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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I have a slight discomfort on the left of my lumbar spine. I felt it since Monday morning and I've been dealing with it. The discomfort is only there when I bend over a certain way, both sitting and standing. Does anyone know what this is, how to relieve it, or if I should leave it be for a few days? I tried foam rolling there and it didn't do anything.
Come on... I was hyped about going to the gym today after the university gym closure on Monday. Now they just closed after I finished class. Just my luck.


Since I can't do a lot of heavy pressing I decided to slim down a bit and start my cut extra early, might try to get down to 10% bf.

Before my shoulders quit on me I gained a bit of size in my chest and arms, half an inch in my chest and quarter inch in both arms so that's a positive.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Had to put one of my dogs to sleep on Monday night so I really wanted to get to the gym yesterday to keep my mind occupied. We got 8 inches of snow during the day but the gym didn't close so I snowblowed the driveway in the evening and got going. Roads sucked and the gym was practically empty (there was a bodypump class going on with an instructor and one student). Glad I went and didn't feel too bad pickup up a couple of pints of Ben and Jerry's for me and my wife on the way back.

Sorry to hear about your loss, brother. Stay focused, hang in there. :(

ACE 1991

Man, bench press is such a bitch for me. I'm still struggling at 150lb. At least I broke through my 135lb plateau. If I manage a 2 plate bench for reps by the end of 2014 I'll be a happy man.
Hey man, you've come to the right place. September is a LONG way away to not have a gym pass. Do you have a Planet Fitness or something similar by you (~$10 / month)? I'd highly advise a membership if you can squeeze it...not only for the machines / weights they have versus what you currently have but because just having a membership that you're paying for is usually a good motivator to actually go.

In the interim, I'd suggest doing HIIT instead of just jogging...steady state cardio isn't nearly as effective.

Best of luck!!

Sweet, i will look into a HIIT.


Man, bench press is such a bitch for me. I'm still struggling at 150lb. At least I broke through my 135lb plateau. If I manage a 2 plate bench for reps by the end of 2014 I'll be a happy man.

Do you ever lift with anyone or have access to someone that can give you a spot? If so, try doing BB Bench Press negatives (i.e. explode the weight up, lower the weight extremely slowly...like 7-10 seconds slowly). I've used this every time I've had a plateau.

ACE 1991

Do you ever lift with anyone or have access to someone that can give you a spot? If so, try doing BB Bench Press negatives (i.e. explode the weight up, lower the weight extremely slowly...like 7-10 seconds slowly). I've used this every time I've had a plateau.

I've never heard this before, I'll have to give it a shot! I lift at my college gym so there is always someone around to spot if I feel like I need it. I'm running a program which has me benching 6-8 reps for 3 sets so I usually ask for a spot on my last set. On an unrelated note, moving from an LP program even though my lift #s are newby (150lb bench, 210lb squat, 100lb OHP) was a great decision. I'm making great progress visually and numbers wise, plus I don't dread going to the gym because I know I don't have to grind out squats every visit.


I've never heard this before, I'll have to give it a shot! I lift at my college gym so there is always someone around to spot if I feel like I need it. I'm running a program which has me benching 6-8 reps for 3 sets so I usually ask for a spot on my last set. On an unrelated note, moving from an LP program even though my lift #s are newby (150lb bench, 210lb squat, 100lb OHP) was a great decision. I'm making great progress visually and numbers wise, plus I don't dread going to the gym because I know I don't have to grind out squats every visit.

Give it a shot...people here may disagree but I like to mix up my supplemental lifts in order to constantly shock my muscles. Yesterday my incline bench was 10 sets: I put the weight on that I could do 8 with moderate difficulty...45 second rest between sets...by set 10 I could only do 1 rep. Today I could barely hold my steering wheel. When you hit a plateau feel free to mix it up!


you have a link to a quick and dirty version of the RFLD. that is one i've never heard of before. Does it work with existing weight programming or is it like UD in that aspect?

Figured I'll just write few points up.. But if you want to do it I think you should read the book so you don't make any mistakes. It's extremely important to do things just as Lyle tells you to do. Otherwise things will go badly.

-Calories depend on your weight/BF% but it's very low. ~1000 kcal or so for most men probably.
-Very high protein, basically chicken breast or something similar 90% of time
-No added carbs (just what little you get from green veggies)
-Only fat source is little EFA so you don't drop dead
-Multivitamin, magnesium supplementation etc...

-Training should be scaled way down. Full body 2x week or 3x week Upper/Lower Split
-Very little cardio, preferably not at all in most cases
-Absolutely no HIIT of any kind

-Refeed once a week or not depending on your BF%
-Few "free meals" per week or not depending on your BF%
-Length can be 11 days or six weeks depending on your BF%

All in all it's not a nice diet but it's very effective. First few days are rough but after that it's easy to maintain. Comes without saying that if you don't know what you are doing or are prone to binging/yo-yoing you shouldn't even try this.

