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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Finally started feeling some real recovery in my back and I decide to deadlift and power clean.

Why am I such a masochist?
Back day at the gym, was pretty tough.
Also, no idea what position to hold when taking back progress pics, but these will be my reference poses:



My right shoulder blade is a bit more mobile than my left one, so I figured I need to keep a closer eye on the back to ensure that no imbalances are formed. Added some one-armed seated row to my routine to help with that.


Fuck I think I'm getting sick. Been feeling under the weather the whole day and my throat is sore.

If I feel like crap tomorrow I need to switch over to maintenance calories and have a diet break I think. Not gonna risk losing muscle mass with PSMF and being sick/not being able to lift.

Though it's been 4 weeks so I had a pretty good run I think. But fuck I'm disappointed :(
Now my shit is messed up. I thought 1 fail was enough to not progress, 3 failures in one workout meant deload week. Is that correct?


I'd go with that personally. I mean if you can't complete the full reps (even the last one) then why would you add more weight?

And yeah, if I'm failing three +reps I probably need to go down in weight for a certainty.

There'll be reasons to modify this line of reasoning for one reason or another--maybe diet or rest reasons dictate a performance level that's not a true mean, but for the most part I'm with you.
Now my shit is messed up. I thought 1 fail was enough to not progress, 3 failures in one workout meant deload week. Is that correct?


To the best of my memory:
in ss, if you only miss one or two reps out of all 3 work sets, adding weight or staying at a weight for the next lifting day is up to you. If you can clearly blame missed sleep or something like that, you can choose to try progressing next time.

If you miss 3 or more total reps across all 3 work sets, you failed that workout. Maintain the same weight next time.

If you fail the same lift for 3 straight workouts, deload the lift.


Depends on the program, really. If you are doing SS, a 5/5/4 attempt still commands a weight increase, but the weight increase will be less than before. If you were already increasing 5lb/workout, it must be now 2.5lb/workout. If 2.5lb/workout, it will be now 1lb/workout. If you should cut it to 0.5lb/workout, then it's considered a failed attempt and you need to try again.

In SS, a missed attempt is if you fail 3 or more reps out of the 15 available

My gym only has 2.5 lbs plates, nothing lighter :/


and just by looks, is this guy natural?


How can I achieve this? (not exactly this guy but a similar build, adapted to my own physical circumstances)...cause I want that...:O damn you, bigorexia

those fucking arms, I want them soooo bad :( why should I feel bad about it? bah, muscle shaming is real.

It's hard to tell from just one 3 second GIF, but I am going to go with not natty.

He's just too big at that body fat percentage in my opinion.


Did deadlifts again today and something popped in and out of my left shoulder. Rotator cuffs? Not sure. It was enough pain that forced me stop. Anyone have something similar happen before?

I can pretty much do anything else with my shoulder. It's not immobilized. It's just whenever I tried to lift the barbell again I kept hearing the pop each time.


Finally got around to trying Quest bars. Goddamn you, FitnessGAF.

So damn good. Tried Coconut Cashew, White Chocolate Rasberry and Apple pie.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think it's pretty obvious what's happening here, Fit-GAF pals.

The OT6 is haunted.


My elbow and shoulder do feel like shit. I figured its from too much upper body and I might take a full week off next week.

Or the OT is haunted.

Or I have bigorexia

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The OT is haunted by the ghost of Bigorexic Future.
We just have to make it till OT7 where everyone will be back to cutting.

I'm going to get so fat in my bulk. My confidence will be legit shook.
Damn, all this talk about injuries is starting to make me feel paranoid.
Everyone calm down and make sure you're:

Maintaining good form
Not overdoing it
Foam rolling it
(Eating quest bars)


Damn, all this talk about injuries is starting to make me feel paranoid.

Eh I'm not sweating my shoulder or elbow. You soon realize how valuable squat day and to a degree deadlift day are for recovery.

When deadlift day becomes upper back day and squat day becomes dedicated arm day...it's a little too much on the joints.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Don't forget you might need a Ghost Hunter to camp out in your gym overnight w/quest bars and a campfire to find the spirits.

Don't let these spirits haunt your sets.


and just by looks, is this guy natural?


How can I achieve this? (not exactly this guy but a similar build, adapted to my own physical circumstances)...cause I want that...:O damn you, bigorexia

those fucking arms, I want them soooo bad :( why should I feel bad about it? bah, muscle shaming is real.

