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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I switched from phat to 5/3/1 with a hypertrophy back / stetching and cardio day. Definitely like it a lot more. Might switch programs if I stall cuz I wanted to do a powerlifting competition with a buddy in june but its been working for me pretty well so far. All my leg lifts have been flying up.


5/3/1 basically is already set up like a split. Just add your other movements after the compound movement. Been doing this for over a year.

Its what I'm doing with mine, but kinda failing with my 5 sets of squats. Will reduce that to 3x5 and focus on linear progression as I am with bench and OHP.
you are quite a bit higher than 22.5% BF lol

That's what I think too but I did the tape measure and body calipers and both end around the same result. Trying to look online at similar stats didn't really help though.

It's time to end this bulk, FE.
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

I want to but at the same time... I can't. I'm breaking PRs all over the place! Doing reps @ 405+ lbs for squats! Got a 320 lbs bench! Doing 100 lbs db flat bench! Same with incline! Eventually I will go for it but man, these gains. Looking at pics from this year/summer, I looked damn skinny. Never again!
That's what I think too but I did the tape measure and body calipers and both end around the same result. Trying to look online at similar stats didn't really help though.

I want to but at the same time... I can't. I'm breaking PRs all over the place! Doing reps @ 405+ lbs for squats! Got a 320 lbs bench! Doing 100 lbs db flat bench! Same with incline! Eventually I will go for it but man, these gains. Looking at pics from this year/summer, I looked damn skinny. Never again!

Even assuming 23% that's still 62 lbs of butter of which you'll wanna lose at least 20-25. Are you using christmas cookies as a pre-workout or a carb backload? XD
The longer you go the harder it will be psychologically to deal with the losses and plateaus when you do cut. If you think you can handle it then hey...if you're happy and you know it slap your fat and keep putting up those huge numbers!

Oh so I had a nice mathematical brain fart, I was warming up on deadlifts (started going 5/4/3/2/1/working weight) and I was at 255 for two but I put on 275. I usually do a 45, 35, 25 but my dad's in town and we'd put 2 45s on. I was freaked the fuck out because I immediately think, "Holy shit, why is 255 so heavy, I'm gonna have to stop today something's wrong with me". DERP.

Actually this begs another question, do they make bars that are heavier than 45 lbs? I was using a brand new one that was all silver and shiny instead of the usual dirty brown ones. Maybe it was just in my head and the bad math made me even more suspicious.

I'm out for a while, Merry Christmas FitGAF! May your lifts be PRs and your gains be sick!
Even assuming 23% that's still 62 lbs of butter of which you'll wanna lose at least 20-25. Are you using christmas cookies as a pre-workout or a carb backload? XD
The longer you go the harder it will be psychologically to deal with the losses and plateaus when you do cut. If you think you can handle it then hey...if you're happy and you know it slap your fat and keep putting up those huge numbers!

Oh so I had a nice mathematical brain fart, I was warming up on deadlifts (started going 5/4/3/2/1/working weight) and I was at 255 for two but I put on 275. I usually do a 45, 35, 25 but my dad's in town and we'd put 2 45s on. I was freaked the fuck out because I immediately think, "Holy shit, why is 255 so heavy, I'm gonna have to stop today something's wrong with me". DERP.

Actually this begs another question, do they make bars that are heavier than 45 lbs? I was using a brand new one that was all silver and shiny instead of the usual dirty brown ones. Maybe it was just in my head and the bad math made me even more suspicious.

I'm out for a while, Merry Christmas FitGAF! May your lifts be PRs and your gains be sick!

Oh I agree good sir. I'm looking to drop down to 240 @ 12/13% by the summer. Ready for my jeans to fit again.
Can sumbody help with a quick routine I'm visiting family for 2weeks, my neighbor's got some old barbells, 2dumbells and an old ass bench. I tried it this morning didn't have a real plan in mind but I did bench, Dead lift and Barbell rows. I feel like my legs didn't get enough :/

Straight hood XD


I rest for the weak (me) this week! Going to gym as much as possible... today gonna hit shoulders and legs!

