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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Eh. Things could be worse if that's the current conventional "bro" wisdom.
That's my thought. Actually, I'm quite partial to the foods people eat on a Paleo diet. My own diet is probably 70% Paleo. More people would be healthy if they ditched the chips and coke for meat and veggies.

Where you go wrong is when you suppose the peanut butter I'm eating is going to kill all my gains, that a slice of bread puts me one step closer to uncertain doom, and you'll debate on message boards about whether or not a banana is "paleo."

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yo I'mma buy some knee wraps. What's good?

Wraps or sleeves? You more than likely don't want/need wraps. If you're looking for sleeves I recommend Rehband. But if I remember correctly you're subsisting off of government cheese, so those would be out for you (they are expensive as hell and priced per sleeve). So perhaps try some cheap ones you might find at walmart or sports authority and see how they work before dropping more.


I like beer way too much to go full paleo. It's a good protocol, though. Especially the way it eschews vegetable oils, which are really bad for you.


I think I'm stepping things up these last two months before my wedding. Basically going to be chicken, eggs, whey, fibrous vegetables, seafood and moderate good cooking fats every single day.

No more bacon or even chicken sausages or any of the high sodium meats.


I think I'm stepping things up these last two months before my wedding. Basically going to be chicken, eggs, whey, fibrous vegetables, seafood and moderate good cooking fats every single day.

No more bacon or even chicken sausages or any of the high sodium meats.
Questbarz breh


More people would be healthy if they ditched the chips and coke for meat and veggies.

Yeah i mean I'm biased, I wrote a whole big thread here on Paleo but after trying it I still like it a lot. Quality whole foods, non-processed, meat and veggies instead of chips and soda. It's nothing radical.


Quick question...my whey is 26g protein per serving...I usually down 2 servings after a lifting session.

I'm contemplating splitting that up into 2 servings (1 after workout, 1 later at night)...would this be better use of 52g of protein by splitting it up?


I've been contemplating the importance of the following article, and I've decided it's pretty fucking important to read if you want to join in on an informed conversation on weight loss, dieting and nutrition. It's a great summary of the issues we face when we try to apply the Law of Thermodynamics to weight loss. I also could have avoided a few asinine interchanges with others had both parties understood these concepts. I've bolded the most pertinent information in the article.


Silverhydra said:
Blanket Statements, Laws, and an Addendum to Calories in v. Out

If trying to summarize a ton of knowledge, research, and experiences into some easily digested format to give to a reader or client I tend to use one of the above two methods of delivery. After trying to think about alternatives, I realized this is basically a dichotomy; although it isn’t a pretty spectrum dichotomy, it’s more like something is a law (is so, then ‘Law’) or not (If else, then ‘Blanket Statement’).

There also appears to be quite a lot of bickering between parties comparing laws against blanket statements, most commonly seen in the topic of weight loss and weight gain when the ‘Calories in v. Calories out’ application of the Law of Thermodynamics is competing against blanket statements involving carbohydrate manipulation of supplements that ‘seem to defy the laws of physics’.

I’ll go on the record now to state that, my tentative opinion on this, is that comparing a law to a blanket statement is as silly as comparing epidemiology against intervention research; all options are great to get information, but just because they are great options do not mean that they are applicable in a situation or that they can be compared to each other.

To start on a common ground (and hopefully show what I mean), let’s revisit the whole ‘Intervention research v. Epidemiological research’ thing. If a certain topic has a plethora of both, then for most situations the Intervention research has a higher practical importance that overrides, but does not necessarily disprove, the epidemiology. In the case of an absence of intevention research, general motifs can be taken from epidemiology but these have to be taken with a huge grain of salt and even then you cannot be too confident in your application of it thereof. In this latter scenario, the epidemiology is basically just a tentative guiding statment until the proper Intervention research surfaces.

