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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Not talking about a bulk/cut cycle. More of a "feed what you're doing for the day" plan.

On off days I get about 1800 calories 150+grams protein and around 100 or less carbs.

On lifting days around 3k calories and unrestricted carbs. Even more unrestricted on deadlift and squat days.

Yeah that's actually what I'd rather work towards. I average 2500 a day now (a little higher on workout days and a little lower on rest days). The goal was never to get shredded or abs or anything like that. Just a better base to get stronger with.

It really is up to you. I think you should reevaluate what you're doing, and just decide where you want to take your goal from here.

You could just need a break.
We're the same height? Interesting.

I'm going to try slowly adding more calories each day and see how I feel. Always appreciate all the support here. Thanks guys <333

And team 5'8 checking in.


Dude I'm 5'8" 234lbs and probably every bit of 20-25% body fat. I'm a chunky monkey.

Pretty much me. I'm 5'11'' though. Definitely over 20% bf.

It really is up to you. I think you should reevaluate what you're doing, and just decide where you want to take your goal from here.

You could just need a break.
We're the same height? Interesting.

Yeah, this Sean. For the last couple months I was pretty sure I was going to cut starting April, but now it's now what I intend to do. I'll probably cut out/down the amount of sweets/soda I drink, but strength/lifting heavy/gaining mass is a goal that I don't think I've accomplished to my satisfaction as of yet. After taking March entirely off from the gym, I'm ready to get back tomorrow and fuck shit up.


Pretty much me. I'm 5'11'' though. Definitely over 20% bf.

Yeah, this Sean. For the last couple months I was pretty sure I was going to cut starting April, but now it's now what I intend to do. I'll probably cut out/down the amount of sweets/soda I drink, but strength/lifting heavy/gaining mass is a goal that I don't think I've accomplished to my satisfaction as of yet. After taking March entirely off from the gym, I'm ready to get back tomorrow and fuck shit up.

Heh you had to clear infamous first ;)


So on Monday, I hit a rep PR on SS: 385x3x5. This felt great--very solid, no form breakdown or anything.

Before I go further, some background: towards the end of last year, I went through a pretty rough breakup, and essentially didn't lift and got drunk just about every night for 2ish months, then just moped around for 1 more, just for good measure. Lost about 20 lbs, was down to 180-185.

In January, I decided to leave Facebook for my own mental health, with the stipulation being that maybe I'd join back up when I could hit a rather arbitrary goal: squat 405. At this point, my first SS workout had me EEK out 245x3x5, and I literally could not squat for three days after because I was so sore.

Enter Starting Strength and ~1 month of GOMAD.

As my Monday SS workout went well, I considered keeping down the SS path. However, some circumstances were forcing me to head back to Facebook ahead of time, as I needed to plan an event and send out FB invites. So with the encouragement of a friend, I decided today I would try for 405 on the squat.

Even though I was confident I would get it, I was still nervous...but it went up smooth. 405x1.

Thinking "fuck it, why not" I loaded up 430, which was 5 lbs heavier than my PR from around mid last year. That went up solid as well.

Same with 440.

A rather experienced powerlifter at the gym said it looked good and I should consider bumping it up even more. I initially put 450 on the bar, but I mean, 455 was RIGHT there and putting the 25s on looked AWESOME.

So, 455x1: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?res...82&authkey=!AD32qGAFSIG33dU&ithint=video,.mp4

(hope the video works for y'all)

I clearly have a sticking point, but it felt great. I would have kept going, but my left shoulder bugged me more and more after each set (it's my bum shoulder).

Feeling good, bros. I'M GONNA LIVE FOREVER

Great shit too!!!

Just stick to your 222.5 OHP and you will live forever.
Looking good Sean. Definitely can see a smaller waist, even on my tiny ass mobile screen!

And, fuck, I have had a sore throat and now ears for almost a week and tomorrow is deadlift day. Gonna see my doc to check if antibiotics would help me out, but neither way, I'm gonna do what I can on those fucking deadlifts.


Looking much better Sean.

Speaking of cutting, I've been helping my boy lose weight and I've been running with him, sprinting, running up bleachers, and doing plyo 3 times a week. I don't like this shit at all. I'm trying to convince him to squat and deadlift for cardio as well. But it's good to get my conditioning up since we'd both like to join a mens rugby team maybe this summer.
6'3, 254 lbs for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. As you all know, 270 back in late Dec/early Jan.

