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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Much appreciated, guys.
I'll use both of these suggestions!

Might as well throw my two cents in since those two gave some weird ass advice imo.

No, running isn't the best way to get rid of a double chin. Having a double chin just means that you are fat and your body likes to store fat in that area. If you want to lose the double chin, you need to get leaner overall since fat loss can't be targeted. This is achieved by having a caloric deficit (ie. dieting). Cardio can help by increasing the deficit but there's nothing magical about running. It has the same effect as any other type of exercise.

Also the advice about using some sort of moisturizer to get rid of body fat sounds pretty amazing. I mean this is the holy grail that women have been searching for decades. A lotion that burns fat and tones your skin. In all seriousness though, some moisturizer isn't gonna do anything except give you a nice, smooth double chin. It won't go anywhere by applying some lotion on it, we're not talking about some rash here.

If you want to get rid of the double chin, get leaner still. That's the only thing that will work. I can guarantee you that.


Well I promised one month updates and here they are, I'm doing starting strength for the first month and here are the gains I've made according to my Logs.

Barbell Squat: 185 Up to 270
Bench Press 155 Up to 175
Deadlift - 175 Up to 225
Power Cleans 65 Up to 105
Military Press 95 up to 120

Don't think I'm missing anything else important, so now to the before and after pictures

July 2nd

July 31st

I still think it's time to add cardio, but you guys say on SS NOT to add it =/, I kind of want to really bad though, maybe even slow steady cardio or something, i've been watching my calories/intake for a few weeks and keeping it around 1800

keep it up man!!!

allll kiiiinds of gainzzz

I would definitely throw cardio in. I think a lot them say don't throw cardio in are much smaller starting out then you or I or at least think it's enough. Doing some HIIT definitely wouldn't be detrimental to your progress. It wasn't for me and others. Take a look at leangains/intermittent fasting. It's been great so far for me and others really swear by it. Your call though. At the end of the day, it's your journey. That's the best piece of advice I can give. Almost everyone is going to have different ideas, pointers, etc. You got to figure out what truly works best for you while taking things like SS as the foundation of your initial training.

Anyways, that's my $ .02. Keep on brotha, before you know it, you probably won't recognize yourself and you'll be amazed at your progress!


what's up with this trend of what I can best describe as skinny track pants?

been seeing lots of bros at the gym wearing track pants that are the same fit as like skinny jeans. you can only fit into them if you have chicken legs. I thought chicken legs were something to be ashamed of, not flaunt with skinny ass pants?

da fuck?
So I hit a plateau doing SS i deloaded 2 weeks ago and starting up again but this time. I'm mixing it up.
Still doing full body a day with rest on following day but the first few day I'm doing high rep low weight. Then on my final day, before 2 days off, go heavy less rep


EDIT: i started feeling the burn again

Nelo Ice

K think I may be plateauing or SS is just getting really hard. Deadlifts on Monday only got to 4 reps @ 195 lbs with the 4th rep bein ugly. Squats @ 185 lbs and I only do it 5 times on the first set and afterwards I only got to 3. Granted on my 2nd set of squats I did take a short breather to get the last 2 reps in. Final set I was dead and knew tryin to get 2 more in wasn't smart.
So I hit a plateau doing SS i deloaded 2 weeks ago and starting up again but this time. I'm mixing it up.
Still doing full body a day with rest on following day but the first few day I'm doing high rep low weight. Then on my final day, before 2 days off, go heavy less rep


EDIT: i started feeling the burn again

Why are you doing this?

K think I may be plateauing or SS is just getting really hard. Deadlifts on Monday only got to 4 reps @ 195 lbs with the 4th rep bein ugly. Squats @ 185 lbs and I only do it 5 times on the first set and afterwards I only got to 3. Granted on my 2nd set of squats I did take a short breather to get the last 2 reps in. Final set I was dead and knew tryin to get 2 more in wasn't smart.

It's ok, you will fail on SS, sometimes twice, and then get it and then blast through 20 more lbs. Maybe it was just a bad day, don't let it get to you

Nelo Ice

Why are you doing this?

It's ok, you will fail on SS, sometimes twice, and then get it and then blast through 20 more lbs. Maybe it was just a bad day, don't let it get to you

Thanks for the advice. Starting last Friday and through this week was the first time I was like completely spent after doin SS. Like on Friday I had to push through rows since it was the first time I wanted to stop since I was so spent lol.

edit:Forgot to mention that the squats I struggled on were yesterdays workout. On Monday I powered through 180 lbs for 3x5. I was going to do 185 lb but random that was I working in with misjudged and by the time I realized I had already done two sets.


