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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Just got enlisted by a friend who wants to put on 15 lbs. He's not really skinnyfat (more on the cut side) but does zero activity right now and has never really lifted.

He has a bet/challenge with a friend and wants to do it by October 1. My first thought was just to let him borrow my copy of SS and tell him to eat a lot more (maybe do 1/4 of a gallon of milk every day if it's tough to get the calories in).

Thoughts? Would that even be possible for him to do?

15 lbs in 2 months?
Noooooooooope, if we're talking muscles.


Just got enlisted by a friend who wants to put on 15 lbs. He's not really skinnyfat (more on the cut side) but does zero activity right now and has never really lifted.

He has a bet/challenge with a friend and wants to do it by October 1. My first thought was just to let him borrow my copy of SS and tell him to eat a lot more (maybe do 1/4 of a gallon of milk every day if it's tough to get the calories in).

Thoughts? Would that even be possible for him to do?

edit: Also considering suggesting Tim Ferris' Occam's Protocol from The 4-Hour Body

If he's never lifted and does zero activity, he probably is skinny fat. This sounds like a dumb bet with no real goals. I'm not a fan of short term, nebulous goals so I'd encourage him to want to make a long term goal of things and make a real commitment to get fit if that's what he wants to do.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
15 lbs in 2 months?
Noooooooooope, if we're talking muscles.

lol no it doesn't have to be all muscle. I said 15 lbs not 15 lbs of lean muscle ; )

I guess I should clarify a bit more. The bet was a side effect of his real goal to put on a little muscle and just get into better shape in general. He feels skinny. The other person in on the bet is trying to lose 15 lbs in the same time frame so they're using it as a bit of motivation for each other.


lol no it doesn't have to be all muscle. I said 15 lbs not 15 lbs of lean muscle ; )

I guess I should clarify a bit more. The bet was a side effect of his real goal to put on a little muscle and just get into better shape in general. He feels skinny. The other person in on the bet is trying to lose 15 lbs in the same time frame so they're using it as a bit of motivation for each other.

Weight measurements are hard to go by. People usually use their appearance more than the scale. "Am I too squishy?" "Do I want more muscle?" etc
Here's a suggestion for how to plot out short term stuff:
Pick a strength program. Make a spreadsheet of it to see how strong he could potentially get if he didn't miss any workouts. Use that as his progress tracker. He'll have to eat enough to put on the muscle to keep pace with that. At the end of the time period re evaluate goals based on how he feels about his appearance.


Gold Member
You'll get there. I would have guessed

I was going to say the same. Either way, don't get discouraged. Remember, everyday you wake up you have some kind of improvement from the previous day. Plus, you're only 7 months into training. Imagine what you'll look like in 1.5 years, 3 years, 5 years, etc.

Thanks guys, much appreciated. I am hell bent on not giving up, even if this means I am a bit behind to where I thought I would be. My lifts are improving every session, and I will now rejig my diet with a nutritionist.

I think going ULC six weeks ago might pushed myself too hard to stall. I will relax a bit so that my thyroid and leptine get a chance to refill, carb nite is not doing the trick for me.
I'm here in Poland in this nice city by the coast, Kolobrzeg, but I feel like I should be squatting instead.

Also, no shop can give me my coconut milk fix :-(


I can't do dips anymore :'(

I used to love them and did loads last year. Then I guess they somehow fucked up my chest since if I do them now my sternum starts to hurt really bad. My guess is that the muscles/tendons around my sternum are somehow inflamed and dips aggravate them really bad. Apparently it's not even all that uncommon..

It might be this but I'm not sure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costochondritis

Anyways nothing else I do in the gym outside of dips hurt like this, which is good. It might get better if I just stopped doing chest movements but that's not gonna happen at this point of my training. I'll just have to do without dips for the time being. Would love to do them though since my bench saw great gains when I did lots of dips as an assistance. Now I just have to find a decent alternative. Thinking about CGBP.



Oh nice... :S

This happens to me, the pain was unbearable and I put it down to being a novice at one point I almost collapsed. What can I substitute in for dips?