Nope! Not natural. Too big.
Joe Defranco has posted up a video of his new lower body flexibility routine, dubbed the 'limber 11'. Might be useful for people looking for a basic flexibility/mobility routine to add to their schedule - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSSDLDhbacc

There's some great text descriptions of the movements here, too - http://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/com...ncos_limber_11_warmupmobility_routine/cbrqkz1

Excellent video. My adductors are ridiculously tight and so my v-sit and cossack squats are terrible. I'm going to do this daily and hope for some major improvement.
I've seen plenty of resources on what to do if you got a non-flexible back, but what if you're arching your lower back too much?

It's a bit of a problem during squats, as I have to tune up my bodily awareness to the max and try to keep it tight and less arched.
Just more planks/ab work?


I've seen plenty of resources on what to do if you got a non-flexible back, but what if you're arching your lower back too much?

It's a bit of a problem during squats, as I have to tune up my bodily awareness to the max and try to keep it tight and less arched.
Just more planks/ab work?

Kelly Starrett's bracing sequence might help you - http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/sit-better-live-better-excerpt-from-becoming-a-supple-leopard.html

Practise it as often as you can (I currently have a timer running on my laptop that reminds me to do it every 10 minutes) and do it before you start a lift. He goes into a lot more detail in his 'supple leopard' book. I believe the first 50 pages are up for download on the mobilitywod site; the bracing sequence chapter should be in there.
Yeah my lower back is super stiff...don't know its from squats or deads.

Thinking about skipping today but I'd really, really rather not.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'll pour out a protein shake for all our fallen/injured FitGaffers when I get home tonight.


The ghosts will then get even MORE problematic.

The ghosts will then get even MORE problematic.

I didn't want to finish my post, but I meant I'd pour it out into a frosty mug I have in the freezer and then drink it on the rocks. I thought it'd be more poetic if I just let people think I was pouring it on the ground.

But yeah.. OT6 is some haunted shit.


the piano man
today I was supposed to do 204 lbs on squat but decided to do 90 kgs/198 lbs, not a PR since I had already done that once but that one time was with poor form and unstable heels, going too forward, etc and but now I did it much better.

I was feeling very weak and a bit sick too, dizzy and very very tired :/ I am actually happy that I fought against and won over my desire to stay home.
Kelly Starrett's bracing sequence might help you - http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/sit-better-live-better-excerpt-from-becoming-a-supple-leopard.html

Practise it as often as you can (I currently have a timer running on my laptop that reminds me to do it every 10 minutes) and do it before you start a lift. He goes into a lot more detail in his 'supple leopard' book. I believe the first 50 pages are up for download on the mobilitywod site; the bracing sequence chapter should be in there.

Thanks, I'll give that a read.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
To do my part, my workout will be:

Spooky Squats, 3x5
UnDead Deadlifts 1x5
Possessed Pendlay Rows 3x5
Sinister Shrugs 3x20
Belial-Style Bench Press 3x5
Oppressive Atmosphere Overhead Press 3x5
Blackened Bicep Curls 3x20


Did back and triceps today. Skull crushers and overhead tricep extensions make my elbows hurt, think I'm gonna try avoid doing those as much in the future.


the piano man
Also, no idea what position to hold when taking back progress pics, but these will be my reference poses

Your back looks strong but I think you gotta flex arms to get the best visual results on back selfies. you have to look for certain shades, play with light and look for certain angles because otherwise the back looks simpy flat, even untrained if caught in the worst angle.

try using a small lamp, less light, flex your arms and tense/flex your back without curving too much. You can try a Zyzz position but turned around :)

I'm going with no. That serratus doe....

It's hard to tell from just one 3 second GIF, but I am going to go with not natty.

Nope! Not natural. Too big.

Sphinx am cry :...( nobody I like is a natty, no big muscles for me

Everyone just do rope pushdowns for your tris.

Best tricep accessory exercise.
It's so satisfying.

I like them too but they are hard, better give that exercise top accesory priority, otherwise the damn rope just stops going down, lol
Met a pretty big dudebro with a Phd. in broscience today at the gym. Biggest dudebro catch thus far, and what a catch!

The dude was big, but the way he squatted made me lose faith in humanity.

He was doing 1/8 squats with 150 kg, which kinda looked funny on its own...

But then he also did hands-free-squats - kept his hands on his stomach - 60 kg. What the hell. After he finished one set I asked why he did it that way, and he then went on explaining to me how it strengthens your core when you don't use your hands to hold the barbell.. which is amusing given you still strengthen your core equally if you hold your hands on the barbell which is far safer.

He also had this fellowship of dudebros that complimented him on his new PR of 160 kg 1/8 squats.

I was internally at a loss for words.
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