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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Funny. My gym claims all their BBs are 50 but one which is 45 pounds. The 45lb one in question is clearly thinner and seems to weigh less but I just chalk it up to my mind playing tricks on me. One of these days I will weigh them all. So there is a decent chance that most of my PRs are actually 5 lbs more!


The difference between the 65's and the 45's at my gym are the fact that the 45's are smooth and slightly thinner, while the 65's are a little fatter and have ridges on them.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

The difference between the 65's and the 45's at my gym are the fact that the 45's are smooth and slightly thinner, while the 65's are a little fatter and have ridges on them.

The 45 in my gym doesn't have ridges in the middle. I think I am going to weigh them Monday. Now this is bugging me!
I'm trying to follow the routine in the OP but I've watched a couple of videos and I'm still confused as to how the hell to pull off a power clean...(and it looks noisy and distracting to other people lol). It looks clumsy and hard to do. Any good explanations as to how to do the power clean, video or written?

I, too, am interested. I've been doing the Practical Programming routine because I'm too intimidated by the power clean.

Don't worry if it distracts other people. The first thing you learn is the rack position. Elbows up and you put the bar on your delts and on your fingers. A good drill to get into this position without the bar is to try to hit the ceiling with your elbows in an explosive manner. Do this 3-5 times. Here are some drills about it:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr-BPEBLXic (don't mind the video name, I believe anyone can learn the power clean)

After that you go down to what is called a hang clean. Rippetoe explains the exploding position here:

When the bar comes in contact with your leg at the given position, you must push your hips forward while aiming the bar towards the collar of your shirt. This will make you jump. You start from the bar on your hips, go down to the exploding position and then clean it. Try this 3-5 times with just the bar. You will feel like jerking around, but don't despair and focus on the form.

Next you will try to combine the two movements: Racking and the hang clean:
Try to stomp the floor at the same time you push for the rack position. This will help you become more explosive from the start.

Finally, Rippetoe recommends going further down with the hang clean, going below the knees, going back up, exploding at the exploding position, aiming for your shirt's collar and the stomp-rack it.

You keep going further down the knees until you get to the floor. That's your power clean starting position.

ELBOWS UP is definitively one of the most useful and repeated queues when coaching the power clean:


You guys should REALLY get the Starting Strength book. I got to learn the Power Clean all by myself with no training and with just the help of all the knowledgeable people in this thread. You can do it too! Record yourselves and show us.
Sup fitnessGAF. So I need some help, it's mostly about diet because I don't really know what to look for/buy and keep it in a tight budget. Maybe you guys can help me since most of you have probably been doing this for longer than I have.

Age: 22
Height: 5'7
Weight: 117
Goal: To get to a healthy weight...around 140-150
Current Training Schedule: Workout on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (we have to skip friday because of work). Each day is a different body part. Chest, arms, back, shoulders.
Current Training Equipment Available: Whatever is at Planet Fitness. No free weights.
Comments: Okay, so I started going to the gym for about 2 months now. First month, I have gained about 10 lbs. Yeah I'm really skinny. Anyway, the next month I haven't seen much of an improvement in that department. I'm automatically assuming that I need to increase my calorie intake. I know about the gallon of milk a day and the eggs diet but eating/drinking that day after day just gets old. Can anyone suggest me a good diet that will help me gain about 2-3 lbs a week (that sounds reasonable to me) that is also not too hard on the wallet? I have places like Walmart, Kroger, Publix at my disposal if that helps.


Question for people with a keen eye and good muscle senses

I think I just found the body I'd like to attain once "everything is said and done", here are 2 pics (it's the same person):

you guys think this body is natural?? can this be attainable with nothing else than the usual creatine/protein? guy looks big but not like a BB competitor...

this is going to take fucking forever, right? 8 years, 10 years the least?? that sucks, I am 35, looking as good as that by the time when I am 45? shit.... stupid me for not beginning earlier.

