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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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ACE 1991

He mentioned earlier he's burnt out on linear progression...I dunno what that means. Did he stop making gains or is he just tired of the routine?

Yeah I'm pretty sick of doing full body and squatting every gym session. Could I still get more out of a linear progression program? Probably, but i'm sick of it at this point. I'd rather do a program I enjoy even if is a little sub optimal.


Yeah I'm pretty sick of doing full body and squatting every gym session. Could I still get more out of a linear progression program? Probably, but i'm sick of it at this point. I'd rather do a program I enjoy even if is a little sub optimal.

Then don't squat every session. Just do like...

- Squat
- Bench
- Row


then alternate ABA and BAB

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
That's the kind of weight I walk up to when I'm about to squat. Truly a beast among men right here, well done man.

Beast mode Brolic.

Makes me feel yeast mode seeing that ohp.

That looked stupid easy too.

Seriously man, real fucking impressive.

I got this brahs, we're all going to make it. Loooool. Well played. And yea the only time I've put that much weight or more on a bar was for deadlifting. Props, you're an Ox.

Thanks guys. And while it may have looked easy. It wasn't. It was definitely smoother than 270 was last month though but it still took it out of me.

Glad you liked the story Tashi.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Then don't squat every session. Just do like...

- Squat
- Bench
- Row


then alternate ABA and BAB

Any reason why you grouped OHP with Deadlift?

Right now my gym visits look like this:

- Squats
- 30x or more pullups, and other additional exercises

- Bench
- Deadlifts
- 30x or more pullups, and other additional exercises

Just wondering if there are any benefits in grouping presses and deadlifts as opposed to what I'm doing.


First time posting in this thread.

I've been wondering about how I can add some new back exercises into my routine, but every time I try and look at new back exercises I am just scared watching the people do them. It's stuff like extreme heavy weight dead lifts, or seated good mornings on a bench in the squat rack. Fuck that ...

I have a chronic right shoulder injury, so I don't really do extreme heavy weight. Also, I'm really not interested in lifting heavy weight just for the sake of lifting it and increasing strength. I'm more interested in increasing muscle size, lats and upper back.

Right now I do:

* Lat Pulldown Front 3 sets 15 reps
* Side Rows Dumbell 3 sets 15-20 reps
* Roman Chair 3 sets 20 reps
* Bent over cable rows 3 sets 15 reps

I stress again, that my exercises are limited by a shoulder injury. It doesn't bother me all the time, but if I go for extreme heavy weight, I will hurt it.

Any suggestions for moderate weight, safe back exercises to add? I can't really do wide grip pull ups, and it does strain my shoulder a bit. I know that's the main one that would be helpful. I'm more wondering if there are some that I haven't thought of, or heard of.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
As promised, here is my ~5 month bulk progress:

I'm 5'11", btw

August (~142 lbs)

Today (~161 lbs)

For the first time in my life I am 160+. Yay! (My goal was to hit 160 by the end of the year, and I'm right on schedule!) Most of the weight gain has gone to my legs/ass. The difference there is quite a bit bigger than the difference in my upper body (though my back is way thicker, my shoulders are broader, and my arms are larger... I can't grab those at a decent angle, though, thanks to my shitty bathroom mirror and lighting, but take my word for it).

I'm most happy about my lifts. Until two months ago I was following a random split routine and stalled on progress pretty badly. I then jumped onto a linear progression program for the first time in my life (Madcow 5x5) and finally began to take lifting seriously. Here are my gains from the start of my bulk till now (most of them occurring during the last two months on 5x5).

(Prior to this summer I focused mainly on bodyweight training, hence the low starting numbers):

Bench press: 150x5 --> 180x5
Deadlift: 170x5 --> 250x5
Squat: 160x5 --> 205x5
OHP: Didn't train until two months ago, but at 105x5 now
Rows: Didn't train until months ago, but at 140x5 now

Really happy with my strength progress. My goal if some of you remember was to hit 170 lbs, but I've since revised it and I plan on just putting on as much mass as I can this year. I'd LOVE to hit 200. Can't believe I'm even saying that as never in a million years did I ever think I could even approach that number. But goddammit, I will!

Think it's almost time for a deload on Madcow. Such a fantastic program, gonna stay on it for as long as I possibly can.


Just confirms my suspicions that Asians are naturally gifted squatters.

All my Asian buddies have thick legs and excel in the squat compared to every other lift.