Junior Member
Age: 19

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 160

Goal: Strength

Current Training Schedule: I've just started doing T-25, I'm 3 days in and liking it so far. Before this I was doing insanity for 4 months. Started working out more just with the videos in March since stopping last year.

Current Training Equipment Available: 5 and 15 pound dumbbell weights, agility ladder, small resistance band without handles, ab roller, treadmill, and elliptical. I also have a pull up bar, but it doesn't fit any of the doors.

Comments: I've been counting my calories recently, not going over 2100 to try and lose weight to 155 pounds. Is this a good idea? I'm trying to cut the fat off my system while doing the T-25 workouts. I'm also taking a scoop of a creatine mixture (Six Star Pro Nutrition Creatine X3) that contains 5g creatine monohydrate with water each day. From reading the OP and looking at my log, I guess I should be getting more protein as I'm averaging at around 100g a day.

Thanks for the help, guys!


Uh, why on earth are you taking 56g of creatine? The recommended/normal dosage is 5g a day..

Creatine isn't protein.

If you need more protein, then eat more protein or drink shakes.


Junior Member
Uh, why on earth are you taking 56g of creatine? The recommended/normal dosage is 5g a day..

Creatine isn't protein.

If you need more protein, then eat more protein or drink shakes.

Well, the serving size is 1 scoop, which is 56g, it says the creatine monohydrate portion in that scoop is 5010mg, then it also has total carbohydrates at 43g with sugars being 41, and some amino acid matrix + BCAA. Sorry for the confusion. I'm not intaking more than 5g a day.


Gold Member
Need some programming ideas Fit gaf. I have been doing SS quite successfully for 2 months now. My gains in bench and OHP have been smaller in percentage than squat and deads

Squat 50kg -> 90kg + 80%
Deadlift 100kg -> 140kg + 40%
Bench 60kg -> 80kg + 33%
OHP -> 37.5kg -> 45kg + 20%

Clearly the 1.5 times a week for both is not enough. I think I need to hit both at least twice a week on average.

I have experimented the last two weeks with doing Bench on all my SS days (Mon/Wed/Fri) and then OHP on the days in between (Tue/Thu/Sat) but this clearly doesn't work.

Any ideas?


the piano man
Need some programming ideas Fit gaf. I have been doing SS quite successfully for 2 months now. My gains in bench and OHP have been smaller in percentage than squat and deads

Squat 50kg -> 90kg + 80%
Deadlift 100kg -> 140kg + 40%
Bench 60kg -> 80kg + 33%
OHP -> 37.5kg -> 45kg + 20%

Clearly the 1.5 times a week for both is not enough. I think I need to hit both at least twice a week on average.

I have experimented the last two weeks with doing Bench on all my SS days (Mon/Wed/Fri) and then OHP on the days in between (Tue/Thu/Sat) but this clearly doesn't work.

Any ideas?

but aren't smaller increments expected in OHP compared to DL? Since all MCs progress differently, I wonder if comparing the percentages of the different MCs gives you an accurate picture.
Need some programming ideas Fit gaf. I have been doing SS quite successfully for 2 months now. My gains in bench and OHP have been smaller in percentage than squat and deads.

Any ideas?

I don't think you need to change anything or worry about the percentages. You have made really good progress in all lifts and as long as you are making progress you are on the right track. Your squat was pretty weak in the beginning so it's no wonder your squat has increased the most. OHP and Bench are always harder to improve and those lifts will probably stall earlier too. I would be damn happy if I could still improve my bench even by 10% in two months..


Well, the serving size is 1 scoop, which is 56g, it says the creatine monohydrate portion in that scoop is 5010mg, then it also has total carbohydrates at 43g with sugars being 41, and some amino acid matrix + BCAA. Sorry for the confusion. I'm not intaking more than 5g a day.

43g sugar in your creative lol what? Take plain creative monohydrate not whatever craziness you are taking now
43g sugar in your creative lol what? Take plain creative monohydrate not whatever craziness you are taking now

Creation needs sugar to absorb into the body. Now that does seem Luke an extreme amount though. Just get the ON creation powder with nothing added and mix with juice or your protein shake with like a banana for the sugar


dat gorilla strength

More like dat red panda strength.

Awesome work, Cooter. I must achieve my first muscle up in your honor.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Measured my bodyfat for the first time last night. Seem to be about 7-8% right now. Found it kinda shocking actually.

