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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I want to continue to lose weight but also keep muscle if possible.

You will have a hard road ahead. I'm personally melting off all the weight and muscle so I can rebuild from scratch so to speak. Doing both is considerably tougher and requires very meticulous detail.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
You will have a hard road ahead. I'm personally melting off all the weight and muscle so I can rebuild from scratch so to speak. Doing both is considerably tougher and requires very meticulous detail.
Every time I have lost weight before I have been extremely cardio focused. What lifting routine were you following while losing?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Every time I have lost weight before I have been extremely cardio focused. What lifting routine were you following while losing?

Losing? Just simple resistance training, and very little - but I have accepted I will lose fat AND muscle. So I'm working on lookin like a Nazgul. Then it's feeding frenzy and hard work time and see how far my genetics and diet will take it. Thing is, I'm not doing cardio to lose weight - the diet will take care of ALL of it for me. It's all diet. I don't want a runner's physique.


Losing? Just simple resistance training, and very little - but I have accepted I will lose fat AND muscle. So I'm working on lookin like a Nazgul. Then it's feeding frenzy and hard work time and see how far my genetics and diet will take it. Thing is, I'm not doing cardio to lose weight - the diet will take care of ALL of it for me. It's all diet. I don't want a runner's physique.

Why do you have to cut down to nothing?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Why do you have to cut down to nothing?

I don't have to. I just want to. I mean, I'm not going down to nothing - I don't want to ever be a twig (and doubt I ever would) - but I'm trying to get my actual weight down to a particular level.


good credit (by proxy)
Yeah I really hate working out when I'm sick. Fuck this mess.

I got recommended a book this morning. Arnold's guide to bodybuilding. Is it worth checking out?

It's "cool" and has tons of pictures of arnold, and different exercises, but I wouldn't listen to a lot of the advice about training and diet in it.


From what I remember, the Velocity diet was a scheme to sell their supplements since you pretty much just drank their shakes and took their pills for weeks.

PSMF is short for 'protein sparing modified fast', which is basically a muscle-sparing starvation diet. It's effective (some people lose 4+ pounds a week of non-water weight), but it's unpleasant and causes some metabolic damage so needs to be gradually gone off of.

Example PSMF meal:

Lean meat covered in zero-calorie sauce (ex: chicken breast slathered in dijon), a plain salad without any caloric toppings or dressing, a multivitamin and some omega 3 oil capsules.

you get 1+g of protein/lb, lift weights with high intensity and low volume and enjoy the rapid weight loss while feeling kind of rough. You literally cannot lose fat faster than this. Note that you'll be in keto on this diet too, but most people only do it for a few weeks MAX.

As an aside, I bet that this is what they feed the 'biggest loser' people.

Hmmm I stated earlier I wasn't doing a psmf but maybe I am. Sounds a lot like it.


I want to continue to lose weight but also keep muscle if possible.

Okay. Something like this:

Determine caloric needs for a day. Use a BMR calculator. Subtract 5-700/day, this is how many you have.

First, fill with protein. Aim for 1g/lb. This is satiating, muscle preserving and nutritious, and is kind of hard to turn to fat.

After, focus more on fats. Fats from the meat, fats from nuts, fish, cheese, etc.

Last, the carbs. You don't actually need any, but a lot of people find having some carbs helps with the ease of the diet and their energy levels during exercise and daily life.

So say you are a 6' 30 year old inactive (daily life, not exercise) male of 200 lbs. you'd burn approx 2200 calories a day. Therefore your target is approximately 1500-1700 calories a day to lose a bit over a pound a week.

Now start adding protein. You're looking for 200 grams, so that's 800 calories a day of protein or so. You're down to 700-900 calories exclusing protein. Now add in some fat, maybe 50 grams a day (make sure to eat some saturated fat to support hormone levels, and some omega 3 oils). That's another 450 calories a day. The remaining 250-450 calories come from carbs, so you're looking at 60-100 grams of carbs a day more or less.

Now that you're got your diet figured out and are making whole food choices, time to look at the exercise.

