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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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The Muscle Mesa

The Swole Shop

The Gains Garage

I dunno man I tried

Tetanus Gym


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That feeling when your 3 year old rides his bike without training wheels for the first time. Swelling pride. :)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

I finally upped my overhead press for the first time in God knows how long. I've been at stuck at 80 lbs. forever, and even the last time I did so, I was barely able to finish all my sets. Today, I decided to go ahead and jump to 90 lbs. (for whatever reason), and amazingly enough, I was able to succeed! For some reason it felt about as heavy as the 80 lbs. one.

Sorry, great progression. But all I could think of....


but for real, that's some good progress man


I finally upped my overhead press for the first time in God knows how long. I've been at stuck at 80 lbs. forever, and even the last time I did so, I was barely able to finish all my sets. Today, I decided to go ahead and jump to 90 lbs. (for whatever reason), and amazingly enough, I was able to succeed! For some reason it felt about as heavy as the 80 lbs. one.


Now time to do 100!


I was just reading this about bulking.
Is this true?


The most striking part of the article to me.
If you're gaining more than three pounds per month, you might be adding fat. If you're gaining a lot more than three pounds (like 5-7 per month), reduce the caloric intake.

In short

• Don't get fat. In my opinion, no man needs to be above 10% body fat, and getting there isn't that hard. It can take time if you carry a lot of fat, but every man can get there and maintain this level.

• You can't bully your body into adding more muscle simply by overeating.

• You can limit your rate of gain by not ingesting enough nutrients. So adding good food if you're lacking in that department will help you gain muscle faster, but past a certain point, continuing to jack up calories will only make you fatter.

• Have realistic expectations. You won't gain 20 pounds of muscle in three months, not even in six months. Gaining 1.5 to 2 pounds of muscle per month is the most you can expect. And for most, gaining more than ten pounds of solid muscle per year (once they're past the beginner stage) will be very rare. However, gain 5-7 pounds per year for ten years straight and you'll be one huge beast!

• Being lean makes it easier to stay lean and to gain muscle through better nutrient partitioning. Getting fatter makes it easier to gain more fat and harder to lose it.

• Trying to gain muscle mass should never be a justification for eating crap. If you want to eat a junk diet, at least have the decency to admit it's because you like your food too much to give it up. Don't try to pass it off as a "bulking diet." Pizzas, Big Macs, and donuts don't have higher anabolic properties than clean food!


I was just reading this about bulking.
Is this true?


The most striking part of the article to me.


Although the numbers are probably even lower than that unless you're a beginner. I'd say around 2lbs per month is the optimal speed for most people if you want to limit fat accumulation.

Though the 10% bf rule is a bit strict. More like 15% bodyfat (according to Lyle McDonald).


Can't find the link to it now, by Tim Ferris (Author of 4 hour body), yes I know, but he linked to a study that showed the belief that the body can't absorb over a certain amiunt of protein in one go is BS.
Actually, found it:
http://www.sharecare.com/health/protein-diet-nutrient/how-much-protein-eat-meal no sources though, if you want I can check in my own copy of the book and find them

It's not saying that you won't absorb the protein after certain amount. The article I linked says that the anabolic response maxes out at a certain point and eating more protein at that time won't increase the response. The anabolic response and ingestion are two different things.

So as far as I understand, for ingestion it doesn't matter if you eat all your protein at once or spread it out. For anabolic response it's better to spread it out a bit. Though I'm not sure how critical it is. Probably not too much.

I think the most interesting part of the article was the info about how manufacturers manipulate and spike the protein content up by adding "worthless" amino acids. And how BCAA's are made from animal fur..


Blew through all my PRs today, MCTs(medium chain triglycerides) + creatine are a hell of an energy source. I started getting a runners high when DLing.

Try it: Coconut milk + creatine + whatever you want, 15-20 mins before working out. Your body needs an energy source in order to absorb creatine with, and it takes roughly 30 minutes to kick in. Sugars are absorbed too fast, and may spike your blood sugar too much, so if you take the creatine with a regular shake the absorption isn't as good, unless you continue sugary stuff 30 minutes later.

In contrast, MCTs give you a pretty solid and steady energy source over a moderate period of time, and since they don't require bile salts for digestion, they don't take any energy to digest. They also don't really change your insulin levels.