Tomorrow going to do chest \m/

I hit a new PR on dumbbell press on Saturday but not quite good enough yet... gotta keep pushing!


the piano man
I've been jogging 45 minutes for the last 3 days because the gym here sucks and we've had awesome weather here, I can't miss that out. I can go back to a more intense bulk/lift lifestyle when I go back to dark, cold Germany

Listening to music jogging/running as the intense sun covers me with its energy is one of best things I can think of in all of the fitness cosmos, any training approach or philosohpy.

for the first time ever, I felt like I was going to achieve a complete split. I asked my friend to take video so I could do a capture, upon closer inspection, it's around 85% done but I am happy with it.

kinda offtopic but here it is:


I've been doing stretching and exercises to improve flexibility for about 18 months now. When I started I had zero flexibility, just like everybody else with no training in stuff like gymnastics, martial arts or dance.

it has taken a while, I guess a complete split will be achieveble when I hit the 2 year mark, the latest, probably earlier.


Oh so I had a nice mathematical brain fart, I was warming up on deadlifts (started going 5/4/3/2/1/working weight) and I was at 255 for two but I put on 275. I usually do a 45, 35, 25 but my dad's in town and we'd put 2 45s on. I was freaked the fuck out because I immediately think, "Holy shit, why is 255 so heavy, I'm gonna have to stop today something's wrong with me". DERP.

Actually this begs another question, do they make bars that are heavier than 45 lbs? I was using a brand new one that was all silver and shiny instead of the usual dirty brown ones. Maybe it was just in my head and the bad math made me even more suspicious.
Barbell knurling makes a difference on grip. Powerlifting barbells feature the most aggressive knurling and are consequently easier to grip. Most Olympic barbells are great in this department, but Olympic-sized barbells found in many sporting goods stores or casual-friendly gyms can have passive knurling that is a bitch to pick up. Most people won't notice because most people don't deadlift.


Been running 5/3/1 since May. My overall squat sucks compared to 1) my other lifts and 2) where I was at in college (when squats really outpaced the rest of my lifts).

At the same time, my quads are large enough that they make pants an odd fit (i.e. having to buy an unnecessarily larger waist) and the only part of me I think is out of proportion are the calves, and as a bro, my calves will always be smaller than I want. Calf dysmorphia is one of the core tenets of brolife.

Thus, the squat numbers are primarily an issue of pride and I find I lack pride to go balls out and fix it. Feels bad.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
That's what I think too but I did the tape measure and body calipers and both end around the same result. Trying to look online at similar stats didn't really help though.

I want to but at the same time... I can't. I'm breaking PRs all over the place! Doing reps @ 405+ lbs for squats! Got a 320 lbs bench! Doing 100 lbs db flat bench! Same with incline! Eventually I will go for it but man, these gains. Looking at pics from this year/summer, I looked damn skinny. Never again!

Welcome to the dark side. It's delicious over here.
Fuark. I think my weight is plateu-ing. Just weighed myself and it was around 82,3 kg. Pretty much the same weight as last week.

I think I'll have to add an extra cardio session on friday.

-I'm already eating less (high protein, lower fat and carb), deficit calorie intake
-Intermittent fasting 16/8
-cardio x 2 sessions pr week right after working out (monday and wednesday)

Any suggestions guys?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Fuark. I think my weight is plateu-ing. Just weighed myself and it was around 82,3 kg. Pretty much the same weight as last week.

I think I'll have to add an extra cardio session on friday.

-I'm already eating less (high protein, lower fat and carb), deficit calorie intake
-Intermittent fasting 16/8
-cardio x 2 sessions pr week right after working out (monday and wednesday)

Any suggestions guys?

Stop freaking out after just one week would be my suggestion.

Nothing changes, or things get worse after a month? Maybe look into adjusting some things.

By the way, you're doing yourself no favors in terms of weight loss by going high protein and both low fat/low carb. Without the fat, you're just going to trigger gluconeogenesis and trigger insulin, which will prevent ketogenesis. If you're going low-carb for body fat loss reasons, you really need to go high-dietary fat, too.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Fuark. I think my weight is plateu-ing. Just weighed myself and it was around 82,3 kg. Pretty much the same weight as last week.

I think I'll have to add an extra cardio session on friday.