If you do it right you won't lose muscle even though it would seem like it.
Generally low bar. But some of it depends.

Weird! I think I started squatting with low bar form, and then slowly transitioned to high bar with time. Well, I might be doing a mix of both--it feels like I still keep the bar pretty low on my back, but the way my knees bend at the bottom fits the description of the high bar.

ACE 1991

Give it a shot...people here may disagree but I like to mix up my supplemental lifts in order to constantly shock my muscles. Yesterday my incline bench was 10 sets: I put the weight on that I could do 8 with moderate difficulty...45 second rest between sets...by set 10 I could only do 1 rep. Today I could barely hold my steering wheel. When you hit a plateau feel free to mix it up!

Ok, thanks. Speaking of incline bench how much of an incline do you guys usually set the seat to? Since I'll be doing high rep range OHP today with my incline should I do a slighter incline because a more severe incline hits the shoulders harder?


Ok, thanks. Speaking of incline bench how much of an incline do you guys usually set the seat to? Since I'll be doing high rep range OHP today with my incline should I do a slighter incline because a more severe incline hits the shoulders harder?

I do it on the 3 out of 8...anything higher and I feel it more in my shoulders


Neo Member
Guys any tips on how to transition into front squat hold when you flick your wrists in a clean. What small tips do you guys have I can get it up. But it has to be in front squat across shoulders I feel like I'm not doing that

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Give it a shot...people here may disagree but I like to mix up my supplemental lifts in order to constantly shock my muscles. Yesterday my incline bench was 10 sets: I put the weight on that I could do 8 with moderate difficulty...45 second rest between sets...by set 10 I could only do 1 rep. Today I could barely hold my steering wheel. When you hit a plateau feel free to mix it up!

"Shocking your muscles" is bullshit. The truth in the detail is supplemental work needs to be rotated as it plateaus to continue to push weak points. But this only works if you're choosing your assistance/supplemental work correctly.


It is done! Tonight I squatted 315lbs for 3 sets of 5. I never could have imagined myself reaching a milestone like this when I first started working out. 3 plates on any exercise was a goal I've had for a long time, and tonight it was realized.

Set 1
Set 2
Set 3

Feeling super proud of myself!

Oh, and get this.

I felt my shorts rip little by little on every single rep I did tonight. My first pair of ripped shorts from squatting. I think I'll keep this in my hall of gains as a memory/souvenir of this great night.


Nice and very good depth on those reps.
Do you guys think doing BB Rows prior to DLs will negatively affect my strength on the latter? I ask because I'm still in the process of programming my Greyskull LP workouts. Here's what today should look like:

OHP: 140x2x5 1x5+
BB Row: Unknown (First Time)
DL: 320x1x5+
Chin-Ups: Rep/set parameters unknown--mine are shit, so I'm just going to do a ton until I burn out.


Can anyone advise a decent chest exercise in substitute for the flat bench? Ive pretty much given it up on my workout because my rotator cuff always ends up stinging after bench day, always. So I'm thinking DB bench + cable flyes? Sometimes I still get shoulder pain on the dumbbells even though I tuck in my elbows and go lower down on the chest. I just need a good exercise that gets a strong contraction in the chest, because it's by far my most lagging body part. Everything else is good though, only the bench causes me problems.

Oddly enough, OHP doesn't hurt my shoulder at all. I think it may just be some shoulder issues carried over from 10 years of competitive swimming, my brother has had two shoulder surgeries and multiple cortisone shots and he can't bench anymore either.

Making good progress on deadlifts and OHP with 5/3/1, and post-groin injury I've been adding 5lbs on the back squat every week with good results. I finally got back on two plates+ a couple of weeks ago, pain free and ass to grass, so I'm feeling pretty good. Got 375x8 on deadlifts yesterday.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Do you guys think doing BB Rows prior to DLs will negatively affect my strength on the latter? I ask because I'm still in the process of programming my Greyskull LP workouts. Here's what today should look like:

OHP: 140x2x5 1x5+
BB Row: Unknown (First Time)
DL: 320x1x5+
Chin-Ups: Rep/set parameters unknown--mine are shit, so I'm just going to do a ton until I burn out.

Row after.

Can anyone advise a decent chest exercise in substitute for the flat bench? Ive pretty much given it up on my workout because my rotator cuff always ends up stinging after bench day, always. So I'm thinking DB bench + cable flyes? Sometimes I still get shoulder pain on the dumbbells even though I tuck in my elbows and go lower down on the chest. I just need a good exercise that gets a strong contraction in the chest, because it's by far my most lagging body part. Everything else is good though, only the bench causes me problems.