Tempted to end the cut today. Instead of next month. That was my original goal but then it changed to beginning of May when I booked my vacation. I'm down 15lbs in 12 weeks, 2 notches on my belt, 3 on my weight belt. My bench has gone to absolute shit and my recovery is terrible. I'm also way more tired than usual. Sex drive has dropped too. If I stop I'm not going whole hog. Slowly adding in an extra 100 calories a day and sticking to the same foods I've been eating.


Have you tried adding more fats into your diet? Doesn't hurt to take a break from the gym and dieting, eat at maintenance and then start up again the following week. OR you could try what Brolic mentioned in the sense that you are cycling calories daily. Eating more on workout days, less on days off, but still at a deficit.

Plus if there is one thing I noticed when it comes to my cuts is that my bench suffers as well. I just chalk it up to it coming with the territory. Deadlifts and Squats feel fine. OHP has been a lift I do on and off so I really have no idea lol.

And just saw those pics! GJ, can definitely tell a huge difference. How do you feel outside the gym about your body and your progress?

Thanks guys.

Personally I'd end the cut for a week them re-evaluate. If you're hoping to maintain strength/size that amount of loss in that amount of time is too drastic IMO.

I find what I'm doing right now is working very well, but I've only been doing it for about 8 weeks. And it's a very, very slow burn.

Really? He's losing just over a lb a week which seems very reasonable. Of course, with what he is reporting, re-evaluating wouldn't be a bad idea but from a general point of view, his weight lost doesn't seem out of the ordinary.


Thanks for the feedback guys. Like I originally said I was never looking to get cut up. Just lose the bloat and fat I accumulated. I bought into the stupid lift big eat big mentality and just ate whatever I wanted as much as I wanted. No tracking. Things are going to be different now.

And just saw those pics! GJ, can definitely tell a huge difference. How do you feel outside the gym about your body and your progress?

Thanks mang. I feel happy overall and it's nice my pants and shirts aren't as tight in the midsection. I'm just sluggish a lot more through the day and I used to have no problems with energy. And the lack of sex drive really sucks too.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
6'3, 254 lbs for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee. As you all know, 270 back in late Dec/early Jan.

Have you tried adding more fats into your diet? Doesn't hurt to take a break from the gym and dieting, eat at maintenance and then start up again the following week. OR you could try what Brolic mentioned in the sense that you are cycling calories daily. Eating more on workout days, less on days off, but still at a deficit.

Plus if there is one thing I noticed when it comes to my cuts is that my bench suffers as well. I just chalk it up to it coming with the territory. Deadlifts and Squats feel fine. OHP has been a lift I do on and off so I really have no idea lol.

And just saw those pics! GJ, can definitely tell a huge difference. How do you feel outside the gym about your body and your progress?

Really? He's losing just over a lb a week which seems very reasonable. Of course, with what he is reporting, re-evaluating wouldn't be a bad idea but from a general point of view, his weight lost doesn't seem out of the ordinary.

In conjunction with his strength drop and his complaining about it is what I'm talking about. If he was just worried about losing fat it wouldn't be a big issue, but that's clearly not his only goal, which is what I was addressing.

The slower you drop fat the more you're gonna retain strength and size. Just my opinion though and what I'm currently doing actually. I'd rather drop a pound a month. So I'm in no rush. Lol.


Nice work! Weren't you having a lot of trouble losing even a pound? What did you figure out that finally got the fat loss going?

Yes actually I was! Carb cycling + significantly cutting back on crazy cheat meals did it. That's why I said no more all out cheat meals. If I'm going to have an unhealthy meal it will be like...a burger and fries from a restaurant.



Just had an opinion question: Why does it seem that so many of the posters in this thread takes the "strength" route of fitness? Not that there is anything wrong with it - and seriously, watching vids like Brolic's OHP is insanely impressive - but why the strength route and not aesthetics / overall health? Thanks!


Junior Member

Just had an opinion question: Why does it seem that so many of the posters in this thread takes the "strength" route of fitness? Not that there is anything wrong with it - and seriously, watching vids like Brolic's OHP is insanely impressive - but why the strength route and not aesthetics / overall health? Thanks!