-I'm already eating less (high protein, lower fat and carb), deficit calorie intake
-Intermittent fasting 16/8
-cardio x 2 sessions pr week right after working out (monday and wednesday)

Any suggestions guys?

Might need a carb refeed depending on how low your carbs are. Might also need more food, not more cardio.

Could also move cardio to off days.

Reducing calories and adding cardio isn't always the answer. Ultimately it depends on how your body works.

Also if you're low carb I wouldn't restrict fat.

As for weekly fat loss that's not a good metric. Slow and steady wins the race.
Stop freaking out after just one week would be my suggestion.

Nothing changes, or things get worse after a month? Maybe look into adjusting some things.

Well I'm not freaking out, but I'd rather be cautious considering how this is my first cut and I'd rather not fuck it up.

Might need a carb refeed depending on how low your carbs are. Might also need more food, not more cardio.

Could also move cardio to off days.

Reducing calories and adding cardio isn't always the answer. Ultimately it depends on how your body works.

Also if you're low carb I wouldn't restrict fat.

Great, I'll look into these.

Thanks for the feedback FitGAF bros.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well I'm not freaking out, but I'd rather be cautious considering how this my first cut and I'd rather not fuck it up.

Great, I'll look into these.

Thanks for the feedback FitGAF bros.

Sorry, I just read your post like you were panicking. Are you on a time limit with this cut?

Anyway, I edited in some more stuff to my last post.
Sorry, I just read your post like you were panicking. Are you on a time limit with this cut?

Anyway, I edited in some more stuff to my last post.

Cool. Duly noted.

I set the cut period to be approximately 2~3 months depending on how things progress. I'm almost done with the 1st month, and lost roughly 5~6 kg.

Thus far I've been relatively capable of maintaining my strength, whilst losing body weight. Although, in retrospect, when I think about it, I've been free from school this last week due to christmas, which means I haven't been doing my home walk cardio from school. So I'm possibly not being as physically active as I was prior to the school vacation/exams period.


Ive always tried to maintained to be a bit more leaner cause too bulky didnt look attractive to me plus o just like the way I look better


After I finished benching my sets of 280, the guy who was spotting me convinced me intro trying a set of 315 using something like a benching ram.

Clearly I'm not counting it, but it was fun to bench practically twice my bodyweight for one rep. This definitely hyped me up to reach it as fast as possible.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
After I finished benching my sets of 280, the guy who was spotting me convinced me intro trying a set of 315 using something like a benching ram.

Clearly I'm not counting it, but it was fun to bench practically twice my bodyweight for one rep. This definitely hyped me up to reach it as fast as possible.

Benching ram?

Edit: Oh it's a knock off sling shot/catapult.
Welcome to the dark side. It's delicious over here.

That it is. Regardless, I'm cutting come February. I should be a solid 270 by then instead of bouncing around between 265-270.

Deadlifted for the first time since November. Heavy singles 3x1 @ 455 lbs before doing a set of 3 @ 405. I don't think it is recommend to do heavy singles every week, right? Need to alternate it a bit.
Pondering if I should just take this week off due to the whole celebrating Christmas thing. Hmm

Don't take the whole week off, try and at least get in a good full body workout tomorrow or Thursday. You'll maintain and the extra time off will probably help you recover. If you have family coming in it's a good chance to take them along and, say, outlift your dad THAT'S RIGHT DAD YOUR FAT SON GOT ONE MORE REP THAN YOU
Love my dad, he's still a monster at 61 benching 75lb DBs. He got 7 on the last set, I the full 8.


I want to but at the same time... I can't. I'm breaking PRs all over the place! Doing reps @ 405+ lbs for squats! Got a 320 lbs bench! Doing 100 lbs db flat bench! Same with incline! Eventually I will go for it but man, these gains. Looking at pics from this year/summer, I looked damn skinny. Never again!

Lol, have you just had to switch to sweatpants tho?


Incredibly Naive
Oh I agree good sir. I'm looking to drop down to 240 @ 12/13% by the summer. Ready for my jeans to fit again.

