
sorry for the crappy quality
Hey guys, interested in your input -
A friend has been training me for the last two months. For the first I have had the benefit to learning weight lifting/fitness and having a spotter who can help pushing my limit while lifting heavier weights.
However, recently our schedules have had more conflicts and I have been intrigued to start going to the gym by myself. Kind of scary, but I figure I have to grow sometime and somehow. What's kind of getting me stuck is if I do go by myself - I really won't have the benefit of having a workout buddy, I won't be able to lift as much weight or do as much rep.There are some stuff I can really use help on, like bench press, shoulder press, or skullcrusher, etc.
As I am typing this I think the obvious answer is just do lower weight and slowly building strength. However, I am just curious to hear you guys' thoughts on transitioning from working out with someone to work out by yourself. Thanks in advance!
Hey guys, interested in your input -
A friend has been training me for the last two months. For the first I have had the benefit to learning weight lifting/fitness and having a spotter who can help pushing my limit while lifting heavier weights.
However, recently our schedules have had more conflicts and I have been intrigued to start going to the gym by myself. Kind of scary, but I figure I have to grow sometime and somehow. What's kind of getting me stuck is if I do go by myself - I really won't have the benefit of having a workout buddy, I won't be able to lift as much weight or do as much rep.There are some stuff I can really use help on, like bench press, shoulder press, or skullcrusher, etc.
As I am typing this I think the obvious answer is just do lower weight and slowly building strength. However, I am just curious to hear you guys' thoughts on transitioning from working out with someone to work out by yourself. Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the responses, guys
I should clarify on the spotting part. My friend doesn't help me lift during the average set. When he wants me to push my limits, whether it's weight and/or set, he would gentle use his hand to help me get the weight up, then let go so I can control it while setting the weights/bar down. So I would do as much as I can by myself, and he will only step in for that one or two extra reps that in his assessment he believes I can do it, or when I ask for help lol
but I really appreciate the responses - food for thought, which is exactly what I need. And I think right now it is figuring out how I can push myself to my limit by myself, like you guys said. It is a confidence issue right now because I am not necessary new to fitness per se, but to weight lifting and to learning how to use the equipments properly
My personal experience with learning how to predict when I'm about to fail:
I actually failed a couple times. I had some squat failures when squatting in a power cage.I had to dump the bar on the safety rails. It taught me something of the difference between "pushing myself goddammit why are weights so heavy" and "oh shit son there is actually nothing left in your muscles what are you doing stop."
For OHP, the failure is almost always at the bottom, so I just re-rack it. Once, I barely cleared my head on the way up, then immediately lost steam and wound up with the bar sitting on my head for a split second. I let it have the briefest rest there and then powered through the rep. After I derped through that without injury I wasn't afraid of the lift any more since lockout, the most dangerous portion in my mind, always seems easier than everything below it.
for bench: either get a spotter or be extra cautious.
After I derped through that without injury I wasn't afraid of the lift any more since lockout, the most dangerous portion in my mind, always seems easier than everything below it.
What's OHP, Fred? And yeah I am really worried about the second type of failure, the "oh shit"
And bear with me, can you elaborate on this part? I don't quite get it
And ditto on bench spotting. It's probably my weakest spot
overhead press.
And the hard to understand part:
I always assumed that near the top of the shoulder press would be the most dangerous thing. In theory I could get out of the way and drop the bar in front of me, but in practice that seemed like.... something that would be hard to orchestrate mid-rep while panicking. The stupid incident where I lost steam mid-rep and rested the bar on my skull made me realize that the part I was worried about was the absolute easiest part of the movement, and that reacting mid-rep to failure was not as hard as I had thought.
Apologies for the clunky writing in my original post.
You'll learn the difference between "definitely safe on my next rep" and "next rep has a meaningful chance of failure" with time, I'm sure. It doesn't actually matter if you have safety bars or a spot.