Well done on the progress! You can definitely see broader shoulders in those pics.

And as a half-Asian, it appears those talents passed on to me also. It always weirds me out how strong my squat is compared to my other lifts.


Any reason why you grouped OHP with Deadlift?

Right now my gym visits look like this:

- Squats
- 30x or more pullups, and other additional exercises

- Bench
- Deadlifts
- 30x or more pullups, and other additional exercises

Just wondering if there are any benefits in grouping presses and deadlifts as opposed to what I'm doing.

No reason really. If that's working for you and you're making constant progress I wouldn't change a thing.

First time posting in this thread.

I've been wondering about how I can add some new back exercises into my routine, but every time I try and look at new back exercises I am just scared watching the people do them. It's stuff like extreme heavy weight dead lifts, or seated good mornings on a bench in the squat rack. Fuck that ...

I have a chronic right shoulder injury, so I don't really do extreme heavy weight. Also, I'm really not interested in lifting heavy weight just for the sake of lifting it and increasing strength. I'm more interested in increasing muscle size, lats and upper back.

Right now I do:

* Lat Pulldown Front 3 sets 15 reps
* Side Rows Dumbell 3 sets 15-20 reps
* Roman Chair 3 sets 20 reps
* Bent over cable rows 3 sets 15 reps

I stress again, that my exercises are limited by a shoulder injury. It doesn't bother me all the time, but if I go for extreme heavy weight, I will hurt it.

Any suggestions for moderate weight, safe back exercises to add? I can't really do wide grip pull ups, and it does strain my shoulder a bit. I know that's the main one that would be helpful. I'm more wondering if there are some that I haven't thought of, or heard of.

I don't know why you keep saying no super heavy weight. No one should jump into any exercise doing super heavy weights. You do a lighter weight to get form down and then continuously move up. I also don't know how you plan on putting on size without eventually pushing your body to lift heavier.

I don't know the extent of your shoulder injury but the best back exercises IMO (that aren't a pull-up)

- Pendlay rows
- Snatch grip deadlifts
- Snatch high pulls

As promised, here is my ~5 month bulk progress...

Good shit man. Keep it up!


365 deadlift done. I love 5/3/1 so much, dem gainz keep coming. Day after new years I'll finally be going for 2 plates on bench. Been a long time coming.
A long time ago and I think 2 or 3 OTs ago during the aesthetic vs strength debate I was having with several posters I wasn't and am not too fond of I remember one asking (maybe both) "what's the point of being strong?" "At what point will you ever need to be 'that' strong" they then went on to talk about pulling pussy with abs and what not. Well, gather round young children's the Brolic Gaoler has a tale to tell.

The other day while performing breathalyzers on dangerous federal felons at a local prison Mr.Gaoler was called across the compound to a medical emergency. When he arrived he saw 3 other staff members assembling a litter which was for an inmate who was incapacitated. This inmate had thrown his back out and had other medical issues and needed to be evacuated. Like a good jailer Officer Gaoler grabbed one end of the litter while another staff member grabbed the other. However, this is where the tale gets interesting. You see, this was an exceptionally heavy inmate and the other staff member was not prepared. While moving the inmate the staff member opposite of Mr. Gaoler began to drop the inmate. Did Mr.Gaoler waver? Nay he did not because he was trained physically and mentally for a task just as this.

Two other staff members swooped in to help the crumpled heap of a man at the opposite side of the litter from Mr.Gaoler.

If you're counting that's 3 men on one side and 1 man alone on the other. As we proceeded to the stairs the 3 men looked at Mr. Gaoler with doubt and hesitated. Mr. Gaoler gave them a wink and said "I got dis brahs, we're all gonna make it" he then proceeded to lead the group by himself down the stairs taking the majority of the weight.

Down they went 3 on one side one on the other lead by a massive behemoth of a man holding the life of a federal criminal in his hands. As they reached the bottom of the stairs and loaded the inmate on the emergency cart the inmate looked at Mr. Gaoler and said 'thank you so much' to which Mr. Gaoler replied "do you even lift brah?"

Moral of the story. Get strong or be the bitch carried by the stronger. Also, don't be the guy on the side of litter requiring 3 dudes. Be the guy who can be on a side by himself.

Thanks guys here it is


Honestly if I was in your situation along with your baller status it's exactly what I would do and you will get exactly what you want.
How does one even drink that much liquid aswell as eating all that in one meal? Yeah i can eat all that, but add in all those 3 drinks I don;t think I could do it, be bloated as fuuuck.
Yea, same here. I don't know how he puts down that much liquid!
Any reason why you grouped OHP with Deadlift?

