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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Any input? =)

You'll experience some shakiness when you're pushing yourself. It's natural. If you're suffering too much form degradation, like uneven pushing, try lowering the weight.

For the deadlifts try a mixed grip or get straps. Don't let your grip get in the way of improving your deadlifts. Pros don't even do that. Still work on your grip of course, but you will find that your grip will lag immensely behind your pulling strength, so work our your grip in the interim and use straps for heavy sets.

Every day is leg day.

Just do SS.

Yeah lol.

I'd add some arm accessories, though, after the big lifts--CGBP, Skullscrushers, curls, chins.

ACE 1991

Id say drop the weight until the your at a weight that you dont shake and build from there.. Usually arms start shaking near failure.. Are you completing your alloted sets and reps?

Yes, I am. I just hit 135 on my bench (5x5) and I feel like I could honestly do a little more without losing form. I have pretty small forearms/arms though, so this could have something to do with it. It's definitely an area I plan to really hit hard once I move from Strong Lifts to a hypertrophy-focused program in a few weeks.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I'll take video the next time he's there, he'll undoubtedly be doing bench. Also, I need to mention that this is a new gym, and unlike my previous gym I have absolutely no doubt a decent amount of people are on roids. I made a post before that I have never seen this many parachute pants, back acne and fanny packs before at my old gym (New York Sports Club).

Roids or not 500 raw under 200lbs makes you a top raw bencher in the world, like top 5 next to Cieri and Celli. Check out Celli training and he triples 485.


Why don't you just do accessories after your big lifts? You don't need a leg only day to be honest.

I'd remove the incline and replace it with a overhead press. You're missing a vertical pressing movement.

Should I do overhead press with the EZ bar? I've been scouting some adjustable dumbbell sets on Amazon but haven't made a decision yet(the ones I'm looking at only go to 52.5, and I don't want to drop a couple hundred on something that won't be able to keep up with some of my exercises).

I wanted incline because I felt that I needed to work on my upper chest.

Just do SS.

I know, I know. I realize it's the most common suggestion and I should just do it, I'll probably start after my vacation next week.


Roids or not 500 raw under 200lbs makes you a top raw bencher in the world, like top 5 next to Cieri and Celli. Check out Celli training and he triples 485.

Well, technically I haven't seen him bench 500lbs, and I also gave him some help on the last 2 reps. I'll try and get video of him benching without coming off like a weirdo.


Should I do overhead press with the EZ bar? I've been scouting some adjustable dumbbell sets on Amazon but haven't made a decision yet(the ones I'm looking at only go to 52.5, and I don't want to drop a couple hundred on something that won't be able to keep up with some of my exercises).

I wanted incline because I felt that I needed to work on my upper chest.

What bar do you use for your benching and squatting? It should be an olympic bar.

I wouldn't worry about specializing your chest until you can bench 225 for reps since you're a novice. You'll get a better bang for your buck getting strong as you can flat benching.

When you've progressed nicely--225 bench, 315 squat, 405 dead for reps, you'll have a nice foundation and you'll then be at a better place to specialize and hit weak points.


if he can deadlift 405 he can probably squat closer to 365. I know my squat was only ever 20 pounds behind my deadlift until I hit 315 squat and stalled there while my deadlift went to 355ish.


Regarding 5/3/1 + bodybuilding template. If I can't do dips at the moment, should I rather substitute them with dumbbell bench press or something else? Like 4x10 CGBP?

Currently looks like this:

Bench 5/3/1
DB Bench 4x10
DB Flyes 4x12
LTE 4x20
Push-ups 4xFAIL


Regarding 5/3/1 + bodybuilding template. If I can't do dips at the moment, should I rather substitute them with dumbbell bench press or something else? Like 4x10 CGBP?

Currently looks like this:

Bench 5/3/1
DB Bench 4x10
DB Flyes 4x12
LTE 4x20
Push-ups 4xFAIL

I'd replace it with anything that has major tricep focus. CBPB works or, if you wanted to be a fancy motherfucker, Skullcrushers supersetted into CBPB. Then, yell at people.


