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Funny how it's Nina fucking Turner making this statement as if

1) Sanders supporters weren't acting like he deserved brownie points for having her as one of his 3 token black surrogates,
2) attacking Trump is the only noteworthy thing Warren has done, and
2) she's actually done anything noteworthy herself, other than fart around for years in a safe Dem state senate district and lose the first statewide race she entered by 30%.

If it makes you feel any better, Adam, she's completely annihilated her political career going forward in the state.

Sure as shit makes me feel better!
You gotta try the cold chai made Nightly News! Not the little wiggle, though.

And Andrea EMAILS confirmed that per the Clinton camp, Warren is being considered for Veep.
There was a thread/post on s4p that said WHEN the California results prove Bernie won, they were going to crowd fund re-running the primaries in certain states where the FRAUD! occurred.

Oh dear lord these fuckin ppl.

Looking forward to the reactions when the Cali results continue to go for the queen hehe


CA literally has a website dedicated to seeing if your fucking mail in or provisional was counted brehs. I just can't.
Like it's too much.

Leave it to Bernie Sanders to make 20-something suddenly experts in all aspects of voting and laws associated with voting.

They are just giving more fuel to the GOP's voter ID fire.

M'ballot, indeed.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I find it fascinating that establishment guys like the Bush family and Romney are refusing to support Trump.


People are counting on every single uncounted ballot to be in Bernie's favor and flip the results, it seems. Not only of California but of the entire primary, somehow.

When that doesn't shake out, it'll be yet another conspiracy.
They just need to smoke some weed and start watching Alex Jones at this point. Fucking hell.
Hm. I guess that's true. I took a very early interest in politics (misguided though many of my early sources of information were), so I sometimes forget that people my age largely don't see the same stuff I do. Still a pain in my ass. Oh well.
One thing I feel with some of the more diehard Bernie supporters (and this applies to guys like TYT too) is they don't see the bigger picture. They're too focused on the intra-party fight and I feel this comes from the Millennial generation being far more liberal than usual so they're inside a bubble.

It's easy to think Hillary is nothing more than a corporate shill, Obama hasn't accomplished anything or that Warren sold her soul when you decide to just completely ignore there's an entire political party that represents half of the country fighting them tooth and nail and smearing them on everything they do. The Republicans are even in full control of Congress! Right now they are! They are in large part the ones obstructing progress! But so many people have cast Bernie vs. Hillary with Hillary as the enemy, so they don't give a fuck. Seeing a lot of the "Give me something to vote for, not something to vote against" bullshit going around right now.

Friend of mine (not a Buster but watches TYT regularly among other things) brought up gay marriage and said we could have gotten it done sooner if Hillary, Obama etc. had just taken an active leadership role and endorsed it sooner. Even though while Obama was getting elected in 08 gay marriage was being voted down in California (that liberal bastion of hope until three days ago). Ignoring that the Clintons were hugely pro-LGBT rights all through their careers and that civil unions was the leadership even if it looks weaselly as shit nowadays. Obama's endorsement of gay marriage came exactly at the right time to help the movement rather than hinder it. But once again, if you completely cut off the right side of the spectrum, only look at the left and only see Bernie on one end and Hillary on the other - an Independent junior senator from one of the smallest, most liberal states in the country versus a former First Lady running for president who needs to build some sort of national consensus - you're only going to see the pragmatists as feckless and weak.

He's also really upset and disappointed that Obama "hasn't done anything" about Citizens United so there's fucking that.


The Autumn Wind
Jesus, can news networks please stop having Trump surrogates on the air? I can feel my brain cells dying whenever they speak. Nothing but deflection and outright lies.


Jesus, can news networks please stop having Trump surrogates on the air? I can feel my brain cells dying whenever they speak. Nothing but deflection and outright lies.

When she was all "Donald Trump has nothing to apologize for, those comments on the judge were taken out of context" and even Wolf Blitzer is like "um no they weren't" you know you fucked up


Neo Member
Jesus, can news networks please stop having Trump surrogates on the air? I can feel my brain cells dying whenever they speak. Nothing but deflection and outright lies.

