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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Junior Member
Personally I tried not to use gloves for awhile so I could build callouses on my hands.

But if you don't want to go through the shredding I wouldn't think less of you for it.

they are PERFECT for doing calf raises and the abductor/adductor machine.

lolno seriously, use them for things that don't require barbell/dumbbell, like cable stuff, bodyweight exercises and such.

Hmm I see. I mean, I've been going naked ever since I started earlier this year and I've gotten used to my hands getting all beat up after each session, honestly. I might wear them for a session or two and see what it's like before I decide, then.
Thanks for the answers duders :)

J. Bravo

Ya'll think having to work out with the resolutionists is hard? Try working at a huge gym that already gets slammed. New years day is gonna be a nightmare.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
About 1 week left of this bulk and I'm about over it. Strength is going up but I'm also over 200 pounds so it damn well should. Yesterday I squatted 405 for 5 with relative ease and today I got 245 for 5 on bent over rows. I miss my shoulder cuts the most! Haha

Nelo Ice

Do you guys hear that? Yep, it's the sound of the Resolutionists preparing to arrive this coming week. Enjoy the last non-crowded weekend we'll have at the gym for the next month or two, FitGAF.
Fuuuuuu. Well I go during the weekdays but damnit!. Just stay away from the big scary squat and power rack resolutionists lol. There's only 2 total at my gym :(.


Fuuuuuu. Well I go during the weekdays but damnit!. Just stay away from the big scary squat and power rack resolutionists lol. There's only 2 total at my gym :(.

It's already started. Saw a guy today curling with a pre set barbell in the squat rack. Why? WHY!?
Man, just one of those days where everyone feels bigger than me. Did some snatch grip high pulls. 135 lbs and the form feels weird but I'm sure I will get it eventually. Felt good anyway.
It's already started. Saw a guy today curling with a pre set barbell in the squat rack. Why? WHY!?


Nelo Ice

It's already started. Saw a guy today curling with a pre set barbell in the squat rack. Why? WHY!?

Noooo. I can't even imagine how bad it will be. I go out of my way to avoid peak gym times too. Seeing shit like that though will make me lose my mind. The few times I have seen it have made me facepalm so hard.


Haha its my first time seeing the january influx in a unisex gym.

But we can all agree they'll all stay on the cardio machines.
Nothing like seeing them walk on that treadmill while browsing on their samsung lol


the piano man
Man, just one of those days where everyone feels bigger than me.

probably means the guys working out in your gym have standards.

in my gym in Germany, I am very much established in a low/newb/beginner category. I don't mean to sell myself short but there are several guys that look BB competition ready and everybody inbetween is big and strong so that when I am done working out and I am changing clothes in the locker room and see everybody else, I know very well I have a way to go, which is fine, I think I am doing ok.being halfway in my second year on this.

here in Mexico... is just grandpas and teenagers doing all sorts of random shit. You wouldn't tell they lift if you saw them out of the gym. yes, there's the occasional guy with somewhat big arms or big-ish back but nothing like I am used to see where I live.

Thank god this isn't my regular gym, going to a gym where people push themselves and try hard is both inspiring and challenging and it confirms it's possible, it's not just in the magazine or the Mr. Olympia competition.


Man, just one of those days where everyone feels bigger than me. Did some snatch grip high pulls. 135 lbs and the form feels weird but I'm sure I will get it eventually. Felt good anyway.

I go to the NY Sports Clubs near me on a set schedule at set times, based on what I'm working (one nearest to me lacks a proper power rack, so squats and OHP are done at the next nearest location). Due to holidays, I wound up squatting on Monday afternoon instead of my standard Sunday evening. Gym was packed with some enormous older dudes, like those late-30s guys who are dense as all fuck.. Combo of leg day plus the stupidly jacked crowd that day felt like shit.

