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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Fitbros, seeking opinions.

I've been back in the gym for over 2 years now, after a layoff. The first 2 years I had no access to barbells so I was rocking smith machine work and dumbbell/cable work, which meant squatting was impossible. Leg work was quad extensions and lunges, so I kept some size but obviously the squat never improved. I've been running 5/3/1 since last May, and my squat -- because it's only once a week -- still lags greatly behind my bench and deads.

I plan on transitioning to a bodybuilding routine for awhile, to give my body a break from the strength training, but before that I'm thinking of running Starting Strength for ~3 months as a "squat catch-up" game to improve my squat and functional lower body strength (leg extensions are not "functional").

Good plan or are there other ways to go about this, since I don't "need" SS for the other lifts?

Sounds like a great idea to me. Although there is nothing stopping you from squatting 3x a week and running a BBing type program.


Finally deadlifted today without shoes as opposed to the tennis shoes I have been using forever. I felt more secure for sure and I liked the extra inch or so I was closer to the floor. Felt like I could get more leverage. I'll find out next week on my heavy day if it actually has an effect on my numbers.
Fitbros, seeking opinions.

I've been back in the gym for over 2 years now, after a layoff. The first 2 years I had no access to barbells so I was rocking smith machine work and dumbbell/cable work, which meant squatting was impossible. Leg work was quad extensions and lunges, so I kept some size but obviously the squat never improved. I've been running 5/3/1 since last May, and my squat -- because it's only once a week -- still lags greatly behind my bench and deads.

I plan on transitioning to a bodybuilding routine for awhile, to give my body a break from the strength training, but before that I'm thinking of running Starting Strength for ~3 months as a "squat catch-up" game to improve my squat and functional lower body strength (leg extensions are not "functional").

Good plan or are there other ways to go about this, since I don't "need" SS for the other lifts?

Sounds good to me. Go for SS as long as you gain, ride out that linear progression!

Truth be told, I love me some 5/3/1 (I was on it for about a year and a half last time I did it), but I always miss squatting multiple days a week. Think my legs get bigger when I squat multiple times a week, too.

Which is cool.


Anyone successfully make the switch from night sessions (lifting) to morning sessions? I have a baby coming in July and I'm 100% sure I'm going to want to play with her after work rather than working out. If so, any advice on how to get that same energy level, consistency, etc. in the morning (I am usually in work at 8, so I'm talking 5:30 lifting).



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Anyone successfully make the switch from night sessions (lifting) to morning sessions? I have a baby coming in July and I'm 100% sure I'm going to want to play with her after work rather than working out. If so, any advice on how to get that same energy level, consistency, etc. in the morning (I am usually in work at 8, so I'm talking 5:30 lifting).

Cocaine? Man, short of powerful drugs I don't think my strength will ever be as great at 5:30am as opposed to late afternoon. I've had many early morning workouts with all kinds of different stimulants and it's never at afternoon levels. Once you get going you'll be fine but for me personally every compound suffered a tiny bit.


Well...girlfriend wants me to start working out with her so I said I'd get into Starting Strength again.

I'm going with lower back squats for now, but if my shoulder flexibility doesn't get any better, I may have to switch to front squats eventually. With my current flexibility, my wrists are cocked at 90 degrees when I hold the bar, and even that puts a lot of strain on my shoulders. Weight lifting also contributes a lot to finger joint pain (not sure what the cause is) so I may have to also invest in a pair of lifting gloves. Not ideal, I know, but it's either that or tendonitis.

In other news, I found an awesome guilt free snack...pressed cottage cheese.

Western 0.5% unsalted pressed cottage cheese:
Per 100 grams
Calories: 93
Fat: .70g
Sodium: 20mg
Protein: 19.4g
Carbs: 2.3g

Pretty much a guilt free food right there.


Anyone successfully make the switch from night sessions (lifting) to morning sessions? I have a baby coming in July and I'm 100% sure I'm going to want to play with her after work rather than working out. If so, any advice on how to get that same energy level, consistency, etc. in the morning (I am usually in work at 8, so I'm talking 5:30 lifting).


