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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Just finished 3x5 135 OHP yesssssss

Brolic is inspiring me to beast on this lift

Nice man, well done. And thanks.

Basically you're Optimus Prime without the trailer, still built like a truck.

Didn't mean I'm lean, just leaner. Not going for abs (still very far from it) or even losing weight. Just planning meals for goals. Losing weight is just happening as a result.

How far are your feet? Hard to tell from this angle.

A good cue for getting your ass to stick out/drive with your hips is having a training partner place their hand on the small of your back, and you "push" against their hand as you go up.

They're not actually applying resistance, mind you. It's a solid cue.

Damn, son. Kangabro approves.


Lol. Thanks.

Anton, that's a really good idea.

I posted it in a Facebook group I'm in that's ran by a guy who's basically 2 shoguns taped together (he incline presses 405).

He said it looked terrible. :'(

It looked fine to me. Also "sitting back" is more of a equipped lifting cue. I think it looks fine from what we can see. Only thing I'd do more is bring your hips in more at the top.

If all that dude did is tell you "that looks terrible." His advice isn't worth listening to.


Thanks, Brolic. I was feeling pretty down after everyone in that group was ragging on it. I was proud of the squats! I think the group is very centered around competition (most form checks are in the 500-600lb range for squats).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Doing 2 sets of front squats before my heavy squat day might not have been the best idea. Also, I'm still pretty fatigued from RDLs on Sunday. They were tougher than normal.

So will my wrists just get used to front squats or am I fucked. It was very uncomfortable.


My Pendlays/Rogues are getting old and have a snapped strap that I've just been dealing with for the past few years. Any recommendations for an oly shoe with a similar heel and ~$100?

Wei-Rui Warriors for $69.99 + $7.95 shipping are probably the only oly shoe I would recommend for sub-$100, based on the research I've done.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thanks, Brolic. I was feeling pretty down after everyone in that group was ragging on it. I was proud of the squats! I think the group is very centered around competition (most form checks are in the 500-600lb range for squats).

Did he offer any advice at all? It doesn't matter if it's typically a 500-600squat club. He should be able to do more than "terrible" and making you feel like shit with no guidance.
Doing 2 sets of front squats before my heavy squat day might not have been the best idea. Also, I'm still pretty fatigued from RDLs on Sunday. They were tougher than normal.

So will my wrists just get used to front squats or am I fucked. It was very uncomfortable.

How many fingers did you have under the bar when front squating? From each hand, 2 or 4?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Doing 2 sets of front squats before my heavy squat day might not have been the best idea. Also, I'm still pretty fatigued from RDLs on Sunday. They were tougher than normal.

So will my wrists just get used to front squats or am I fucked. It was very uncomfortable.

Could always use a BB style. Or use straps.


will learn eventually
Your depth looks good, but you should really stand as straight as you can at the top. You're damn near almost doing Good Mornings.

Noted! Much appreciated. Will update after the next squat session!

What is the best way to avoid this though? Chest up? Lighter weight?


Doing 2 sets of front squats before my heavy squat day might not have been the best idea. Also, I'm still pretty fatigued from RDLs on Sunday. They were tougher than normal.

So will my wrists just get used to front squats or am I fucked. It was very uncomfortable.

Straps might be a good idea like Brolic said.


Doing 2 sets of front squats before my heavy squat day might not have been the best idea. Also, I'm still pretty fatigued from RDLs on Sunday. They were tougher than normal.

So will my wrists just get used to front squats or am I fucked. It was very uncomfortable.

I can't really tell but are you using a full grip? I use a suicide grip on my squats, feels more comfortable to me. That bar isn't going anywhere.


Did he offer any advice at all? It doesn't matter if it's typically a 500-600squat club. He should be able to do more than "terrible" and making you feel like shit with no guidance.

Heh just the sit back piece. I think some people forget where they started at one point, or that other people don't move as fast as them. I was more disappointed in the sense that I looked up to him
It's been a long, long time since I checked in here. Great to see some progress pics from people like FE!

Personal Record: Hit over 200 lbs on squats! (I'm coming back from a long injury)

I want to ask you guys this though, how often do you eat clean for a week? I sort of eat the occasional fried chicken tenders on the weekends, but honestly considering real clean for 2 weeks, and having one day to head out for some other yummy foods.


So I have a Body-Solid power rack in my home gym. It's a great rack but I have a small issue. So the holes for the j hook are only on one side. The inside of the rack. Fine for squats and benching. The rack is too short of OHP but I don't have outside J hook because the pints are only one sided. Anyone know of any single one reverse J hook or anything or should I just get a hold of a fabricator and get some built?