Well in my opinion strength is a huge part of fitness and aesthetics aren't part of fitness at all.



Just had an opinion question: Why does it seem that so many of the posters in this thread takes the "strength" route of fitness? Not that there is anything wrong with it - and seriously, watching vids like Brolic's OHP is insanely impressive - but why the strength route and not aesthetics / overall health? Thanks!
I subscribe to the athletic aesthetic philosophy. I like to look like I lift, and I like to be functional/competitive. Plus I wanna compete in powerlifting but my si joint has put that off for the interim. It really comes down to priorities. Bodybuilding is more vain, strength training allows you to hit goals that dont require you to deprive yourself of food.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

Just had an opinion question: Why does it seem that so many of the posters in this thread takes the "strength" route of fitness? Not that there is anything wrong with it - and seriously, watching vids like Brolic's OHP is insanely impressive - but why the strength route and not aesthetics / overall health? Thanks!
Being stronger than most people and especially people your size is gratifying to me. That being said, I approach weightlifting with a 60/40 split leaning strength. It all come downs to preference. It's also harder diet wise to go the aesthetic route, so many say fuck it and don't beat themselves up over every calorie.
Man I'm 6'4" and sometimes I hate being tall when it comes to the gym. So much body to have to move around, especially pull ups :(. I'll never be good at them. I'm still carrying too much fat on me as well.
In conjunction with his strength drop and his complaining about it is what I'm talking about. If he was just worried about losing fat it wouldn't be a big issue, but that's clearly not his only goal, which is what I was addressing.

The slower you drop fat the more you're gonna retain strength and size. Just my opinion though and what I'm currently doing actually. I'd rather drop a pound a month. So I'm in no rush. Lol.

Gotcha. Yeah, I see where you are coming from.


Just had an opinion question: Why does it seem that so many of the posters in this thread takes the "strength" route of fitness? Not that there is anything wrong with it - and seriously, watching vids like Brolic's OHP is insanely impressive - but why the strength route and not aesthetics / overall health? Thanks!

I believe that Darth said that the guys who are more strength oriented are louder in this thread so there is one reason :p

Speaking for myself, my intentions when I first started were to have a slim body. Fitness models, people in the movies, etc. Like I really wanted a six pack. As I started to get closer and closer to my goal, I really liked seeing my lifting numbers go higher and higher. Plus, I got down to 185 or so and I just thought I looked terrible. There was no muscle to back up the weight. So basically I decided to focus more on strength and that is what got me to where I am now. I'm cutting down because I want to lose the fat and strength is taking a bit of a backseat atm. I want to look like I lift and have the numbers to back it up as well.


I believe that Darth said that the guys who are more strength oriented are louder in this thread so there is one reason :p

Pretty much this.

I follow the thread and it's interesting to read, but I can't really relate to much of it. Gaining strenght is enjoyable and satisfying, but ultimately it's still about aesthetics for me, and even looks wise I have no intentions of getting super bulky.

It's slightly amusing how you could get to a certain point strenght wise, take a small break and lose a lot of your gains. To sustain it you have to do it all the time, but doing it all the time will probably wear down your body and joints...which will potentially suck when you're 40 - 50 years old.,,,assuming you don't injure yourself before that.


Gotcha. Yeah, I see where you are coming from.

I believe that Darth said that the guys who are more strength oriented are louder in this thread so there is one reason :p

Speaking for myself, my intentions when I first started were to have a slim body. Fitness models, people in the movies, etc. Like I really wanted a six pack. As I started to get closer and closer to my goal, I really liked seeing my lifting numbers go higher and higher. Plus, I got down to 185 or so and I just thought I looked terrible. There was no muscle to back up the weight. So basically I decided to focus more on strength and that is what got me to where I am now. I'm cutting down because I want to lose the fat and strength is taking a bit of a backseat atm. I want to look like I lift and have the numbers to back it up as well.

Thanks man...and thanks to everyone who is responding. I'll admit it's extremely fun to pop in here and hear about peoples' PRs and the massive amounts of weights that everyone is putting up - and I do agree with 95% of what everyone says about routines and compounds etc. - but my goals are just so much different than the vocal people in here...