Similar to blanket statements and laws, the laws will always take priority IF both exist to a satisfactory degree on a certain topic. When it comes to nutrition or supplementation, this is… never I think?

Laws, as it applies to the human body, are bloody hard if not impossible to establish. Basically we rely on blanket statements derived from laws until we can sufficiently ‘prove’ the blanket statement and make a new law from that (Note: In my opinion, don’t ever think one of these dietary ‘laws’ are coming soon… not sure if it is even possible at this stage of research)

So we settle for blanket statements. The ‘generally accepted as correct’ principles that do not override laws, but temporarily fill the gap in knowledge between a true Law and its application thereof to a topic.

The Law of Thermodynamics, in its true essence, is pretty much irrefutable at this time (I mean, I haven’t seen any evidence to suggest that it is wrong when we don’t try to apply it to diet; bomb calorimeters and physics have established the law is indeed pretty much a law)

Applying it to diet has currently not been fully established. This doesn’t mean that the Law of Thermodynamics doesn’t apply to the body, it just means we need to refine the equation and evidence until it DOES. Basically, the ‘calorie equations’ you see online would probably need to be integrated with your environment, health status, hormone and cytokine levels (T3, leptin, TNF-a, adiponectin, testosterone, etc.), your sensitivity to the aforementioned hormones and cytokines, and any genetic polymorphisms that mean that you could deviated from the above equation.

It’s going to take a while… a bloody long time actually.

This is why blanket statements such as the following have arisen:
  • Reduce carbohydrates if you are morbidly obese or inactive, as you are not using your ‘carbohydrate metabolism’ but instead using fat metabolism for daily living and the dysregulation between what you consume and what your body ‘wants’ to use may be causing or augmenting disease processes of which include obesity
  • Exposure to cold increases metabolic rate via shivering thermogenesis; independent of caloric intake or expenditure from exercise
  • The closer you are to an ideal ‘healthy’ state, the more likely the ‘Calories in v. out’ law will apply to you; the more unhealthy you are, the more likely it will be that an intervention can seemingly ‘defy’ the law of thermodynamics (more on this later)
These are just collections of observations that fill in the gap until we get a kick-ass equation that mathematically solves health issues. We’re stuck with these for a while, so let’s treat them as they are. They are NOT CORRECT. They are not INCORRECT either to be honest, they are just probably the best things we can work with at this point in time until a better temporary guiding principle comes up.

These are blanket statements. Anybody who wants to better their health is stuck with them and distinguishing them between laws is outright critical. None of them disprove a law, they are just applied to a concept before the law can be since we don’t like to have absolutely nothing to work with.

The further you get away from mathematics (relevant XKCD, we’re chilling near the biologists) the more you will need to rely on blanket statements; Laws and Proofs work from math leftward in that comic.

The above PSA was mostly since I get a lot of questions as to my thoughts on Calories in v. out. It is a great blanket statement. It may need a few amendments, but it has done very well so far. It is not the law of thermodynamics per se, but an application thereof to diet. If the blanket statement of Calories in v. out seems to not apply or is ‘false’ for a scenario, this by no means throw the law of thermodynamics into disrepute… we just need to slightly amend the blanket statement to make it a tad more correct.

Hence the following… a collection of observation I have noted about weight loss and calories in v. out as it applies to health.

Unhealthy people, as odd as this is, seem to have it lucky when it comes to weight loss. MANY things work for them that seemingly defy the Calories in v. out paradigm and make them lose weight beyond what caloric intake and expenditure can calculate. This seemingly magical weight loss appears to be normalized and fail to exist when they are once again healthy, and at this state the Calories in v. out paradigm becomes more and more relevant

Mostly, I derived this from a bunch of studies looking at nutraceutical interventions for weight loss. Shit, dozens of things work amazingly and many of these seem to work in people as well; here is the Examine page for nutraceuticals that have been tested in humans for weight loss. Currently (this may change in the future) we have 21 positive hits. Look at Fucoxanthin, Berberine, and Green Coffee Extract in particular, as these have pretty damn good weight loss in obese/overweight persons with no evidence for efficacy in normal weight persons. The degree of weight loss seen in Fuco and Berberine is astonishing, and there did not appear to be alterations in energy intake. The ketosis diet is another example of “Why does this work so damn well in obese people but seems to be ‘just another diet’ in persons of normal weight”; something is up here.

