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Fitness |OT5| Intermittent Farting, Wrist Curls and Hammer Strength Machine Spotters

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well, it's happening more and more now. The inmates keep coming up and asking him much I bench and saying shit like "Man, looks like you live on a weight stack." Feels good bro? (just weird).

Anyway, my nickname is also apparently Robocop, so take take that for what it "is?"

Oh, by the way those "most delicious protein bars" on that dude's channel are like a dessert. They are amazing.

Goddamn Alien.

Sometimes, I don't think he's of this world.

I tried to take a picture, but it doesn't really convey how "racoon eyed" I am. I did check with the EFTS Q&A thing today and it appears I'm gonna be ok. ;)


If you go back and watch that video, note how red my face/head get. Shit was nuts, lol.

Damn Alien you are a beast. Great lift.

Thanks man, but not good enough. it needs to be closer to or at least 500. To be "close" to totaling elite in the gym (this is my goal before I go and actually compete) I need a little more than 400(bench) 500 (squat) 600(dead). That's the goal for this year/year and a half.

Personally I thought she looked 40+. 26 was pretty surprising. Here's another photo:


I think she's fucking hot as hell in all of these photos.


Her body actually isn't the issue, she has a horse face. As others pointed out her jaw is very square, she ugly.

Her body will look great when she's in competition form (won't be extremely dehydrated and will probably add 3% BF or more), she's obviously muscular, but not crazy muscular she's just very cut.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Knees were completely fine today, they didnt cuckold me with laziness...Just did BS and now walking db lunges, which I havent done in a long ass time, they seem to make my hip flexor release. 55/65s and just puked after the 75s now onto the 85s...


Success! With x16....hip feels so much better.


I wouldn't doubt that. Maybe after the summer. Right now, just gotta go with the cut!

I thought you were forever bulk crew!?!?!?

And try doing singles, whatever your 1rm is do 90% of it and space the reps out with 30 seconds to a minute of rest between.


Junior Member
I prefer a slim but toned girl, as opposed to a muscular one. I am routinely unattracted to bodybuilder-esque physiques. I sometimes find it physically repulsive. A woman who is ripped to shreds with huge biceps is a huge turn off.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Knees were completely fine today, they didnt cuckold me with laziness...Just did BS and now walking db lunges, which I havent done in a long ass time, they seem to make my hip flexor release. 55/65s and just puked after the 75s now onto the 85s...


Success! With x16....hip feels so much better.

Fantastic news man!


I prefer a slim but toned girl, as opposed to a muscular one. I am routinely unattracted to bodybuilder-esque physiques. I sometimes find it physically repulsive. A woman who is ripped to shreds with huge biceps is a huge turn off.

Depends, but Vida Guerrea is now into body building




That's how she looks when not in competition shape.


the piano man
so, this is my humble back pic, first and only time I have somewhat liked a back pic of mine. Sadly I have no fitting picture from 6 months ago, when I began working out, to do a before/after but it's o.k. Hopefully come next October I can put two pics side by side and see some progress.


EDIT: LOl, putting my pic in the middle of a hot girl craze, couldn't have had better timing, hahaha.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
so, this is my humble back pic, first and only time I have somewhat liked a back pic of mine. Sadly I have no fitting picture from 6 months ago, when I began working out, to do a before/after but it's o.k. Hopefully come next October I can put two pics side by side and see some progress.


EDIT: LOl, putting my pic in the middle of a hot girl craze, couldn't have had better timing, hahaha.

Looks really good bud!


the piano man
Looks really good bud!

Thanks! :D

My back was definitely behind the rest of my body but I think it's finally paying off what I've been doing. At least getting on par with everything else.

and by the way, you guys remember your hard-to-take back pics with your arms and phone behind your neck? no need for that, download an app called "Silent Camera", it makes a silent serial shooting.

In this case, I pressed the "start" button, put the phone inside a locker in the gym and just changed postures, and in 1 minute I had 48 shots. Most are garbage but 4 or 5 are o.k and will serve for future reference.

for anyone interested in getting good progress pics, I really suggest doing it this way, it's fucking hard to get pictured in a good angle otherwise. 1 out of 50 will sure look the way you expect.

besides, we can't properly flex with a phone in the hand :)


Tried front squats today. They're no joke. It feels so weird using the clean grip. You want to support the bar with your hands but its bad form.

Rehband knee sleeves were so worth it. My knees stayed warm the whole time. Awesome feeling.