Side note: what do you guys think about my summer workout (weeks 1-4)...any changes / recommendations? I'm a week in and it's the most engaging workout I've ever done:

Day 1 - Chest: Warmup Cardio, BB Bench (4X5), Incline DB Press (3X8), Dip X Bosu Ball Pushup SS (3X12, 3X10), Low Cable Fly (8,5,3), OHP (4X5), Calves/Abs/HIIT

Day 2 - Back: Warmup Cardio, DL (8,5,3,1), Squat (4X5), Bentover Row (3X8), Pullups (100 < 10 minutes), Lat Pulldown Wide-Grip X Close Grip SS (3X8, 3X5), Calves/Abs/HIIT

Day 3- Shoulders: Warmup Cardio, OHP (4X5), Shrugs Drop Set (3X12,8,4), Cable Upright Row X Push Press SS (3X5, 3X8), Lateral Raise X Front Raise SS (3X5, 3X5), BB Bench (4X5), Calves/Abs/HIIT

Day 4 - Legs: Warmup Cardio, Squats, Stiffleg DL, Leg Press, Leg Raises, Hip Add/Ab (shhh), DL (4X5), Long Steady state Cardio

Day 5 - Arms: Warmup Cardio, Bicep Curls Drop Set (5X8,5,3), Concentration Curls (4X8), 21s, Close Grip BP (4X8), Tri Pull Down X Overhead Extension SS (3X8, 3X8), Cable Kickbacks (5X5), Calves/Abs/HIIT
It's slightly amusing how you could get to a certain point strenght wise, take a small break and lose a lot of your gains. To sustain it you have to do it all the time, but doing it all the time will probably wear down your body and joints...which will potentially suck when you're 40 - 50 years old.,,,assuming you don't injure yourself before that.

Only if you program like a fool and don't give your body time to recover. It takes a lot less to maintain than it does to build. That's when it goes from training to practice, if you will.

The gains from any kind of training, be it strength, pump, endurance, cycling, sprinting, you name it, will evaporate quickly if you stop cold turkey.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I subscribe to the athletic aesthetic philosophy. I like to look like I lift, and I like to be functional/competitive. Plus I wanna compete in powerlifting but my si joint has put that off for the interim. It really comes down to priorities. Bodybuilding is more vain, strength training allows you to hit goals that dont require you to deprive yourself of food.

I haven't done a regular deadlift in over 5 months... I can do RDL, DB or BB rows without any lower back pain. Rack pulls at the knees haven't bothered me too much. I was able to do snatch grip deficit DLs up to 200kg before without any pain too... Sometimes just tilting over the counter doing dishes or brushing my teeth and my lower back flares up. Squats don't bother my lower back.

I actually dream of deadlifting...then I wake up to this nightmare.

There is no reason to be alive if you can't do deadlift - Jon Pall Sigmarsson
Shitty day at gym, this cut is killin my strength and I didn't even lose any weight the last 2 weeks. Took a swelfie to try to make myself feel better




Just had an opinion question: Why does it seem that so many of the posters in this thread takes the "strength" route of fitness? Not that there is anything wrong with it - and seriously, watching vids like Brolic's OHP is insanely impressive - but why the strength route and not aesthetics / overall health? Thanks!
Even the best bodybuilders of the classic golden era were beasts in the weight room. Arnold built his physique on powerlifting and full body routines.


I haven't done a regular deadlift in over 5 months... I can do RDL, DB or BB rows without any lower back pain. Rack pulls at the knees haven't bothered me too much. I was able to do snatch grip deficit DLs up to 200kg before without any pain too... Sometimes just tilting over the counter doing dishes or brushing my teeth and my lower back flares up. Squats don't bother my lower back.

I actually dream of deadlifting...then I wake up to this nightmare.

There is no reason to be alive if you can't do deadlift - Jon Pall Sigmarsson

I know this feel brother. Snap city is not a fun place to be, accessory work around the lifts you actually want to do, bosu balls, balls foam rollers and bitch weights. Horrible fucking feeling. Have you had any luck with sumo deadlifts? I hear it's less strenuous on that joint.

*whistles sesame street theme song
>replaces sesame street with 'out of snap city'

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

Just had an opinion question: Why does it seem that so many of the posters in this thread takes the "strength" route of fitness? Not that there is anything wrong with it - and seriously, watching vids like Brolic's OHP is insanely impressive - but why the strength route and not aesthetics / overall health? Thanks!