That delusional lady on CNN right? She makes me want to throw up in my mouth. All of his surrogates sound like uncouth fools.
Dealing with Sanders supporters hate on Twitters against Hillary. I really wanna swat their opinions. I was a Sanders supporter but even I've come around to supporting Hillary against the abomination that is Trump. Anyone got a concise argument I can put to people that'll convince them that the statement "Hillary is wank mate" is stupid and illogical?
Dealing with Sanders supporters hate on Twitters against Hillary. I really wanna swat their opinions. I was a Sanders supporter but even I've come around to supporting Hillary against the abomination that is Trump. Anyone got a concise argument I can put to people that'll convince them that the statement "Hillary is wank mate" is stupid and illogical?
There is a vacancy on the Supreme Court.

Either Hillary will fill it (and her husband appointed half of the liberals on there) or Trump will and ban abortion, gay marriage and healthcare reform.


There is a vacancy on the Supreme Court.

Either Hillary will fill it (and her husband appointed half of the liberals on there) or Trump will and ban abortion, gay marriage and healthcare.

OT has proven people will just wave away or outright ignore SCOTUS.
Apparently presidents move the country towards a progressive path alone through sheer force of will.

Also it's not a single vacancy likely to be at stake, RBG for as great as she is, probably doesn't have much time left.
Even badasses have to retire sometime and god knows she deserves a grand retirement. Add on to that two other justices who are right up there in their late 70s about to hit 80. Next two terms are gonna be crucial for SCOTUS.
Trump laying the smack on the Koch brothers (they won't give money to the convention)




Dealing with Sanders supporters hate on Twitters against Hillary. I really wanna swat their opinions. I was a Sanders supporter but even I've come around to supporting Hillary against the abomination that is Trump. Anyone got a concise argument I can put to people that'll convince them that the statement "Hillary is wank mate" is stupid and illogical?

Nuclear warheads in Donald Trump's hands


If there's one thing I love about this week, it's that Dems have completely shattered the myth of "Teflon Don."

Turns out Donald can be trolled. Pretty easily too. Republicans are just remarkably incompetent these days.


I don't think the Koch brothers are actually crazy, just unethical. They give money to races that will in turn cause them immense profit.

Trump has no understanding of economics, and no solid tax or economic plans and looks to lose the race by a large margin. It's a terrible investment even if Trump offered to promote legislation that would benefit you, and there's no way you could trust him anyway.

They'll still pump a lot into down-ticket races, and that money will help their cause unfortunately.


OT has proven people will just wave away or outright ignore SCOTUS.
Apparently presidents move the country towards a progressive path alone through sheer force of will.

One of my two Bernie supporter room mates I was trying to explain things to couldn't even keep SCOTUS and Senate straight. I had to explain the difference twice. I think the biggest problem of putting forth the importance of SCOTUS is that a large number of people just do not understand how important SCOTUS is.

It's really frustrating how warped so many people's understanding of US government is. It's no wonder people get so mad at Obama about shit he has no control over. They all seem to think he's effectively a dictator or king (even though they'd never admit to either of those because those kinds of leaders are bad because FREEDOM!) Or at the very least they have no concept of what a Senator does vs what the President does. And again, many of my peers seem to have virtually no concept of SCOTUS at all. Like, they've heard the term The Supreme Court before...but they don't know what they do.

I try to educate wherever I can without any judgment. Largely, I'd say public education has failed them, but can I just say the most heartbreaking thing in the entire world to me is seeing someone's eyes glaze over when I'm taking time out of my day to help them understand something like this? And forget getting into explaining anything more complex than first week Civics 101. I don't think this stuff was ever even taught in regular classes at the high school I went to. I'm pretty sure the reason I knew it was because it was in the American History book I got in high school and I was one of those dorks who read it from cover to cover over an idle weekend.

Did that for world history too. I was really thrown when the curriculum skipped Charlemagne altogether. Seemed kind of significant...


If there's one thing I love about this week, it's that Dems have completely shattered the myth of "Teflon Don."

