A long time ago and I think 2 or 3 OTs ago during the aesthetic vs strength debate I was having with several posters I wasn't and am not too fond of I remember one asking (maybe both) "what's the point of being strong?" "At what point will you ever need to be 'that' strong" they then went on to talk about pulling pussy with abs and what not. Well, gather round young children's the Brolic Gaoler has a tale to tell.
The other day while performing breathalyzers on dangerous federal felons at a local prison Mr.Gaoler was called across the compound to a medical emergency. When he arrived he saw 3 other staff members assembling a litter which was for an inmate who was incapacitated. This inmate had thrown his back out and had other medical issues and needed to be evacuated. Like a good jailer Officer Gaoler grabbed one end of the litter while another staff member grabbed the other. However, this is where the tale gets interesting. You see, this was an exceptionally heavy inmate and the other staff member was not prepared. While moving the inmate the staff member opposite of Mr. Gaoler began to drop the inmate. Did Mr.Gaoler waver? Nay he did not because he was trained physically and mentally for a task just as this.
Two other staff members swooped in to help the crumpled heap of a man at the opposite side of the litter from Mr.Gaoler.
If you're counting that's 3 men on one side and 1 man alone on the other. As we proceeded to the stairs the 3 men looked at Mr. Gaoler with doubt and hesitated. Mr. Gaoler gave them a wink and said "I got dis brahs, we're all gonna make it" he then proceeded to lead the group by himself down the stairs taking the majority of the weight.
Down they went 3 on one side one on the other lead by a massive behemoth of a man holding the life of a federal criminal in his hands. As they reached the bottom of the stairs and loaded the inmate on the emergency cart the inmate looked at Mr. Gaoler and said 'thank you so much' to which Mr. Gaoler replied "do you even lift brah?"
Moral of the story. Get strong or be the bitch carried by the stronger. Also, don't be the guy on the side of litter requiring 3 dudes. Be the guy who can be on a side by himself.
Thanks guys here it is
Honestly if I was in your situation along with your baller status it's exactly what I would do and you will get exactly what you want.