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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Anyone get the new Beyond 5/3/1 book?

Yeah I read it as soon as I got it. It's honestly not as good as I thought it would be and doesn't seem needed. His second edition 531 book nails everything you need for his program, IMO.

The only real thing I got out of Beyond 531 is 6 week training cycles instead of 4 and doing Joker sets, but Joker sets require you to be really strong (doing 100-120% of your max AFTER doing your 531 sets for the day).

It seems like he made Beyond 531 for people who just want an insane amount of mini-variations to their assistance work, people who can only train two days a week, and so on.


I'd love to be the editor of Jim Wendler's books. Take 5/3/1 2nd Ed, Beyond 5/3/1 and 5/3/1 for Powerlifting (which is something of a pleonasm given 5/3/1 is a template for training the powerlifts!) and edit them together along with some of his original online postings (which have mostly made in into his books) and you easily have the most recommended book on strength training after Starting Strength. It's all there, waiting to be transformed into a masterpiece.
I like the 4 week cycle in 5/3/1, what's the reasoning behind a 6 week cycle?
Wouldn't you need to switch up your routine even more if you're lifting really heavy (In order to reduce CNS stress)?

OG Kush

For UK peeps its buy one get one free on fat-free Danio greek yoghurt (bout 85p each)! I bought all the ones in my tesco express, 12 of them haha.

Also am I wrong in thinking not everyone needs to go on some crazy bulk, especially if you're not advanced? I'm still a beginner, but I'm just eating good, healthy and seeing gains. I much prefer it this way. Obviously you'll see better gains if you went full out bulking, but gain more fat aswell (I like staying relatively lean (12-15%)! sue me!). I jus think its a misconception when I see beginners my age bracket (16-20) going on all about this bulking business when in reality you probably don't need to bulk so crazy. May be a totally different story when you're advanced though.


I like the 4 week cycle in 5/3/1, what's the reasoning behind a 6 week cycle?
Wouldn't you need to switch up your routine even more if you're lifting really heavy (In order to reduce CNS stress)?

I actually haven't taken a 5/3/1 deload yet. Probably will after this 1s week. The first few cycles have been easy on the upper body.

Edge, good luck today man. Go crush it.
So a bit of a rant/woe is me post coming up.

So first things first, I was able to get a 1RM of 415 lbs. I tried 430 lbs but that just didn't happen. The problem is, I know I could have gotten so much more. Prior to taking 2 weeks off from the gym, I did 6 reps @ 375 lbs (July 3). I know the online calculators can just be taken at face value but the estimates are around 440 lbs. I wasn't anywhere close. I really am upset with myself. Deadlifts, bench, ohp, all need improvement but I really feel like squats are my bread and butter yet I feel like I failed horribly.

I just straight up left the gym after that. Didn't want to work on anything else. I try not to compare myself with others since I can only focus on improving me but I couldn't help it on the way out. Doods are bigger and stronger than me and with a more defined physique. So what's the point of looking like the way I do right now if I don't have the strength to back it up? My body just feels like mush. Maybe I tried to test my 1RM too soon? I don't know, maybe I psyched myself out? I never tested my 1RM before. The funny thing is when I did 5/3/1, none of the weights really felt too heavy. I always felt like I could just squeeze out one more rep even when that extra rep would be 2 or 3. After that set, I would be beat up but in a good way. Today, I left the gym not tired or exhausted at all. Just felt lethargic and ho hum about everything.

I'll be fine in a few hours. And I'm feeling a little bit better now that I got it all out in the open but still. Just really annoyed about the whole thing. I just want to get back there and try it again.


So a bit of a rant/woe is me post coming up.

So first things first, I was able to get a 1RM of 415 lbs. I tried 430 lbs but that just didn't happen. The problem is, I know I could have gotten so much more. Prior to taking 2 weeks off from the gym, I did 6 reps @ 375 lbs (July 3). I know the online calculators can just be taken at face value but the estimates are around 440 lbs. I wasn't anywhere close. I really am upset with myself. Deadlifts, bench, ohp, all need improvement but I really feel like squats are my bread and butter yet I feel like I failed horribly.