Oddly enough, OHP doesn't hurt my shoulder at all. I think it may just be some shoulder issues carried over from 10 years of competitive swimming, my brother has had two shoulder surgeries and multiple cortisone shots and he can't bench anymore either.

Making good progress on deadlifts and OHP with 5/3/1, and post-groin injury I've been adding 5lbs on the back squat every week with good results. I finally got back on two plates+ a couple of weeks ago, pain free and ass to grass, so I'm feeling pretty good. Got 375x8 on deadlifts yesterday.

Do more back and rear delt work.


"Shocking your muscles" is bullshit. The truth in the detail is supplemental work needs to be rotated as it plateaus to continue to push weak points. But this only works if you're choosing your assistance/supplemental work correctly.

I disagree...maybe the term "shocking your muscles" is bullshit, but if you open every chest workout with bar bell bench press, same rep scheme, etc. your body will adapt to it and you will plateau. The auxiliary work (like you mentioned) is good to keep pushing the parts of your pecs that don't take the brunt of a flat bench bb press.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I disagree...maybe the term "shocking your muscles" is bullshit, but if you open every chest workout with bar bell bench press, same rep scheme, etc. your body will adapt to it and you will plateau. The auxiliary work (like you mentioned) is good to keep pushing the parts of your pecs that don't take the brunt of a flat bench bb press.

What the hell am I reading. You're not disagreeing with me at all.

If you go into the gym and bench 95lbs 5x5 every day, no shit you aren't going to progress. Who the fuck does that?


What the hell am I reading. You're not disagreeing with me at all.

If you go into the gym and bench 95lbs 5x5 every day, no shit you aren't going to progress. Who the fuck does that?

Are we fighting brolic? Just trying to help the guy blow by his plateau! Doing negatives / changing rep schemes / supplemental work have always worked for me.


Row after.

Do more back and rear delt work.

Well I'm looking for substitutes regardless, and I already do plenty of back work.

Monday - OHP and barbell rows 3x5, rear delt flyes 3x10
Tues - Deadlift
Thursday - Chest day - db rows 3x8
Friday - Legs

I do face pulls 3x10 to warmup on every lifting day. Thats plenty of back work, and it's my strongest and most impressive body part imo. Anyways, does the DB chest press & cable flyes work? That was I was asking.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Are we fighting brolic? Just trying to help the guy blow by his plateau! Doing negatives / changing rep schemes / supplemental work have always worked for me.

That's all fine. Just throw out the whole "muscle confusion" thing. It's bogus and results in people doing random dumb shit because they think they can literally confuse their muscles. Changing stimulus as adaptation causes a platue is fine. "Muscle confusion" and the idiocy it causes is not.

I've literally had a dude tell me he doesn't even think about what he's gonna do before he gets to the gym. Every day he does something completely different so that his muscles stay confused and he can shock them.

I wanted to choke him with the cable crossover.

Well I'm looking for substitutes regardless, and I already do plenty of back work.

Monday - OHP and barbell rows 3x5, rear delt flyes 3x10
Tues - Deadlift
Thursday - Chest day - db rows 3x8
Friday - Legs

I do face pulls 3x10 to warmup on every lifting day. Thats plenty of back work, and it's my strongest and most impressive body part imo. Anyways, does the DB chest press & cable flyes work? That was I was asking.

I would still do more back work. That doesn't look like much to me. Also if your shoulder is bothering you, you should probably look at some band pull aparts and external rotations.

DB bench is fine, however, you said it still bothers you, so it's not fixing the problem. You're slapping a shitty bandaid on a bigger wound.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That's all fine. Just throw out the whole "muscle confusion" thing. It's bogus and results in people doing random dumb shit because they think they can literally confuse their muscles. Changing stimulus as adaptation causes a platue is fine. "Muscle confusion" and the idiocy it causes is not.

I've literally had a dude tell me he doesn't even think about what he's gonna do before he gets to the gym. Every day he does something completely different so that his muscles stay confused and he can shock them.

I wanted to choke him with the cable crossover.

But if he knew what he was going to do, the brains in his muscles would know and it wouldn't confuse them! I see his logic!
Anyone have tips for me on those olympic lifts transition into front squat position in power clean


Not quite sure what you're asking and without a video there are tons of potential issues to address.

Can you give some more detail?

Generally in a power clean you don't go all the way down anyway so it's not a full front squat. Are you talking about the front rack position?


That's all fine. Just throw out the whole "muscle confusion" thing. It's bogus and results in people doing random dumb shit because they think they can literally confuse their muscles. Changing stimulus as adaptation causes a platue is fine. "Muscle confusion" and the idiocy it causes is not.

I've literally had a dude tell me he doesn't even think about what he's gonna do before he gets to the gym. Every day he does something completely different so that his muscles stay confused and he can shock them.

