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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Enjoy the new thread guys! I wonder what'll come of it.


This is it. 5g per day post training, or post you launch on non training days.

I've heard people say take it post workout, but I leave the house for the gym and then immediately go to work after, so I just take it before I leave the house. Not carrying 5g of creatine on me every day just to take it post.


I've heard people say take it post workout, but I leave the house for the gym and then immediately go to work after, so I just take it before I leave the house. Not carrying 5g of creatine on me every day just to take it post.

You don't need to, it just accumulates in your body and you are just replacing it. It doesn't matter when you take it, I just happen to take it post when I spike my blood sugar with a bagel and whey


Guys - I'm concerned about protein shakes / bars / whatever 'supplement' has a high protein content.

I watched a documentary recently and there was compelling evidence to suggest that high protein intake can increase your sensitivity to cancer amongst other dangerous effects...generally, in the long-term you could be doing yourself some real damage.

What does GAF think? I'm personally not using supplements right now (used to, maybe 3 years ago) and the more I think about it, the more I look back through history and think men or woman when working out and having a sensible diet looked great...They surely didn't supplement their diet with anything more than a food intake increase as the cals were being burnt and in turn, upping their protein intake naturally


I'm not treating anything as gospel however. I was about to buy case of whey protein today but decided against it. I've restarted by training again maybe 2.5 months ago and I've bulked as much as I did 3 years ago, with shakes, so from a personal POV, I'm not seeing a disadvantage of missing the shakes.

Is there a real need for supplements and their apparent dangers? I'm on the fence, leaning toward the "supplements are a modern day BS endevour".


No citations are provided for the quoted research, the link goes through to a paid site. Blaming the deaths of the East German athletes on high protein intake is silly, 1964 was the height of the Cold War and they would have been pumped with all sorts of steriods by the Soviet scientists.


Guys - I'm concerned about protein shakes / bars / whatever 'supplement' has a high protein content.

I watched a documentary recently and there was compelling evidence to suggest that high protein intake can increase your sensitivity to cancer amongst other dangerous effects...generally, in the long-term you could be doing yourself some real damage.

What does GAF think? I'm personally not using supplements right now (used to, maybe 3 years ago) and the more I think about it, the more I look back through history and think men or woman when working out and having a sensible diet looked great...They surely didn't supplement their diet with anything more than a food intake increase as the cals were being burnt and in turn, upping their protein intake naturally


I'm not treating anything as gospel however. I was about to buy case of whey protein today but decided against it. I've restarted by training again maybe 2.5 months ago and I've bulked as much as I did 3 years ago, with shakes, so from a personal POV, I'm not seeing a disadvantage of missing the shakes.

Is there a real need for supplements and their apparent dangers? I'm on the fence, leaning toward the "supplements are a modern day BS endevour".

Here's some research with citations by a guy who has his PHD in protein synthesis.

Guys - I'm concerned about protein shakes / bars / whatever 'supplement' has a high protein content.

I watched a documentary recently and there was compelling evidence to suggest that high protein intake can increase your sensitivity to cancer amongst other dangerous effects...generally, in the long-term you could be doing yourself some real damage.

What does GAF think? I'm personally not using supplements right now (used to, maybe 3 years ago) and the more I think about it, the more I look back through history and think men or woman when working out and having a sensible diet looked great...They surely didn't supplement their diet with anything more than a food intake increase as the cals were being burnt and in turn, upping their protein intake naturally


I'm not treating anything as gospel however. I was about to buy case of whey protein today but decided against it. I've restarted by training again maybe 2.5 months ago and I've bulked as much as I did 3 years ago, with shakes, so from a personal POV, I'm not seeing a disadvantage of missing the shakes.

Is there a real need for supplements and their apparent dangers? I'm on the fence, leaning toward the "supplements are a modern day BS endevour".

But it's not like protein products are some odd chemical. It's just a processed food product. I guarantee the cold war era athletes in the study were on actual drugs.