Thus, those of you who are fasting before working out might want to consider coconut milk/oil as an energy source.

The way I see it, fasting confers 2 main advantages:

1. Your body isn't spending any energy digesting, and no blood is being shunted to the GI system.
2. You avoid the period of elevated insulin levels which happen shortly after eating, which fuck with your blood glucose levels when you are lifting. Thus, if you have a good glucose metabolism, you will be able to generate more energy for your lifts than otherwise.

MCTs maintain both of these advantages, while also providing you an energy source, so you can have the best of both worlds. (In addition, Creatine is also an energy source)


Imma give you a real talk, and it's the same talk I give people that sit in front of me for consults.

Look, Tabasco, I get it. You've got outside responsibilities. You've got work. You've got life. The goal is to spend the minimal amount of time in the gym as possible because it interferes with all your other stuff.

Here's the facts though:

1. I can't make you do the right things. If now isn't the time that you actually want to dedicate some of that time you invest in everything else to actually do something for yourself, then now isn't the time. I've not your boss.
2. I can tell you how to get where you want to. But you're going to have to be uncomfortable with some of the things I tell you. Because you've allowed yourself to get into this shape, you've adapted to it, and you're going to have to rethink everything you've been doing.
3. There is no quick or easy fix. It's gonna take time. You don't live in the biggest loser household.

That being said, running is not going to get you where you want to go. I could type you up an essay on how fast twitch, slow twitch, and satellite cells work. I could break down metabolism and it's factor in weight loss. But, I'm not going to. I AM going to tell you that if all it took was to run a lot, the best looking people in the world would be Ironmen, and they're not.

You're gonna have to lift. That's gonna have to be the foun-damn-dation of what you do. If it's running, you will fail.

Specifically, Tabasco, based on what you've told me, you need to be doing base line barbell work and start eating like a pro, and not like a lazy person. That's it. It'll be hard, but it'll get you there. Eventually, but it's still a lot of work. If you really care, I can point you to the resources on how to do it (the OP). If you just want me to get you all hyped up that you, alone, somehow found the dirty fitness secret that nobody else knows, you've come to the wrong place.

Seriously, stop eating crap and lift more. We could spend all day going into how many Macros you need and all that crap, but if you just start eating better quality food and lift, you'll see a hell of a lot of improvements over time and can do more detail oriented stuff later.
Wow man, this post is really something.

Thank you for the response. I didn't realize that lifting weights is that important if it's true. I was considering quitting my gym membership but I guess I'll keep it? The only problem is that when I go to my gym I don't get access to the equipment when I show up because of other people using them, so I don't know how to get around this problem.

The only thing I can think of diet is that I have a theory of eating just grilled chicken and veggies for an entire month and see how it goes. Is the frozen stuff any good to eat? I could cook it myself and prepare it for each day of the week.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I was reading one of the links that someone posted from Strong Lifts, and was curious about this:

4. Deload. Instead of Squatting the same weight all the time and hoping for it to get easier, take weight off the bar and gradually increase it each workout. So let’s say you just can’t get over 225lb. Well instead of lifting that weight all the time (which, as I explained inside the 5×5 report, would make you weaker), you lower the weight by 20% and add 5lb every time you go to the gym.

Someone explain the bolded to me. Why would you get weaker lifting the same amount of weight as opposed to lifting slightly less (10% or whatever).

Variants of hanging leg raises.
Windshield wipers.
Crunches with a plate/DB above your head.
DB/Plate side bends.

Always try to hit them as hard as possible, doing a 1000 crunches isn't gonna do shit. Hit them the same as you do with all the other muscle groups.

I do weighted decline situps (with the weight behind my head) and hanging leg raises.

How many times a week should I work those out?


I was reading one of the links that someone posted from Strong Lifts, and was curious about this:

Someone explain the bolded to me. Why would you get weaker lifting the same amount of weight as opposed to lifting slightly less (10% or whatever).