I'd need to know his height and weight to get a better indicator. But from the looks of it, I'd say so. Hard to say since I have no point of reference, I've seen guys who take pics of themselves and I assume they're 200, and they're actually 150.


the piano man
I'd need to know his height and weight to get a better indicator. But from the looks of it, I'd say so. Hard to say since I have no point of reference, I've seen guys who take pics of themselves and I assume they're 200, and they're actually 150.

5'10 ft, 209 lbs....

is that.. bad?


the piano man
Damn! the guy is basically me with 30lbs more muscle. That is crazy to me!

Indeed crazy.

without knowing any numbers, I would have said you and that guy are comparable, around the same level. just going by the looks.

With the difference that you're more cut than him, so a 6 or 8 lbs difference could be expected.

but 30 lbs more muscle is certainly way too much and he doesn't look like he packs that much.... don't know, I really am bad judging muscle guys by their looks.


ELBOWS UP is definitively one of the most useful and repeated queues when coaching the power clean:

I have so much trouble getting my elbows up, so I never manage to rack the bar like I should. Just tried it in my livingroom with a broomstick just to check, and there's no way I can do it like in the videos. The broomstick is of course way too light to stand in for a bar, but still. If I force my elbows up, the bar goes into my throat instead of staying on the delts. Are there any exercises or stretches that might help with this?


Just spent 75 percent of my workout staring at myself.

Been working out for a couple years now, but never did it right until maybe a year ago. And even then when I started doing it right I took some breaks. But now I'm getting where I want to be.

20 years old,
148 lbs
Goal is to have strength yet be slightly slim.

My workout consists of mostly body weight routines.
Lots of push ups, pull ups, prison squats, abdominal excersises, and I'm going to start running again.

Got to say, once you get used to working out, and keeping some sort of diet, life changes.
I am wayyyy more outgoing nowadays. I even smoke mad weed still, yet I always have constant energy. That's the best part. I feel full of energy all fucking day.


Sup fitnessGAF. So I need some help, it's mostly about diet because I don't really know what to look for/buy and keep it in a tight budget. Maybe you guys can help me since most of you have probably been doing this for longer than I have.

Age: 22
Height: 5'7
Weight: 117
Goal: To get to a healthy weight...around 140-150
Current Training Schedule: Workout on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (we have to skip friday because of work). Each day is a different body part. Chest, arms, back, shoulders.
Current Training Equipment Available: Whatever is at Planet Fitness. No free weights.
Comments: Okay, so I started going to the gym for about 2 months now. First month, I have gained about 10 lbs. Yeah I'm really skinny. Anyway, the next month I haven't seen much of an improvement in that department. I'm automatically assuming that I need to increase my calorie intake. I know about the gallon of milk a day and the eggs diet but eating/drinking that day after day just gets old. Can anyone suggest me a good diet that will help me gain about 2-3 lbs a week (that sounds reasonable to me) that is also not too hard on the wallet? I have places like Walmart, Kroger, Publix at my disposal if that helps.

I was in the same spot as you were. Started at 111 pounds in January and now am at 130. The first 10 pounds was easy the next 10 was way harder. It's all about being consistent with your calorie intake on a daily basis and hitting the gym hard. I'm at about 3300 calories a day. I'm doing a dirty bulk so my diet consists of 2 protein and calorie shakes a day, 4-6 bananas, wheat bread w/ PB, Greek yogurt, and for lunch and dinner I just have what my family cooks.

If you're looking at gaining more muscle than fat 2-3 lbs a week is unreasonable in my experience after the newb gains. Also you might want to go to a gym with free weights. Squats, deadlifts, bench press, and OHP can never be replicated by any machine. Compound lifts alone will get you further along then spending hours in the gym doing accessory exercises.
I have so much trouble getting my elbows up, so I never manage to rack the bar like I should. Just tried it in my livingroom with a broomstick just to check, and there's no way I can do it like in the videos. The broomstick is of course way too light to stand in for a bar, but still. If I force my elbows up, the bar goes into my throat instead of staying on the delts. Are there any exercises or stretches that might help with this?

This is a good little video I found:


A broomstick is too light to try the powerclean properly. Trust me I TRIED so much, just to not embarass myself at the gym. When I decided to just go for it, I got the basics down after 6 tries though, I doubt it will take you much longer than that.