Losing sleep and adding more stress by working out is going to offset themselves.
I would just work out 2 days a week and make sure you are getting enough sleep.


My gym doesn't have machines for calves exercises like seated/standing calf raise, leg press(it's for quads but yeah gotta find alternatives for that too and could do calf raise on it) so I do it with dumbbells. Set some weights on floor, sit/stand, place dumbbells on my thighs near knees or hold them at my side and do it but thing is since I'm still sorta beginner I can do more weight like that than I can carry or hold lol, or at least hold it stable.
So what are my options? Did some standing ones with smith machine but that was kinda hard too with bigger weight... I don't wanna go too easy on my legs while gaining upper body strength and later fall behind.


I go 6x now...going 2x would stress me out more I think

6x a week seems like an overkill but you know your body better than I do.
I think you are underestimating value of sleep in this equation.
You will already lose sleep with the new baby coming and if you try to add waking up 5:30 every morning, it is going to just kill your body and just raise your cortisol level.


My gym doesn't have machines for calves exercises like seated/standing calf raise, leg press(it's for quads but yeah gotta find alternatives for that too and could do calf raise on it) so I do it with dumbbells. Set some weights on floor, sit/stand, place dumbbells on my thighs near knees or hold them at my side and do it but thing is since I'm still sorta beginner I can do more weight like that than I can carry or hold lol, or at least hold it stable.
So what are my options? Did some standing ones with smith machine but that was kinda hard too with bigger weight... I don't wanna go too easy on my legs while gaining upper body strength and later fall behind.

Doing calf exercises are a waste of time in my opinion.
It seems like calves are mostly genetic and if you are doing things like squats your calves will come along for the ride. It's kind of like working out your forearms with isolated lifts.
Anyone successfully make the switch from night sessions (lifting) to morning sessions? I have a baby coming in July and I'm 100% sure I'm going to want to play with her after work rather than working out. If so, any advice on how to get that same energy level, consistency, etc. in the morning (I am usually in work at 8, so I'm talking 5:30 lifting).


yep i made the switch to 5am workouts 3x a week not too long ago. i don't know if it's psychological, but i don't feel quite as strong. also, i'm definitely stiffer in the morning, so i usually have to squat or DL last. it may not be optimal, but even after stretching and warming up I can't load that weight on my back until at least 30 minutes into my workout.

i got used to waking up and changing up my routine. get up at 440, brew some coffee, do some stretching and some yoga posing to loosen up the si joint, drink coffee and i'm at the at 5 (it's literally across the street). i enjoy having my nights back, and i don't feel like i hit a wall in the late morning / early afternoon at the office. i would make the switch.


Can you show me pic of what you mean exactly because I'm getting lots of different things on google.


I would imagine the variation where you tuck the leg behind the other forces you to work more on balance. I would only hold a weight in one hand to start unless you have really good balance,

By "holds" I meant holding the raise at the top for 5 seconds or so.


Doing calf exercises are a waste of time in my opinion.
It seems like calves are mostly genetic and if you are doing things like squats your calves will come along for the ride. It's kind of like working out your forearms with isolated lifts.

Yeah I know, I still wanna work them a bit (following this plan, might as well stick with it for next 2 and a half months), and I do squats, deadlifts etc



I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Doing calf exercises are a waste of time in my opinion.
It seems like calves are mostly genetic and if you are doing things like squats your calves will come along for the ride. It's kind of like working out your forearms with isolated lifts.

Fuck that, at least my forearms respond to some exercises. My calves don't grow for shit.
Fuck that, at least my forearms respond to some exercises. My calves don't grow for shit.

Maybe calves are like abs: they are made in the kitchen, not in the gym!!

Doing calf exercises are a waste of time in my opinion.
It seems like calves are mostly genetic and if you are doing things like squats your calves will come along for the ride. It's kind of like working out your forearms with isolated lifts.