I'd replace it with anything that has major tricep focus. CBPB works or, if you wanted to be a fancy motherfucker, Skullcrushers supersetted into CBPB. Then, yell at people.

This is why I was thinking that something other than DBBP could be more appropriate since with for example CGBP I could handle more weight and it would be more tricep focused. Also I've been doing LTE's instead of Skullcrushers as per Rip's suggestion.

So this would work?

Bench 5/3/1
CGBP 4x10
DB Flyes 4x12
LTE 4x20
Push-ups 4xFAIL


if he can deadlift 405 he can probably squat closer to 365. I know my squat was only ever 20 pounds behind my deadlift until I hit 315 squat and stalled there while my deadlift went to 355ish.

I'm sure. I'm just talking about good benchmarks to aim for.


Tried doing a 2x12 on OHP (95lbs) pausing each rep at the bottom. Totally underestimated the weight at high volume. Was able to do a 10, 8 and then threw in a 5 rep set.


This is why I was thinking that something other than DBBP could be more appropriate since with for example CGBP I could handle more weight and it would be more tricep focused. Also I've been doing LTE's instead of Skullcrushers as per Rip's suggestion.

So this would work?

Bench 5/3/1
CGBP 4x10
DB Flyes 4x12
LTE 4x20
Push-ups 4xFAIL
I like it. Why so may LTEs? 8-12 is the sweet spot for hyper trophy (although, you may need a spotter to help get you into position).

But, I'd like it MORE if you made those INCLINE DB flyes. I don't know why, but when I did BB, and when my bro in law is getting ready to compete, I found doing them on an incline added more work to movement in a good way. Probably something to do with angles or some shit.


I like it. Why so may LTEs? 8-12 is the sweet spot for hyper trophy (although, you may need a spotter to help get you into position).

But, I'd like it MORE if you made those INCLINE DB flyes. I don't know why, but when I did BB, and when my bro in law is getting ready to compete, I found doing them on an incline added more work to movement in a good way. Probably something to do with angles or some shit.

LTE is 4x20 only because Wendler himself programmed it 5x20 although he used Triceps Pushdown in his original template:


I switched the pushdowns to LTE myself since I like them more. You think less reps would be more in this case? I could drop the sets back down to 12 reps which is what I've done in the past.

And Incline DB fly is basically this? I could give these a go.


LTE is 4x20 only because Wendler himself programmed it 5x20 although he used Triceps Pushdown in his original template:


I switched the pushdowns to LTE myself since I like them more. You think less reps would be more in this case? I could drop the sets back down to 12 reps which is what I've done in the past.

And Incline DB fly is basically this? I could give these a go.

I think now we're dancing around "does it really matter that much" territory. The way Rip does LTEs makes them more of a strength movement while I feel 20 pushdowns are more of a fatiguing or "pump" movement. I'd just know I really wouldn't want to do 20 fucking LTEs. That's me, though.

Yeah, the incline adds some more shoulder into the movement and you can kinda play with the angle of your arms to use either more or less chest.


Apparently bodybuilder Nasser El-Sonbaty died today. Cause of death was apparently malaria (exacerbated by liver/kidney damage). He was supposedly GH15, bodybuilding insider who put fake natural bodybuilders on blast, whether his claims had merit, I dunno.

That's too bad. He used to be in all those muscle mags when I used to buy them in the early 90's.


I think now we're dancing around "does it really matter that much" territory. The way Rip does LTEs makes them more of a strength movement while I feel 20 pushdowns are more of a fatiguing or "pump" movement. I'd just know I really wouldn't want to do 20 fucking LTEs. That's me, though.

Yeah, the incline adds some more shoulder into the movement and you can kinda play with the angle of your arms to use either more or less chest.

