So with SS it says 3 sets of 5... so how heavy should I go for each exercise? Do you still pyramid up on the 3 sets of 5, or is it all the same weight?
you warm up up to the working weight, and do 3 sets of 5 with the same weight
Also for dead lift, everybody lists doing 1 set of 5, so I have no idea what weight to start with. Like I said I'm a noob at all of this, and deadlifts/squats were difficult for me with a knee problem I've been recovering from. What's a good weight to start with though on the Deadlifts?
I find 135 is a great weight to start, but if you can't do it, do 115 with a 45 under the plates.
edit- also when do you consider someone out of the "beginner" phase. I've been lifting now for about 9 months. I was on a diet for a nice big chunk of this, but I'm back to making gains on everything now that I'm off. Is SS still right for me?
If you haven't done a serious beginner program, you are pretty much still a n00b. Starting Strength considers you to stop being a n00b after you have stalled 2 times and then do a bigger reset and then fail again on a weight on any given lift. Example:
SQUAT (all 3x5)
215 OK
225 FAIL 1
225 OK
235 FAIL 1
235 FAIL 2
235 OK
245 FAIL 1
245 FAIL 2
245 FAIL 3 (This is considered a stall)
225 Reset 1@90% of 5RM, OK
235 OK
240 OK
245 FAIL 1
245 FAIL 2
245 FAIL 3 (STALL 1)
225 Reset 2@90% of 5RM, OK
230 OK
235 OK
240 OK
245 FAIL 1
245 FAIL 2
245 FAIL 3 (STALL 2)
xxx Intensive reset (warm ups only)
225 OK
235 OK
240 OK
245 FAIL 1
245 FAIL 2
245 FAIL 3 (STALL 3)
Congratulations you are no longer a beginner...
You graduate if you reset twice on the squat with no avail and once in the deadlift.
You graduate if you do an intensive reset with no avail
You graduate if you stall on multiple lifts.