The comment about "more people eat more protein than is recommended, even without supplements" doesn't matter cause dietary guidelines about macronutrients are generally horrible and outdated.
I'm jealous. I never see people doing low-bar squats in the gym, for example. Everyone's either doing front squats or high-bar. I really want to get some advice in real life, but it's obvious that everyone in there is not on the same program.

Sorry bro, didn't mean to make you green. My suggestion is just be social around the racks when possible. I usually make light chit-chat with the dudes that are squatting and watching their form. It leads to a more friendly environment for you and your fellow gym folks.


Well my GNC is still taking the coupon, and the full Quest box price hasn't gone up either, so even when the B2G1 sale ends they'll still be around $1.25 a bar, well within my acceptable range. Just means full boxes of a single flavor instead of a variety, and no more super cheap PB Cups as they don't seem to sell those by the box.

Not to shabby all-in-all though. Will keep stocking up and letting people at the office pay me twice the value for single bars from my desk I guess?
I don't know if its already been mentioned but the lady at GNC told me that the B2G1 Quest bar sale ends today.

Just FYI.

Just stopped by GNC today and heard the same. They were putting up signage for B3G1 for quest bars.

Picked up 2 boxes of cookie dough, 1 of brownies, and 3 Cinnamon roll bars.

Nelo Ice

Hmm sounds good if the promo doesn't end till next month or a new one goes up. Gonna have to check tomorrow and see what the promo at my local GNC is. Pretty sure mine ends today but boxes are def at $35 a box :(, so have to buy individually to get the proper discount. Hope I can just continue to get cheap quest bars since the local GNC is like 3 mins away from me and next to the grocery so every time I get groceries, I just get quest bars.

NH Apache

Whey protein isolate is usually 99% lactose free, and you can supplement the rest by taking a lactaid. Unfortunately isolate is also much more expensive.

Thanks. I've tried the whey with lactaid before and still end up tossing. Never checked out the isolate though.

Ended up getting 2 lbs of egg protein @ 24 grams protein per scoop for 30 bucks.

Vanilla Custard, yum.


I could really use some Quest Bars myself but I've never seen them here in Mexico.

I just went to the GNC closest to my house. The guy there didn't even know what I was talking about. He was like "but we have these!" as he showed me some of those candy-bar disguised as healthy 25g of sugar per serving bars.

Well I asked the girl out today and it turns out she's a lesbian but says we can be gym buddies.

Wear a singlet to the gym. Make sure to deadlift very close to her so that she can see you. Grunt loudly while pulling and then slam the weights down after every rep. At the top of your last rep hold the bar and yell "I'M NOT HUMAN THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM".
And then let go of the bar.

This will not only make her want you like she's never wanted anyone before; it'll get her pregnant with a baby that will be born with a handlebar mustache regardless of gender.


You'll see her with her stud b/f tomorrow.

Feels bad mang.

Yeah maybe she showed me a ring and I was like "oh, you're married." to which she said" how do i say this..." so she could have been looking for an excuse when she said that since after that line the lesbian part hit. The ring was like a plain chastity ring so that could be it too.

My buddy works there and knows her so I'll ask him but she looks lesbian, no tits, short but combed long bangs. Kind of looks like keira knightley in domino but bigger, more deep blue eyes and pitch black hair.

I don't know man I'm just gonna keep poking if I see her again and if she says something than I'll ask her to do squats to be her gym buddy as I saw her checking her butt out in the mirror.

LOL nice try though.

Internet high 5!

Thanks man. I feel relieved that at least I tried.


Thanks. I've tried the whey with lactaid before and still end up tossing. Never checked out the isolate though.

Ended up getting 2 lbs of egg protein @ 24 grams protein per scoop for 30 bucks.

Vanilla Custard, yum.