Right now my gym visits look like this:

- Squats
- 30x or more pullups, and other additional exercises

- Bench
- Deadlifts
- 30x or more pullups, and other additional exercises

Just wondering if there are any benefits in grouping presses and deadlifts as opposed to what I'm doing.

I'm thinking about moving to something like this. My squat is just getting so far ahead of my other lifts when i do it 3 times a week. I enjoy SS and squatting but i'm thinking twice a week instead of 3 times might be better.
I've let years of being lazy and ducking the gym catch up on me, I now have a fatty liver with the fact my weight is now effecting my health its time to act before its all too late.

I used to be fit, I played american football and went to the gym 4 times a week but after shoulder surgery and a broken foot I became lazy and have lost the get up and go.

If i can get any advice on what i should be doing to get the weight off i would appreciated i it (of course putting the cake down is the first step). I'm 288 and need to loose 10% healthy for a start all I know how to do is lift weights as i never worried about my weight when I was training before, I lead an active lifestyle.


the piano man
Congrats Brolic and Oogie nice deeds, that's pretty inspiring.

Just confirms my suspicions that Asians are naturally gifted squatters.

All my Asian buddies have thick legs and excel in the squat compared to every other lift.

Squat is, unless I forget something, the only move with Barbell/dumbbell that demands good (lower body) balance, so being small (a common thing in asian countries) helps a lot. add good training for your legs in terms of strength and flexibility and there's your nice squat.

Tall guys (>6'0) in my gym look odd while squatting and they look like thet struggle to get form right and hitting parallel seems like a pain in the ass.

on the other hand, watch them do press moves, bench and OHP, and they nail it pretty well, I am so jelly of that :p

speaking of giants, where's Vince, he didn't get perm'd right?


A long time ago and I think 2 or 3 OTs ago during the aesthetic vs strength debate I was having with several posters I wasn't and am not too fond of I remember one asking (maybe both) "what's the point of being strong?" "At what point will you ever need to be 'that' strong" they then went on to talk about pulling pussy with abs and what not. Well, gather round young children's the Brolic Gaoler has a tale to tell.

The other day while performing breathalyzers on dangerous federal felons at a local prison Mr.Gaoler was called across the compound to a medical emergency. When he arrived he saw 3 other staff members assembling a litter which was for an inmate who was incapacitated. This inmate had thrown his back out and had other medical issues and needed to be evacuated. Like a good jailer Officer Gaoler grabbed one end of the litter while another staff member grabbed the other. However, this is where the tale gets interesting. You see, this was an exceptionally heavy inmate and the other staff member was not prepared. While moving the inmate the staff member opposite of Mr. Gaoler began to drop the inmate. Did Mr.Gaoler waver? Nay he did not because he was trained physically and mentally for a task just as this.

Two other staff members swooped in to help the crumpled heap of a man at the opposite side of the litter from Mr.Gaoler.

If you're counting that's 3 men on one side and 1 man alone on the other. As we proceeded to the stairs the 3 men looked at Mr. Gaoler with doubt and hesitated. Mr. Gaoler gave them a wink and said "I got dis brahs, we're all gonna make it" he then proceeded to lead the group by himself down the stairs taking the majority of the weight.

Down they went 3 on one side one on the other lead by a massive behemoth of a man holding the life of a federal criminal in his hands. As they reached the bottom of the stairs and loaded the inmate on the emergency cart the inmate looked at Mr. Gaoler and said 'thank you so much' to which Mr. Gaoler replied "do you even lift brah?"

Moral of the story. Get strong or be the bitch carried by the stronger. Also, don't be the guy on the side of litter requiring 3 dudes. Be the guy who can be on a side by himself.

Thanks guys here it is


Honestly if I was in your situation along with your baller status it's exactly what I would do and you will get exactly what you want.


Both the story as well as the lift itself :)


A long time ago and I think 2 or 3 OTs ago during the aesthetic vs strength debate I was having with several posters I wasn't and am not too fond of I remember one asking (maybe both) "what's the point of being strong?" "At what point will you ever need to be 'that' strong" they then went on to talk about pulling pussy with abs and what not. Well, gather round young children's the Brolic Gaoler has a tale to tell.

