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Cut's going well. I don't believe in scales for anything except food, but I'm definitely losing weight. Ready to see some STRIATIONS but I've got a couple months to go.
I'd have to know why you picked what you picked. Personally stuff like face pull and lateral raise fall under rehab/prehab. I'd stick bicep work on bench day and focus on back/hamstrings on deadlift day. I'd also move snatch grip DL to deadlift day and add good mornings to squat day. I also wouldn't bench 3 times on bench day. I'd replace DB bench OR CGBP with a more tricep focused movement and/or dips. I'd probably pick lying tricep extensions or a machine to isolate triceps personally.
In general it all depends but you have to be smart and have an intention behind everything you're picking.
To aid digestion, yes.
It also depends on your body. Some people find it causes them bloating and gas.
Personally I feel fine. But then again I always leave the oats in water for 5-10 mins prior to grinding.
You could also pre-grind the oats (dry).
Stay fit, my friends.
Ok thanks. Let me try to clear things up a bit.
Most of the exercises picked are either in Wendlers list in the ebook or are pretty similar. I picked lateral raises because I wanted something that would also hit the mid delts directly thought I'm not quite sure if this would be necessary. Also they would allow some shoulder work on Bench Day without fatigueing my triceps. Face pulls because they are good for shoulders and hit your rear delts/upper back. Other ideas are also welcome. The Snatch Grip DL was placed in to the squat day since it's been something I've seen people do and advocate here (for example SeanR).
I was thinking that CGBP might be too much for one day. LTE's would be my second choice. Also can't do dips![]()
Enjoying those linear gains again. Before my break during November and December I was at around 335lbs 1RM on squats and 255lbs 1RM on bench. Those were with my belt.
Today I did 3x5 285 on squats and 3x5 205lbs on bench. Without my belt. I know it doesn't translate directly from one to the other, but I get the feeling I'm close to being stronger than I was pre-break given the fact that I haven't even brought my belt back into my training. Previously I was using it for all my 5/3/1 work sets.
We'll see how long I can ride out this progression though. Might have to drop my increases to 5lbs on squats and deads and 2.5 on bench and OHP soon.
On back days I end my workout with 75 pull ups, no matter how many sets it takes me to get there...sometimes it takes 5 sets, sometimes 7, but I try to do it fast - minimal breaks (I shoot for < 5 min) - while maintaining perfect form (which is obviously key).
Try to do the same...maybe shoot for 25 pull ups in as many sets / minutes as it takes...after a few weeks of this you'll naturally be doing more pull ups per set.
Maybe this can help I started doing this before I did any weightlifting, I can currently do about 12 reps comfortably
I never understood why you would want to do linear progression with anything other than the smallest weight increases you could do. I think SS has you increasing your deadlift and squat by 10lbs everytime? Doesn't make much sense to me, it will just make you stall out quicker. If I could increase all my lifts by only 2.5 pounds a week I would, but I have to settle for 5lb increases.
Saving up all my calories to demolish a large dominos pizza tonight... It lists a large thin crust with onions, mushrooms and chicken as 1720 calories for the whole pie which seems pretty low to me. Are the calculators on Dominos accurate?
I don't always post progress pics...but when I do, it's after 9 months of hard work cutting and never missing a day of tracking calories.
Stay fit, my friends.
Gonna take a few days rest, spend a week and a half eating at maintenance, and then...
It is time to bulk.
I never understood why you would want to do linear progression with anything other than the smallest weight increases you could do. I think SS has you increasing your deadlift and squat by 10lbs everytime? Doesn't make much sense to me, it will just make you stall out quicker. If I could increase all my lifts by only 2.5 pounds a week I would, but I have to settle for 5lb increases.
I don't always post progress pics...but when I do, it's after 9 months of hard work cutting and never missing a day of tracking calories.
Stay fit, my friends.
Gonna take a few days rest, spend a week and a half eating at maintenance, and then...
It is time to bulk.
I don't always post progress pics...but when I do, it's after 9 months of hard work cutting and never missing a day of tracking calories.
Stay fit, my friends.
Gonna take a few days rest, spend a week and a half eating at maintenance, and then...
It is time to bulk.
My cutting plan is pretty much set in stone.
I start on next weeks sunday or the following monday at the latest. First Lyle's RLFD for up to six weeks (maximum). Then it's conveniently Easter and I also need to take a diet break for two weeks. After that I'll start Lyle's UD 2.0 which I will continue for a maximum of 6-8 weeks depending on how long I need. Then it's around Midsummer's Eve and I'd be happy if I can finish things before that. Should hopefully finish well in advance so I can take a diet break beforehand. After that I'll slowly reverse diet.