Incredibly Naive
So I want to start doing some higher intensity cardio rather than the elliptical or stationary bike. I was considering something like sprints. I have a soccer field near me, how would sprinting down 1 way, jogging back, then sprint, etc. work? How could I use the lines to my advantage? Any help appreciated!
My wrists have been aching quite a bit lately (tracing it back to squat day, as it's getting back now).
I need to pay more attention to how they are positioned, but I think I'm doing everything right (e.g. wrist straight and in line with forearm).
My elbows ached a bit as well, and a couple of my fingers have swollen up lol.
I need to work on my grip. I don't think squeezing hard as hell when doing deads and pullups is cutting it.

I say this because a friend of mine at work got a Captains of Crush grip trainer (No. 1, 140 lbs) and I can only do 1 with my left hand and 4 with my right. It's actually pretty funny because my entire left hand cracks the first time I squeeze.

They are the real deal though, more knurling than a bar. They'll rip your hand up if you're not careful.
I need to work on my grip. I don't think squeezing hard as hell when doing deads and pullups is cutting it.

I say this because a friend of mine at work got a Captains of Crush grip trainer (No. 1, 140 lbs) and I can only do 1 with my left hand and 4 with my right. It's actually pretty funny because my entire left hand cracks the first time I squeeze.

They are the real deal though, more knurling than a bar. They'll rip your hand up if you're not careful.

what's your deadlift? :O

Can I get a squat form check please?

I think the rack is preventing my depth, you can hear the barbell hitting the rack in the second vid first rep.

Also bare foot squatting yes/no?



You need to go way deeper, you are still about 20° from parallel. The rack is preventing you from going deep, try to find another one or step further back...

Barefoot is ok. Weightlifting shoes are better.


Few things:

1. Had my gym belt stolen from the locker room today. It was deadlift day and I put it on the bench in the locker room but for some reason just completely forgot it there. At the end of my workout I remembered I left it on the bench but it was gone, and no one returned it to the front desk. Oh well, didn't like that belt much anyway.

On my heavy set of deads my left shin bled because it was scraping the bar, giving the bar a nice coat of blood, and in return bloodying up my shorts as it rubbed against them at the top of the movement, I didn't even notice until I put the bar down and started walking around lol.

2. Got a box of the new White Chocolate Raspberry Quest Bars. so much HNNNNGG, definitely a top tier flavour.

3. Got me a rumble roller today (extra firm), and that shit hurts (in a good way).
1RM Week started off with testing my OHP. Final result:

1RM OHP @ 195 lbs.

I really wanted 200 but that just wasn't going to happen. Not too bad considering my 1RM around this time last year was 160/165. Plus I'm coming off of a cut. Can't wait to try it again next year. Tomorrow is squats. 400+ go!


lol no it doesn't have to be all muscle. I said 15 lbs not 15 lbs of lean muscle ; )

I'm2 months and 1 week in and I've gained a little over 15 lbs, during the first month I dont think I even hit the needed calories. Not doing SS either. Should be easy enough to gain 15, just needs to make sure he eats A LOT more and creatine/protein would prob help too, creatine alone should add like 4 - 6 lbs. But maybe that's considered cheating since you tend to lose the weight after you stop using it.


I've been working out for the past three years or so. I've always been pretty scrawny, I'm quite tall (6'3) and have a pretty small frame. I used to do a lot of isometric work and really didnt have any results. I started using the program in the OP and found that I am actually getting results. I've been on a similar plan for about 8 or 9 months now. I wouldn't say I'm ripped or anything but this is the only program that has given me the following results

1. I can actually start to see my abs now
2. I am actually getting strength I can use in real life
3. I work out LESS and get BETTER results
4. I am rarely sore the day after working out

I've done p90x, I've done the 5 day a week gym programs, I've done the HIIT and the only thing that has worked for me is a fairly decent diet (I still have sweets and such sometimes, nothing super strict) and doing core, heavy lifts.

Edit: I guess a pic would be appropriate, I don't really have a before but this is where I am at currently


the piano man
pretty successful shoulder day,

a month ago I did OHP 40 kgs 5x3, then it just went away, I don't know why but I failed to repeat that on the next 2 sessions. Last week I decided to deload and take 35.7 kgs as 5x3 sets, that was the right thing to do.

today I went for 40 kgs 5x3 again and I did it and with better form that the one time I did it weeks ago.