ACE 1991

I have been lifting for about a year now. Did 4 or so months of Strong Lifts and about 7 months of All Pros. I have gone from 145 to 170 pounds since I began lifting: I'm 5'8" and 22 years old. I am definitely more filled out and people have noticed, but i am still super weak. My 10 RM are as follows, taken from my All Pros heavy day working weights:
Squat: 200lb
Bench: 135lb
Bent over row: 145lvlb
Ohp: 95lb
Stiff leg deadlift: 225lb

My bench has been stalled for months as has my ohp and squat. In terms of diet I shoot for About 2700-3000 calories a day and 150g of protein. gain too much fat too quickly when I up the calories from this. However I am an extremely busy student and can only prepare meals for the first 2k calories. I have a meal plan for dinner and can still eat a lot though. Basically I want to start a traditional 4 day body building split. Yes my lift numbers kind of blow but my goals were never to get strong. Also my arms are way smaller than the rest of my body so I want a program that blasts these. Any recommendation of a good 4 day split? Thank you!

Some people were recommending a Push/Pull/Leg routine, what do you guys think? Please don't just tell me to hop on SS. I am burnt out from linear progression and squatting every single workout.
This may sound dumb but i want to make sure. My legs are killing me from a few days ago doing squats,leg press,etc I am suppose to go for upper body tomorrow,if it still hurts should i go or wait for full recovery?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Fuck me!!! 199.5 this morning. How am I not putting on weight with the amount of food I'm eating? More pizza today!
I have been lifting for about a year now. Did 4 or so months of Strong Lifts and about 7 months of All Pros. I have gone from 145 to 170 pounds since I began lifting: I'm 5'8" and 22 years old. I am definitely more filled out and people have noticed, but i am still super weak. My 10 RM are as follows, taken from my All Pros heavy day working weights:
Squat: 200lb
Bench: 135lb
Bent over row: 145lvlb
Ohp: 95lb
Stiff leg deadlift: 225lb

My bench has been stalled for months as has my ohp and squat. In terms of diet I shoot for About 2700-3000 calories a day and 150g of protein. gain too much fat too quickly when I up the calories from this. However I am an extremely busy student and can only prepare meals for the first 2k calories. I have a meal plan for dinner and can still eat a lot though. Basically I want to start a traditional 4 day body building split. Yes my lift numbers kind of blow but my goals were never to get strong. Also my arms are way smaller than the rest of my body so I want a program that blasts these. Any recommendation of a good 4 day split? Thank you!

Some people were recommending a Push/Pull/Leg routine, what do you guys think? Please don't just tell me to hop on SS. I am burnt out from linear progression and squatting every single workout.

You're bent over row is higher than your bench? That seems a little strange. I wish i could help with the 4 fay split but i'm still working on SS at the moment. I have the same issue with my arms, that is definitely where i have seen the least progress so far.

J. Bravo

Some people were recommending a Push/Pull/Leg routine, what do you guys think? Please don't just tell me to hop on SS. I am burnt out from linear progression and squatting every single workout.
I have a good 5 day split I pull workouts from when skipping power lifting. I can post it later if you're interested. Its chest, legs, back, shoulders, arms. Could probably combine shoulders and arms if you want a 4 day split.
This may sound dumb but i want to make sure. My legs are killing me from a few days ago doing squats,leg press,etc I am suppose to go for upper body tomorrow,if it still hurts should i go or wait for full recovery?
yeah man you're gonna be fine. Never has leg DOMS affected my upper body lol.

ACE 1991

You're bent over row is higher than your bench? That seems a little strange. I wish i could help with the 4 fay split but i'm still working on SS at the moment. I have the same issue with my arms, that is definitely where i have seen the least progress so far.

I thought it was weird too, but apparently it isn't. I'm thinking about running this program: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=149807833

Seems like a good mix of strength and hypertrophy. Being in the gym 6 days a week sorta sucks though.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I want to mount a chin up bar in a 36 inch alcove, preferably from a ceiling joist, but all the premade ones I can find are 48 inches wide. I can simply take a hacksaw to one, but wonder if anyone has any better ideas first.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
275lb ohp. Video incoming later.