Oddly, all the above are very health compounds that appear to also normalize parameters of health. So it is theoretically possible that they are not weight loss agents, but health agents. Whatever they are working on is ‘allowing’ an unhealthy persons body to better follow caloric expenditure and intake motifs. Once the floodgates are open and health is restored, a compound that is designed to open these doors kinda becomes useless now (why open the door if it is already open? The deed is done, move on…)

Controlling for studies that show weight loss in normal weight people… we have stimulants and appetite suppressants; basically, that’s all. This is remarkably in line with pre-contest diets for bodybuilders where the vast majority of the benefit is derived from the diet, and perhaps some stimulant usage adds to this. The only molecule I know of that does not fit into the above two categories and induces weight loss in normal weight persons is Dinitrophenol (I wouldn’t recommend that due to the low therapeutic threshold and the whole ‘illegal’ aspect of it making quality control a thing of the past, but it remains a really cool molecule to look at). None of these compounds are inherently ‘healthy’ to consume, they just either increase metabolic rate or reduce energy intake.

There is clearly a discord here. Not enough to disprove the Calories in v. out notion, but perhaps enough to at least add an amendment to it. Perhaps I’ll end this rambling blog post with my current theory since my skill at closing articles tastefully currently lacks:

The blanket statement of calories in v. out is currently the best guiding principle for weight loss, with more reliability when you are closer to a healthy body state. The further you are from a healthy bodily state, the more likely interventions can induce weight loss that seemingly defy the above guiding principle; getting closer to a healthy state normalizes this difference somewhat.

I’d also like to note that food restriction per se and a nice exercise regimen do increase health parameters in the unhealthy, so you don’t need to buy fancy supplements for this (I just use them as an example because they are what I work with and what I have evidence for on hand at the moment). This also serves as a warning for currently healthy people who want to look ‘extra cut’ for the summer, that getting a compound that has been shown to work in obese persons may not work for you yet it may work for your unhealthy friend.

(Also, as an addendum, I have used obese and unhealthy pretty interchangeably in this article. I do not know if they are synonyms, but the biomarker of ‘obese’ is simple to measure and seems to be pretty damn reliable for identifying unhealthy people in studies.)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Quick question...my whey is 26g protein per serving...I usually down 2 servings after a lifting session.

I'm contemplating splitting that up into 2 servings (1 after workout, 1 later at night)...would this be better use of 52g of protein by splitting it up?

Ain't that serious. I'd just take it all after working out.

I do 4 scoops a day. BROTEIN


Quick question...my whey is 26g protein per serving...I usually down 2 servings after a lifting session.

I'm contemplating splitting that up into 2 servings (1 after workout, 1 later at night)...would this be better use of 52g of protein by splitting it up?

I've also decided to break up my protein powder servings. I use 27g as part of my pre-workout. I use the other 27g as my post.
I have the 13mm one and it's fantastic, and it's great for deads too.

I actually have two of them, a medium and a large one since they messed up my original order, lol.


Oh nice. Thanks. Does the thickness matter? Just personal preference?

I am SO close to buying a 3ds xl just for fire Emblem

I got a 3DSXL because it was on sale at Target. Also got Fire Emblem and Luigi's Mansion. Still unopened atm. Debating if I really want to keep it or not. LoL consumes too much of my gaming time.

Hell yeah Mania! Likely give myself a cheat day then as well, what with all the pizza and wings. I'll earn it all week long though!