OG Kush

I'd say got around 7-8 kgs in 10 months.

It could have been more but I am satisfied because the important thing in this process is to learn how/what to eat. In the context of a beginner/novice, I personally don't believe in mindless, dirty bulking and eating shit with the excuse that I want to get bigger. If I eat more of the bad things and less of the good things, it shows, muscles or not.

So in the learning progess I may have eaten less than I should have but it's fine, I am a small guy (1'65cm, 5'5) that started very skinny (61 kgs!) and with a small, rather frail frame so those kgs mean more to me than they would to a taller, bigger guy,

Some weeks back I received help from fitgaf to improve my bulking regime, so I am hoping to go up 2 kgs in the next 1 or 2 months but I am suspectig life and its stress will get in the way of that, eating takes time and commitment, is the thing I am learning just now.

and I have a problem: I HATE taking breakfast, I've never taken breakfast in my life, I do only if invited or someone else cooks for me but on my own, I pass on it, and gladly, my stomach is closed for the first 4 or 5 hours after weaking up.... so forcing myself to eat in the morning has proven to be a big challenge...I try but I fail sometimes :/
5 foot 5 and 61 kgs is skinny?! im 5 ffoot 9 and 60 kgs now, and somewhere between 12-15% bodyfat. Unless you had a lot of muscle to begin with I don't see how u were "skinny"!
Sheeiiit. Was a bit greedy on my deadlift today and thought I had a 180kg (397lb) deadlift in me but barely got it off the ground (or maybe my previous set 2 x 160 was too much). Well, it's back to basics now and will leave my 1 rep max attempts until the end of this year..


the piano man
5 foot 5 and 61 kgs is skinny?! im 5 ffoot 9 and 60 kgs now, and somewhere between 12-15% bodyfat. Unless you had a lot of muscle to begin with I don't see how u were "skinny"!

is a matter of opinion, I guess...

I was 13.5% bodyfat at that time too and everybody told me, I was to thin, which I was. I hadn't started hitting the gym back then so there was zero muscle to speak of.

I guess skinny (as in, bones showing) isn't the right word to use but I felt and looked that way.


This weekend is gonna be a monstrous cheat. Going to the beach with my friends. Friday night will be all you can eat crabs, corn and fried chicken. Saturday pizza and sandwiches. Sunday this really good Chinese place.

I'm expecting a really good week at the gym next week.

And cooter, you are truly a man beast. That's seriously impressive.


Gold Member
but aren't smaller increments expected in OHP compared to DL? Since all MCs progress differently, I wonder if comparing the percentages of the different MCs gives you an accurate picture.

I don't think you need to change anything or worry about the percentages. You have made really good progress in all lifts and as long as you are making progress you are on the right track. Your squat was pretty weak in the beginning so it's no wonder your squat has increased the most. OHP and Bench are always harder to improve and those lifts will probably stall earlier too. I would be damn happy if I could still improve my bench even by 10% in two months..

Thanks guys. Maybe I am reading it wrong and should just continue as is. OHP especially seems like just a crawl, and it's not that high yet either.... and I would love to hit that 3x5 @ 100kg bench this year too.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well I promised one month updates and here they are, I'm doing starting strength for the first month and here are the gains I've made according to my Logs.

Barbell Squat: 185 Up to 270
Bench Press 155 Up to 175
Deadlift - 175 Up to 225
Power Cleans 65 Up to 105
Military Press 95 up to 120

Don't think I'm missing anything else important, so now to the before and after pictures

I still think it's time to add cardio, but you guys say on SS NOT to add it =/, I kind of want to really bad though, maybe even slow steady cardio or something, i've been watching my calories/intake for a few weeks and keeping it around 1800

It's a slow burn. It's good to see your lifts progressing and I feel you about wanting weight loss while you do it...but kinda not wanting to. Stay the course. You'll get there my brother!


is a matter of opinion, I guess...

I was 13.5% bodyfat at that time too and everybody told me, I was to thin, which I was. I hadn't started hitting the gym back then so there was zero muscle to speak of.

I guess skinny (as in, bones showing) isn't the right word to use but I felt and looked that way.

Skinny-fat might be the term you're looking for.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks guys. It's taken a lot of hard work to master that bad boy!

