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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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A friend of mine thinks my around 1 year progress isn't optimal, says no significant gains were made.

He will be reading this thread to either be proved right or eat shit and die.

Late 2011 after doing Insanity and a lot of cardio:


A recent photo:


He also knocks me for following a fitness thread on a mainly gaming forum.

Please comment.

After photo is the result of you lifting right? If so, looking good mang.
my man, you're gonna look great when you cut up. I understand you don't want to lose your size and "big-ness", but cutting up a great deal will actually make you look bigger, even though you'll weigh less.


Yeah, it really is the mental aspect of things. I still feel small at my current size/weight. Dropping weight will make things worse. I do have OCD when it comes to this stuff. Like the pics I post of people I want to look like, they aren't that lean but they do seem to be leaner than I am at the moment. So yeah why not go for it. It is "easy" to lose the weight when it comes to cardio and lifting. Getting over that mental block of strength loss and decreasing in size, even if it is fat loss, is the hardest part.


lol he's endlessly spinning his wheels unfortunately. When I finally got him to do SS for a few weeks, he gains some fat and decides to go back to doing Insanity.

This has been my experience when trying to get friends to do SS.

They do it for a couple of weeks, and then they either get scared of the weights or they get scared of getting fat and then they go back to whatever form of cardio with biceps curls they were doing before.


Its been nothing but grilled chicken, turkey patties, broccoli, Greek yogurt, eggs, etc lately. Today was a glorious cheat day for Easter, with 1/2 a bag of peanut butter M n Ms, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, and way too many dinner rolls. Just getting started. I'm down to 175 from like 190ish since early in the year, so I don't give a ****!


Its been nothing but grilled chicken, turkey patties, broccoli, Greek yogurt, eggs, etc lately. Today was a glorious cheat day for Easter, with 1/2 a bag of peanut butter M n Ms, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, and way too many dinner rolls. Just getting started. I'm down to 175 from like 190ish since early in the year, so I don't give a ****!

Damn man, that's a lot of weight dropped in 4 months. You deserve that shit.


Quick question:

Should I drink a protein shake right after a run if my goal is to build up my overall weight and muscles? I know a protien shake is awesome after a typical lifting session. But I don't know the facts about after a two and half mile run.


Damn man, that's a lot of weight dropped in 4 months. You deserve that shit.

Going for a lb a week or so. It's funny, for the first month and a 1/2 I wasn't even what I'd call "strict", but my idea of "cheating" is so different from those around me I don't even notice.

dem Summer cuts will be mine though! Shogun am disappointed in diminishing mass!

Also, 3 months my man! It's not even April yet!


Going for a lb a week or so. It's funny, for the first month and a 1/2 I wasn't even what I'd call "strict", but my idea of "cheating" is so different from those around me I don't even notice.

dem Summer cuts will be mine though! Shogun am disappointed in diminishing mass!

Also, 3 months my man! It's not even April yet!

Congrats on the success. I hope I'll be posting something similar a couple months from now.


Quick question:

Should I drink a protein shake right after a run if my goal is to build up my overall weight and muscles? I know a protien shake is awesome after a typical lifting session. But I don't know the facts about after a two and half mile run.

You're not building muscle with a short run.

And you don't say how much protein you get daily. No way to tell.


Congrats on the success. I hope I'll be posting something similar a couple months from now.

Just don't get discouraged my man! I'm like mildly ADHD so I never stop moving, and my job has me on my feet for 8-10 hours many days. It makes it a lot easier. Really paranoid about losing the muscle I've built, damn OHP stalls.

It's funny though, now I never get hungry until I decide to eat. Once I eat though, I can do so endlessly. Going to make bulking fun!
Just bought a 3DSXL. We will see if I even play this at all haha.

Week one of the cut starts tomorrow. Gonna enjoy this Easter meal. Then have cheat meals once a week. Next one is next Sunday. WrestleMania baby!


Just bought a 3DSXL. We will see if I even play this at all haha.

Week one of the cut starts tomorrow. Gonna enjoy this Easter meal. Then have cheat meals once a week. Next one is next Sunday. WrestleMania baby!

Hell yeah Mania! Likely give myself a cheat day then as well, what with all the pizza and wings. I'll earn it all week long though!