WrestleMania! While I won't plan for cheat meals, if it happens due to social settings like WM or other gatherings, I will eat out. Not going to go out of my way to cheat, I promise you that.

FE what are you doing to cut? What's your plan? Because Vio-Lence knows more than I do about these things and we should

low carb, high protein and fat diets like the Anabolic Diet or CarbNite Solution advocate 1-2 cheat days/nights per week to improve fat loss.

I'm going to go moderate carbs 100-150g on workout days, less than 100g on off days. The rest will be protein and fats. Aim for around 2500 calories a day and then adjust from there. While I have done a keto style diet and understand the benefits, I just don't like it. I would rather eat some noodles and potatoes as I myself just feel better eating the "natural carbs". Prolly start doing IF again as I was able to cut down to 12% last year which is my goal again this year.


The feeling you get when you have to stop a workout only 5 omitted into it because of a goddamn joint pain is the worst thing ever :( I feel utterly like crap now. Time to wollow on this protein shake.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
WrestleMania! While I won't plan for cheat meals, if it happens due to social settings like WM or other gatherings, I will eat out. Not going to go out of my way to cheat, I promise you that.

I'm going to go moderate carbs 100-150g on workout days, less than 100g on off days. The rest will be protein and fats. Aim for around 2500 calories a day and then adjust from there. While I have done a keto style diet and understand the benefits, I just don't like it. I would rather eat some noodles and potatoes as I myself just feel better eating the "natural carbs". Prolly start doing IF again as I was able to cut down to 12% last year which is my goal again this year.

I fuckin hate keto diets, because it works really well for me.

Damn it, it almost make me wish I was unhealthy again, so I can cut more weight.

You can fix that up real quick if you want. I remember how quick I got fat starting at my current job! Almost did the Szu "Chew And Discard" method yesterday though, visited my parents and they made ALMIGHTY SPICE CAKE. UGHHHH so much willpower to avoid.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Keto really fucks with me in the gym =/

That's why I've been stayin out of there, between that and letting my knee heal up. Sucks, but there's a certain appeal to me to lose everything and start from scratch, so to speak. Never done that before.
Yeah I really hate working out when I'm sick. Fuck this mess.

I got recommended a book this morning. Arnold's guide to bodybuilding. Is it worth checking out?


I'm probably doing a PSMF myself, I forget what velocity was. PSMF is basically 1+ grams of protein per pound of body weight (or is it lean mass?), some fat, and very low calories.


I fuckin hate keto diets, because it works really well for me.

You can fix that up real quick if you want. I remember how quick I got fat starting at my current job! Almost did the Szu "Chew And Discard" method yesterday though, visited my parents and they made ALMIGHTY SPICE CAKE. UGHHHH so much willpower to avoid.

OK, first of all, "Chew and Discard" is WAY better name than the one I came to my mind.

I would also like to further explain the process. Like most of us here, myself included, we try to eat for purpose, not pleasure. Food is for nourishment and sustenance, not for recreation.

I use these cookies as a tool to achieve my goals. If those cookies are left in the open, they will eventually be thrown out with the trash. They would have just gone to waste. However, I'm making use of them. I'm giving them a new purpose by feeding my purpose.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
OK, first of all, "Chew and Discard" is WAY better name than the one I came to my mind.

I would also like to further explain the process. Like most of us here, myself included, we try to eat for purpose, not pleasure. Food is for nourishment and sustenance, not for recreation.

I use these cookies as a tool to achieve my goals. If those cookies are left in the open, they will eventually be thrown out with the trash. They would have just gone to waste. However, I'm making use of them. I'm giving them a new purpose by feeding my purpose.

I'll "repurpose" something delicious soon, I just know it!

Roommate brought home a ton of Cadbury Creme Eggs. I know they'd taste like shit to me as I've had no sugar for a while now, period, but I'll be damned if I don't wanna shove every single one of those fuckin things into my mouth and OD on glucose. I told her not to leave them out!