Then maybe I should do it like this:

Bench 5/3/1
CGBP 4x10 (sometimes switch around and do Rip's LTE instead)
(Incline) DB Flyes 4x12
Triceps pushdowns 4x20
Push-ups 4xFAIL

Would Skullcrushers be better in your opinion instead of the cable triceps pushdown? And since I'm no expert in hypertrophy, how important is fatiguing the muscle or getting the "pump"?


What bar do you use for your benching and squatting? It should be an olympic bar.

I wouldn't worry about specializing your chest until you can bench 225 for reps since you're a novice. You'll get a better bang for your buck getting strong as you can flat benching.

When you've progressed nicely--225 bench, 315 squat, 405 dead for reps, you'll have a nice foundation and you'll then be at a better place to specialize and hit weak points.
Yeah I have an Olympic bar. I'll stick with flat for now then. My last set is at 190 now so hopefully won't be to long until 225.



Then maybe I should do it like this:

Bench 5/3/1
CGBP 4x10 (sometimes switch around and do Rip's LTE instead)
(Incline) DB Flyes 4x12
Triceps pushdowns 4x20
Push-ups 4xFAIL

Would Skullcrushers be better in your opinion instead of the cable triceps pushdown? And since I'm no expert in hypertrophy, how important is fatiguing the muscle or getting the "pump"?

Pump isn't that important. Fatiguing the muscles is the goal, getting a great pump isn't going to hurt though.

I'd rather do the pushdowns than the skullcrushers.


Kinda pissed, my deadlift form sucks and my lower back is going to pay for it. I don't want to take off another week so soon.

How important is neck/head position? I wasn't paying attention to this and keeping it up so I was staring straight ahead and it was placing a strain on my back.

So I googled a quick form check and it mentioned chin down to chest, so I tried that and my lift felt a lot more powerful and I didn't feel any lower back strain.

But now I just found a t-nation article telling people to look up (like at the ceiling)...thoughts?

edit: or do they mean head up at the top of the lift?


Pump isn't that important. Fatiguing the muscles is the goal, getting a great pump isn't going to hurt though.

I'd rather do the pushdowns than the skullcrushers.

Ok, good to know. That's what I thought.

Maybe I'll try the pushdowns for the next cycle (along with the previous adjustments) and see how it goes. Thanks for your help man :)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Kinda pissed, my deadlift form sucks and my lower back is going to pay for it. I don't want to take off another week so soon.

How important is neck/head position? I wasn't paying attention to this and keeping it up so I was staring straight ahead and it was placing a strain on my back.

So I googled a quick form check and it mentioned chin down to chest, so I tried that and my lift felt a lot more powerful and I didn't feel any lower back strain.

But now I just found a t-nation article telling people to look up (like at the ceiling)...thoughts?

edit: or do they mean head up at the top of the lift?

IMO keep your head/neck neutral. Also, not everything that comes out of T-nation is a good article. The only reason people "look up" is to cue their body to move the way it's supposed to. Where you look isn't important so long as you're doing the movement correctly.
I've read conflicting information about warm-up sets.

How many warm-up sets should you do, and what are the number of reps for these sets? Lastly, how close in terms of weight in relation to that of your first work set should they be? (Example: if your first workset is 225 for 5 reps, what should be the weight of the warm up lifts just prior to that, and how many reps of those should you do?)


IMO keep your head/neck neutral. Also, not everything that comes out of T-nation is a good article. The only reason people "look up" is to cue their body to move the way it's supposed to. Where you look isn't important so long as you're doing the movement correctly.

Alright, I wasn't doing this and it was putting strain on my back...like my head was tilted back (probably to ensure my back was straight). But since keeping it neutral or tucking it a little that strain went away and I felt more power.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I've read conflicting information about warm-up sets.

How many warm-up sets should you do, and what are the number of reps for these sets? Lastly, how close in terms of weight in relation to that of your first work set should they be? (Example: if your first workset is 225 for 5 reps, what should be the weight of the warm up lifts just prior to that, and how many reps of those should you do?)