Press / Incline Bench 2 x 6-8
Squat 2 x 6-8
Chins / Rows 2 x 6-8
(Rear) Lateral raises 2 x 12-15 / CGBP 2 x 6-10
DB Incline Curls 2 x 12-15
Press / Incline Bench 2 x 6-8
Deadlift 1 x 6-8
Chins / Rows 2 x 6-8
(Rear) Lateral raises 2 x 12-15 / CGBP 2 x 6-10
Barbell Drag Curls 2 x 8-12
Close Grip Cable Pulldown 2 x 6-8
Press / Incline Bench 2 x 6-8
Squat 2 x 6-8
Chins / Rows 2 x 6-8
(Rear) Lateral raises 2 x 12-15 / CGBP 2 x 6-10
Barbell Curls 2 x 8-12
Microloading plates are available!
I will get a pair!
I'm rather glad there is a bench press rack in my gym that has safety railings on the side, so even if I did fail I wouldn't be stuck under the bar.
Failing is probably one of the reasons why I've dreaded doing decline bench, no clue how you'd get out of that situation if you failed to get the bar back up.
Height: 6'2
Weight:Body fat %:213 lbsLean mass:28.2% - OBESEFat mass:154 lbs60lbs
I have so much work ahead of me to get to a meaningful place.
you don't lookin the least. Yes, you still have to work and tighten a bit but28..2% OBESE??? WTF, no wayobese
I have so much work ahead of me to get to a meaningful place.
Looking back is the best bit. Just take regular progress pics to motivate yourself. It seriously helps.
Thread got somewhere again last night
Noema looking fantastic and someone you don't wanna fuck with. Amazing transformation really, didn't realize you were getting that huuge since you always call yourself a "beanpole"
Blackflag looking beastly as always.
Sphinx has also done very good, huge difference.
Darth's avatar, lol
Sean's cigar/throne pic bad ass as always.
Did I forget someone?
Here's a recent pic of me. Doing some woodcutting last weekend:
Nothing much to brag about in that picture, except maybe dem traps![]()
you don't lookin the least. Yes, you still have to work and tighten a bit but28..2% OBESE??? WTF, no wayobese
Squat-GAF, two questions
1) My right hip flexor area has some pain. How can I go about remedying this without slowing down too much on the squat train.
2) I'm a pussy when it comes to squats, afraid of getting stuck in the hole and blowing out a knee. I leave reps on the + sets on the table due to this, and finding a squat spotter who is both 1) willing and 2) able hasn't been possible. What do?
Bench-GAF, bro time.
Finally reached the PR portion of bench today on 5/3/1. 275 for 1+, gotta wreck that shit. Granted I hit 265 for more reps than the 1 rep I managed at the start, but this is the first time putting 45/45/25 on the bar. Big boy weight.
is not as big as people think it is.Obese
The problem with using the term obese for people like him (and I), is what type of person is that who is riding around on their electric scooter thing with rolls of fat sliding over the sides of the seat? Morbidly obese?
After years of managing a grocery store back in the day, those carts were just called "fat people carts" because SO rarely did we see someone with an injury use them.
I still want a kart racer with those carts. Avoid spilled product.
My first job was as a cashier at Publix. Yeah, those were called the same thing for us. They were primarily used by fat people, and by us when it was late at night and we were bored.
is not as big as people think it is.Obese
I'm not very familiar with the area. I really don't have any suggestions at all. :/ Sorry manYo, next Friday, I plan to spend all day in Santa Cruz. Any suggestions for go to places that I need to visit?
Well, this is sobering. I did today my RMR, VO2max and lactate threshold tests, and after them I did a body composition analysis in a BodPod which I understand is considered one of the more reliable methods for calculating body composition.
Here's a picture of me this morning. Have a guess of the numbers and highlight to see results.
Height: 6'2
Weight:Body fat %:213 lbsLean mass:28.2% - OBESEFat mass:154 lbs60lbs
I have so much work ahead of me to get to a meaningful place.
Don't downplay that bro, looking strong and lean.
You'll get there. I would have guessed23-25%
Thanks dude, I appreciate the support![]()
You got the beginnings of a good V shape. And please tell me you did dips between those logs"...part of the confusion comes from the fact that the pectoral muscles feel more strained around the sternum from exercises like the dip. That's because they are more strained, especially if your muscles are tight and you aren't used to doing dips. But strain isn't a sign that parts of the fibers are working harder....You feel a tug because those fibers aren't used to the range of motion and are on the verge of tearing away from the breastbone."