Now an hour of moderate cardio is about 500 calories, and similar calories for vigorous weightlifting. If you're doing 2 hours of cardio and 2 hours of weights a week, that's another 2000 calories you're burning. You'd be on track for almost 2 pounds a week, which is the top end for fat loss without significant metabolic damage. Of the two activities, prioritize the weights because the weights keep muscle on. your body will happily burn muscle unless given a reason not to, so it's important unless you want to look like a potato sack at the end of your journey and find a lot of walls along the way. Think heavy movements if you can, something like squats/deadlifts/benchpress/chinups/dips/overheadpress. If you can only do non-gym movements, then try to at least grab a couple of kettlebells or something but pure bodyweight can still keep a fair bit or muscle on if you're not strong to start out with.

Do this for as many weeks as you want to lose pounds, weigh yourself once a week in the morning after you hit the can, and don't be worried if it happens in fits and starts. Drink water, lots of it. Good luck and keep us posted!
Yeah I'm doing a variant of the Berardi Get Shredded Diet, so it's similar but not as extreme on the carbs (50-60g v. 30g) but more extreme on curtailing the refeeds (though the refeed days being "no more than 3.5x your daily caloric intake" is ridic). I say variant because I do hate me some veggies, so while I eat what I can stomach, I'm not going to shy away from occasionally using two slices of low-carb thin sliced bread holding some tasty meats, as long as it fits the macros I'm aiming for.

If all goes well after a second week in a row of cheating this weekend, I think I'll move to doing 6 low-carb, 1 demolish the carbs day plan. For sanity's sake. I'd rather take 10 weeks to get where I'm going and sustain versus aiming for Berardi's torture and potentially flaming out.
I see. Different strokes for different folks. I say do what works for you. I followed something similar to you last year and lost weight easily too (though my bf was way higher). Except I did refeeds every week still and I tried to abide by the calorie restrictions on the refeed day which (i blame) on me losing more muscle mass. I don't really care for breads or anything else most days so veggies only works great for me. I have a big salad for lunch and dinner with feta cheese, bacon and olive oil/red wine vinegar dressing. Love it. I cannot stand to count calories. I want to know that I'm full and not give a shit about the number so carb nite works great for me.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I only take whey mixed with 151 and Jack Daniels funneled directly into my ass hole.. It tears the lining of my colon, allowing the proteins to get straight into my blood stream. It also causes me to black out, allowing my subconscious to get some heavy lifting done while the rest of my brain sleep. Sleep, for the mind, is important.

I LOL'd, it's not Broscience, your way actually works but I threw up a little in my mouth reading it...then mixed some Extreme Chocolate ON Gold Standard, gurgled it and swallowed that shit back down.

Just a regular lunch.


good credit (by proxy)
Whoa wait a second, a whey protein enema? I might actually try that. Sounds awesome.

edit: Only a n00b wouldn't baste the inside of their asshole with protein. This isn't about comfort, people.


Whoa wait a second, a whey protein enema? I might actually try that. Sounds awesome.

edit: Only a n00b wouldn't baste the inside of their asshole with protein. This isn't about comfort, people.

I think this needs to be added to the OT.



had a fucking amazing chest workout today. new PR with 225x6 on bench.

i dont know how the hell I busted out 6 reps after struggling between 3-5 for the last few months but I did it. feel so good right now. wow.



had a fucking amazing chest workout today. new PR with 225x6 on bench.

i dont know how the hell I busted out 6 reps after struggling between 3-5 for the last few months but I did it. feel so good right now. wow.

I'd be happy with that...damn.

Did 225 1x1 and 1x1 (failed 2nd) again...will try again Thursday.


So I decided to take a look at the USAPL Meet qualifiers for Nationals and turns out, I'm about 80 or so lbs away from having enough on my total to qualify at the 148 lb weight class. I now have a new numbered goal to aim for since it was 1000 lb club was it for the longest and I achieved that last year. I find that having a number to strive for gives you that extra motivation. There's supposed to be a state USAPL meet in June so hopefully I'll be able to sign up for that one.


So I was going to finally get some quality protein powder and get that Gold ON whey stuff, but looking at the nutrition info you only get 24g of protein per serving. I currently get 40g of protein per serving with my costco protein powder. Should I even bother changing?


So I was going to finally get some quality protein powder and get that Gold ON whey stuff, but looking at the nutrition info you only get 24g of protein per serving. I currently get 40g of protein per serving with my costco protein powder. Should I even bother changing?

What protein are you taking that has 40g per serving?