I just straight up left the gym after that. Didn't want to work on anything else. I try not to compare myself with others since I can only focus on improving me but I couldn't help it on the way out. Doods are bigger and stronger than me and with a more defined physique. So what's the point of looking like the way I do right now if I don't have the strength to back it up? My body just feels like mush. Maybe I tried to test my 1RM too soon? I don't know, maybe I psyched myself out? I never tested my 1RM before. The funny thing is when I did 5/3/1, none of the weights really felt too heavy. I always felt like I could just squeeze out one more rep even when that extra rep would be 2 or 3. After that set, I would be beat up but in a good way. Today, I left the gym not tired or exhausted at all. Just felt lethargic and ho hum about everything.

I'll be fine in a few hours. And I'm feeling a little bit better now that I got it all out in the open but still. Just really annoyed about the whole thing. I just want to get back there and try it again.

I don't go by online calculators, and it happens, I feel like my chest is by far my main strong point and I have failed miserably many times trying to set personal records. All that did was make me refocus, and try again a week or two later.

Also, I pretty much assume anyone bigger, stronger and more cut than me is on roids, that helps me sleep at night lol.


Fitness-GAF, bros, I need some suggestions.

I've been getting in much better shape, progressively, for the past year. I was an athlete (baseball and soccer) up until about JR year of high school, but didn't participate beyond that period. I was slight build most of my college, after-college years, then packed on a little weight by being lazy and unhealthy for about 3 years. Now I'm in the best shape of my life, thanks to changing pretty much every aspect of my diet, wellness, etc.
My upper body is getting stronger and more toned, my lower body is coming together... things are going well. I'm putting on more weight, but converting it to muscle.

I'm having a hell of a time with my neck under my chin. My actual neck strength is increasing, however. It seems by adding more mass to convert to muscle through my body, my face and chin-neck aren't adapting. My jawline is looking stronger head-on, but my profile still has a bit of a double-chin. I want to tighten that up.

Are there any good neck/jaw/face exercises you guys use for a more toned face, neck, and chin?

I don't have a weak chin by any means, but this is still the one area that isn't improving along with the rest of my body.
I read about some basic neck/jaw exercises online, but I wanted to advise with GAF to see if there are any tricks out there that I can use.

Thanks in advance, guys.

For extra specifics:

Age: 33
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 165lbs
Current Training Equipment Available: Bowflex, free weights
I'm 31, you might think this is weird, but your face, neck and chin, especially as you age, has a lot more to do with how you're taking care of it. If you are at a relatively lower body fat % (under 20%) you should be able to keep the double chin away by simply washing your face at night and moisturizing before bed and in the morning (with a decent quality moisturizer). I started to develop a double chin in my late 20s even with my bf % not changing much, it was mainly due to just getting older and not taking care of my skin properly. After I changed that, it went away. Just a thought...


So a bit of a rant/woe is me post coming up.

So first things first, I was able to get a 1RM of 415 lbs. I tried 430 lbs but that just didn't happen. The problem is, I know I could have gotten so much more. Prior to taking 2 weeks off from the gym, I did 6 reps @ 375 lbs (July 3). I know the online calculators can just be taken at face value but the estimates are around 440 lbs. I wasn't anywhere close. I really am upset with myself. Deadlifts, bench, ohp, all need improvement but I really feel like squats are my bread and butter yet I feel like I failed horribly.

I just straight up left the gym after that. Didn't want to work on anything else. I try not to compare myself with others since I can only focus on improving me but I couldn't help it on the way out. Doods are bigger and stronger than me and with a more defined physique. So what's the point of looking like the way I do right now if I don't have the strength to back it up? My body just feels like mush. Maybe I tried to test my 1RM too soon? I don't know, maybe I psyched myself out? I never tested my 1RM before. The funny thing is when I did 5/3/1, none of the weights really felt too heavy. I always felt like I could just squeeze out one more rep even when that extra rep would be 2 or 3. After that set, I would be beat up but in a good way. Today, I left the gym not tired or exhausted at all. Just felt lethargic and ho hum about everything.

I'll be fine in a few hours. And I'm feeling a little bit better now that I got it all out in the open but still. Just really annoyed about the whole thing. I just want to get back there and try it again.

I know you have dem feels now, but don't lose sight that not only are you a beast man but also how far you've come.