I wanted to choke him with the cable crossover.

I would still do more back work. That doesn't look like much to me. Also if your shoulder is bothering you, you should probably look at some band pull aparts and external rotations.

DB bench is fine, however, you said it still bothers you, so it's not fixing the problem. You're slapping a shitty bandaid on a bigger wound.
Well I'm sure its probably some technique issues too, because the shoulder pain is only one side and only happens when I'm going heavy and fatigued. I've heard that really pulling your shoulders back on chest exercises helps. However, practically any amount of weight just really sets in a deep burning pain on flat bench. I probably will try more rear delt work, any suggestions for hitting those besides face pulls and rear delt flyes (pec dec machine)?


Neo Member
Yes I thought with even with power clean even though you dont do a squat, you land in front squat across shoulder position but you dont squat obviously unlike a clean.

Just the transition of the motion up from hip to a front squat bar holding if you get what i mean, where you switch the barbell lands into a front squat bar holding position.


Not quite sure what you're asking and without a video there are tons of potential issues to address.

Can you give some more detail?

Generally in a power clean you don't go all the way down anyway so it's not a full front squat. Are you talking about the front rack position?
Yes I thought with even with power clean even though you dont do a squat, you land in front squat across shoulder position but you dont squat obviously unlike a clean.

Just the transition of the motion up from hip to a front squat bar holding if you get what i mean, where you switch the barbell lands into a front squat bar holding position.

Yah, that's generally called the front rack position.

Again, there could be dozens of reasons you are struggling with the transition. Without a video or a very detailed description it's going to be hard for me. Not trying to be rude, but it's kind of like someone saying, "Any thoughts on why my car is running funny?"


This will be a night you remember forever. Nice work Cudder. Damn legit squats too!

Damn, well done sir. Those are good looking squats

Made it look easy mode, Cudder. Now hang those shorts up with pride.

Awesome job, making it look easy. Save the shorts for you kids. Watch them put it on and wonder why this "T-shirt" fits so weird.

Nice and very good depth on those reps.

Thanks gents. As easy as they may have looked, they were anything but. I know I am getting very close to maxing out my 5RM on squats.

You can hear my shorts ripping in the third video every time I go down lmao


Thanks gents. As easy as they may have looked, they were anything but. I know I am getting very close to maxing out my 5RM on squats.

You can hear my shorts ripping in the third video every time I go down lmao

You made those lifts look easy. 315 is my goal too, I can't wait to hit 3 plates on squats. I'm doing high bar cause it feels a bit better

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thanks gents. As easy as they may have looked, they were anything but. I know I am getting very close to maxing out my 5RM on squats.

You can hear my shorts ripping in the third video every time I go down lmao

Nice work man. Maybe get some stretchy Adidas track pants like me and MTP! ;)


the piano man
I only squat with my adidas lycra shorts, which are for cyclists actually.but they adhere to my body, they have no pockets and they always stretch the way I need them to.

It's like I am naked, they are absolutely perfect for squatting

I can't remember when was the last time I didn't use them while squatting.



Keep cutting until May and keep my lifts the same. Start a smart bulk in May by eating the same stuff I'm eating now but just more of it. No more see food diet. By January I'd be happy repping 315 on squats in the 5 range, 225 on bench and 135 on press in the 8 range. I'd also be happy with just a 405 dead.

Nothing crazy. I think with smart programming and enough to eat plus proper rest I can hit it.

I feel like on this cut I've really cleaned my form up on every lift. I almost feel like my old 1rm or rep maxes are lies because they're not as clean as they are now.
Here's a routine. Here's a solid diet plan. Don't expect me to pressure you are encourage you to follow it. I will however acknowledge your hard work and discipline. Done!

Easier said than done. Many men before you have spilled their blood in pursuit of spousal fitness routines.


the piano man
My wife just told me she wants me to give her a routine and diet. Here we go!

probably a bit of a private matter and sorry if it's an unproper thing to say but congrats on fixing things with your wife. I remember some months back you were considering divorce, now you both are going to enjoy some fitness together, that's pretty cool.


Stay safe my friend.

Yep. Fuck that noise. My girl keeps going back and forth. One day she wants me to be strict with her on diet, the next I get chewed out for nagging her. Fuck that.

Here's a routine. Here's a solid diet plan. Don't expect me to pressure you are encourage you to follow it. I will however acknowledge your hard work and discipline. Done!


Easier said than done. Many men before you have spilled their blood in pursuit of spousal fitness routines.

Also this.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
probably a bit of a private matter and sorry if it's an unproper thing to say but congrats on fixing things with your wife. I remember some months back you were considering divorce, now you both are going to enjoy some fitness together, that's pretty cool.
Not at all. I shared the information. Yeah, I'm working and trying my best. For now things are better but without going into too much detail things are not fixed.
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