So I was going to finally get some quality protein powder and get that Gold ON whey stuff, but looking at the nutrition info you only get 24g of protein per serving. I currently get 40g of protein per serving with my costco protein powder. Should I even bother changing?

Compare the size of dem servings.



had a fucking amazing chest workout today. new PR with 225x6 on bench.

i dont know how the hell I busted out 6 reps after struggling between 3-5 for the last few months but I did it. feel so good right now. wow.

Nice! Shouldn't be too much of a surprise, you're just getting stronger!


Just bought this. Finally going to get pullups in my routine, and finally getting dips back in as well. Should I be doing them both every work out?


Just bought this. Finally going to get pullups in my routine, and finally getting dips back in as well. Should I be doing them both every work out?

Time to get into some opinion versus science stuff.

I don't like dips too much. When smartly programed they're pretty great, but a lot of people just jump right into them when push ups would work a lot better (and do the same for handstand push ups).

So, Dips. Anyways.

Don't do them daily. Properly done, they're really intense on the chest and triceps and will really destroy any upper body work you're wanting to do that day (should you do them first). Push ups you can go crazy on and generally be straight. Dips you need to work into.

So, program them in on a press or bench day after your work sets. Do them last after the other accessory work as something to really burn out the muscle. If you can do a set of 10-15, make 'em weighted. When you can do 40-50 in a row no shit dips, we're talking all the way up and all the way down where your armpits are at the bar with no kip, start doing more handstand pushups to really get at the triceps.

10 reasons why you shouldn't squat!

I gotta admit that this article is right, and I'm thinking of stopping squatting altogether. After doing some extensive research I'm thinking of trying a Crossfit gym and seeing what they recommend for a workout regimen without squats

Crossfit HQ is one of the best types of programming that somebody can do. This is based on science. Greg Glassman is the original Crossfitter, still the best Crossfitter, still the fittest man in the world, and anybody who's not doing Crossfit is retarding their fitness progress.

This is not up for debate. There's a reason why it's so popular. That reason, is fact. Also, steroids are dangerous and in 100% of cases lead to the user dying in a weeks and losing all their gains.


10 reasons why you shouldn't squat!

I gotta admit that this article is right, and I'm thinking of stopping squatting altogether. After doing some extensive research I'm thinking of trying a Crossfit gym and seeing what they recommend for a workout regimen without squats

They're right, the steroids are really helping my knees with the squats.
Time to get into some opinion versus science stuff.

I don't like dips too much. When smartly programed they're pretty great, but a lot of people just jump right into them when push ups would work a lot better (and do the same for handstand push ups).

So, Dips. Anyways.

Don't do them daily. Properly done, they're really intense on the chest and triceps and will really destroy any upper body work you're wanting to do that day (should you do them first). Push ups you can go crazy on and generally be straight. Dips you need to work into.

So, program them in on a press or bench day after your work sets. Do them last after the other accessory work as something to really burn out the muscle. If you can do a set of 10-15, make 'em weighted. When you can do 40-50 in a row no shit dips, we're talking all the way up and all the way down where your armpits are at the bar with no kip, start doing more handstand pushups to really get at the triceps.

Ah thanks a bunch for the insight! I'll definitely work them into bench days and buy a weight belt when I can get my reps up. I do tend to do pushups every day that I work out, regardless of what I've worked that day, so that's 3 times a week. Also, crunches. Should I be doing pull-ups with this frequency? Or same as dips?


Ah thanks a bunch for the insight! I'll definitely work them into bench days and buy a weight belt when I can get my reps up. I do tend to do pushups every day that I work out, regardless of what I've worked that day, so that's 3 times a week. Also, crunches. Should I be doing pull-ups with this frequency? Or same as dips?

Stop doing crunches, now.

Just stop. Fuckin', ya know, comeon mang.

Okay, did you stop? Good. If you MUST do core work, GOSH, do planks or leg lifts or an ab roller or abmat situps. For serious. No more crunches or I won't take you to dinner on our anniversary.

Now, for push ups. I like to do them in a ladder, like Johnny Pain has set up. Do 1, than 2, than 3.... up till you hit your top, write it down, aim to do more later on in the day. I to the same with chins. Neither type of work out will really kill you too bad, and unless you have a 1RM coming up you should be fresh for whatever you're doing that day if you give yourself a few hours between the Push ups and the lifting.

Do that, like, six a week, the push up and chin up ladder.. In a month you'll be happy.