I'd need to know his height and weight to get a better indicator. But from the looks of it, I'd say so. Hard to say since I have no point of reference, I've seen guys who take pics of themselves and I assume they're 200, and they're actually 150.

Word, there's a bunch of people at my gym built like that but most are between 5'5" and 5'8" and not over 180lbs.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Have any of you tried Penetrex and can vouch for it?

It's highly popular on Amazon, but I'm always skeptical of alternative medicine. Does it really work? I get this constant knee tendinitis after running and I really don't want to continue taking painkillers for it all the time. Figured I'd try something new.

Let's take a look:

Utilizing a unique topical system, Penetrex delivers Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine, Arnica, Choline, MSM, Cetyl Myristoleate, Glucosamine, Boswellia Serrata and other proven elements deep into muscles, nerves, ligaments & tendons. The resulting relief is Quick, Strong & Long Lasting.

Penetrex is NOT a painkiller. It is a medical formulation researched & developed by a renowned Chemist in Southern California to heal and repair.

Are you familiar with vitamins, natural sounding shit, and joint supplements? You are? Well, we've combined these ingredients into a paste that you slather on injured areas of your body in order to not relieve pain in a totally medical formulation. We like to call it Placebo.


This is a good little video I found:


A broomstick is too light to try the powerclean properly. Trust me I TRIED so much, just to not embarass myself at the gym. When I decided to just go for it, I got the basics down after 6 tries though, I doubt it will take you much longer than that.

Thanks! That was very useful. I'll try those mobility exercises tomorrow and work on my form (if the squat rack isn't occupied).


Brian Burke punched my mom
Noticed that some people in this thread are cutting so I decided to inject some carbs into it.

Carb refeed day starts fun, but once I get around to that big thing of pasta near the end of the day, shit turns into work and that thing in the back of my head goes "god damn ViewtifulJC stop eating you worked hard all week"
Carb refeed day starts fun, but once I get around to that big thing of pasta near the end of the day, shit turns into work and that thing in the back of my head goes "god damn ViewtifulJC stop eating you worked hard all week"

Same thing happened to me a few weeks. I learned my lesson.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Love days when I can up the weight and do my work sets without struggling. Really hits that success gratification part of the brain.

Carb night tonight, so I got things started with a ripe banana immediately after the gym and just followed up with a big-ass cup of chocolate milk and two scoops of protein powder. Tonight's menu is curry and rice. Then a bit later it's time to slam the cookies, pastries, and ice cream!

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Milk with burgers and dogs?

Gross. No thank you!

Really? What about burgers and dogs makes milk taste bad?

I've never understood when people have averse reactions to a combination of a specific food with a specific drink. There was some guy in a thread recently who said he couldn't drink water with any food. It grossed him out. That sort of blew my mind.

Also, I'm jelly of that meal. Looks sooo good. Can't wait for fall and winter when I plan on bulking a bit again.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Really? What about burgers and dogs makes milk taste bad?

I've never understood when people have averse reactions to a combination of a specific food with a specific drink. There was some guy in a thread recently who said he couldn't drink water with any food. It grossed him out. That sort of blew my mind.

Also, I'm jelly of that meal. Looks sooo good. Can't wait for fall and winter when I plan on bulking a bit again.

I love milk with bread and pastries and such--fruit, too--but I don't really like it alongside any kind of animal protein.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Speaking of food combinations. I can't stand milk with eggs! It disgusts me. Everything else I love milk with.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of food combinations. I can't stand milk with eggs! It disgusts me. Everything else I love milk with.

Hmm, ok now I feel dumb for bringing it up because I actually agree with this one lol. Oops.

Doesn't disgust me, but I do think it tastes pretty weird and tend not to drink milk with eggs.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Milk pretty much exclusively goes with sweet stuff for me. Breads are also acceptable as long as they aren't covered in something salty.


Indeed crazy.

without knowing any numbers, I would have said you and that guy are comparable, around the same level. just going by the looks.