The other day while performing breathalyzers on dangerous federal felons at a local prison Mr.Gaoler was called across the compound to a medical emergency. When he arrived he saw 3 other staff members assembling a litter which was for an inmate who was incapacitated. This inmate had thrown his back out and had other medical issues and needed to be evacuated. Like a good jailer Officer Gaoler grabbed one end of the litter while another staff member grabbed the other. However, this is where the tale gets interesting. You see, this was an exceptionally heavy inmate and the other staff member was not prepared. While moving the inmate the staff member opposite of Mr. Gaoler began to drop the inmate. Did Mr.Gaoler waver? Nay he did not because he was trained physically and mentally for a task just as this.

Two other staff members swooped in to help the crumpled heap of a man at the opposite side of the litter from Mr.Gaoler.

If you're counting that's 3 men on one side and 1 man alone on the other. As we proceeded to the stairs the 3 men looked at Mr. Gaoler with doubt and hesitated. Mr. Gaoler gave them a wink and said "I got dis brahs, we're all gonna make it" he then proceeded to lead the group by himself down the stairs taking the majority of the weight.

Down they went 3 on one side one on the other lead by a massive behemoth of a man holding the life of a federal criminal in his hands. As they reached the bottom of the stairs and loaded the inmate on the emergency cart the inmate looked at Mr. Gaoler and said 'thank you so much' to which Mr. Gaoler replied "do you even lift brah?"

Moral of the story. Get strong or be the bitch carried by the stronger. Also, don't be the guy on the side of litter requiring 3 dudes. Be the guy who can be on a side by himself.

Thanks guys here it is


Honestly if I was in your situation along with your baller status it's exactly what I would do and you will get exactly what you want.

Great lift, however your story...if it were me, I would have fell down the steps and blown out my knee on purpose and claimed workers comp for the rest of my life >:)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm thinking about moving to something like this. My squat is just getting so far ahead of my other lifts when i do it 3 times a week. I enjoy SS and squatting but i'm thinking twice a week instead of 3 times might be better.

Personally, I like squatting, but I was doubling up on squats and deadlifts every trip to the gym and I think that caused me to pull something in my lower back. I had to take it easy for about a month and after I recovered I've just been doing what I wrote my last post. I do include squats on deadlift days and deadlifts on squat days in the "additional exercises" part, but at a much lower weight than my work sets would be.


It's been two weeks since I started doing Cooter's routine. I added a couple things during the pecs/biceps day since I still didn't feel exhausted after doing all his stuff (I'm increasing my maximum weight every time but I still can keep going, seeing how I started sorta low). I just added some DB flies and that's it, though.

Anyway, the new routine is making me feel great, even though these last two weeks have been kinda iffy because I had to work overtime. But next month I'll do the whole month with this routine and see how it feels. I'm liking all the compound stuff!! :)

Also, tomorrow (well, in 3 hours...) I'm going back home (Spain) for 10 days. I won't be able to hit a gym and as far as I know there are only 2kg dumbbells that my mom uses for her training. What do you guys recommend to do during those 10 days? I got a few ideas using just bodyweight, but still would like to hear your suggestions.

Oh, and I went from 68kg to 71kg during these last 3 weeks. I'm trying to get some extra weight and then burn it off before the summer. This is the second time in my life that I get past 70kg (it's only 154lb for you guys in the US...).

Edit: Oh, and yeah. Next month the gym is going to be packed with all the people and their new year's resolution of staying fit and doing exercise. Can't wait for 90% of them to get done with it by February. I assume this is even worse in the west (US and Europe, I'm in Japan so less people have that kind of new year's resolution).


I don't know why you keep saying no super heavy weight. No one should jump into any exercise doing super heavy weights. You do a lighter weight to get form down and then continuously move up. I also don't know how you plan on putting on size without eventually pushing your body to lift heavier.

This is exactly what I came here to post but my man Sean has me covered it seems :)

Also some other stuff to consider:

- T-Bar Row
- Yates Row


I need to pick a gym near me. There's an Anytime fitness, a Blue Moon fitness, and a bob's gym(or something). Anyone have opinions about these in particular? Nothing else is a reasonable distance from home or work.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
It's been two weeks since I started doing Cooter's routine. I added a couple things during the pecs/biceps day since I still didn't feel exhausted after doing all his stuff (I'm increasing my maximum weight every time but I still can keep going, seeing how I started sorta low). I just added some DB flies and that's it, though.