Pete Rock

I want to ask you guys this though, how often do you eat clean for a week? I sort of eat the occasional fried chicken tenders on the weekends, but honestly considering real clean for 2 weeks, and having one day to head out for some other yummy foods.
In my experience after a solid two weeks of dedication I can't even bring myself to cheat, let alone for an entire day. I do all my grocery shopping at the same time on Saturday, cook for six hours on Sunday and then eat at the same times every day throughout the week. If I eat a bunch of bullshit on Saturday I feel fat and awful the next morning, plus all my local options are absolute garbage. I tend to eat clean for four or five months and then go crazy in Vegas where they have amazing food that's worth spoiling yourself on for a week or so. Sushi, Pho, Steaks, Crepes with sugary sauces, fruit & gelato, etc. It also feels like a more well deserved break and a lot easier to let myself go and indulge when I'm not at "home" and on the exact same daily schedule. But I live in the midwest and a bunch of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and corn or pork and beans is not exactly gourmet dining.


Doing 2 sets of front squats before my heavy squat day might not have been the best idea. Also, I'm still pretty fatigued from RDLs on Sunday. They were tougher than normal.

So will my wrists just get used to front squats or am I fucked. It was very uncomfortable.
It might take a generous amount of repetition to get comfortable with that grip on the front squat. I've never quite gotten there, but I usually front squat as assistance for a month then drop it for another month or two. The first week or two gets to my wrists, but then I just kind of get used to it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Mistake probably isn't the right word, but I saw several videos using just the index and middle finger under the bar. When I switched from 4 fingers under to just those two, my wrists felt remarkably better.
I'll give it a shot. Thanks Soka.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I may be close to finishing up my bulk. My goal was to hit 170 by this time, but unfortunately it looks like it's not happening. I've been consuming anywhere from 3500-4200 calories every day for the past MONTH and I've gained no weight. Still stuck at ~163 lbs. And you all know how diligent I am about keeping track of calories and all that stuff. It's frustrating as hell, but I literally do not have the time nor money to continue eating so much damn food. It's draining on my wallet, I'm lethargic every day, and it just sucks. I figure I'll just wait until my metabolism slows the fuck down when I'm older so that bulking won't be so needlessly difficult for me. As is, even 4500 calories may not be enough to get me to 170. :/
Man I'll never understand how its hard for people to put on weight. If I just eat slightly more than I should the weight just packs on like nothing


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Man I'll never understand how its hard for people to put on weight. If I just eat slightly more than I should the weight just packs on like nothing

Yeah, well just know I hate you. :p

Anytime someone tells me to "just eat more" I feel like punching them in the face. Eating is a part-time job for me right now.

Pete Rock

Anytime someone tells me to "just eat more" I feel like punching them in the face. Eating is a part-time job for me right now.
I feel you, although I set myself up to incrementally add lean mass in an IF fashion so my gains are always incredibly slow. I will say that after adding 2 pounds of beans, 5 lbs of sweet potatoes and 2c cooked quinoa per week, all those good carbs are finally starting to add up, about 6 lbs since I got back on it full steam.
So, I've always had slightly less appetite when exercising, but now that I'm getting 50g of protein from shakes every day, my appetite has really gotten poor the last couple of days. Is this a problem? I don't feel sick or anything, I just feel full before I'm done eating what I need to hit my targets. It's only been a couple of days, but I'm concerned about losing muscle. As long as my strength doesn't go down I should be good, right?


Back to eating "clean".....8lb of water lost in 2 days..lol why do I always worry I'm getting fat when after all this time I should know better.
I may be close to finishing up my bulk. My goal was to hit 170 by this time, but unfortunately it looks like it's not happening. I've been consuming anywhere from 3500-4200 calories every day for the past MONTH and I've gained no weight. Still stuck at ~163 lbs. And you all know how diligent I am about keeping track of calories and all that stuff. It's frustrating as hell, but I literally do not have the time nor money to continue eating so much damn food. It's draining on my wallet, I'm lethargic every day, and it just sucks. I figure I'll just wait until my metabolism slows the fuck down when I'm older so that bulking won't be so needlessly difficult for me. As is, even 4500 calories may not be enough to get me to 170. :/

Why not switch to more calorically dense stuff? I hear nutella is anabolic :)

I love eating but eating 4500 calories to not gain any weight sounds terrible :/

Agreed, that was about where I topped out on carb loading for UD2.0 and while it's fun for a day (especially after 3-4 days of PSMF) doing it every day sounds way too expensive and time-consuming. I spend enough hours in the kitchen as it is just breading chicken and boiling sweet potatoes and shit.