I want a new handheld but know I'll never use it enough, still have a PSP and DSi backlog to work on!


This. I really need to get a new measuring tape (I lost mine). I keep meaning to go to Walmart and I forget.

I ordered some calipers and measuring tape the other day. Link is here. I'm kind of in the same position as you, I'm eating clean, lifting, and just starting doing some cardio this last week in the form of walking and have done every day but one I think. Feels good.

I feel like I look better in the mirror but have not lost a pound in months. Talk about discouraging. How I look and feel is most important, and I'm definitely a lot stronger but I'd love to see some movement on the scale.


Just bought a 3DSXL. We will see if I even play this at all haha.

Week one of the cut starts tomorrow. Gonna enjoy this Easter meal. Then have cheat meals once a week. Next one is next Sunday. WrestleMania baby!

I am SO close to buying a 3ds xl just for fire Emblem


good credit (by proxy)
Ugh. The first 5-10 pages of the Paleo thread relived...

"Humans have no adaptions to eating meat"

Hello complete proteins! I'm sure cavemen totally knew about essential amino acids and figured out in their chemistry labs what plant combinations to put together in order to get the proper nutrient profile.

Or more likely they just ate meat when available because Occam's Razor works especially well with less developed brains.

She argues that our bodies need Vitamin C and it only comes from plants, yet somehow the Eskimos survived with almost zero plant based Vitamin C and didn't get scurvy. Wonder where that came from? Maybe it's because you can get Vitamin C from UNCOOKED meat.

"Our teeth aren't designed to eat meat"

Because after we began eating meat our brains grew and we started using tools and did not need sharp carnivore teeth teeth anymore. Oh, we also shared saliva with dogs and hyenas, but hey, no adaptions to eating meat, right?

"We have found stone tools used for grinding up seeds and grain from 20,000 years before agriculture"

Oh my god, there's evidence that some populations might have eaten seeds and grain during the final 1% of what we've, way after the fact, labeled the "paleolithic era". OMG totally not paleo!

Obviously there's going to be some overlap between learning how to process and eat a food in the wild and learning how to cultivate that food. The date we set for the end of the paleolithic era (10,000 years ago or whatever), is somewhat arbitrary and is going to be different for different civilizations.

We try to group things into compartmentalized categories and try to make sharp delineations because it helps our brains to comprehend things, but it's not the way reality works. In reality, of course there's going to be a gradual change into eating different types of food. We're not going to suddenly change overnight into planting and caring for some crop we know nothing about. To even know what seeds are or how they work we must have already been in intimate contact with these plants.

A nitpick based of some totally insignificant detail that completely misses the point.

"Lots of vegetables and fruits have been engineered to be different from their paleolithic ancestors"

True. Yeah, maybe we bred tomatoes to have no toxins. It just means that we can actually eat more of them, instead of....oh, animal products. Maybe it's not the exact thing they ate, but it's like something that they could have eaten. The point of paleo is to eat more "like" a caveman, not literally eat million year old food chewed up from their mouths.

"Different civilizations had plants/meats/foods that were distinct from one another, combining food from different regions isn't truly paleolithic."
They chose foods that allowed them to survive and flourish. I'm sure there are plenty of tribes/civs that died out from poor nutrition. If the food allowed them to flourish and survive in the most dire conditions it is probably good, and probably meets the standards our body needs in order to thrive without food abundance, supplemental nutrition, and modern medicine. Certain types of foods had 2 million years of testing to be either be found healthy, or to be adapted to become more healthy.

"Some civilizations survived mostly off of fruit/vegetables"
Obviously. And if they had an abundance of pigs in that region they easily would have eaten them.

"3 things we can learn from the real paleolithic diet"

Oh, you mean the same fucking things that paleo diet proponents are saying????

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yeah, the banana part was interesting...kinda sad how we basically genetically erased wild variants of food through breeding. It's both good and bad on some level.

From what I remember wild fruits weren't nearly as sweet as they are today.

Cows are in the same boat as the bananas.


Ugh. The first 5-10 pages of the Paleo thread relived...

Hello complete proteins! I'm sure cavemen totally knew about essential amino acids and figured out in their chemistry labs what plant combinations to put together in order to get the proper nutrient profile.

Or more likely they just ate meat when available because Occam's Razor works especially well with less developed brains.