I'm the say way. I started on concentrates and as I got older I become less and less tolerant to lactose (which evolution says it what should happen) to the point where I had to get isolates. They were all ridiculously expensive so I ended up settling on one that is about $28 for 3 pounds that is a combination of isolate as the highest percentage, concentrate as the second highest, and some hydrolyzed peptides as well, and 30,000 micrograms of lactase enzyme. Even this gave me the shits so I started taking additional lactaid and I've been good since.


I've heard people say take it post workout, but I leave the house for the gym and then immediately go to work after, so I just take it before I leave the house. Not carrying 5g of creatine on me every day just to take it post.

You don't need to, it just accumulates in your body and you are just replacing it. It doesn't matter when you take it, I just happen to take it post when I spike my blood sugar with a bagel and whey

As blackflag said, usually post workout people take their shakes, and the sugar levels goes higher so it's appropriated to have your creatine together, that said, nothing else is wrong as long you have it with any other foods/sugars.


New goal - Before the end of the year I want to try 175lbs dumbbells on bench, I'm 20lbs off that and when it comes to DBs that's a huge difference. I plan on bulking around Sept/October, so hopefully I can do it by late December (Should be around 255lbs by then).


My coach estimates my body fat at 13-14% right now at 236. So assuming that I'm 14% I've gotta lose 10 more to get to 10% which was my 3 month goal. Already lost 20 and I got a month and a half left.

That would put me at 226 @ 10% which is 1lb off from where I estimated.


My coach estimates my body fat at 13-14% right now at 236. So assuming that I'm 14% I've gotta lose 10 more to get to 10% which was my 3 month goal. Already lost 20 and I got a month and a half left.

That would put me at 226 @ 10% which is 1lb off from where I estimated.

That's where I'm trying to get to, but I've stalled a bit on the fat loss.


That's where I'm trying to get to, but I've stalled a bit on the fat loss.

Yeah I haven't stalled yet and we haven't even added cardio yet. This dudes diet is some crazy shit and the messed up thing is I used to believe in iifym but I don't now.

I was eating 2500 cals a day weighing everything. I'm eating a tad but more now on average and I drop at least 2 lbs a week.

6 meals a day, carb cycling, no sugar. Might be broscience but I dunno it's working for me.

Or...I dunno but whatever it is it's working.


Or...I dunno but whatever it is it's working.

In the end this is what matters the most :)

I just weighed myself this morning, down 4lbs since wednesday but it's mostly water weight with maybe max. 1lbs of fat loss if it has gone like I calculated (dunno, probably not). Anyway 1cm of my waist so somethings happening. Getting un-bloated :) Can't workout today but I'm planning on hitting the gym on sunday. After that I'll do a 5h refeed even though it hasn't yet been a week since I started but safer this way than postponing it by a week. Then the next refeed comes the saturday a week from now. Last year I always managed to be stronger after a refeed even though this plan has me eating so little. Let's see what happens this time..

Regarding BF%, I'd really like to get to around 12% (as per Lyle's suggestion) before starting lean bulking, but I'm not sure I can get that low before starting to look like a emaciated Auschwitz escapee. I'm not even sure where I'm at now, somewhere between 20-25%, some calculations put me at around 21%. I'd like to get as low as possible but let's see where I have to draw the line. I want to get rid of my belly but can't get too small in the process. Just have to be careful not to fat-fuck myself again with bulking.


Last and first time I got lean-ish (~14 bf%), I just put all the fat back on like Lyle says in the article. Barely made any gains. Though I was eating a ridiculous amount so there's that. If I'd want to go by his recommendation, I'd have to go even lower but I'm not sure I want to with the amount of muscle I have. I guess I could try LG recomping at around 15%, but I'm not sure if it'll work..

