants change in the routine to see if I progress faster I suppose.

Here's a suggestion.

Mon- Chest/Bis
Tues- Legs
Wed- off
Thurs- Shoulders
Fri- Back/Tris
Sat- off
Sun- off

This gives plenty of time for your chest to shine with the rest between tris and the same for your back with bis getting a full three days off. You're also hitting bis and tris 1.5 times a week due to the involvement they play in chest and back days.


the piano man
question to everyone doing/suggesting one leg session in a complete one week round.

what do you do to cover all of the different part in your legs??

we have:


the thing I've come up with, is that I rotate between front leg and back leg, like this.

A) Front
Hig bar squat
Quads (leg extensions, leg presses)
Calves (I know, is on the back of the leg but it fits here)

B) Back
High bar Squat

Ideally I'd be hitting both A and B in a single week... but I normally don't.., not enough time for all that...Specially B, I don't take it as seriously yet, A) is my main leg workout, B) is kind of an afterthought..yeah I lack continuity, have to work on that.


Here's a suggestion.

Mon- Chest/Bis
Tues- Legs
Wed- off
Thurs- Shoulders
Fri- Back/Tris
Sat- off
Sun- off

This gives plenty of time for your chest to shine with the rest between tris and the same for your back with bis getting a full three days off. You're also hitting bis and tris 1.5 times a week due to the involvement they play in chest and back days.

Interesting switch up. I generally have no problems with my chest/tri days, though. On Monday I'm always ready to go beast mode in the gym. :p I might just try it though, thanks!

question to everyone doing/suggesting one leg session in a complete one week round.

what do you do to cover all of the different part in your legs??

we have:


the thing I've come up with, is that I rotate between front leg and back leg, like this.

A) Front
Hig bar squat
Quads (leg extensions, leg presses)
Calves (I know, is on the back of the leg but it fits here)

B) Back
High bar Squat

Ideally I'd be hitting both A and B in a single week... but I normally don't.., not enough time for all that...Specially B, I don't take it as seriously yet, A) is my main leg workout, B) is kind of an afterthought..yeah I lack continuity, have to work on that.

I'm not sure what A and B represent exercise wise because they both say High bar squat though they list different leg parts?

Ever since I started squatting seriously the last few months High bar squats have been the bulk of my leg days. They work everything if you go low enough to engage your Hams too. After that I'll do calf raises and some other accessory work.


the piano man
I'm not sure what A and B represent exercise wise because they both say High bar squat though they list different leg parts?.

it means that I am going to either do A or B:

A) Squat + accesory for the front part of my legs (+ Calves)
B) Squat + accesory for the rear part of my legs.


it means that I am going to either do A or B:

A) Squat + accesory for the front part of my legs (+ Calves)
B) Squat + accesory for the rear part of my legs.

Ohhh I get it. Why don't you just do all of your legs on leg day? You pretty much are if you're squatting anyway.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Interesting switch up. I generally have no problems with my chest/tri days, though. On Monday I'm always ready to go beast mode in the gym. :p I might just try it though, thanks!

Cool. If you do shoot me a PM in a few months and let me know how it's going. My tris really took off after I moved them away from chest day. Same with my bis moving them away from back day. That lead to better chest and back days because tri's/bis are so important in those exercises.


the piano man
Ohhh I get it. Why don't you just do all of your legs on leg day? You pretty much are if you're squatting anyway.

because Squatting plus 8 or 9 accesory things for all those leg parts in a single session is some overkill and takes way too much time.

I mean, just that thing I posted about calves some pages back takes its time...

I guess it's doable. I tried it but It didn't work that well for me.


Cool. If you do shoot me a PM in a few months and let me know how it's going. My tris really took off after I moved them away from chest day. Same with my bis moving them away from back day. That lead to better chest and back days because tri's/bis are so important in those exercises.

Will do.
because Squatting plus 8 or 9 accesory things for all those leg parts in a single session is some overkill and takes way too much time.

I mean, just that thing I posted about calves some pages back takes its time...

I guess it's doable. I tried it but It didn't work that well for me.

Are you aware of how much you're working when you squat? you could squat then move on and do a few sets of calves and call it a great leg day while seeing significant growth in your legs.
2 weeks has gone since I've began my serious training at the gym. How will I find out how much weight I've really gained? The scale shows that I've gained 2,5 KGs, but Im pretty sure most of it is water weight?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
2 weeks has gone since I've began my serious training at the gym. How will I find out how much weight I've really gained? The scale shows that I've gained 2,5 KGs, but Im pretty sure most of it is water weight?

By your lifts going up. Screw the scale and use the mirror. If you think you look bigger then you probably are. Your 2.5 KGs isn't necessarily all water weight. Who knows?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
By your lifts going up. Screw the scale and use the mirror. If you think you look bigger then you probably are. Your 2.5 KGs isn't necessarily all water weight. Who knows?

Seriously, screw the scale (unless you're horribly obese and just starting a new weight loss program). There's so much that can go on with body re-composition, water weight, food still being processed, etc. that paying attention to small variations in weight is just not worth it.


the piano man
Are you aware of how much you're working when you squat? you could squat then move on and do a few sets of calves and call it a great leg day while seeing significant growth in your legs.

I know, that's why some leg extensions and presses are enough after squats. and the reason why A) is the leg workout plan I usually go for but somehow I feel bad neglecting bodyparts I think should be getting some minor attention.


I know, that's why some leg extensions and presses are enough after squats. and the reason why A) is the leg workout plan I usually go for but somehow I feel bad neglecting bodyparts I think should be getting some minor attention.

less is more. doing 8-9 accessories after squatting is asinine. I don't even know how you do all of that properly, providing you go hard on squats. ;)


the piano man
less is more. doing 8-9 accessories after squatting is asinine. I don't even know how you do all of that properly, providing you go hard on squats. ;)

yeah, that's what I said, 8-9 accesory things after squatting is poor programing, that's why I posted about it in the first place, to see how you guys avoid that :)
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