I agree it's mostly genetic and not only regarding the growth of that muscle, but also the way fat distributes through those body parts. I have a friend who does not work out but his forearms look nice, not because they are muscular, but because fat accumulates there just right along with whatever muscle he has. Some fat guys have arms that look kinda buff because of that, but me on the other hand have always had chicken forearms even when I was obese.
Back to eating "clean".....8lb of water lost in 2 days..lol why do I always worry I'm getting fat when after all this time I should know better.
Man I've been doing well with eating clean, no cheats in about 2.5 months now, but my carb intake has been grotesquely high. I'm retaining water and farting like crazy.

Cals are fine though, but my weight hasn't dropped for 2 weeks now and I wonder if it's from all the water. We'll see... if I don't dtop next week I'll cut the carbs down I guess.

I revamped both my workouts and my diet 2 weeks ago anyway, so it's entirely possible I just haven't adjusted yet.


Today's the last day of RFL. Well technically tomorrow is the last day but it's also the refeed day so I don't count it. It's been 4 weeks and end is getting so close I can smell it. On the weekend I plan on (have to eat) pretty normally but it's back to dieting on tuesday with UD2.0. Two weeks of that and then a diet break..


Well, the pre workout c4 sent my wife to the ER. She's ok now but she's definitely never taking it again. ER doctor was surprisingly knowledgable on these things. Said since the FDA doesn't regulate it, she may have gotten a more concentrated dosage. Also mentioned the only things worth taking are creatine and whey (if you don't have time to eat chicken or tuna). I was impressed.

Anyway, stick to black coffee, people!!


Good to hear your wife is ok sean.

Anyone successfully make the switch from night sessions (lifting) to morning sessions? I have a baby coming in July and I'm 100% sure I'm going to want to play with her after work rather than working out. If so, any advice on how to get that same energy level, consistency, etc. in the morning (I am usually in work at 8, so I'm talking 5:30 lifting).


I switched from going at nights to doing mornings, i prefer mornings. You generally have less stress and things to think about during the morning, if you have a stressful day then hit the gym, there are times it affects you mentally and its harder to get through the sets. Thats how its been for me personally.

I wake up, take a quick shower, make a BPC, then hit the gym. Working well for me for months.


Sean, glad you wife is ok.

I tried one of those preworkouts a while ago. I didn't feel much of a difference for me, so I discontinued its use. Now, I find that either 5 minutes of cardio or a swift kick in the balls usually wakes me right up.

I actually had a decent leg day last night. Since it's warmer here in NY, I decided to get back to stretching my legs. I did all the normal stretches, then I did my stretches which ends with me going Van Damme on the floor.

I noticed the general consensus is a combination of awe and ow. Most women seem impressed and jealous at the same time. Men seem to be amazed and in pain at the same time.

I think this gif about sums it up.


Thanks for the well wishes, guys. She's a telemetry nurse so she was assuming the worst on the way to the ER. Her blood work showed she has something called SVT (I think?). Basically she's sensitive to stimulants. She's been taking this stuff for a year so it was a pretty big shock to her to feel this way.

Of course after everything was ok I got to give her the "I told you so ;)"
Today's the last day of RFL. Well technically tomorrow is the last day but it's also the refeed day so I don't count it. It's been 4 weeks and end is getting so close I can smell it. On the weekend I plan on (have to eat) pretty normally but it's back to dieting on tuesday with UD2.0. Two weeks of that and then a diet break..

You're taking two weeks between RFL and UD2.0 right?


You're taking two weeks between RFL and UD2.0 right?

Not this time because of Easter. If I had a diet break now it would have to be 3-4 weeks. I'll just do the UD2 for the next two weeks and have a break then. Otherwise I could just do RFL for two more weeks but I don't feel like it's a good idea.

Break right now would be ideal but can't be done due to my schedule..
Well, the pre workout c4 sent my wife to the ER. She's ok now but she's definitely never taking it again. ER doctor was surprisingly knowledgable on these things. Said since the FDA doesn't regulate it, she may have gotten a more concentrated dosage. Also mentioned the only things worth taking are creatine and whey (if you don't have time to eat chicken or tuna). I was impressed.

Anyway, stick to black coffee, people!!
>_< This exact same thing happened to a good bud of mine. From the same brand I believe, but don't quote me on that. I'm really glad she's alright.