Reading this stuff again makes it very clear that I really should go for 12 bf% before thinking about bulking. This is also what Andy Morgan recommended to me when he told me his plan for me when I consulted him last winter (didn't have the money to hire him tho). I've always just ended up spinning my wheels when trying to recomp. Luckily the summer is already almost over so after a month no one has to see me without clothes (except my gf), looking all tiny and shit, so I guess getting down to 12% is possible :p


Started drinking some protein shake because I'm just not getting enough with my meals and I'm usually full and can't really make myself eat more all of a sudden (still working on trying to be able to eat more).

Anyway, I'm drinking a Japanese brand protein called DNS (DNS Protein Whey 100 Banana taste). As it says, it has banana taste and the information is as follows per 33g serving (I'm translating from the JP site):


And... that's all it says. I don't know what else it has :/ 1kg (2.2pounds? ) and is almost 4000Yen ($40) which seems to be standard for Japan but quite expensive compared to other stuff I've found from the US or Europe.
I was thinking about mixing it with milk so it's easier to drink, and I also get extra stuff from the milk.

Anyway, I'm right now trying to gain weight and build muscle, do you guys think it's ok to mix this with milk? Also, some recommended proteins from the US that I could compare this to?

Thanks :)


That hip thrust tip is great, will help a ton with my deadlifts. I never could figure how you take the weight above your knees with just your legs.
Just noticed my manhandles have shrunken quite significantly over the past few months thanks to dieting and working out.

By the same time next year, they'll be completely gone :-D



Junior Member
Wish Quest Bars were available in the UK. I want to try some out quite badly, but would prefer not to pay the extortionate shipping fees to this country.

Except getting cancer! Unless does cancer cause cancer.
Getting cancer increases the risk of cancer (invading your entire body). :p
Lol yeah I know. And it's old too (side of box mentions windows compatibility and only goes up to xp lol).

I just have to get a battery for it. Really curious to get an idea of what I burn during my workouts.

Looked at the actual site, must be so expensive cuz they don't make it anymore but you can still spend $400 on one.


Looked at the actual site, must be so expensive cuz they don't make it anymore but you can still spend $400 on one.

So what you're telling me is that it's probably more accurate than the Walmart monitor I saw wedged into the arts and crafts section last week?
Sorry bro, didn't mean to make you green. My suggestion is just be social around the racks when possible. I usually make light chit-chat with the dudes that are squatting and watching their form. It leads to a more friendly environment for you and your fellow gym folks.

This is going to sound weird, but I love watching people at the gym who know their shit. Seeing people who are roughly my size squatting 3 plates or Dead lifting 4 plates with good form is very inspiring.


Guys - I'm concerned about protein shakes / bars / whatever 'supplement' has a high protein content.

I watched a documentary recently and there was compelling evidence to suggest that high protein intake can increase your sensitivity to cancer amongst other dangerous effects...generally, in the long-term you could be doing yourself some real damage.

What does GAF think? I'm personally not using supplements right now (used to, maybe 3 years ago) and the more I think about it, the more I look back through history and think men or woman when working out and having a sensible diet looked great...They surely didn't supplement their diet with anything more than a food intake increase as the cals were being burnt and in turn, upping their protein intake naturally


I'm not treating anything as gospel however. I was about to buy case of whey protein today but decided against it. I've restarted by training again maybe 2.5 months ago and I've bulked as much as I did 3 years ago, with shakes, so from a personal POV, I'm not seeing a disadvantage of missing the shakes.

Is there a real need for supplements and their apparent dangers? I'm on the fence, leaning toward the "supplements are a modern day BS endevour".
That article is very dubious. it doesn't list any research or cite any studies as to back up the author's thesis. The real kicker is the second to last paragraph that suggest since many 1960 Olympic German athletes are not alive today, it must be supplements and steroids.
Come on fit gaf help me out here

The only problem with my new gym is the bench press, it doesn't have those "safety" bench press and it makes me scared....since Ive only done it on safety ones so far. Any thoughts on this?

Since I started bench press 3 weeks ago, my max is 60 KG right now. How fast should I up the weight?
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