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Got a "your arms are just fucking massive" today. I think I've got enough inspiration and self esteem boost from that one throwaway comment to use for an entire month.
It could be. I don't necessarily trust the machines (I use a Polar monitor), but if you know your average heart rate you can plug it into here: http://www.shapesense.com/fitness-exercise/calculators/heart-rate-based-calorie-burn-calculator.aspx
How To Gain 20 Pounds In 28 Days: The Extreme Muscle Building Secrets of UFC Fighters
By Tim Ferris, pretty interesting, goes into the whole diet and training. Take it for what you will.
Yep, this is a great question to ask and I suspected some people would be skeptical unless we were painfully detailed about the timeline.
The weight gain experiment actually came FIRST. So, Nate started at about 170 pounds. Then he proceeded to:
-Gain 20 pounds of lean mass in 28 days (detailed in this article)
-Lose 20 pounds in 5 days (detailed in part 1)
-Gain 20 pounds in 24 hours (detailed in part 1)
In the end, I know some people will be skeptical about these experiments, not knowing us. But were trustworthy guys and have documented everything in painstaking detail in our free online book Bigger Smaller Bigger (www.biggersmallerbigger.com).
Maybe I read your post wrong, but you did squats and deadlifts 3 out of 4 days and you are wondering why you are sore?
This happens to me, the pain was unbearable and I put it down to being a novice at one point I almost collapsed. What can I substitute in for dips?
Max? Average, bout tree-fitty.
My grip is more of an issue with shrugs and hlrs, deadlifts I'm weak off the floor.
Not wondering why it's sore, just asking for exercises to help.
Honestly, it hadn't been a problem at all up until now. I'm doing Starting Strength and the weight is still really low. Either way, squats and deadlifts are part of the program every session.
If you are doing workouts day in and day out, you are not doing SS. GET YOUR REST![]()
This one isn't. Puts me to shame. Altho what's up with that form?
I lifted quite a bit yesterday and although was sore for several hours right after, I feel fine today. Should I still rest or is it okay to continue lifting?
Full split.
Found this part interesting (in the comments from the Doctor):
It illustrates just how amazing and adaptive our bodies are. Also, it illustrates just how much of this 'lean mass' can disappear if you don't maintain the eating/workout regimen.
They are pretty upfront about their experiment as only having applications in the fight world (where weight fluctuations are a necessity), so it's not like they are trying to pass this off as the way for everyone to go.
Although I could see someone using this program in an effort to look their best for a one time event (like a photo shoot or a tropical vacation).
I think this is a result of traning too hard with too little food. Do you guys have any experience with this?
Edit: So I did some research and my symptoms come closest to "postprandial hypotension". Basically I didn't have enough food and water yesterday, which is bad, especially since I'm taking Animal Cuts. Today, I'm supposed to:
- Stand up or sit, avoid laying down in bed -> I've been in bed for about 9 hour since 9am (It's 3pm now).
- Eat multiple meals, spread over a day and reduce sugar intake -> I thought I was low on energy so I've some sugar in the morning with breakfast
I'm really embarassed since old people are usually bother by this.. I'm fucking 22 man.
protip: never try to self diagnose online
It's almost never worth the inherent stress you get by thinking you may have something you don't. Even at 22 the impacts of stress can mimick the symptoms of chronic diseases, so there's really no point in getting your anxiety up for something that's almost always a falsehood.
Again, more video proof to show my wife that squats are good for her.
400+ 1RM Squat attempt later today.
195 lbs 1RM OHP yesterday.
You got this. No mercy on this bitch!400+ 1RM Squat attempt later today.
195 lbs 1RM OHP yesterday.
400+ 1RM Squat attempt later today.
195 lbs 1RM OHP yesterday.
400+ 1RM Squat attempt later today.
195 lbs 1RM OHP yesterday.
Fitness-GAF, bros, I need some suggestions.
I've been getting in much better shape, progressively, for the past year. I was an athlete (baseball and soccer) up until about JR year of high school, but didn't participate beyond that period. I was slight build most of my college, after-college years, then packed on a little weight by being lazy and unhealthy for about 3 years. Now I'm in the best shape of my life, thanks to changing pretty much every aspect of my diet, wellness, etc.
My upper body is getting stronger and more toned, my lower body is coming together... things are going well. I'm putting on more weight, but converting it to muscle.
I'm having a hell of a time with my neck under my chin. My actual neck strength is increasing, however. It seems by adding more mass to convert to muscle through my body, my face and chin-neck aren't adapting. My jawline is looking stronger head-on, but my profile still has a bit of a double-chin. I want to tighten that up.
Are there any good neck/jaw/face exercises you guys use for a more toned face, neck, and chin?
I don't have a weak chin by any means, but this is still the one area that isn't improving along with the rest of my body.
I read about some basic neck/jaw exercises online, but I wanted to advise with GAF to see if there are any tricks out there that I can use.
Thanks in advance, guys.
For extra specifics:
Age: 33
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 165lbs
Current Training Equipment Available: Bowflex, free weights
Attempt number 3 at the 45lb muscle up today. First time was a success and second time was a fail. I'll video it and post if successful.