She argues that our bodies need Vitamin C and it only comes from plants, yet somehow the Eskimos survived with almost zero plant based Vitamin C and didn't get scurvy. Wonder where that came from? Maybe it's because you can get Vitamin C from UNCOOKED meat.

Because after we began eating meat our brains grew and we started using tools and did not need sharp carnivore teeth teeth anymore. Oh, we also shared saliva with dogs and hyenas, but hey, no adaptions to eating meat, right?

Oh my god, there's evidence that some populations might have eaten seeds and grain during the final 1% of what we've, way after the fact, labeled the "paleolithic era". OMG totally not paleo!

Obviously there's going to be some overlap between learning how to process and eat a food in the wild and learning how to cultivate that food. The date we set for the end of the paleolithic era (10,000 years ago or whatever), is somewhat arbitrary and is going to be different for different civilizations.

We try to group things into compartmentalized categories and try to make sharp delineations because it helps our brains to comprehend things, but it's not the way reality works. In reality, of course there's going to be a gradual change into eating different types of food. We're not going to suddenly change overnight into planting and caring for some crop we know nothing about. To even know what seeds are or how they work we must have already been in intimate contact with these plants.

A nitpick based of some totally insignificant detail that completely misses the point.

True. Yeah, maybe we bred tomatoes to have no toxins. It just means that we can actually eat more of them, instead of....oh, animal products. Maybe it's not the exact thing they ate, but it's like something that they could have eaten. The point of paleo is to eat more "like" a caveman, not literally eat million year old food chewed up from their mouths.

They chose foods that allowed them to survive and flourish. I'm sure there are plenty of tribes/civs that died out from poor nutrition. If the food allowed them to flourish and survive in the most dire conditions it is probably good, and probably meets the standards our body needs in order to thrive without food abundance, supplemental nutrition, and modern medicine. Certain types of foods had 2 million years of testing to be either be found healthy, or to be adapted to become more healthy.

Obviously. And if they had an abundance of pigs in that region they easily would have eaten them.

Oh, you mean the same fucking things that paleo diet proponents are saying????

Great post.


She argues that our bodies need Vitamin C and it only comes from plants, yet somehow the Eskimos survived with almost zero plant based Vitamin C and didn't get scurvy. Wonder where that came from? Maybe it's because you can get Vitamin C from UNCOOKED meat.

Because after we began eating meat our brains grew and we started using tools and did not need sharp carnivore teeth teeth anymore. Oh, we also shared saliva with dogs and hyenas, but hey, no adaptions to eating meat, right?

Although I do agree with the speaker that there are many ideological aspects to the Paleo diets I'm usually not comfortable with, I also agree with these two points, and they came to my mind while I was watching the talk.

It's likely that paleolithic hunter-gatherers (and she mentioned it herself) ate the organs of the animals they hunted /scavenged, since these animals were usually pretty lean. These organs are usually very rich in micro-nutrients, and contemporary populations like the Inuit or the Masai (who usually also eat organs, not just muscles, and who live almost entirely off a high fat, high protein meat based diet) do not suffer from malaises found in populations who are micro-nutrient deficient.

And the second one too: primates who hunt use tools. Once you have tools there's no selective pressure to have large canines since canines are used to tear the flesh off carcasses, which can also be done with tools, but not to actually chew. In fact (and this is just mere speculation on my part) there probably was selective pressure against large canines since hominids need speech, facial expression and gestures for social communication, essential for the survival of individuals. Large canines probably get in the way of that.

I think it's tricky to play armchair evolutionary biology, but her arguments to support that humans are not adapted for meat eating were spurious, at best. Other than that I enjoyed the talk and would show it to some of my more fanatical Paleo-zealot friends (the type of people who tell me I'm going to die from eating a slice of bread with my eggs, and who post their breakfast on Facebook gloating that all they eat came straight from the earth, 'natural and just like our ancestors'. Ugh).


Paleo is like Crossfit. It incorporates a lot of broscience, but makes people focus on healthier foods.

I kinda agree. To be completely honest, I've had a bunch of broscience-y stuff work for me though, so sometimes I'm willing to give something a shot


good credit (by proxy)
Paleo isn't about any specific food, since animals and vegetation differ from region, but about types of food. If you get hung up on arguing about any one specific food, or any one very specific diet of any one civilization you're missing the forest for the trees.