Anyway, the new routine is making me feel great, even though these last two weeks have been kinda iffy because I had to work overtime. But next month I'll do the whole month with this routine and see how it feels. I'm liking all the compound stuff!! :)

Also, tomorrow (well, in 3 hours...) I'm going back home (Spain) for 10 days. I won't be able to hit a gym and as far as I know there are only 2kg dumbbells that my mom uses for her training. What do you guys recommend to do during those 10 days? I got a few ideas using just bodyweight, but still would like to hear your suggestions.

Oh, and I went from 68kg to 71kg during these last 3 weeks. I'm trying to get some extra weight and then burn it off before the summer. This is the second time in my life that I get past 70kg (it's only 154lb for you guys in the US...).

Edit: Oh, and yeah. Next month the gym is going to be packed with all the people and their new year's resolution of staying fit and doing exercise. Can't wait for 90% of them to get done with it by February. I assume this is even worse in the west (US and Europe, I'm in Japan so less people have that kind of new year's resolution).
That's great to hear. Feel free to add more volume. Glad you're liking it so far. Keep pushing!


Tall guys (>6'0) in my gym look odd while squatting and they look like thet struggle to get form right and hitting parallel seems like a pain in the ass.

The problem is not so much being tall. The problem is having long femurs, which makes squatting a bitch. Low bar helps a bit, but progress is still going to be slower than if you had shorter femurs+longish torso.


Long femurs means: your femurs are longer than 2 heads.

It's like having long arms. Long arms (i.e; armspan is longer than height) means you have to work harder on bench. Long arms do come with a perk, since they help a ton with deadlifting.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

Yea, same here. I don't know how he puts down that much liquid!

Congrats Brolic and Oogie nice deeds, that's pretty inspiring.


Both the story as well as the lift itself :)

Great lift, however your story...if it were me, I would have fell down the steps and blown out my knee on purpose and claimed workers comp for the rest of my life >:)

Jesus Christ. 300lb OHP seems so close.

How much do you weigh ATM Brolic? Are you shooting for a 3-plate OHP? Because a 3-plate OHP is almost mind-boggling.

Thanks guys, and the story was true aside from the Zyzz quotes and the "do you even lift" in actuality that inmate disrespected me about a week ago and he knew I could have made this rough on him. Karma is funny sometimes.

I'm around 235-240 right now sphinx. Pretty fat at the moment but I give no fucks. I've been with my wife since 1999 and she doesn't care and likes m strong. The last 3 months I've just ate whatever I want and my strength has shown it. At this rate I'll be at a 300lbs OHP in 5 or so months and I'm shooting for 315 next year for a goal. I'm 3 months from a 400lb bench too if progress continues.


Incredibly Naive
Sorry to ask same question again, but got no replies. Anybody use a heavy bag for cardio/training? I'm on a cut and want to try out some new cardio, seems that the heavy bag would be a lot of fun to pick up and be a nice full body workout.


the piano man
General question:

if I were to do an insolation move for my forearms, what would it be? which ones would you suggest?

cause I've tried these two and they are awful:



EDIT: haha exrx.net suggests this, I lol'd


I'm around 235-240 right now sphinx. Pretty fat at the moment but I give no fucks.

I'm ok with you being fat too, lol :D I think it was Noema who asked.
if I were to do an insolation move for my forearms, what would it be? which ones would you suggest?
You could just emphasize squeezing hard as hell during your other exercises, especially deadlift, bench and pull-ups. Maybe only during warmups so you don't lose focus on your form for the former two. Failing that I always felt a good burn from
reverse ez-bar curls
but n=1

Day 2 of UD2.0. A lower-body depletion workout on low carbs is the most miserable experience you will ever have in a gym.

Anyone else run this diet before? I feel like one of the many ridiculous monsters in this thread did it fairly recently.

Edit: Awesome story officer Gaoler

double edit: sphinx those wrist rollers are no joke man, rest your forearms on a smith machine bar at shoulder height, slap on some weight and prepare for the heat.


For the millionth time, I'm going to attempt to get into lifting, granted, every time before hand i get too panicky about looking like a complete ass in a gym or even to my friends for, i dunno, "trying" lol. Ended up compromising with myself and timetabled myself to sneak out in the dead of morning to do go lift so my flatmate doesn't catch me.

This time its looking like I wont bottle it hah, just got a few questions and shit and hopefully I can get this thing going.