Take it as an opportunity for a new goal to hit and stay positive :)
finally hit the deadlift today. first time in over a year. feels like my wrist is recovering pretty well, so long as i stick to lighter weight and monitor how many sets i'm doing per muscle group. nothing makes you feel beast mode quite like deadlifting. not to mention the pump swells your whole body up.

what kind of music do you guys listen to when you lift? gimme some playlists or album recommendations. i've been listening to Nas' Illmatic and Deltron 3030's Deltron 3030.


Hit 6 sets of 5 at 225lbs on bench today. Can't wait until I max next week or the week after; hoping that I put up a 3 spot


I actually haven't taken a 5/3/1 deload yet. Probably will after this 1s week. The first few cycles have been easy on the upper body.

Edge, good luck today man. Go crush it.

I havent taken any deloads since I started 531 in January, but Im taking one next week at the end of my cycle. My joints are begging me for it.


Hit 6 sets of 5 at 225lbs on bench today. Can't wait until I max next week or the week after; hoping that I put up a 3 spot

Good shit. I've switched to dumbbells for Bench for the last 3 months or so, and they're just so much fun (and I'm progressing so quickly) that I'm scared to go back to barbell. :(


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Good shit. I've switched to dumbbells for Bench for the last 3 months or so, and they're just so much fun (and I'm progressing so quickly) that I'm scared to go back to barbell. :(
Why does it have to be one or the other? Do them both!


I havent taken any deloads since I started 531 in January, but Im taking one next week at the end of my cycle. My joints are begging me for it.

Yeah my left elbow is hurtin for a squirtin.

A week of deload will be nice.

How do you guys deload accessory stuff?
I've just go back to the weight/reps I did on my previous on my accessories (I generally increase in reps and/or weight every week with my accessories).
I reasoned that the reason accessories are hard as is, is because I got a heavy compound lift beforehand. With that compound lift now at ridiculus weights, my accessories will naturally be so much easier to complete, so I don't need to deload them at the same percentage as my compound lift.
I been bulking slowly (on purpose) since october and I am satisfied.

my one warning would be: prepare to see your body go through weird forms and stages.

some days I'd truly look like shit with tiny arms, bloated belly and no muscle and some others I'd look stronger compared to a few months back,

You won't like how you look at all times going through the bulking phase but be patient it pays off if you really are working out like you should..

You're wayy ahead of me, nice! May I ask how much have you gained so far during your bulk?

In 11 months I'm hoping to gain 12 kg and then start cutting. Almost a month has gone now since I started and I've gained 2 kgs, still feel/look very lean


So a bit of a rant/woe is me post coming up.

So first things first, I was able to get a 1RM of 415 lbs. I tried 430 lbs but that just didn't happen. The problem is, I know I could have gotten so much more. Prior to taking 2 weeks off from the gym, I did 6 reps @ 375 lbs (July 3). I know the online calculators can just be taken at face value but the estimates are around 440 lbs. I wasn't anywhere close. I really am upset with myself. Deadlifts, bench, ohp, all need improvement but I really feel like squats are my bread and butter yet I feel like I failed horribly.

I just straight up left the gym after that. Didn't want to work on anything else. I try not to compare myself with others since I can only focus on improving me but I couldn't help it on the way out. Doods are bigger and stronger than me and with a more defined physique. So what's the point of looking like the way I do right now if I don't have the strength to back it up? My body just feels like mush. Maybe I tried to test my 1RM too soon? I don't know, maybe I psyched myself out? I never tested my 1RM before. The funny thing is when I did 5/3/1, none of the weights really felt too heavy. I always felt like I could just squeeze out one more rep even when that extra rep would be 2 or 3. After that set, I would be beat up but in a good way. Today, I left the gym not tired or exhausted at all. Just felt lethargic and ho hum about everything.

I'll be fine in a few hours. And I'm feeling a little bit better now that I got it all out in the open but still. Just really annoyed about the whole thing. I just want to get back there and try it again.

How did you work up to if? I failed on 445 during Smolov and I should have been able to do it. It was very frustrating especially after all the work I had put in. Aren't you just testing 1RM this week? It will be hard to take the ego hit of then using 415 and taking 90% of that as your starting point.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So a bit of a rant/woe is me post coming up.