Warm up until you're warmed up. People can throw numbers and percentages at you all day but ultimately it won't matter if you're not sufficiently warmed up (which is the point).

Personally I warm up to about 40lbs from my first working set. The volume of my warm ups depends on how I'm feeling. 5/3/1 has set percentages, but I've never gone by them. IMO sticking to arbitrary percentages and set sets for warm ups is counter intuitive. Warm up until you're warmed up.


Junior Member
Fears confirmed. I've got a ventral hernia. Looking into lapriscopic surgery and mesh repair. Guess weight loss combined with holding my breath too much when I squat turned out to be a bad combo. I've talked to a few guys at my gym who've had similar surgeries and I hope mine goes as well as theirs.
Back from the gym and grabbed a "before" pic (... five weeks into my program) of my arms just so I can keep track at my progress aesthetically.


I eagerly await the cut.
Fears confirmed. I've got a ventral hernia. Looking into lapriscopic surgery and mesh repair. Guess weight loss combined with holding my breath too much when I squat turned out to be a bad combo. I've talked to a few guys at my gym who've had similar surgeries and I hope mine goes as well as theirs.

Get 'em to to both sides as long as they're in there :p Sucks dude, you're gonna be out of commission for a while. Rest well and eat lotsa prunes cuz the painkillers will constipate you and you can't push. Look at it this way, at least it happened legitimately at the gym and not from something dumb like hauling pavers around while you build a patio (happened to my brother)

As for me, I'm sick (and not with the gains flu either :( ) but fortunately for me it's recovery week. Quick light workout to get the blood flowing then 20 minutes in a sauna to bake out the germs.
Warm up until you're warmed up. People can throw numbers and percentages at you all day but ultimately it won't matter if you're not sufficiently warmed up (which is the point).

Personally I warm up to about 40lbs from my first working set. The volume of my warm ups depends on how I'm feeling. 5/3/1 has set percentages, but I've never gone by them. IMO sticking to arbitrary percentages and set sets for warm ups is counter intuitive. Warm up until you're warmed up.

Well, that doesn't help me much because I go into the gym feeling warmed up already, like I can go straight to the worksets, but I know I shouldn't.

I just want to know if there's an agreed upon ceiling when it comes to warm up sets and reps. Otherwise, I can't really tell if I'm properly warmed up or not.


Well, that doesn't help me much because I go into the gym feeling warmed up already, like I can go straight to the worksets, but I know I shouldn't.

I just want to know if there's an agreed upon ceiling when it comes to warm up sets and reps. Otherwise, I can't really tell if I'm properly warmed up or not.

Using the rowing machine for five minutes.
Do ten reps with just the bar.
Do five reps with 50% of your work set.
Then, 60%.
Then, 3 reps at 80%.

You'll be good to go.


I've been planning on starting to working on my core more, does anyone have any suggestions on some simple exercises I could do?


I always thought you should get a belt when you start moving more than your body weight on lifts. For a 400lb DL I would say absolutely.

I feel like it depends. I usually start wearing one at 315 deads and 225 squats.

Although tomorrow I'm supposed to squat 200 2x10 and might wear one to really engage my core.
Should I get a belt as I start moving nearer the 400s' in DL?

I'd err on the side of "yes", but it can depend. Do you feel you need it? I know big guys at my gym who double overhand 500+ with no belt, something I can't imagine. Do you feel like your core is limiting you?

Regardless, you will most likely be able to lift more with the belt, which is a good thing. So I say yes. I don't know if I could safely deadlift 400+ without a belt.


Thanks guys, any recommendations on a good brand?

I'm 5'7'' at around 170 if that matters at all.

I'd err on the side of "yes", but it can depend. Do you feel you need it? I know big guys at my gym who double overhand 500+ with no belt, something I can't imagine. Do you feel like your core is limiting you?

Regardless, you will most likely be able to lift more with the belt, which is a good thing. So I say yes. I don't know if I could safely deadlift 400+ without a belt.

I don't feel I'm limited at the moment, I'm more worried regarding safety.
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