Just do dips on your bench day as an accessory exercise.


Awesome advice, thanks a lot Veezy.

I'll make sure to go up on pushups for sure cause I don't ever go for more than the day before. Try doing that and pullups 6 times a week too, I thought I shouldn't do them on rest days, but yeah I was probably over thinking that.

Last question: What's so bad about the crunches? Haha, I'll stop doing them, but I did em' like full situps if that helps at all.


I love doing squats now that I've stretched to the point where my ass goes as low as possible.

No more pain in my vastus medialus, no soreness whatsoever really, and it feels like my calves are starting to get bigger.


So say you are a 6' 30 year old inactive (daily life, not exercise) male of 200 lbs. you'd burn approx 2200 calories a day. Therefore your target is approximately 1500-1700 calories a day to lose a bit over a pound a week.

The fuck? I'm 5'7", weigh 150 pounds and I eat 1900 calories a day and I'm losing 0.5 pounds a week.








This, ladies and gentlemen, is the type of woman you walk over to, shake their hand, and say "thank you. Not, in a sexual way, but in a grateful way. With all the evil and pain in this world, truly, you are a light in the darkness." Then you leave, never to return to that gym.

I feel like we should all be gym partners at the same gym.


The fuck? I'm 5'7", weigh 150 pounds and I eat 1900 calories a day and I'm losing 0.5 pounds a week.

Well, do the math.

Assuming you are also 30 years old, and inactive in your daily life (but work out). Your basal metabolism is approximately 1950, so diet alone wouldn't have you losing much weight. If you work out say three times a week for an hour and a quarter (fairly vigorously), then you'd be losing about 0.5lbs a week in exercise induced calorie expenditure. Even if you don't burn your 1700 calories a week in exercise, the calculator isn't exact and you should play with it a bit. If you walk fifteen minutes to work every day for example, that would jack up your calories noticeably over the week. It's supposed to be used as a guideline, not an iron law. The human body's complicated!


°Temp. member
How many calories would you estimate that this is?

Breakfast: 1.5 bowls of Special K Protein cereal
Lunch: 1 slice large pepperoni pizza + side english peas + side oatmeal
*1 set of 50 pushups*
Snack: 1 serving greek vanilla yogurt
Dinner: plate of spaghetti, purple hull peas, 1 piece cornbread + 2nd plate without cornbread
*runs 9-10 laps at stadium*
Snack: 2 bowls of cinnamon cheerios + side of oatmeal

Probably horrible for someone trying to bulk up but just trying to get an idea. Any tips are also welcome.


How many calories would you estimate that this is?

Breakfast: 1.5 bowls of Special K Protein cereal
Lunch: 1 slice large pepperoni pizza + side english peas + side oatmeal
*1 set of 50 pushups*
Snack: 1 serving greek vanilla yogurt
Dinner: plate of spaghetti, purple hull peas, 1 piece cornbread + 2nd plate without cornbread
*runs 9-10 laps at stadium*
Snack: 2 bowls of cinnamon cheerios + side of oatmeal

Probably horrible for someone trying to bulk up but just trying to get an idea. Any tips are also welcome.

Likely around 2500-3000 calories.
How many calories would you estimate that this is?

Breakfast: 1.5 bowls of Special K Protein cereal
Lunch: 1 slice large pepperoni pizza + side english peas + side oatmeal
*1 set of 50 pushups*
Snack: 1 serving greek vanilla yogurt
Dinner: plate of spaghetti, purple hull peas, 1 piece cornbread + 2nd plate without cornbread
*runs 9-10 laps at stadium*
Snack: 2 bowls of cinnamon cheerios + side of oatmeal

Probably horrible for someone trying to bulk up but just trying to get an idea. Any tips are also welcome.

Is this your entire workout?


°Temp. member
Yes, lately I've been slacking lol. (although above I meant laps around the stadium parking lot - huge. Normally I'll also do another set of 50 pushups before going to bed)
I'm 5-10 and 151 lbs but I'd like to get to 170. (seems impossible lol)
Yes, lately I've been slacking lol. (although above I meant laps around the stadium parking lot - huge. Normally I'll also do another set of 50 pushups before going to bed)
I'm 5-10 and 151 lbs but I'd like to get to 170. (seems impossible lol)

You should read the OP.
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