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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Ugh, got suckered into drinking far too much tequila and eating far too many chips late last night. Feels horrible, man. :(


I ran in my first Warrior Dash this weekend and I did it fasted for a lack of foresight. Used my free beer chip afterwards as a post-workout, too - even though it was a Miller Lite (ugh).

I did alright. I ran my heart out, flew through every obstacle, but the lines to some obstacles and sheer volume of participants obstructing some parts of the course slowed things down. The giant cliffhanger, similar to the one pictured below, was really hard for a lot of the shorter participants. One woman in front of me pulled herself to the top and came back down almost two minutes later when she couldn't figure out a way to swing her legs over to the other side. I offered to help, but she politely declined.


They make a competitive wave available first thing in the morning for people who care about placing well and next year I plan on running then and doing a lot better.

The Warrior Dash felt like going to a concert festival ten years ago, except everyone was sober and fit. I was caked in mud, but my wife was probably the muddiest person I saw there. I'm really proud of her, despite almost complete abstention from training and wanting to back out a few times she did every obstacle save for the monkey bars - and even then she chose to jump straight into the mud pit below the bars instead of going around! Her goal next year is to get through that obstacle so she's asked me to help her bring her upper body strength up for that event. I'm more than happy to help with that!

Not to say that my training hasn't been off for the past few months, either. I don't relish in sharing excuses, so instead I'm content to share that I'm going to squat my ass off later today and sprint the stadium steps for the first time in months.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sounds like fun Mjfrancis. I see these things going on here and I'd never bothered with one. Might try it sometime, it sounds like fun.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Ugh, got suckered into drinking far too much tequila and eating far too many chips late last night. Feels horrible, man. :(
It's only one night. Think of it as your first step to your bulk to 170!

Speaking of over-eating, the amount of sushi I scarfed down last night would make Kobiashi proud! Damn, I even impressed myself. Bring on chest day!
Dear Fitness Friends:

Long ago I posted a need for some help here as I was a pretty fat guy looking to get strong. The advice was to diet first, weights come later. I did that. Now I'm ready to get in the gym. Here's what I'm working with though:

Dumbbells up to 50lbs apiece
Machine that does bench/seated OHP up to 200lb
Machine that does pulldowns and pullbacks? Rows? Up to 200 lb
Machine that does leg curls sitting up or lying down up to 200 lb

That's basically all my gym has and I want to do as close to Starting Strength as I can. Since I am super beginner man, can I get away with dumbbells with squats as I start to build muscle? I don't have a lot of money so I can't get a gym membership yet, but am I way off in thinking I can start building a decent base so when I do go to the gym I won't be completely untrained? With the equipment I listed above, what can I do as variations? Help please!


the piano man
Too much info man :D

ew, man, NOT THAT!!

I meant, thinking you got good gains in the morning and it being a lie

Speaking about eating stuff....lol

After I devoted time to uploading all my food to myfitnesspal, it's mindblowing how much I have to eat.... it truly is revealing how much a guy like me has to eat to increase weight.

I am not sure 'll be able to pull it off, I am about to eat 2 turkey breasts, 2 broccoli sprouts, and 2 potatoes not being hungry in the least, right from the get go.. this is going to be a nightmare.


Neo Member
Did core instead. Can't grip onto bar for squat. Probably could have done leg press.

Should be doing Front squats, push press and cleans today.

Better than nothing, me for example cant' bench(elbow pain) or do squat(not squat rack on my gym and smith machine hurts my knees :'( )


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I forgot to tell you guys about what happened to me Friday.

Alright, I'm in there to crank out my hi rep squats and get the hell out of there. I start walking to the last free squat rack but this big juicer is also heading that direction and he has a step on me. It becomes clear he's going for it so I ask him if he's going to squat. He says no, I'm curling. I straight up tell him I need to squat and he caves and gives it to me. Great! Well, he's not done talking to me and proceeds to ask me if I do crossfit. I assume he doesn't because he's always there and I didn't think he'd spend more time doing crossfit. I tell him I'm not interested in doing Olympic lifts for time. It's dangerous and all I care about is being as strong as I can be while weighing between 180-190. He tells me since you're not doing much weight the chance of injury is greatly reduced. I tell him I don't see the point in lifting such light weight. Seems like a waste of time. I like to lift heavy and get stronger. That's why I'm here. At this point it's clear he does crossfit so I ask him and he invites me to give it a shot. Says he sees my muscle ups and I'd be great at it. I respectfully decline and go on with my squats. I find out it's his crossfit gym. Not getting my $150 a month. Sorry bud.