1) I think I would be classed as a skinny fat, (I'll post a pic probably tommorow just to check with you guys), but basically I'm 5' 9" and weigh (oh god) 9 stone pretty much exactly. I want to effectively lose the gut and the flabby chest, soft everything else, gain strength and size, but shit, I'm petrified of looking fat (for some reason it goes to my chin like, instantly and my chest maybe). What's the best course of action, I've seen bulk proponents, I've seen cut proponents, I've seen a handful of maintenance and lift proponents and nothing seems convincing either way.

2) Eating clean and well on the cheap, I'm a student and would rather minimise costs - besides the fairly obvious, whats a good source of bulk meals I can prepare with a good macro profile (1g protein per lb, .45 fat per lb, rest carbs and whatever else). Also is that macro profile shit or ok, it's what I settled on after reading. Think I'll be following the allpro program.

3) I don't think I can live (alright, its not that dire) without a weekly/fortnightly night out on the town - if i stick to clear spirits with no mixers (no problem for me, so its not really a compromise lol) and resist the post booze binge on shit like fries/chips (or if i am too weak to resist something very protein based) will I dent my progress too much? It will likely be once a fortnight being realistic, but there'll be some weeks where its once a week and others where its nothing. Also read some shit about high amino acid concentration in the blood and alcohol being cause for bad news, but it sounded like fud; just incase, is there any truth to this? Any gaffers on here have a good idea?

Post got big, sorry, but I'd much appreciate it if a gaffer could answer my questions.
A long time ago and I think 2 or 3 OTs ago during the aesthetic vs strength debate I was having with several posters I wasn't and am not too fond of I remember one asking (maybe both) "what's the point of being strong?" "At what point will you ever need to be 'that' strong" they then went on to talk about pulling pussy with abs and what not. Well, gather round young children's the Brolic Gaoler has a tale to tell.

The other day while performing breathalyzers on dangerous federal felons at a local prison Mr.Gaoler was called across the compound to a medical emergency. When he arrived he saw 3 other staff members assembling a litter which was for an inmate who was incapacitated. This inmate had thrown his back out and had other medical issues and needed to be evacuated. Like a good jailer Officer Gaoler grabbed one end of the litter while another staff member grabbed the other. However, this is where the tale gets interesting. You see, this was an exceptionally heavy inmate and the other staff member was not prepared. While moving the inmate the staff member opposite of Mr. Gaoler began to drop the inmate. Did Mr.Gaoler waver? Nay he did not because he was trained physically and mentally for a task just as this.

Two other staff members swooped in to help the crumpled heap of a man at the opposite side of the litter from Mr.Gaoler.

If you're counting that's 3 men on one side and 1 man alone on the other. As we proceeded to the stairs the 3 men looked at Mr. Gaoler with doubt and hesitated. Mr. Gaoler gave them a wink and said "I got dis brahs, we're all gonna make it" he then proceeded to lead the group by himself down the stairs taking the majority of the weight.

Down they went 3 on one side one on the other lead by a massive behemoth of a man holding the life of a federal criminal in his hands. As they reached the bottom of the stairs and loaded the inmate on the emergency cart the inmate looked at Mr. Gaoler and said 'thank you so much' to which Mr. Gaoler replied "do you even lift brah?"

Moral of the story. Get strong or be the bitch carried by the stronger. Also, don't be the guy on the side of litter requiring 3 dudes. Be the guy who can be on a side by himself.


Sorry I'm lttp on this, but I appluad you for this literary artwork.


Day 2 of UD2.0. A lower-body depletion workout on low carbs is the most miserable experience you will ever have in a gym.

Anyone else run this diet before? I feel like one of the many ridiculous monsters in this thread did it fairly recently.

I've been low carb for months, been fully keto adapted for at least 2 months and I lift the heaviest I've ever done with 0 carbs. Being fully adapted is key, takes a while.
I've been low carb for months, been fully keto adapted for at least 2 months and I lift the heaviest I've ever done with 0 carbs. Being fully adapted is key, takes a while.

The low carb phase of Ultimate Diet 2.0 isn't about lifting heavy though
that comes after the massive carb load
, it's about depleting muscle glycogen. That means 10-12 sets per body part @45-60 seconds TUT. Not fun. Give it a shot sometime and we'll commiserate :D


the piano man
You could just emphasize squeezing hard as hell during your other exercises, especially deadlift, bench and pull-ups. Maybe only during warmups so you don't lose focus on your form for the former two. Failing that I always felt a good burn from
reverse ez-bar curls
but n=1

double edit: sphinx those wrist rollers are no joke man, rest your forearms on a smith
machine bar at shoulder height, slap on some weight and prepare for the heat.