This is why I really don't take any supplements unless I have to. Though I do take preworkouts occasionally, but I mostly just drink coffee.


Ah gotcha. Yeah she described it as shortness of breath and her heart felt like it was pumping out of her chest.

Panic attack brought on by an elevated heartrate. Weed does it to me (why I don't smoke). Basically you can feel your heart beating fast, and then that sends you in a panic that makes your heart beat even faster along with the shortness of breath. There's no real danger in a panic attack, but it's terrifying when you don't know what's going on.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well, the pre workout c4 sent my wife to the ER. She's ok now but she's definitely never taking it again. ER doctor was surprisingly knowledgable on these things. Said since the FDA doesn't regulate it, she may have gotten a more concentrated dosage. Also mentioned the only things worth taking are creatine and whey (if you don't have time to eat chicken or tuna). I was impressed.

Anyway, stick to black coffee, people!!

Been saying this for a while now. Preworkouts aren't worth it.

Glad everything is ok bud.
Was asked to post here from the WL thread.

What kind of workout routine should I follow along with my diet (most important!) for WL?

It looks like full body routine is best, but from the OP, I know things like bench press or pull ups would be difficult for me currently.

Any ideas?

I have http://www.jefit.com/ on my phone and plan to use it to keep track of my routine.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Was asked to post here from the WL thread.

What kind of workout routine should I follow along with my diet (most important!) for WL?

It looks like full body routine is best, but from the OP, I know things like bench press or pull ups would be difficult for me currently.

Any ideas?

I have http://www.jefit.com/ on my phone and plan to use it to keep track of my routine.


Do you have access to a gym? If so, how many days are available?

Will you stick with it if you don't see many results in one, two, or three months?
Do you have access to a gym? If so, how many days are available?

Will you stick with it if you don't see many results in one, two, or three months?

I have access to a gym, 5 days a week would be max probably. But note, I am in India, so machine types may differ some, but most basic level machines are here at the gym.

I will stick with it.

J. Bravo

Thanks for the well wishes, guys. She's a telemetry nurse so she was assuming the worst on the way to the ER. Her blood work showed she has something called SVT (I think?). Basically she's sensitive to stimulants. She's been taking this stuff for a year so it was a pretty big shock to her to feel this way.

Of course after everything was ok I got to give her the "I told you so ;)"
she might wanna get that checked out (get an ekg) And see if she has an irregular heartbeat. I had svt, and caffeine is not the only thing that can cause your heart to beat quickly. Mostly happened to me when I would take a weird step running cross country, or take a hit in the chest playing basketball.

anyways its pretty serious. Your heart doesn't fully pump blood when you're in tachycardia and therefore your body doesn't get the oxygenated blood it needs. Luckily mine was fixed with an ablation and I haven't had any issues with it since. Been about 6 years.

edit: whenever my heart went into tachycardia, it lasted forever until I coughed funny or gagged on those popsicle stick things. First time it happened in PE my junior yr, we had hear rate monitors on. didn't know what was going on and it lasted until I went to the nurse next hour and she gagged me with the stick, which fixed it. My friends all said I was super pale at the time.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I have access to a gym, 5 days a week would be max probably. But note, I am in India, so machine types may differ some, but most basic level machines are here at the gym.

I will stick with it.
Great. You will not be using machines so don't worry about that. Read start strength in the OP and feel free to ask us any questions you may have about it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My last workout was 10 days ago, and you know what, I might just take the rest of the month off. :
Any particular reason? Not that all your numbers won't come back fairly quickly but 3 weeks is quite the break.


So I notice that the beginner program in the OP is a bit different from Starting Strength. Any reason for that? I was just going to stick with Starting Strength.


Weighed in at 150 last night... 9lbs down about a month into cut. Yeeeesh...

Still got this small jiggle/handles on lower tummy to back area need to get rid of.
My last workout was 10 days ago, and you know what, I might just take the rest of the month off. :\

And I feel already fat just 4 days into my rest week. Yesterday I downed a XL domino's pizza. Can't wait to do something next week, I'm not resting another whole week.
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