Turns out Donald can be trolled. Pretty easily too. Republicans are just remarkably incompetent these days.

That and the fact that, like EVERYONE has been saying the entire election, the general election audience is COMPLETELY different than the primary audiences. Trump was perfect for the base, but toxic to the broader country.


Dealing with Sanders supporters hate on Twitters against Hillary. I really wanna swat their opinions. I was a Sanders supporter but even I've come around to supporting Hillary against the abomination that is Trump. Anyone got a concise argument I can put to people that'll convince them that the statement "Hillary is wank mate" is stupid and illogical?

she isn't tho


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that


Eh, maybe I'm old and bitter, but I sort of do? The former worries me more because they're liable to actually push and enact policies, while the latter might just use them to get votes and then not actually push for harmful policies. I actually used to be in your camp, but during the '04 campaign, actually had a discussion about gay marriage w/r/t Obama's views. I found it messed up that he was against gay marriage publicly when I don't particularly personally believe he really cared too much. (Aside: my amazingly logical reason for being for it was that I didn't trust legislators to come up with a way that made civil unions have all the legal benefits of marriage without fucking something up...go dumb young me. Also, I was of the opinion that once you involved tax benefits and government shit in marriage, you have no choice but to open it up to everyone.)

But the person's response was that even if they weren't 100% sure about whether they were on board with it as a matter of faith, he knew that Obama wasn't going to do anything to hurt the LGBT community, and would push for protections and pro-LGBT policies and legislation once in the Senate. So if Obama stays honest about his feelings about gay marriage (which aligned with the vast majority of the country at the time), and that helps him get elected, and then he can use his position to actively help the LGBT community...isn't that better than stepping out on a limb on a position you're not completely sure you agree with, not getting elected, and then someone who is actively going to harm the LGBT community taking that spot?

One of the things that I have long admired about Obama is that (to me), he's always found the perfect balance between pragmatism and principle. Clinton's too pragmatic (and too ends justify the means) for me, and Sanders is too principled for me. Every time I would hear about XYZ compromise (I was fucking furious after the health care bill, for instance), I would always read into the details and realize what good he had gotten actually done and enshrined in for folks. It's easy to be super principled and demand the moon and refuse to budge (universal cheap health care for all, national laws forcing XYZ policy on all states), but it's hard to sit down and realize the reality of the situation (shifting to single-payer would have taken more than 4 years...which means that an Obama loss stops the whole process, states can give federal laws no teeth and fight back on constitutional grounds).

That's what I like about Obama. He realizes that principles are important, but they can't completely stop you from helping people in the here and now. Gotta find a balance. The perfect is the enemy of the good.

I don't disagree that a "true believer" can be more dangerous than an aggressive panderer. Hence why a lot of people thought Cruz would be more dangerous than Trump if they ever got into the White House. That doesn't change the fact that appealing to the worst aspects of humanity to get elected still makes you a terrible human being. Trump's candidacy has had real repercussions already. Hell I've been hearing stories of minority kids getting bullied at school by young kids who find Trumps bluster appealing. It's messed up and I don't think the story about Obama and gay marriage is completely applicable. I get what you mean by "having to play ball" to get stuff done but there's a difference between being too shy about support for an oppressed group but giving signals you are still with them and just stoking hate and fear like Trump is doing.

I'm debating whether to even post in that Politico Sanders thread..there's a lot of moralizing hypocrisy from folks in there about how Sanders supporters have all the privilege...pretty obvious there are not many Armed Forces folks on GAF OT to say the least.

I mean if past and present members of the armed forces want to give their opinions I don't see why they shouldn't - under-expressed viewpoints are appreciated - but at the same time I'm not sure what that has to do with the argument/discussion of privilege explicitly along a racial axis and why Sanders campaign might not have been appealing to a lot of minorities. Maybe I'm misreading you and I apologize if I am but you consistently seem to have an issue when people discuss racial politics? Even if you want to say that some individuals involved a conversation (as with any other conversation) are idiots that doesn't make it a subject not worth extensive conversation.
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