With the difference that you're more cut than him, so a 6 or 8 lbs difference could be expected.

but 30 lbs more muscle is certainly way too much and he doesn't look like he packs that much.... don't know, I really am bad judging muscle guys by their looks.
I think it's doable if someone is dedicated enough to spend many years pursuing it. You may not look exactly like that, but a version of that? Sure. Would roids make it easier? Hell yeah. Not that I'd encourage or discourage that.


I moved and haven't been to the gym in two months but I miss it a lot. I won't be able to go for maybe another month. I'm 5'8 130 lbs I just need to know how many push ups, sit ups, etc would qualify as a good work out. Also does anyone recommend any work outs? I don't have any weights here at all. Just body weight.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
All right, Fit Friends, it's time for me to reveal my ugly mug in an effort to get some tips on my squat form. I kept the weight very light in the videos just to show what my form looks like.

First video (lower legs and feet): http://youtu.be/2KpWR_U5Kog

Second video (upper body visible): http://youtu.be/fvh0PvLOplk

I'm attempting to do the low bar squat as described in Starting Strength.

Oh, and please ignore the crazy grunting in the background. Some dude was going berserk doing pullups in the first video and continued doing something else in the second video.

Anyway, please give me your honest feedback! I'm a total newb and have no idea what I'm doing, but I really want to get my form right. Any tips would be appreciated!


I had a lot of fun with my wife tonight. We got to see Kinky Boots.

Before the show, we stopped off in Chinatown for some lunch. A little while after lunch, I decided to hit a nearby gym. In the gym, I just went about my business. Then, a smaller Asian guy stopped me for some advice about his clean-and-jerk form. Now, he was pretty athletic too, but just smaller.

I was flattered that he wanted my advice, but am probably the worse authority to ask about Olympic lifts and I told him. I guess I give off a sense of maturity, based on my athletic build and personable demeanor. Or I'm just an old fart who looks like he's been around the park a few too many times.

It was still cool of that little whippersnapper.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I moved and haven't been to the gym in two months but I miss it a lot. I won't be able to go for maybe another month. I'm 5'8 130 lbs I just need to know how many push ups, sit ups, etc would qualify as a good work out. Also does anyone recommend any work outs? I don't have any weights here at all. Just body weight.
As many as you can do. Break them up into sets and try to either increase your reps or resistance (add weight). Pullups, pushups, squats, planks and supine glute bridges are all good and simple bodyweight moves. If any of them become too easy you can look into moving on to more difficult variations (single limbed etc...).

All right, Fit Friends, it's time for me to reveal my ugly mug in an effort to get some tips on my squat form. I kept the weight very light in the videos just to show what my form looks like.

First video (lower legs and feet): http://youtu.be/2KpWR_U5Kog

Second video (upper body visible): http://youtu.be/fvh0PvLOplk

I'm attempting to do the low bar squat as described in Starting Strength.

Oh, and please ignore the crazy grunting in the background. Some dude was going berserk doing pullups in the first video and continued doing something else in the second video.

Anyway, please give me your honest feedback! I'm a total newb and have no idea what I'm doing, but I really want to get my form right. Any tips would be appreciated!

Sit back, not down. Seems to me like you're dropping down as one would in a high bar squat. It also looked like you lost extension in both your upper and lower back in the bottom position. Try to make sure sure that you keep your chest up, upper back tight, cervical spinal erectors back (push your head back towards the bar) and maintain the load and tension on your hamstrings as you sit back. I'm sure someone will post the picture from 70sbig soon enough.

EDIT: Also, you may find it easier if you don't look down so much. A lot of people read Rippetoe's advice in SS about looking downward (and his objections to looking up) and then take it too far. Your head position should be pretty much neutral, your gaze pointing slightly downward. I'm pretty sure in SS it's recommended to look at a spot on the floor several metres away.


Gold Member
Ha, Zefah your build looks really similar to mine. Similar clothing too, my lifting uniform is black Nike shorts and t-shirt. With a white Nike dryfit cap on could have mistaken for me. Makes sense since we seem to lift about similar weights!