I might repurpose one later. Maybe.
low carb, high protein and fat diets like the Anabolic Diet or CarbNite Solution advocate 1-2 cheat days/nights per week to improve fat loss.
I've been on carb nite solution for about 8 weeks now. I'm not counting calories and I go fucking crazy on carb nite and I'm still losing about a lb a week and gaining strength on 5/3/1


Hosted Easyer dinner last night. Having my fiancé take all the desserts with her to work tonight. Get outta my house.

I dunno...my wife made a sour cream and cream cheese cheesecake and all the leftovers were sent back with us. I might still have a piece or two this week. Low carb rest of the way tho.


I'll "repurpose" something delicious soon, I just know it!

Roommate brought home a ton of Cadbury Creme Eggs. I know they'd taste like shit to me as I've had no sugar for a while now, period, but I'll be damned if I don't wanna shove every single one of those fuckin things into my mouth and OD on glucose. I told her not to leave them out!

I might repurpose one later. Maybe.

I can just picture your roommate somehow finding chewed up Cadbury Eggs in the trash. Then, she'll ask you what happened to the eggs or were they out-dated.

You'll reply with "They served their purpose." Then, you'll walk off into the sunset.


Also, I pour the Whey under my eye lids, absorbs better.

I only take whey mixed with 151 and Jack Daniels funneled directly into my ass hole.. It tears the lining of my colon, allowing the proteins to get straight into my blood stream. It also causes me to black out, allowing my subconscious to get some heavy lifting done while the rest of my brain sleep. Sleep, for the mind, is important.


is PSMF another term for the Velocity diet popularized on Tnation years ago?

From what I remember, the Velocity diet was a scheme to sell their supplements since you pretty much just drank their shakes and took their pills for weeks.

PSMF is short for 'protein sparing modified fast', which is basically a muscle-sparing starvation diet. It's effective (some people lose 4+ pounds a week of non-water weight), but it's unpleasant and causes some metabolic damage so needs to be gradually gone off of.

Example PSMF meal:

Lean meat covered in zero-calorie sauce (ex: chicken breast slathered in dijon), a plain salad without any caloric toppings or dressing, a multivitamin and some omega 3 oil capsules.

you get 1+g of protein/lb, lift weights with high intensity and low volume and enjoy the rapid weight loss while feeling kind of rough. You literally cannot lose fat faster than this. Note that you'll be in keto on this diet too, but most people only do it for a few weeks MAX.

As an aside, I bet that this is what they feed the 'biggest loser' people.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
My eating is on point and my cardio is on point

I need help. I really have no clue what type of lifting I should be doing when I am actively attempting to lose weight. I just do some legs , arms and sometimes back but nothing consistent. Is there anything with a decent lifting regimen. Nothing too ridiculous. Just some supplemental stuff.


I've been on carb nite solution for about 8 weeks now. I'm not counting calories and I go fucking crazy on carb nite and I'm still losing about a lb a week and gaining strength on 5/3/1

How low-carb is the carb nite solution on the non-refeed days?

I'm starting week 5 of a diet that's roughly 210g protein, ~100g fat ~50g carb, refeed every two weeks I've been averaging (except this weekend will be consecutive weeks because of WRASSLEMANIA.) Waiting 13 days for the 14th glorious day has proven mentally torturous at times.


My eating is on point and my cardio is on point

I need help. I really have no clue what type of lifting I should be doing when I am actively attempting to lose weight. I just do some legs , arms and sometimes back but nothing consistent. Is there anything with a decent lifting regimen. Nothing too ridiculous. Just some supplemental stuff.

You need to change your mindset man, read the OP. Weighlifting should be the focus not the other way around
How low-carb is the carb nite solution on the non-refeed days?

I'm starting week 5 of a diet that's roughly 210g protein, ~100g fat ~50g carb, refeed every two weeks I've been averaging (except this weekend will be consecutive weeks because of WRASSLEMANIA.) Waiting 13 days for the 14th glorious day has proven mentally torturous at times.
Yeah I would never be able to do 2 weeks. I'm itching after 1.