I wanna be a big strong mofo. Aesthetics mean very little to me.

Also in my profession both staff and inmates alike respect strength.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I know this feel brother. Snap city is not a fun place to be, accessory work around the lifts you actually want to do, bosu balls, balls foam rollers and bitch weights. Horrible fucking feeling. Have you had any luck with sumo deadlifts? I hear it's less strenuous on that joint.

*whistles sesame street theme song
>replaces sesame street with 'out of snap city'

I've tried them but they felt too awkward so I didn't really give them a chance. Will give them another shot and see if I can nail down the form.


So last night I had a revelation: apparently I'm 230-235lbs (6'2), when I thought I was a maximum of around 215lbs, and according to a BMI calculator I am hovering around obesity. When I look at myself, I see that my face is slightly-somewhat pudgier than it used to be, and I've definitely developed a more prominent gut, but the last thing I think is "obese." Yes, over the past couple of years I've felt like whatever "compactness" I had was slowly slipping away (90% of this has occurred in the gut area), clothes don't fit me like they used to, I've gone from what was an already relatively high for me size 34 to a size 36 (slightly big, though, much more comfortable with a belt), etc. etc., but again...obese?

It's a limited revelation, but I still found it mind boggling. Apparently I'm barely learning what "obesity" truly is. It's a word, it's not necessarily looking outwardly overweight in your day to day life, it varies from person to person even if they share exactly the same BMI, and so on. I still have a lot of research to do on the subject, but what I find amazing is that I had no clue I was staring at obesity in the face every time I looked in a mirror.

Anyway, this revelation has sparked the beginnings of a lifestyle change. I've never had a consistent relationship with a gym, but that's a habit I plan on changing. I plan to radically change my diet. And I'm getting my first physical in about the better part of a decade this week (I'm 24, by the way). I'm looking forward to finding out what long term terrible habits have done to me, and finally forming a relationship with a physician.

Looking forward to the time I'll be spending in this thread, as well. :)


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
To avoid burning muscle while dieting, what's the most important thing, proteins or calories? Because I'm eating around 100gr if proteins per day (I'm 69kg so it should be enough?) but I read that I should eat something like 2000 calories not to burn muscles but it seems like a lot.


the piano man
Ok here's the results.

From early January to today.

congrats on being consistent with the weight loss, it's pretty damn hard. you look better

Thanks, it's pretty obvious I was a curl bro for a long time. Changing to compound lifts has helped my legs get bigger but man I need to do some more calves work

and it sure paid off! Your arms look great on you.

you know, the thing with arms in general is that even though they are kind of a tier B or C muscle in the bigger scheme of things, if you get them to a good size, they probably make the biggest impact on people.

you can show this pic to anybody and you could have basically no muscle anywhere else and people would never question that you lift big several times a week.


Just had an opinion question: Why does it seem that so many of the posters in this thread takes the "strength" route of fitness? Not that there is anything wrong with it - and seriously, watching vids like Brolic's OHP is insanely impressive - but why the strength route and not aesthetics / overall health? Thanks!

from what I gather here, bodybuilding is all about eating the right things and doing plenty of varied things with not a lot of emphasis on the actualy weight you are lifting. IMO, that can get old really fast.

Strength achievements are very exciting and can be quantified.

I love both but I have things I hate and things I love on both approaches:

With BB stuff, some pros are that you can get it done in a reasonable amount of time and I believe we are less prone to injury (in my case anyway), and there is no mental stress, you can time your rests between sets and if you are an obsessive with order, you can have a decent workout session in 1 hour or a bit more. some cons are that it feels like fucking around because doing all that isolation feels like mindlessly doing random stuff, sometimes... formcheck is not that much of a thing and many of the accesory exercises are meant to be done with low weight anyway,

With Strenght, pros are, besides getting stronger, that your body gets sturdiers and way more capable than with BB, you have to pay attention to detail, gotta be careful with form and know how to tackle weight, physically and mentally, it's exciting. Cons are that stars and planets have to align to have a "great" strength day, if you don't eat you are fucked, if you didn't sleep you are fucked, you have to take long rests between sets and give your body more rest days so it's less time at the gym, if you are an all-strength athlete. Mentally is a big challenge once you get intermediate, even a burden, if you are scared to increase the weight, then you are starting with the left foot.


