To add to this here's my current routine. Used to do 12 for each,but doing 8 now. Also used to take as long of a rest between sets as I felt, now take from 90 sec to 3 minutes, more the former though.
Incline Press- 3 sets of 8, moving up 10 pounds each set.
Bent over Row- 3 sets of 8, moving up 10 each set
Shoulder Press- 3 set of 8, can't hit 8 or even close on final 2 sets start at 105 and add 10 each time
Preacher curls- 3 sets of 8 moving slow on the down, explode back up. Worked through some forearm tendonitis and a clicking elbow. Fixed the clicking with hammer curls.
Tuesday: leg and core. This took a while to work up to as my right patella tracks poorly
Squats- 3 sets of 8, add 20 pounds each step up
Deadlifts- 3 sets of 8
Planks- 2 70 seconds
side planks- 2 35 seconds each side
Hanging leg raises on pull up bar.
Wednesday- repeat mon.
Thursday- Repeat Tues.
Friday- Repeat mon.
Weekend- rest.
You are doing both bench press and overhead press on the same day. Twice a week. That seems like overkill and adds a lot of volume where it's not needed. If you follow SS you will be benching and Pressing overhead 1.5 times a week.
Let's contrast your tuesday/thursday lifts (why tuesday/thursday? and monday/friday?)
I Deadlifted that 5RM on Monday along with heavy squat, let's see how much volume it was under SS:
Squat 320x3x5 = 4800 lb
Deadlift 345x1x5 = 1725 lb
Bench Press 190x3x5 = 2850 lb
Total session volume = 9375 lb
Total per week (3 sessions) = 28,125 lb (probably even less because Power Cleans and Overhead Press are very low colume compared to Bench Press/Deadlift)
Since I am getting stronger (I am adding weight to the bar on a constant basis) and getting bigger (losing fat), I am still breaking homeostasis with very little volume (better chance of recovery).
Now let's see your program (Using my numbers + I lowered the weights for 8RM instead of 5RM)
Incline Bench 165x3x8 = 4200lb
OHP 115x3x8 = 2760 lb
Rows 135x3x8 = 3240 lb
Total A: 10,200 lb
Deadlift 315x3x8 = 7,560 lb
Squat 300x3x8 = 7,200 lb
Total B: 14,760lb
Total per week (2A+2B) = 49,920 lb
So in a day under SS, I am lifting half the volume you are, which lets me recover a whole more easier than you. That means that If I don't eat/sleep/drink protein for a day, the impact is not as severe as you are doing under your program.
Plus, you are not getting that much stronger than I am because on the 8RM scheme, you are promoting hypertrophy more than strength. 5RM promotes both, plus I do ancillary workouts (dips, curls, chinups) to promote hypertrophy on the zones that I want, without adding too much volume to the overall lifts.
Also, you are squatting only
TWICE a week, so under regular circumstances I am adding 10 pounds more per week to my squat than you. That obviously sacrifices a little bit of bench and OHP advancement, since I am lifting 1.5 times instead of 2 times a week, but that only means that I am losing 1.25lb increases weekly, which on the OHP and Bench are not that really important since they advance so slowly anyway.
Even more, I am spending 6 hours a week at the gym while you are spending 8 hours a week.
That's why I recommend SS or any other tried and tested n00b program. They already take into account many things you don't consider when you are a novice and it's better than certainly almost anything you come up with
Starting strength will achieve my goals faster then?
Yes, it seems it won't on the short term, but on the long run, it's way more efficient than what you are doing.
Also any advice on balancing my shoulders?
Barbell Deadlift, Overhead press and power cleans
also in SS, it requires a regular bench press, but at the moment, my clicking shoulder is too much of a mental block for me to do regular press.
Do the incline you are already doing instead of regular bench press, switch when you heal.
Have you decided what program to follow after you exhaust SS?
Don't know yet, I might look into 5/3/1 since it's highly regarded around here. I have already done Texas Method and I like it, but I feel like trying something new.