More nutrition than exercise related, but since fitness is a combination of both, I might as well put this here. It is a pretty good video that diagrams the benefits of a benefit of cutting sugars/omega 6, and increasing your cholesterol intake.

Reducing inflammation after workouts is actually huge, since when you are lifting heavy you are causing microtears in your muscle fibers. Having too much omega-6 intake fucks with your immune system and causes it to go into overdrive, increasing inflammation which prevents muscles from healing as quickly as they should, as well as about a million other bad things that go with that.

Sugar in particular is really gnarly, especially when you don't have good insulin control and your blood sugar levels are too high for too long. It's a huge molecule that goes and fucks things up the cellular level, causing all sorts of damage to capillaries and especially nerves


good credit (by proxy)
Yo I'mma buy some knee wraps. What's good?

Also, this is among the coolest looking pictures I've ever seen



More nutrition than exercise related, but since fitness is a combination of both, I might as well put this here. It is a pretty good video that diagrams the benefits of a benefit of cutting sugars/omega 6, and increasing your cholesterol intake.

Reducing inflammation after workouts is actually huge, since when you are lifting heavy you are causing microtears in your muscle fibers. Having too much omega-6 intake fucks with your immune system and causes it to go into overdrive, increasing inflammation which prevents muscles from healing as quickly as they should, as well as about a million other bad things that go with that.

Sugar in particular is really gnarly, especially when you don't have good insulin control and your blood sugar levels are too high for too long. It's a huge molecule that goes and fucks things up the cellular level, causing all sorts of damage to capillaries and especially nerves
Hmmm... Might be true but that's a dubious YouTube link if I've seen one.


good credit (by proxy)
I don't really think knee wraps are all that important until you start getting into really heavy weight IMO.

My knees aren't in great condition, I'm pretty sure I have shitty joints hereditarily as I was always somewhat joint injury prone in sports, plus because of my height the effective weight my knees bear, relative to shorter people, is higher than what the weight on the bar reads due to leverage.


I don't really think knee wraps are all that important until you start getting into really heavy weight IMO.

My Personal best for squats right now is 405lbsx7(below parrallel). I should really get some knee wraps, lest I end up with old man knees.

I'm also looking into getting some sort of wraps to use for kaatsu/occlusion training for my biceps and quads.

Looks like he's focusing on eccentric phase of the movement.

I agree, he's putting a lot of emphasis on the negatives


Paleo is like Crossfit. It incorporates a lot of broscience, but makes people focus on healthier foods.
Not only is Paleo like Crossfit, but it usurped the Zone diet as the unofficial nutrition guide to Crossfit. The two ideas are tighter bedfellows than Rippetoe and GOMAD.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Just bought a 3DSXL. We will see if I even play this at all haha.

Week one of the cut starts tomorrow. Gonna enjoy this Easter meal. Then have cheat meals once a week. Next one is next Sunday. WrestleMania baby!




Not only is Paleo like Crossfit, but it usurped the Zone diet as the unofficial nutrition guide to Crossfit. The two ideas are tighter bedfellows than Rippetoe and GOMAD.

Someone needs to make one of those CrossFit GIFs but take pictures of veggies and meat and flash PALEO across the screen.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
low carb, high protein and fat diets like the Anabolic Diet or CarbNite Solution advocate 1-2 cheat days/nights per week to improve fat loss.

FE what are you doing to cut? What's your plan? Because Vio-Lence knows more than I do about these things and we should

Got a link to any of these? I'm interested to see what they say.

I'm interested too.


Got a link to any of these? I'm interested to see what they say.

Google search either diet. you can probably find forum posts with good outlines of the above diets & protocols. Some google-jitsu will net you PDFs of the books. Both seem like solid cutting protocols for the summer.

Essentially you are eating less than 30 g of carbs per day. Both diets consist of high fat and high protein. Typical macros would be for 1 protein: 0.75 fat w/less than 30 grams of carbs. You would eat like this for 5-6 days per week, and then go on a massive refeed where you eat whatever you want carbs wise. I think both diets advocate maybe a 10 day induction phase similar to atkins, where your body would get used to ketosis.
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