RFLD is pretty crappy in terms of food intake but it also works so damn well. I've never lost strength on it (even gained some) and the fat just flies away. Also Lyle says you exactly what do so there's no second guessing. I tend to think and analyze this stuff too much so it's a relief to be honest. I picked UD 2.0 for the same reason. No second guessing, just going through the motions. The depletion workouts are crap but the sundays power workout is awesome because you feel so fucking strong after eating ~6k calories on saturday.
you have a link to a quick and dirty version of the RFLD. that is one i've never heard of before. Does it work with existing weight programming or is it like UD in that aspect?
Lookin great!!
As someone at a similar weight, mind if I ask how tall you are and the amount of weights you're putting up on your lifts?
My cutting plan is pretty much set in stone.
I start on next weeks sunday or the following monday at the latest. First Lyle's RLFD for up to six weeks (maximum). Then it's conveniently Easter and I also need to take a diet break for two weeks. After that I'll start Lyle's UD 2.0 which I will continue for a maximum of 6-8 weeks depending on how long I need. Then it's around Midsummer's Eve and I'd be happy if I can finish things before that. Should hopefully finish well in advance so I can take a diet break beforehand. After that I'll slowly reverse diet.
2 scoops of syntha-6 chocolate milkshake + 2 tablespoons of PB2 + 32 oz water = heaven...wow...
I don't always post progress pics...but when I do, it's after 9 months of hard work cutting and never missing a day of tracking calories.
Stay fit, my friends.
Gonna take a few days rest, spend a week and a half eating at maintenance, and then...
It is time to bulk.
No way I'm using anything but milk for that!
I don't always post progress pics...but when I do, it's after 9 months of hard work cutting and never missing a day of tracking calories.
Stay fit, my friends.
Gonna take a few days rest, spend a week and a half eating at maintenance, and then...
It is time to bulk.
why are my hamstrings more sore after squatting than after deadlifting?
Yesterday I put my whole mobility/stretching routine in a Google Drive spreadsheet and I was wondering if anyone is willing to give me feedback on it, specifically is there something I should consider removing or adding?
I don't always post progress pics...but when I do, it's after 9 months of hard work cutting and never missing a day of tracking calories.
Stay fit, my friends.
Gonna take a few days rest, spend a week and a half eating at maintenance, and then...
It is time to bulk.
I don't always post progress pics...but when I do, it's after 9 months of hard work cutting and never missing a day of tracking calories.
Stay fit, my friends.
Gonna take a few days rest, spend a week and a half eating at maintenance, and then...
It is time to bulk.
today I tried a "pre-workout" for the first time. I got a free sample when I bought protein last time.
my review would be:
.- it doesn't make you stronger, in the least (lol, just in case you thought it would)
.- it does help you with shorter rest periods, it's very much a red bull.
.- it tastes like shit.
no need for this, specially for those who get a kick with simple coffee (not one of those, sadly)
I tore a muscle on my right bicep today doing a stupid push-up.... I wonder whether the preworkout hat something to do with it, it felt like I pushed it too hard on that one hard variation...
it's like my body is doing everything to put me out of the gym. Last week was lower back, the week before that was left knee. I suspect my arm will hurt a lot tomorrow. If that's the case, then fuck all upper body gains in the ass and I'll go do leg and cardio for the next two weeks or longer if needed.
You're not implying Red Bull taste like shit are you? Blasphemy! It's delicious!
Good. Now drink it after your workout and watch the muscles grow!mmhh,, red bull tastes a bit better than this pre-workout I drank, so much is true, lol
red bull is in the "weird taste" category, not "bad taste" category for me.
Good. Now drink it after your workout and watch the muscles grow!
You're lucky. I can drink 3 at midnight and be sleeping by 12:30.I'd do that if I didn't work out at night. One small Red Bull and I won't be sleeping.
Good. Now drink it after your workout and watch the muscles grow!
Hell I am! I have a shake and a Red Bull immediately following every workout!Red Bull is a post-workout drink?? never heard of that!
you are joking, lol.
Hell I am! I have a shake and a Red Bull immediately following every workout!
Hell I am! I have a shake and a Red Bull immediately following every workout!
I envy you guys and your full sugar Red Bulls.
I actually like the taste of sugar free more, but I bet it's worse overall than the regular version.
I don't always post progress pics...but when I do, it's after 9 months of hard work cutting and never missing a day of tracking calories.
Stay fit, my friends.
Gonna take a few days rest, spend a week and a half eating at maintenance, and then...
It is time to bulk.