On the quest bar front, white chocolate raspberry is really good! Definitely top 5 but I will give it a few more days until I reorganize my list.
Creation needs sugar to absorb into the body. Now that does seem Luke an extreme amount though. Just get the ON creation powder with nothing added and mix with juice or your protein shake with like a banana for the sugar

wait, really? I thought that wasn't true and that you can just take it with water and you are fine.
Need some programming ideas Fit gaf. I have been doing SS quite successfully for 2 months now. My gains in bench and OHP have been smaller in percentage than squat and deads

Squat 50kg -> 90kg + 80%
Deadlift 100kg -> 140kg + 40%
Bench 60kg -> 80kg + 33%
OHP -> 37.5kg -> 45kg + 20%

Clearly the 1.5 times a week for both is not enough. I think I need to hit both at least twice a week on average.

I have experimented the last two weeks with doing Bench on all my SS days (Mon/Wed/Fri) and then OHP on the days in between (Tue/Thu/Sat) but this clearly doesn't work.

Any ideas?

Stop this! Bench and OHP will advance more slowly. That's just a fact of life. Be patient, SS should last you 2 to 3 more months still. Rest days are for resting only. I suggest you to follow the program as is. Percentage increases is a little bit meaningless imo.

Thanks for the advice. Starting last Friday and through this week was the first time I was like completely spent after doin SS. Like on Friday I had to push through rows since it was the first time I wanted to stop since I was so spent lol.

edit:Forgot to mention that the squats I struggled on were yesterdays workout. On Monday I powered through 180 lbs for 3x5. I was going to do 185 lb but random that was I working in with misjudged and by the time I realized I had already done two sets.

With the weights I am lifting, every training day under SS is torture, but I will keep following as long as I can because it's the most efficient and fast program to gain strength and muscle that I know of.
Is there a certain app you guys use to track your routines / how much weight you are lifting? I'm going to start the one in the OP and was curious if there is a better way than pen and paper or taking notes on my phone.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Thanks guys. It's taken a lot of hard work to master that bad boy!

On the quest bar front, white chocolate raspberry is really good! Definitely top 5 but I will give it a few more days until I reorganize my list.

You've inspired me to attempt weighted muscle-ups. Won't be doing 45 lbs anytime soon, but I'm sure I can do 25 lbs once. Thing is, I only have a weight vest at home, so I hope my gym has one of those weight belts you were wearing in your vid.


Is there a certain app you guys use to track your routines / how much weight you are lifting? I'm going to start the one in the OP and was curious if there is a better way than pen and paper or taking notes on my phone.

I use an App called Jefit, its for android, i dunno if its on IOS

basically you create an account for the app and the website (for free), and then setup your routines throughout the week (so like Starting strength), and put in the amount of rest you want etc.

at the end of the workout it will ask "do you want to sync now" and just click yes and it'll upload it all to the website. Theres a paid version but I don't know what that one does, jefit free work's perfectly fine though.


Is there a certain app you guys use to track your routines / how much weight you are lifting? I'm going to start the one in the OP and was curious if there is a better way than pen and paper or taking notes on my phone.

Myfitnesspal since it syncs with all of the other apps I use.


I think I'm dropping fat so fast that my skin can't keep up. Feels more squishy and softer than before. 3,7kg of mostly fat in two weeks.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
My tracking is pretty utilitarian.

I have my workout sets planned out - for my 3 days a week. I adjust weight of each and move up as often as I can. That's all there is. I don't have a log stretching back, just only my last week's numbers. Always building on it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You've inspired me to attempt weighted muscle-ups. Won't be doing 45 lbs anytime soon, but I'm sure I can do 25 lbs once. Thing is, I only have a weight vest at home, so I hope my gym has one of those weight belts you were wearing in your vid.
I think I bought mine for 20 bucks. If you can get 25lbs you will be at 45 before you know it! I give you 3 or 4 months. Maybe less.

I really think what helped me most going from 25 to 45 was the incorporation of heavy dips. When you get used to dipping 3 or 4 plates, one doesn't feel so bad when you get to the dip part of a muscle up. Good luck!


Is there a certain app you guys use to track your routines / how much weight you are lifting? I'm going to start the one in the OP and was curious if there is a better way than pen and paper or taking notes on my phone.

There is an iPhone app called "Big Lifts" that I use that is designed for tracking and managing SS and 531.


Is there a certain app you guys use to track your routines / how much weight you are lifting? I'm going to start the one in the OP and was curious if there is a better way than pen and paper or taking notes on my phone.

I used to track things, but I've just been mentally doing it for a while now haha


I used to track mine on Fitocracy, but I switched to a moleskine and pen. I don't know how long Fitocracy will be around, but I know I'll be able to look at pen and paper years down the road and see where I came from.
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