Good day


I can't do dips anymore :'(

I used to love them and did loads last year. Then I guess they somehow fucked up my chest since if I do them now my sternum starts to hurt really bad. My guess is that the muscles/tendons around my sternum are somehow inflamed and dips aggravate them really bad. Apparently it's not even all that uncommon..

It might be this but I'm not sure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costochondritis

Anyways nothing else I do in the gym outside of dips hurt like this, which is good. It might get better if I just stopped doing chest movements but that's not gonna happen at this point of my training. I'll just have to do without dips for the time being. Would love to do them though since my bench saw great gains when I did lots of dips as an assistance. Now I just have to find a decent alternative. Thinking about CGBP.



Oh nice... :S

I had a low grade tear in one of my chest tendons from doing dips. I don't do them at all anymore, they also felt pretty hard on my shoulders as well. Dips are great but no lift is worth getting injured over, then you're out of commission eh :/


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
So I'm at the gym again today. Yesterday I attempted a HIIT on the treadmill and it was suggested that I try on the elliptical instead so that I don't risk a dangerous scenario. However I've run into the problem that even on the lowest resistance setting, the machine can't keep pace w/ my legs, which artificially slows them down.

Should I up the resistance after my quick break now and try that, or do the treadmill again?


So I'm at the gym again today. Yesterday I attempted a HIIT on the treadmill and it was suggested that I try on the elliptical instead so that I don't risk a dangerous scenario. However I've run into the problem that even on the lowest resistance setting, the machine can't keep pace w/ my legs, which artificially slows them down.

Should I up the resistance after my quick break now and try that, or do the treadmill again?

Change the resistance and incline. Going fast isn't the only way to get your heart pumping.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Change the resistance and incline. Going fast isn't the only way to get your heart pumping.

Okay, I'll try that. Thanks.

Okay, let's try this one more time! *goes to elliptical*

EDIT: set the level to 15, only managed 5 min on and off. Sweaty as fuck and heart pounding, but the calorie count on the machine only got to 60. Is that right?


the piano man

I been bulking slowly (on purpose) since october and I am satisfied.

my one warning would be: prepare to see your body go through weird forms and stages.

some days I'd truly look like shit with tiny arms, bloated belly and no muscle and some others I'd look stronger compared to a few months back,

You won't like how you look at all times going through the bulking phase but be patient it pays off if you really are working out like you should..


Okay, I'll try that. Thanks.

Okay, let's try this one more time! *goes to elliptical*

EDIT: set the level to 15, only managed 5 min on and off. Sweaty as fuck and heart pounding, but the calorie count on the machine only got to 60. Is that right?

It could be. I don't necessarily trust the machines (I use a Polar monitor), but if you know your average heart rate you can plug it into here: http://www.shapesense.com/fitness-exercise/calculators/heart-rate-based-calorie-burn-calculator.aspx


Brian Burke punched my mom
Did framing for 16ft walls all day and tiref as fuck but...back deeeeeeeestroyed...BB rows to 286 then deficit snatch grip DLs.

Feast mode right now.

Stuffed swole turkey.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Someone online was saying he's doing 460lbs here. Not bad at all. He still has tiny legs which is weird.
His arms do look like they're pretty long. I have a similar build (only significantly less jacked and cut and famous) and deads are my best lift; the initial drive can be a little slow but once it's at the knees lockout is a piece of cake.

It looks like the red plates are 45lbs, so I think it's less than 460. Even if you assume that all the big plates are 20kg the total is still under 200kg/440lb. Still an impressive lift though, though it doesn't quite stack up to his fabled 1000lb leg press :p


Hugh Jackman vindicated.

Speaking of DL's, some dudes set up the bar on the floor with 330 and both of them honestly did not look like they could lift that.

The guy chalked up and took forever to actually get into position as he seemed nervous as fuck going for it. He eventually made the whole gym cringe by doing the worst deadlift I may have ever seen. He actually lifted it, but in the attempt, his whole lower torso was shaking like those busted washing machines and he pulled way, way far back, to the point where his head, shoulders and upper back were behind him. Afterwards, he dropped the bar and did a little celebration lol.
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