70sbig reminds me about a question I have been meaning to ask here. Becoming big - is putting on muscle more a function of repeated resistance training over a long time rather than maximum strength?

For example, my PT is strong as a bull, squats, benches and deadlifts almost double his bw but he is a tiny lean guy. And a guy in my team I lift with is moderately strong but colossal muscle size.


the piano man
I don't understand the myfitnesspa App.... at all.

it prompst me to upload everything, fine. but because it rarely recognizes what I eat with the bar code feature, I have to search for it and when I put " Tomato" if gives me tomatoes on all sizes, variations and sometimes with brands included.. I mean, it's one fucking middle sized tomato, plain and simple, this thing couldn't be any less intuitive.

but I put up with it and upload everything, maybe at the end of it, I will get useful information.

No, turns out I am uploadaing stuff for that one particular day and I have to do it for every single day.... so if I go to a restaurant, I have to spend another hour figuring out how to put the stuff I'll get to eat in this godawful app, only for it to not consider my activites and give me moronic advices, it does not understand I want to bulk.

but the thing is popular so I am probably an idiot who needs to learn how the use it.

any help??? I really need to count everything... I am pretty certain I am eating bad, quantity and quality wise and I need to change that. I'll never get the volume I am looking for like this.

EDIT: o.k first things first. I am 5'5, 150 lbs. and train 4 times a week. I want to add mass and volume so I am supposed to be doing a clean bulk,

what should my daily numbers look like regarding my macros??


Gold Member
I don't understand the myfitnesspa App.... at all.

it prompst me to upload everything, fine. but because it rarely recognizes what I eat with the bar code feature, I have to search for it and when I put " Tomato" if gives me tomatoes on all sizes, variations and sometimes with brands included.. I mean, it's one fucking middle sized tomato, plain and simple, this thing couldn't be any less intuitive.

but I put up with it and upload everything, maybe at the end of it, I will get useful information.

No, turns out I am uploadaing stuff for that one particular day and I have to do it for every single day.... so if I go to a restaurant, I have to spend another hour figuring out how to put the stuff I'll get to eat in this godawful app, only for it to not consider my activites and give me moronic advices, it does not understand I want to bulk.

but the thing is popular so I am probably an idiot who needs to learn how the use it.

any help??? I really need to count everything... I am pretty certain I am eating bad, quantity and quality wise and I need to change that. I'll never get the volume I am looking for like this.

EDIT: o.k first things first. I am 5'5, 150 lbs. and train 4 times a week. I want to add mass and volume so I am supposed to be doing a clean bulk,

what should my daily numbers look like regarding my macros??

Eh, I guess I find it easy because it remembers my previous choices. They are the first ones to show for any given meal. And you can save entire meals, I do that for my sushi nights because I always eat the same set. It rarely takes me more than half a minute to enter any meal also you learn how to search when using it.

It can help you bulk, just put in your desired macros to your daily targets and bulk away.


the piano man
It can help you bulk, just put in your desired macros to your daily targets and bulk away.

How can i know with exact precision what my macros should be?? The app told me 2500 calories would be a good number, for example..is that a good advice considering my heigh and weight?

EDIT: well, it just suggested the following:

2,550 Calories / Day
Carbs / Day 351 g
Fat / Day 85 g
Protein / Day 96 g (the fuck?? I am supposed to reach 150...)

should I pay attention to this suggestions??


Unconfirmed Member
Height:6'2 and a half
Weight: 172
Goal: T
Current Training Schedule:Monday-Thursday
Current Training Equipment Available:All gym facilities

Comments: Ok guys, I have mainly worked out cardio only on the treadmill and been thinking of moving onto weight lifting but I have no idea really what to do. I would like to have a little bit more muscle of course and not to have a little flabby stomach so I'd like to see all my body nicely "tight" if that makes sense? I am athletic fit from cardio workouts but I would like to shape my body a little bit more in a good way with nice posture and having my little pouch at the bottom of my body, and my glutes, to be more shaped.

What is the best thing for me to do? Would be much appreciated :)
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