So first things first, I was able to get a 1RM of 415 lbs. I tried 430 lbs but that just didn't happen. The problem is, I know I could have gotten so much more. Prior to taking 2 weeks off from the gym, I did 6 reps @ 375 lbs (July 3). I know the online calculators can just be taken at face value but the estimates are around 440 lbs. I wasn't anywhere close. I really am upset with myself. Deadlifts, bench, ohp, all need improvement but I really feel like squats are my bread and butter yet I feel like I failed horribly.

I just straight up left the gym after that. Didn't want to work on anything else. I try not to compare myself with others since I can only focus on improving me but I couldn't help it on the way out. Doods are bigger and stronger than me and with a more defined physique. So what's the point of looking like the way I do right now if I don't have the strength to back it up? My body just feels like mush. Maybe I tried to test my 1RM too soon? I don't know, maybe I psyched myself out? I never tested my 1RM before. The funny thing is when I did 5/3/1, none of the weights really felt too heavy. I always felt like I could just squeeze out one more rep even when that extra rep would be 2 or 3. After that set, I would be beat up but in a good way. Today, I left the gym not tired or exhausted at all. Just felt lethargic and ho hum about everything.

I'll be fine in a few hours. And I'm feeling a little bit better now that I got it all out in the open but still. Just really annoyed about the whole thing. I just want to get back there and try it again.

Like you said, you'll be fine in a few hours. Your body's got to get back on track with your mindset, or vice versa. Don't overthink. Stay positive. You're not doing things wrong. These days...they happen.

You'll be back in the fight real soon, make good on that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Is someone going to do a Zyzz Anniversary RIP thread?

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Met with a personal trainer this morning since they were offering a free consultation for new gym members. Dude really put me through my paces, got some good feedback, took measurements, etc. The calipers say I'm at 17% bf (22lbs fat to 113lbs lean body mass), but I dunno... Always looks higher to me, like over 20% or so.

I still haven't gotten the confidence or know-how to go near the free weights, though, but at least I'm regularly going to the gym now and that's a start.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Met with a personal trainer this morning since they were offering a free consultation for new gym members. Dude really put me through my paces, got some good feedback, took measurements, etc. The calipers say I'm at 17% bf (22lbs fat to 113lbs lean body mass), but I dunno... Always looks higher to me, like over 20% or so.

I still haven't gotten the confidence or know-how to go near the free weights, though, but at least I'm regularly going to the gym now and that's a start.

It is a start brother! Make sure you do it! Get over that confidence hump and good things follow!
the most effective way to lose your double chin is by running. you cannot target fat loss

I'm 31, you might think this is weird, but your face, neck and chin, especially as you age, has a lot more to do with how you're taking care of it. If you are at a relatively lower body fat % (under 20%) you should be able to keep the double chin away by simply washing your face at night and moisturizing before bed and in the morning (with a decent quality moisturizer). I started to develop a double chin in my late 20s even with my bf % not changing much, it was mainly due to just getting older and not taking care of my skin properly. After I changed that, it went away. Just a thought...

Much appreciated, guys.
I'll use both of these suggestions!
How did you work up to if? I failed on 445 during Smolov and I should have been able to do it. It was very frustrating especially after all the work I had put in. Aren't you just testing 1RM this week? It will be hard to take the ego hit of then using 415 and taking 90% of that as your starting point.

Pretty poorly honestly. I should have done more research and gone from there. I know better, I was tunnel visioned at trying a 1RM. As mentioned, time to start with 90% of 415 and work my way back up.

I know you have dem feels now, but don't lose sight that not only are you a beast man but also how far you've come.

Take it as an opportunity for a new goal to hit and stay positive :)

I don't go by online calculators, and it happens, I feel like my chest is by far my main strong point and I have failed miserably many times trying to set personal records. All that did was make me refocus, and try again a week or two later.

Also, I pretty much assume anyone bigger, stronger and more cut than me is on roids, that helps me sleep at night lol.

Like you said, you'll be fine in a few hours. Your body's got to get back on track with your mindset, or vice versa. Don't overthink. Stay positive. You're not doing things wrong. These days...they happen.

You'll be back in the fight real soon, make good on that.