It's less than 30g of carbs. And they should be coming from veggies pretty much. But on your carb nite you basically have an 8 hour window in the evening to eat everything in sight.

Saturday night I went nuts and I'm half a pound lighter today than I was Friday morning. If my pattern of glycogen loss is consistent with previous weeks then I'll actually be down 2 lbs in a week this Friday.

The diet also consists of fasting for a short time in the morning. I don't eat until after my workout which is about 6 hours after I wakeup. I have some coffee in the morning with coconut oil and heavy cream (which is recommended in the book).


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
My eating is on point and my cardio is on point

I need help. I really have no clue what type of lifting I should be doing when I am actively attempting to lose weight. I just do some legs , arms and sometimes back but nothing consistent. Is there anything with a decent lifting regimen. Nothing too ridiculous. Just some supplemental stuff.

Push-ups, pull-ups, dips


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
You need to change your mindset man, read the OP. Weighlifting should be the focus not the other way around
Heavy cardio has always worked the best for me for weightloss. I'm supposed be focusing on lifting?

Edit: Nevermind I see the routines.



My eating is on point and my cardio is on point

I need help. I really have no clue what type of lifting I should be doing when I am actively attempting to lose weight. I just do some legs , arms and sometimes back but nothing consistent. Is there anything with a decent lifting regimen. Nothing too ridiculous. Just some supplemental stuff.

If you want to lose fat, then the two most important things are diet and resistance training. Cardio is a bonus (in moderation). Diet to create a deficit, and resistance training to keep muscle.

So you should be looking at say two days of resistance training a week, using a compound lift program if possible.


My eating is on point and my cardio is on point

I need help. I really have no clue what type of lifting I should be doing when I am actively attempting to lose weight. I just do some legs , arms and sometimes back but nothing consistent. Is there anything with a decent lifting regimen. Nothing too ridiculous. Just some supplemental stuff.

What is your goal?

Are you focused solely on weight loss, or are you trying to lose fat and keep as much muscle as possible?


Yeah I would never be able to do 2 weeks. I'm itching after 1.

It's less than 30g of carbs. And they should be coming from veggies pretty much. But on your carb nite you basically have an 8 hour window in the evening to eat everything in sight.

Saturday night I went nuts and I'm half a pound lighter today than I was Friday morning. If my pattern of glycogen loss is consistent with previous weeks then I'll actually be down 2 lbs in a week this Friday.

The diet also consists of fasting for a short time in the morning. I don't eat until after my workout which is about 6 hours after I wakeup. I have some coffee in the morning with coconut oil and heavy cream (which is recommended in the book).

Yeah I'm doing a variant of the Berardi Get Shredded Diet, so it's similar but not as extreme on the carbs (50-60g v. 30g) but more extreme on curtailing the refeeds (though the refeed days being "no more than 3.5x your daily caloric intake" is ridic). I say variant because I do hate me some veggies, so while I eat what I can stomach, I'm not going to shy away from occasionally using two slices of low-carb thin sliced bread holding some tasty meats, as long as it fits the macros I'm aiming for.

If all goes well after a second week in a row of cheating this weekend, I think I'll move to doing 6 low-carb, 1 demolish the carbs day plan. For sanity's sake. I'd rather take 10 weeks to get where I'm going and sustain versus aiming for Berardi's torture and potentially flaming out.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
If you want to lose fat, then the two most important things are diet and resistance training. Cardio is a bonus (in moderation). Diet to create a deficit, and resistance training to keep muscle.

So you should be looking at say two days of resistance training a week, using a compound lift program if possible.

What is your goal?

Are you focused solely on weight loss, or are you trying to lose fat and keep as much muscle as possible?
I want to continue to lose weight but also keep muscle if possible.
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