To avoid burning muscle while dieting, what's the most important thing, proteins or calories? Because I'm eating around 100gr if proteins per day (I'm 69kg so it should be enough?) but I read that I should eat something like 2000 calories not to burn muscles but it seems like a lot.

Proteins. I lower my kcals all the time when on a cut, but i always lower my fat/carbs while keeping my proteins the highest.

I haven't done a regular deadlift in over 5 months... I can do RDL, DB or BB rows without any lower back pain. Rack pulls at the knees haven't bothered me too much. I was able to do snatch grip deficit DLs up to 200kg before without any pain too... Sometimes just tilting over the counter doing dishes or brushing my teeth and my lower back flares up. Squats don't bother my lower back.

I actually dream of deadlifting...then I wake up to this nightmare.

There is no reason to be alive if you can't do deadlift - Jon Pall Sigmarsson

Have you tried doing some foam rolls? A few months ago i randomly started getting a sharp pain in my lower back.
I never stretched in my life so i started doing that in combination with foam rolling and now i can move freely again.


My muscle endurance is so bad right now, I'm not really surprised considering I haven't been able to do a lot of volume the last few months but damn is the drop off steep.


I remember when Brolic explained his OHP technique from hand placement to ass engaging. It really made sense to get the lower core into it.

I'm confident you'll get there. I remember one the moments when I'm doing 135. I remember someone standing near me waiting for the squat rack. Probably figured I was just going to warm up with back squats. Once I grip the bar, they probably thought that I'm doing front squats.

The moment I press the weight over my head is when their mind says "WTF is this shit?"


This video helped me a lot to learn the form: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMAiNQJ6FPc


So last night I had a revelation: apparently I'm 230-235lbs (6'2), when I thought I was a maximum of around 215lbs, and according to a BMI calculator I am hovering around obesity. When I look at myself, I see that my face is slightly-somewhat pudgier than it used to be, and I've definitely developed a more prominent gut, but the last thing I think is "obese." Yes, over the past couple of years I've felt like whatever "compactness" I had was slowly slipping away (90% of this has occurred in the gut area), clothes don't fit me like they used to, I've gone from what was an already relatively high for me size 34 to a size 36 (slightly big, though, much more comfortable with a belt), etc. etc., but again...obese?

It's a limited revelation, but I still found it mind boggling. Apparently I'm barely learning what "obesity" truly is. It's a word, it's not necessarily looking outwardly overweight in your day to day life, it varies from person to person even if they share exactly the same BMI, and so on. I still have a lot of research to do on the subject, but what I find amazing is that I had no clue I was staring at obesity in the face every time I looked in a mirror.

Anyway, this revelation has sparked the beginnings of a lifestyle change. I've never had a consistent relationship with a gym, but that's a habit I plan on changing. I plan to radically change my diet. And I'm getting my first physical in about the better part of a decade this week (I'm 24, by the way). I'm looking forward to finding out what long term terrible habits have done to me, and finally forming a relationship with a physician.

Looking forward to the time I'll be spending in this thread, as well. :)

Hey man, good luck to you! You sound like you're in pretty much the same situation I was in back in 2008. Weight gain just crept up on me, and all of a sudden I was 215 "not good" pounds, and I'm 5'11". That was right when I was getting married, as well. The wedding photos made me feel terrible, so I made it my goal to shape up. I didn't really know what I was doing as far as fitness back then, or really I just didn't know how to go about it efficiently, so it took a bit longer to lose the weight than it should have, but I got it off eventually.
GAF is a great community, though (I didn't know about this place at that point), so you should probably have an easier time than I did. Definitely look at your diet, like you said. I was eating too many DiGiorno pizzas and drinking too many beers. Cutting out the DiGiornos and..ahem...reducing the beers, I'm sure, helped quite a bit. I did a lot of cardio, and like I said, the weight did come off, but now that I know a bit more, I would probably recommend a combination of weight training and HIIT type exercises. Sprinting, or an "Insanity" type workout, should do you well. That's just my thinking, though...Other people here are way more informed, and might have better suggestions.

And remember, pay more attention to the mirror than the scale!
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