I want to mount a chin up bar in a 36 inch alcove, preferably from a ceiling joist, but all the premade ones I can find are 48 inches wide. I can simply take a hacksaw to one, but wonder if anyone has any better ideas first.

You're in Seattle. I'd hit up any number of the metal fabrication places in the area to custom make you a bar/mount.


I went for a run yesterday, not been in about two months so didn't do that well. I got pains in my collar bone? I used to / still get quite bad stitches when I ran especially in school

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
A long time ago and I think 2 or 3 OTs ago during the aesthetic vs strength debate I was having with several posters I wasn't and am not too fond of I remember one asking (maybe both) "what's the point of being strong?" "At what point will you ever need to be 'that' strong" they then went on to talk about pulling pussy with abs and what not. Well, gather round young children's the Brolic Gaoler has a tale to tell.

The other day while performing breathalyzers on dangerous federal felons at a local prison Mr.Gaoler was called across the compound to a medical emergency. When he arrived he saw 3 other staff members assembling a litter which was for an inmate who was incapacitated. This inmate had thrown his back out and had other medical issues and needed to be evacuated. Like a good jailer Officer Gaoler grabbed one end of the litter while another staff member grabbed the other. However, this is where the tale gets interesting. You see, this was an exceptionally heavy inmate and the other staff member was not prepared. While moving the inmate the staff member opposite of Mr. Gaoler began to drop the inmate. Did Mr.Gaoler waver? Nay he did not because he was trained physically and mentally for a task just as this.

Two other staff members swooped in to help the crumpled heap of a man at the opposite side of the litter from Mr.Gaoler.

If you're counting that's 3 men on one side and 1 man alone on the other. As we proceeded to the stairs the 3 men looked at Mr. Gaoler with doubt and hesitated. Mr. Gaoler gave them a wink and said "I got dis brahs, we're all gonna make it" he then proceeded to lead the group by himself down the stairs taking the majority of the weight.

Down they went 3 on one side one on the other lead by a massive behemoth of a man holding the life of a federal criminal in his hands. As they reached the bottom of the stairs and loaded the inmate on the emergency cart the inmate looked at Mr. Gaoler and said 'thank you so much' to which Mr. Gaoler replied "do you even lift brah?"

Moral of the story. Get strong or be the bitch carried by the stronger. Also, don't be the guy on the side of litter requiring 3 dudes. Be the guy who can be on a side by himself.

Already saw it on Facebook. When you get recruited by EliteFTS remember all us little people and send us some swag.

This shit needs to stop! Enough is enough Brolic. Seriously? For fucks sake!!!

Good shit brother!

Thanks guys here it is


was thinking about that but small jobs can be really expensive.

Honestly if I was in your situation along with your baller status it's exactly what I would do and you will get exactly what you want.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I said god damn, Mr. Gaoler.

You should have grabbed a hold of that inmate and carried him out of there above your head.


Brian Burke punched my mom
It's the beard. We have a 10% handicap not having one.

The longer the beard hair follicles, the more T they pump into your system.

I wonder if back hair counts too? Because Im seeing some good gains, I let mine grow in the last two weeks. My front squat is like 20% higher this week nearing the 400 mark again.


Incredibly Naive
GAF Help me out here, I'm ordering a heavy bag starter kit. How would you say it works as a cardio workout? I'm playing DDR right now half hour a day, but looking for something to mix it up.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I got this brahs, we're all going to make it. Loooool. Well played. And yea the only time I've put that much weight or more on a bar was for deadlifting. Props, you're an Ox.


Looks like yet another laundry list of exercises with no progression or programming to be found anywhere.

Do the full body program that's found in the OP.

He mentioned earlier he's burnt out on linear progression...I dunno what that means. Did he stop making gains or is he just tired of the routine?
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