Thanks. I feel like an idiot for posting what I did. Caught up in the emotion of disappointment. More upset at myself for just leaving the gym without finishing my workout. I will fix that wrong tonight.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks. I feel like an idiot for posting what I did. Caught up in the emotion of disappointment. More upset at myself for just leaving the gym without finishing my workout. I will fix that wrong tonight.

Don't even worry about it. I had a shit-ass day the other day, completely recognized it was a shit-ass day, still felt shit-assy about it. Next time everything changed. I'm high off of a compliment I got last night and it'll last me a whole month.


Think this guy was natty?


Whats his weight before and after, and how long did it take. Can't say if something is naturally possible otherwise. That pic could be over the course of 5 years for all I know.


the piano man
You're wayy ahead of me, nice! May I ask how much have you gained so far during your bulk?

In 11 months I'm hoping to gain 12 kg and then start cutting. Almost a month has gone now since I started and I've gained 2 kgs, still feel/look very lean

I'd say got around 7-8 kgs in 10 months.

It could have been more but I am satisfied because the important thing in this process is to learn how/what to eat. In the context of a beginner/novice, I personally don't believe in mindless, dirty bulking and eating shit with the excuse that I want to get bigger. If I eat more of the bad things and less of the good things, it shows, muscles or not.

So in the learning progess I may have eaten less than I should have but it's fine, I am a small guy (1'65cm, 5'5) that started very skinny (61 kgs!) and with a small, rather frail frame so those kgs mean more to me than they would to a taller, bigger guy,

Some weeks back I received help from fitgaf to improve my bulking regime, so I am hoping to go up 2 kgs in the next 1 or 2 months but I am suspectig life and its stress will get in the way of that, eating takes time and commitment, is the thing I am learning just now.

and I have a problem: I HATE taking breakfast, I've never taken breakfast in my life, I do only if invited or someone else cooks for me but on my own, I pass on it, and gladly, my stomach is closed for the first 4 or 5 hours after weaking up.... so forcing myself to eat in the morning has proven to be a big challenge...I try but I fail sometimes :/


Whats his weight before and after, and how long did it take. Can't say if something is naturally possible otherwise. That pic could be over the course of 5 years for all I know.

Yeah this. Plus there isn't a lot of info. Most of the exercises don't show the reps/sets either.
Greetings Fit-GAF. I come here seeking advice.

About 3 months ago I started a cut and dropped 20lbs. I'm looking to start bulking again soon and had a few questions.

Intaking enough protein has never been an issue, but I seem to have an issue with carbs. I'm basically desk ridden the biggest part of my day at work, and am worried about ballooning back up if I start eating a bunch of carbs during my work day. So should I try to squeeze as many into breakfast, pre-workout and post workout meals as possible, or spread them out throughout the day?


I'd love to be the editor of Jim Wendler's books. Take 5/3/1 2nd Ed, Beyond 5/3/1 and 5/3/1 for Powerlifting (which is something of a pleonasm given 5/3/1 is a template for training the powerlifts!) and edit them together along with some of his original online postings (which have mostly made in into his books) and you easily have the most recommended book on strength training after Starting Strength. It's all there, waiting to be transformed into a masterpiece.

But then he wouldn't be able to sell us 100 page PDFs for 30 bucks!

I love Wendler though.


Well I promised one month updates and here they are, I'm doing starting strength for the first month and here are the gains I've made according to my Logs.

Barbell Squat: 185 Up to 270
Bench Press 155 Up to 175
Deadlift - 175 Up to 225
Power Cleans 65 Up to 105
Military Press 95 up to 120

Don't think I'm missing anything else important, so now to the before and after pictures

July 2nd

July 31st

I still think it's time to add cardio, but you guys say on SS NOT to add it =/, I kind of want to really bad though, maybe even slow steady cardio or something, i've been watching my calories/intake for a few weeks and keeping it around 1800
Today's lifts:

Squat 325x3x5 5/5/4 missed the last one. I didn't think I was going to do even 3 per set
OHP 105x3x5 a reset I guess
Power Clean 165x5x3 Mentally farted and did 175x5x3 no wonder they felt weird
Dips 3x15 8/8/8 focusing on form

Arghhh want to get to da gym nao!

The power cleans destroyed me. Damn!
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