Yeah, I've got the one in that gif already. (your link, not the wrist roller)

I was thinking of exercises that emphasize work on the muscles in these pics, besides the branchioradialis, which is the one targeted in the link you posted.



apparently that's achieved by exercises that involve heavy wrist movements but those exercises I posted above feel like a huge waste of gym time and feel very unintuitive,

I am looking for better alternatives. I can still try the barbell variation...haven't done that yet.

I'm 5' 9" and weigh (oh god) 9 stone pretty much exactly

is this correct?

my conversions give me the following results

5'9 = 1.75 cm

9 Stones = 126 pounds = 57 kgs

you have to eat, EVERYTHING, forget bulk or cut. eat anything that crosses your path.


The low carb phase of Ultimate Diet 2.0 isn't about lifting heavy though
that comes after the massive carb load
, it's about depleting muscle glycogen. That means 10-12 sets per body part @45-60 seconds TUT. Not fun. Give it a shot sometime and we'll commiserate :D

Carb loading is CKD. I've tried all 3 keto types extensively, CKD/TKD/SKD, and I prefer SKD the most for training. YMMV of course. Try them all.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I've been low carb for months, been fully keto adapted for at least 2 months and I lift the heaviest I've ever done with 0 carbs. Being fully adapted is key, takes a while.

Do you follow John Kiefer at all or have you read up on cyclical ketogenic diets?

I've seen some stuff that indicates that, after a while of going without carbs, your skeletal muscle tissue will simply not metabolize ketone bodies, making very long-term sessions of zero-to-low carb diets very poor resistance training/muscle growth.

Just wondering if you've read anything about this or have any thoughts on the matter. What does your diet typically look like, if you don't mind my asking.

edit: I didn't know what SKD/TKD meant until I just looked it up, so I may have misunderstood your post. So, with SKD, you just up general carb intake on the days you exercise and go extremely low-carb on the days you don't?


is this correct?

my conversions give me the following results

5'9 = 1.75 cm

9 Stones = 126 pounds = 57 kgs

you have to eat, EVERYTHING, forget bulk or cut. eat anything that crosses your path.

I uh. Yeah it's true. How bad is it :/

To elaborate a bit, I struggle to eat a lot without feeling like shit (mentally) and have dropped a stone and a half in the past 3 months. I can and have, but it flares up some shit in my head mighty fierce. :/


Brian Burke punched my mom
General question:

if I were to do an insolation move for my forearms, what would it be? which ones would you suggest?

EDIT: haha exrx.net suggests this, I lol'd


Those actually work, probably the only forearm iso I'd recommend.

Do them with your arms straight out with a slight bend to the elbows to the inside not like that gif shows.


Hit 275x3 on bench press today. I feel like a gainz monster. This is my last week of WSSB before I switch to PHAT. Hope to add some more size. What I want to do in the future is add explosiveness for football; what would be a good program for that after PHAT?


Brian Burke punched my mom
190 solid ass pounds dehydrated after work, same body fat as I was two weeks ago at ~181 dehydrated. Traps overpower big time so I pre-exhausted them for pullups... did some 140+lbs strict db shrugs x10-12followed by x15-20 dead hang pullups, actually felt the lats working for once...

Meal ticket to Swoledom.

Hope I can hit 215lbs again.


Dat penguin cup :3 I never get tired of seeing it.


190 solid ass pounds dehydrated after work, same body fat as I was two weeks ago at ~181 dehydrated. Traps overpower big time so I pre-exhausted them for pullups... did some 140+lbs strict db shrugs x10-12followed by x15-20 dead hang pullups, actually felt the lats working for once...

Meal ticket to Swoledom.

Hope I can hit 215lbs again.


Is that salmon? That looks fantastic... and swoledom appropriate.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Is that salmon? That looks fantastic... and swoledom appropriate.

Ya 1/2 lbs Highliner wild pacific salmon, love that stuff. I thaw it in the fridge then fry it in a pan with margarine/butter and freshly squeezed lemon, tastes like lemon!

Also left over chunks of chicken breasts in rice with sweet n sour sauce.


285x3 bench, new personal record.

2x Barbacoa bowl and a big old bag of chips & salsa was the only appropriate celebration.
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