Now 3000-3500 I'd be all "pre-workout pancakes ahoy, pass the syrup bitches I'm going full maple"

I'm bulking slowly, my goal was .5-1 lbs per week, no pressing need to pack on mass in a short timeframe. Desk job means pretty low maintenance for me; I've been eating around 2500-2600 net cals/day while lifting 4 times a week and doing 30-40 minutes of LISS once on a rest day.

So, I've always had slightly less appetite when exercising, but now that I'm getting 50g of protein from shakes every day, my appetite has really gotten poor the last couple of days. Is this a problem? I don't feel sick or anything, I just feel full before I'm done eating what I need to hit my targets. It's only been a couple of days, but I'm concerned about losing muscle. As long as my strength doesn't go down I should be good, right?

Not necessarily, neural adaptations are a major factor in strength so it's within the realm of possibility. That being said if you're not in a caloric defecit muscle loss shouldn't be occurring. If you're having trouble eating enough try breaking it up into more meals. Exercise does tend to blunt hunger for a lot of people so if that happens to you look at your meal timing as well.

Or just drink the shakes in the middle of the night when you get up to pee so they don't interfere with daytime eating

Back to eating "clean".....8lb of water lost in 2 days..lol why do I always worry I'm getting fat when after all this time I should know better.

Trust the calipers, not the scale!
Thanks for the comments guys. I feel like I'm getting close! I prolly should get a haircut as well. New job next week and all. I wanted to save it a bit until after I leaned out a bit more but we will see.

Back to eating "clean".....8lb of water lost in 2 days..lol why do I always worry I'm getting fat when after all this time I should know better.

haha, I'm still like that too even though I know I shouldn't be.
I feel you, although I set myself up to incrementally add lean mass in an IF fashion so my gains are always incredibly slow. I will say that after adding 2 pounds of beans, 5 lbs of sweet potatoes and 2c cooked quinoa per week, all those good carbs are finally starting to add up, about 6 lbs since I got back on it full steam.

Goddamn, I was about to patent my novel idea of intermittent fasting with excess calories and call it 'Intermittent Bulking', publish a book and make bank.


Fitbros, seeking opinions.

I've been back in the gym for over 2 years now, after a layoff. The first 2 years I had no access to barbells so I was rocking smith machine work and dumbbell/cable work, which meant squatting was impossible. Leg work was quad extensions and lunges, so I kept some size but obviously the squat never improved. I've been running 5/3/1 since last May, and my squat -- because it's only once a week -- still lags greatly behind my bench and deads.

I plan on transitioning to a bodybuilding routine for awhile, to give my body a break from the strength training, but before that I'm thinking of running Starting Strength for ~3 months as a "squat catch-up" game to improve my squat and functional lower body strength (leg extensions are not "functional").

Good plan or are there other ways to go about this, since I don't "need" SS for the other lifts?


Got back into the swing of things today, and my muscle endurance is in the dumps but that was expected. Still have decent power but the reps are a long long long way off what they used to be, will start ramping things up now that my shoulders feel somewhat ok.


Nose how to spell and rede to
Hey I've got a question that FitnessGAF might be able to help me with, I'd appreciate any advice you can give.

I'm working a job where I stand up and don't really move too much for the majority of the 6 hour shift, but I also have to run a good number of times per shift, about a few hundred yards at a time. My feet have been killing me, lol, but I figure I just need better shoes or some insoles to deal with that. My bigger problem is that my knees have been hurting and inhibiting my movement. They both hurt on the inside part of the knee (ie the left part of my right knee and vice versa). Could I be running or standing in a way that is putting too much stress on this part of my knees? I do stand kind of "at attention" a lot I've noticed, perhaps having my knees locked is a part of the problem? I've also always sucked at running, more than I should according to my fitness, so could running incorrectly cause that problem? Edit: the knees only really bother me when I have to run although they're noticeable all the time

Again, any advice you body-knowledgeable people have to give would be appreciated.

J. Bravo

i have decided to take brolic's advice and stop doing smolov for squat and bench at the same time. i woke up today after 9 hours of solid sleep (10p-7a), and have been incredibly tired with a splitting headache all day. gonna continue on with bench, but go back to normal training for legs and back. it is incredible how intense and demanding this program is. i definitely underestimated it.

otoh, bench went well. 185 for 8x4 pause reps, with a resistance band for the last set. every rep was done and done well. interested to see how my bench improves after this cycle.
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