That sounds awesome, I would like to do that someday :)

Sounds like fun Mjfrancis. I see these things going on here and I'd never bothered with one. Might try it sometime, it sounds like fun.
I'd recommend it to to most anyone to try at least once to be able to say they did it. It's a little over three miles long, so it's not too strenuous. Some people took over an hour. Others in twenty-something minutes!

Seeing who dressed up as what was fun enough all by itself - there was as much costumes as you would see at any comic or video game convention. My wife suggested I should run in briefs of some sort next year. There was a lot of that in this crowd. I'm not so sure about that, but I might come up with something.


I forgot to tell you guys about what happened to me Friday.

I've seen a lot more huge guys rolling in Crossfit circles than I thought I would, both this weekend and at the box by my house. Guys that are 6'0" 250lbs @12% or less bodyfat. I thought that was particularly odd this weekend since there was also a bodybuilding convention nearby the Warrior Dash. Maybe a few big bro's hit both in one day?
I must say its hard mentally bulking up. Especielly when the first thing that happens is that your waist line goes up and you get a fatter face, either by water retention or by the weight gained...

Oh well, only 5,5 months to go :/

i just have to convince myself that it will be worth it in the end...

I need them muscles


the piano man
I must say its hard mentally bulking up. Especielly when the first thing that happens is that your waist line goes up and you get a fatter face, either by water retention or by the weight gained...

Oh well, only 5,5 months to go :/

i just have to convince myself that it will be worth it in the end...

I need them muscles

I am in the same boot but we better do this right now while we still have sun outside,

Don't know where in the world you are but here in Europe we've got max 2 months of sun and high temperatures, If I see the bulking is making me look bad, I can go out and burn some calories with cardio, easily.

In winter is much harder to control what's going on, as I only want to be in my room wrapped in mi bed sheets...
Yep, same here.... 2 months of sun

But I'm not doing any cardio as I don't want to eat all the time. I'll just have to look like shit until the end of the bulk. When the cutting time comes, halleluja, but it will be some hard 5+ months

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Dear Fitness Friends:

Long ago I posted a need for some help here as I was a pretty fat guy looking to get strong. The advice was to diet first, weights come later. I did that. Now I'm ready to get in the gym. Here's what I'm working with though:

Dumbbells up to 50lbs apiece
Machine that does bench/seated OHP up to 200lb
Machine that does pulldowns and pullbacks? Rows? Up to 200 lb
Machine that does leg curls sitting up or lying down up to 200 lb

That's basically all my gym has and I want to do as close to Starting Strength as I can. Since I am super beginner man, can I get away with dumbbells with squats as I start to build muscle? I don't have a lot of money so I can't get a gym membership yet, but am I way off in thinking I can start building a decent base so when I do go to the gym I won't be completely untrained? With the equipment I listed above, what can I do as variations? Help please!

This sounds pretty tough. You can do dumbbell squats as you start but I'd recommend staying away from seated OHP and instead to above-the-head presses with the dumbbells. Form will probably be a big readjustment when you do go under a barbell though, so stay grounded. You can do a lot with dumbbells until you hit heavier weights, but I don't have enough experience w/dumbbells vs barbells so I can't say for sure.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The is the kind of thing discouraging me before I even get started. :\ I have a pretty high amount of body fat that I want to get rid of, but it doesn't seem possible to do that and work on SS as well. It's seeming like you get to have one or the other.

It's totally doable. Just realize that you're not *really* doing the program and adjust it to your needs. While the book says you're upping the weight every session, you don't have to force it if you're body isn't ready. With a more restricted diet, you probably won't see your max potential for gains, but you will still progress and build muscle. You'll also get good at doing the exercises.

Lots of people do routines like Starting Strength even while on a ketogenic diet and consuming not a ton of food, yet they still enjoy great results.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's totally doable. Just realize that you're not *really* doing the program and adjust it to your needs. While the book says you're upping the weight every session, you don't have to force it if you're body isn't ready. With a more restricted diet, you probably won't see your max potential for gains, but you will still progress and build muscle. You'll also get good at doing the exercises.

Lots of people do routines like Starting Strength even while on a ketogenic diet and consuming not a ton of food, yet they still enjoy great results.

Myself being one of those. I still haven't plateaued. I eagerly await Bulk Season but I'm scared of being re-fattened.


Did my first "real" SS session after spending the last week mostly practicing good form. What was shocking to me was how much fun I had at the gym. I worked hard, but it was very pleasant compared to what I am used to doing in P90X, etc, and I'm looking forward to attacking it again in a couple days.