I'm in the exact same boat right now... I'm so fat lol, but these gains. Literally every time I lift I'm going up more and more, catching up to some friends who have been lifting for years, but are too scared to have a high BF%. I'm cutting starting next monday, I'm gonna miss the gains, but wearing jeans again will be nice. I've been stuck in shorts pretty much all winter Lol.
6 days a week, push/pull/legs

fatceps are almost 18 inches cold flex

bodyfat calculator (40 waist, 17 inch neck) claims that I am 22.55% @ 270 but I don't believe that to be true.

Forgive me for I have sinned. This past weekend was basically my Christmas with two family parties, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. Today weighed in and I lost 4 pounds over the weekend. I am maybe a tad dehydrated I guess, but if I am it is minor at best. I am doing a slow bulk and have clearly failed this weekend at least.

I have one more chance tomorrow night to redeem myself for a failed holiday bulk. Lend me your strength, FallingEdge!


My hands are getting ripped appart, shreading, I could do 20 or so when my hands are well. But my hands are shreaded, I tried many different gloves and I always get blisters.

Please help me, which gloves should I buy?

The only gloves that worked for me where Lonsdale neoprene gloves, these worked but fell aprart, Im looking for a longer lasting solution.



the piano man
Sphinx I feel like you've been working out a long time what are you focusing on? Any big improvements

what do you mean a long time? I've been working out for around 18 months, which isn't exactly untrained/newb but it's not that experienced either,

I've been learning a lot of stuff and researching, about nutrition, approach to fitness, exercises, training philosophies, routines.

I am equally interested in strength and size/volume. Basically I want to learn about everything and enjoy this long journey and share it with friends and Fitgaf.

as for improvements, I guess so, I don't know if I should be doing better by now in terms of strength or size but I've tried the hardest I could so it's what it was meant to be.


You jumped up 10 lbs on OHP in a week? That's nuts.

Well it's likely because last week (my first time doing it) I only did 80% of what I could prob do? It wasn't much and still isn't much so maybe that's why 10lbs seems a lot but really isn't.

Oh wells, keep pushing!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
My hands are getting ripped appart, shreading, I could do 20 or so when my hands are well. But my hands are shreaded, I tried many different gloves and I always get blisters.

Please help me, which gloves should I buy?

The only gloves that worked for me where Lonsdale neoprene gloves, these worked but fell aprart, Im looking for a longer lasting solution.


Go gloveless. Get man hands. Profit.

I didn't even wear gloves when I was outside doing farmer carries in 20 (F) degree weather.

Gloveless is the answer.


Actually this begs another question, do they make bars that are heavier than 45 lbs? I was using a brand new one that was all silver and shiny instead of the usual dirty brown ones. Maybe it was just in my head and the bad math made me even more suspicious.

I'm out for a while, Merry Christmas FitGAF! May your lifts be PRs and your gains be sick!

55 lb bars exist! I was using one accidentally for squats the other day. It was horrible!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I've asked this question before, but I'd like a follow up.

It appears I've reached a plateau (at least, when it comes to my bench/standing presses), and it's been difficult for me to progress beyond that. So someone said that I should change to 90% (or something to that effect) of that particular weight and continue from there. What I should point out (if it wasn't clear) is that my maximum weight right now, say for my bench, is 105. Now, I can do all 3X5 sets, granted with some difficulty, but I can get it done. My question is, is there a reason I should lower that to 90% of that, or did I just get the wrong info?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Oh, also had another question. What's the proper amount of protein you should be taking in every day? I thought it was agreed that it would be about 1 gram per pound of body weight, but I'm hearing some people say it should be 1 gram per kilogram.

Which one's correct?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I've asked this question before, but I'd like a follow up.

It appears I've reached a plateau (at least, when it comes to my bench/standing presses), and it's been difficult for me to progress beyond that. So someone said that I should change to 90% (or something to that effect) of that particular weight and continue from there. What I should point out (if it wasn't clear) is that my maximum weight right now, say for my bench, is 105. Now, I can do all 3X5 sets, granted with some difficulty, but I can get it done. My question is, is there a reason I should lower that to 90% of that, or did I just get the wrong info?
If you can do 105 3x5, then for your next session try 107.5 3x5. If you fail to get all reps at 107.5 three times in a row, then drop back to 90% of that and work your way back up. You should be increasing the weight after every successful session. As for your diet question, the lower figure should be sufficient, assuming your not doing a special diet like keto.
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