Looking good, piano man.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Fantastic news man!

Thanks, feels good too.

Did some BB rows and neutral grip pullups after. Neutral grip doesn't aggravate my shoulders like regular pullups and they seem to hit my back more too.

Depends, but Vida Guerrea is now into body building


That's how she looks when not in competition shape.

Would drop a 200lbs dumbbell on my dick to have a chance to use her gym worn underwear as a wash cloth.


Thanks! :D

My back was definitely behind the rest of my body but I think it's finally paying off what I've been doing. At least getting on par with everything else.

and by the way, you guys remember your hard-to-take back pics with your arms and phone behind your neck? no need for that, download an app called "Silent Camera", it makes a silent serial shooting.

In this case, I pressed the "start" button, put the phone inside a locker in the gym and just changed postures, and in 1 minute I had 48 shots. Most are garbage but 4 or 5 are o.k and will serve for future reference.

for anyone interested in getting good progress pics, I really suggest doing it this way, it's fucking hard to get pictured in a good angle otherwise. 1 out of 50 will sure look the way you expect.

besides, we can't properly flex with a phone in the hand :)

So does anybody there find it weird that you're just posing around for a minute in the locker room? Either way, you're looking really good! Keep it up.


Junior Member
I know a girl that does those fitness model competitions. The shit she puts herself through to get ready for one is awful. She is very attractive but after the dehydration and weird spray tan, she looks like shit.


the piano man
Looking good, piano man.

So does anybody there find it weird that you're just posing around for a minute in the locker room? Either way, you're looking really good! Keep it up.

it was 10:30 P.M. Sunday night so it was empty. I get the chance to do this once every couple of months, though.

I am too shy to casually flex in front of the mirror with other guys around, like the big guys do, let alone pose like a moron for a camera, hahaha.

Thank you guys, I am always happy for everybody's progress here too, even if I don't always comment on them. Every regular here is an inspiration to me, each in their own way.


Neo Member
Hi fitness gaf, been a long time lurker and thought it was time to post and join you swole beasts.

Was doing a shoulder day today and at the end, my friend's brother unexpectedly showed up and asked us to spot him for a couple sets. After his 245lb overhead squat (which I am still in awe of) we went out into the parking lot and proceeded to do sprints pulling a sled. Definitely wasn't what I was expecting and I was pretty gassed 20 minutes in :(. I assume the only way to improve this would be more HIIT?

Also, would anyone be able to recommend some cheap headphones suitable for working out? My current earbuds usually fall out midway through my sets.


Hi fitness gaf, been a long time lurker and thought it was time to post and join you swole beasts.

Was doing a shoulder day today and at the end, my friend's brother unexpectedly showed up and asked us to spot him for a couple sets. After his 245lb overhead squat (which I am still in awe of) we went out into the parking lot and proceeded to do sprints pulling a sled. Definitely wasn't what I was expecting and I was pretty gassed 20 minutes in :(. I assume the only way to improve this would be more HIIT?

Also, would anyone be able to recommend some cheap headphones suitable for working out? My current earbuds usually fall out midway through my sets.

If these were ATG then wow that's pretty impressive

Bob Ross

Hoppin' on that back train late. Have only been lifting for a little over two months (week 11), and been going for a lean build. Iv'e stayed at the same weight so I guess my body fat must be dropping because I'm told I'm looking a bit bigger. This pic also do no justice to the Bi's and Tri's. :(
Just pumps but they are so intense it really hurts. Only seem to get them like that on shoulders.

Weird. Don't think I've ever heard this. Typically you get the biggest pumps from low intensity, high volume stuff, or doing drop sets.

Also, most people get their biggest pumps when doing biceps.


So I'm trying to cut for the first time ever. It's the first time ever because I've never successfully bulked before. I've typically been a hard-gainer, although my old age might have slowed that down.

So I'm 225 lbs and I estimate that I should be eating 2500 kcal a day to lose about 1-1.5 lbs a week. I got a calorie tracking app (LoseIt!) and was surprised to see how many carbs I was eating despite trying to avoid them during my "eat everything I can" days. I've really improved that over the last week and am now eating more protein than anything else, although I think my fat intake is still a bit high.

This app subtracts exercise from my daily kcal totals, in other words if I burn 200 kcal during exercise, it updates my daily target from 2500 to 2700 kcal. Should I be doing that or not? I feel like I should stick to 2500 kcal and just not input my exercise into the app.