It probably will feel more stressful going forward as my squats get heavier; seemed too light this week. Given that I am supposed to increase 10 lbs for the first few workouts hopefully that won't be the case too much longer.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Did my first "real" SS session after spending the last week mostly practicing good form. What was shocking to me was how much fun I had at the gym. I worked hard, but it was very pleasant compared to what I am used to doing in P90X, etc, and I'm looking forward to attacking it again in a couple days.

It probably will feel more stressful going forward as my squats get heavier; seemed too light this week. Given that I am supposed to increase 10 lbs for the first few workouts hopefully that won't be the case too much longer.

Eventually you will pine for these days! Enjoy it while it lasts :) And welcome to THE JOURNEY!

The journey of a million reps begins with good form!


So the past two months or so, I've been on a mission to shed the gut/love handles and gain more muscle. I've been coming up with a routine to do for five weeks, and at the end of each period, that's when I step onto the scale and check the results. I never weigh myself in-between or change anything mid-stream, I just stick with it and hope for the best.

I've been trying to stick to eating 1500-1700 calories a day, with the weekend being my "cheat days" where I don't pay close attention to what I eat. I eat a pack of oatmeal 30-45 mins before I workout, and have a protein shake a half hour afterwards. I also try to make a conscious effort to get as much protein as I can. Drinking tons of water too throughout the day (64 ounces at the minimum).

I'm 33 years old, male and 6'1" tall...

May 11th (the start): 190 lbs
June 14th: 182 lbs
July 20th: 174 lbs

But the nice thing is I haven't noticed any loss of muscle mass -- seen slight gains if anything -- and it does seem like my waistline is shrinking. I'm almost out of holes on my belt to tighten it. :)

What sucks is with fat disappearing everywhere, it just makes the love handles look bigger. I'm hoping that will eventually dwindle.
Did my first "real" SS session after spending the last week mostly practicing good form. What was shocking to me was how much fun I had at the gym. I worked hard, but it was very pleasant compared to what I am used to doing in P90X, etc, and I'm looking forward to attacking it again in a couple days.

It probably will feel more stressful going forward as my squats get heavier; seemed too light this week. Given that I am supposed to increase 10 lbs for the first few workouts hopefully that won't be the case too much longer.
Dude, be prepared to the addiction of PR every day.

Today I continue with SS, I arrive at the magical milestone of 315 squat. Today's workout:
- Squat 3x5 315 (PR?)
- Overhead press 3x5 135 (second chance)
- Power Cleans 5x3 145 (getting back slowly to my recorded max)
- Chinups 3x15 bodyweight (194#) can only do 6/5/4 ATM

I am curiously not as frightened of today's workout as last Friday. I am excited to break the 315...


As I was doing my squats today some dude walked up to the smith machine next to my rack and loaded it up with 3 45s on each side.

Then he proceeded to whip out his smartphone and snap pictures of the loaded barbell from every angle imaginable, with and without flash. He even took a picture of himself with the bar on his traps as he was unracking it.

Finally he placed the pussy pad on the bar and did a few 1/64th reps while loudly grunting before he went on to load up the leg press, no doubt to snap some epic pictures of it afterwards as well.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
As I was doing my squats today some dude walked up to the smith machine next to my rack and loaded it up with 3 45s on each side.

Then he proceeded to take out his smartphone and snap pictures of the loaded barbel from every angle imaginable. He even took a picture of himself with the bar on his traps as was unracking it.

Finally he placed the pussy pad on the bar and did a few 1/64th reps while loudly grunting before he went on to load up the leg press, no doubt to snap some epic pictures of it afterwards as well.

No need to hate on his awesomeness! Try not to be so jealous. It's unbecoming.


Did I mention my new (temporary) gym has 3 Smith Machines, 6 leg presses (incline, flat, single-leg and some other weird contraptions I'd never seen before), 4 seated leg extensions machines but only one squat rack and no power rack?


At least they've 1.25lb plates though. :D

In other news today I did Good Mornings for the first time ever. :D It was just 95lb but it was enough to make me feel like my hamstrings were gonna burst.

I think I'm gonna do GMs instead of RDLs as my main lower body assistance for now. RDLs have helped my Deadlift immensely but I don't feel they've helped my squat much. We'll see.


My gym is now under new management and it's run by some fucking bigots. I see other people deadlift(though not often), and they hear not a word. I do some deadlifts, and they're all on my ass with this planetfitness nonsense, this is a Gold's Gym.

Gold's Gym North Las Vegas is bigoted towards people who lift heavy weights. How the fuck am I supposed to ever reach my goal of 600 lb deadlift if you won't let me lift some heavy ass weights? I'm not going to make it brah. I had to deadlift like a ninja, by going around midnight. This is some bullshit.
As I was doing my squats today some dude walked up to the smith machine next to my rack and loaded it up with 3 45s on each side.

Then he proceeded to whip out his smartphone and snap pictures of the loaded barbell from every angle imaginable, with and without flash. He even took a picture of himself with the bar on his traps as he was unracking it.

Finally he placed the pussy pad on the bar and did a few 1/64th reps while loudly grunting before he went on to load up the leg press, no doubt to snap some epic pictures of it afterwards as well.

I will take pictures of my 3 45's on each side today! Don't hate! :p


My gym is now under new management and it's run by some fucking bigots. I see other people deadlift(though not often), and they hear not a word. I do some deadlifts, and they're all on my ass with this planetfitness nonsense, this is a Gold's Gym.

Gold's Gym North Las Vegas is bigoted towards people who lift heavy weights. How the fuck am I supposed to ever reach my goal of 600 lb deadlift if you won't let me lift some heavy ass weights? I'm not going to make it brah. I had to deadlift like a ninja, by going around midnight. This is some bullshit.

Is it a problem with deadlifting period, or just deadlifting heavy?


My gym is now under new management and it's run by some fucking bigots. I see other people deadlift(though not often), and they hear not a word. I do some deadlifts, and they're all on my ass with this planetfitness nonsense, this is a Gold's Gym.

Gold's Gym North Las Vegas is bigoted towards people who lift heavy weights. How the fuck am I supposed to ever reach my goal of 600 lb deadlift if you won't let me lift some heavy ass weights? I'm not going to make it brah. I had to deadlift like a ninja, by going around midnight. This is some bullshit.

That's some bullshit.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My gym is now under new management and it's run by some fucking bigots. I see other people deadlift(though not often), and they hear not a word. I do some deadlifts, and they're all on my ass with this planetfitness nonsense, this is a Gold's Gym.

Gold's Gym North Las Vegas is bigoted towards people who lift heavy weights. How the fuck am I supposed to ever reach my goal of 600 lb deadlift if you won't let me lift some heavy ass weights? I'm not going to make it brah. I had to deadlift like a ninja, by going around midnight. This is some bullshit.

Why don't you just use a smith machine? Or are you some kind of weightlifting elitist?


I'm so jealous of you guys complaining how hard it is to put on weight. I'm just trying to get that last bit of fat off at my waist. I loooooooooooove to eat, can't imagine complaining about it :)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm so jealous of you guys complaining how hard it is to put on weight. I just trying to get that last bit of fat off at my waist. I loooooooooooove to eat, can't imagine complaining about it :)

I'm with you Teggy. I had to stop a 3 month 'bulk' because I got scared of gaining a waist size. Figured I should watch myself.

Nelo Ice

Speaking of smith machines on Friday me and my cousin were doin squats and letting each other know when we hit parallel and making sure our form was right based on SS. There was a guy on the smith machine next to us and using the padding doing partial or half squats. As soon as we were done with our sets he asks to use the rack. Could tell he was listening to us since when we went to bench he tried going lower, though he still used the padding.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Speaking of smith machines on Friday me and my cousin were doin squats and letting each other know when we hit parallel and making sure our form was right based on SS. There was a guy on the smith machine next to us and using the padding doing partial or half squats. As soon as we were done with our sets he asks to use the rack. Could tell he was listening to us since when we went to bench he tried going lower, though he still used the padding.

Good form is contagious! Just as contagious as bad form!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Interesting, your chest hair has taken the shape of a starfish. I approve!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I can only watch the last two atm, but the work set looked better than your previous set. You were definitely sitting back more, with a more controlled descent and less loss of spinal extension in the hole, especially in the upper back. The lower back had a fair degree of "butt-wink" (this is a good read on the subject) but this is something that will improve with time.

You demonstrated a bit of a tendency to tip forwards on the ascent (good morning-ing the squat), this could be due to raising the hips, weak abs/lower back or weak legs being unable to drive the weight up. In the test video, this was much more pronounced, which leads me to think that the main cause is miscued "hip drive"; if the hips come up without the glutes also driving forwards, the torso leans forwards more instead of less and the bar stays at the same height.

I'll try and get a look at the other videos later on, in the meantime maybe Noema or someone else could give a second opinion.

Don't be disheartened by the amount of work this requires, the low bar squat is a fairly "unnatural" feeling movement for most people, especially when compared to high bar.

Thanks so much for all of the feedback. I really appreciate it. I'll be back in the gym tomorrow and will try to apply some of this new knowledge.

Noema, if you see this and have some time to spare, I'd love any feedback you could give on my form in here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=72048031&postcount=16998

Again, thanks for all of the support!
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