Anyway, how's all that sound? Anything else I need to be doing? Like I said, I haven't tried to cut before.


Figure out what you need per day and don't bother with inputting you exercise. It's not accurate anyway.

If you figured out you bmr then used the proper multiplier based on your activity level, exercise is already taken into consideration.


Front where they meet

Edit: well kind of both. Right now it's more in the front

I do think its just a strong pump because it only happens when I'm not on low carb and its in both shoulders. It'll be fine tomorrow if its like every other time. I just need to move biceps to another day cuz I can't do them very well when my shoulders start hurting like that


Gold Member
So I'm trying to cut for the first time ever. It's the first time ever because I've never successfully bulked before. I've typically been a hard-gainer, although my old age might have slowed that down.

So I'm 225 lbs and I estimate that I should be eating 2500 kcal a day to lose about 1-1.5 lbs a week. I got a calorie tracking app (LoseIt!) and was surprised to see how many carbs I was eating despite trying to avoid them during my "eat everything I can" days. I've really improved that over the last week and am now eating more protein than anything else, although I think my fat intake is still a bit high.

This app subtracts exercise from my daily kcal totals, in other words if I burn 200 kcal during exercise, it updates my daily target from 2500 to 2700 kcal. Should I be doing that or not? I feel like I should stick to 2500 kcal and just not input my exercise into the app.

Anyway, how's all that sound? Anything else I need to be doing? Like I said, I haven't tried to cut before.

Generally the approach sounds right. Some thoughts

- I'm 230 and eating 2500 kcal on average does not lead to significant weight loss for me, even though I do 3-4 spins and 3-4 gyms a week. Around 2000 kcals works for me.

- It's pretty easy to underestimate your calorie intake (even when using an app), and overestimate your training burn, this might contribute to the above

- wrt compensating for sports, my rule of thumb is to compensate roughly 50% of what the app tells me to. So if I do a spinning worth 600kcal, I give myself 300kcal extra

- My app gives me an average daily goal of 1650 kcal to lose 2lb a week

These things massively vary by person. The best advice I can give is to get a Withings wifi scale that tracks your weight automatically and effortlessly over time. This is the best way to see the impact of your diet adjustments, and ensure your long term trend is where you want it to be. Best of all, it automatically updates your weight to My Fitness Pal.
Ok today is the fattest and weakest day of the rest of my life. Day 1. I am going to be following the beginner's routine in the OP and adding cardio 5x a week. I have one question about starting.

What is the best way to find the weight I should be lifting on the various lifts? I know I'm supposed to use the bar first and then add 10/5 lbs depending on muscle group. I stop adding weight when I start slowing down in a set of 5, correct?

Age: 27
Height: 6 '1
Weight: 224
Goal: -10% BF this year, gain strength in all areas. Fit in size 34 pants (I wear loose fit 36)
Current Training Schedule: Beginner's routine from op plus cardio 5x/wk
Current Training Equipment Available: Fully equipped gym
Comments: I'll be taking pictures each month but I'm not going to post any until one of my thighs looks as big as Zhu's arms.


Junior Member
Sometimes my arms feel huge.

But most of the time I don't feel like I've made any progress....

Your arms look good man.

It feels like I have made zero progress in the 10 weeks that I have been training. At one point my arms looked really big. Now, they look the same as I started - maybe smaller. I'm not sure either way as I haven't taken pictures. But I'm just so disappointed as to how small my bloody arms are lol. I've even added weighted dips and chinups and my arms still look tiny.

I don't even know whether I'm eating enough or not but I feel like having 6 protein shakes a day since I haven't gained any weight in these 2/3 months that I have worked out. I currently have 3 but I'm not even sure if this will make any difference.

I've been following a 5x5 routine but maybe I should switch to a bodybuilding style one. Are there any good BB style routines out there?
Dropped below 100kg last week :p
So i thought lets try doing chin ups today.
And low and behold i could complete one.

Felt so good i did 10x1 as assistance instead of fatman pull up.


Gold Member
Dropped below 100kg last week :p
So i thought lets try doing chin ups today.
And low and behold i could complete one.

Felt so good i did 10x1 as assistance instead of fatman pull up.

congrats man. That's exactly my dream and next milestone right now. I am currently at 103kg, so I should break that magic barrier in a few weeks for the first time in nearly half a decade.

I can't imagine being able to do a chin up, that would be incredible, like realising I could push up a while ago. I wonder if I can do it.
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