The way I understand the bolded is that if you (=your body) NEED to deload but you won't do it, you will continue pushing in to the red so to speak and eventually burn out. And if/when you burn out, you will become weaker because your CNS is fried. So when you can't push any further, deload. It will give your body/CNS rest it needs.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The way I understand the bolded is that if you (=your body) NEED to deload but you won't do it, you will continue pushing in to the red so to speak and eventually burn out. And if/when you burn out, you will become weaker because your CNS is fried. So when you can't push any further, deload. It will give your body/CNS rest it needs.

Sounds like it makes sense, but aren't you supposed to keep pushing your body to the limit all the time? Isn't that how you grow muscle, with progressive overload and all that?


Sounds like it makes sense, but aren't you supposed to keep pushing your body to the limit all the time? Isn't that how you grow muscle, with progressive overload and all that?

Yes of course but we are not talking abou that. You need to keep pushing and increasing weight but if you hit a brick wall (and you eventually will), you might need to go back a bit (=deload) so you can get some speed and get over the wall. Not sure if that's a good analogy but that's how it usually works.

With deloading is there a risk of losing muscle?

Maybe if you are in a caloric deficit and/or deload for too long. Not likely though.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
With deloading is there a risk of losing muscle?
A deload is a temporary drop in the intensity or volume of training without ceasing training altogether. So no, it's highly unlikely.


I was reading one of the links that someone posted from Strong Lifts, and was curious about this:

Someone explain the bolded to me. Why would you get weaker lifting the same amount of weight as opposed to lifting slightly less (10% or whatever).

How many times a week should I work those out?

If you've never done abs in a heavy way, i would start at one time a week. You should be feeling your abs the next day and maybe even the day after. If not, you can try twice a week (monday-thursday).

splitting it up over the course of the day and limiting the amount i have portion tends to work for me.

prefer variation in my meals as opposed to a lot of one thing. means I'm not paying more just to shit out things I don't really want to eat or enjoy in large quantities.

Yes the best way to make good money as stated below is to advertise on craigslist or even start talking to people in your neighborhood. Ideally it would be great to get people that already go to your gym, even better if you go to a gym like Equinox or NYSC and have the all access pass where you can go to all the branches.


Wow man, this post is really something.

Thank you for the response. I didn't realize that lifting weights is that important if it's true. I was considering quitting my gym membership but I guess I'll keep it? The only problem is that when I go to my gym I don't get access to the equipment when I show up because of other people using them, so I don't know how to get around this problem.

The only thing I can think of diet is that I have a theory of eating just grilled chicken and veggies for an entire month and see how it goes. Is the frozen stuff any good to eat? I could cook it myself and prepare it for each day of the week.
Yes, lifting really is that important. It's the most important thing anybody can do in order to have the stereotypical aesthetic look.

Frozen veggies are fine, frozen meat is fine. Frozen, pre-prepared, meals are not. If you're serious, ease into it. Five small meals a day with a little bit (like, 20g) of protein each meal works as a base line. Eat around, say, 20 almonds a day to get a small amount of good fats. Eat lots of veggies. This works.

In terms of your problem with working out, I really don't know what to tell you. Starting Strength only requires a squat rack and a bench. If those are always taken up, maybe come later or workout before work.


Cheers..deload I shall!

Yes the best way to make good money as stated below is to advertise on craigslist or even start talking to people in your neighborhood. Ideally it would be great to get people that already go to your gym, even better if you go to a gym like Equinox or NYSC and have the all access pass where you can go to all the branches.

Wrong person quoted??
running my summer cut right now and am super pleased, went from 182 to 178 in 3 weeks, the head trainer at my gym took my skin folds 3 weeks ago and again yesterday as well, I went from 14.2% body fat to 12.4%. 1.8% of 182 is 3.3 lbs, which means that almost all of my cut has been bodyfat with no muscle loss. I'm running a really clean diet right now, 1 cheat day every 2 weeks, and supplementing with a pretty decent dose (pre- and intra workout) of leucine and it's metabolites such as HICA and HMB, just to see if they truly did keep you from going catabolic. From the looks of it, seems to be working great. Just thought I would share.

Pete Rock

Is it because I have short arms? Great, one more defect to be self-conscious about
I'm not sure, but I can tell you I really like doing shrugs with the trap bar. You have to start it like a strict deadlift, once you're in standing position it just feels so good. However I don't do that weird and seemingly dangerous "rolling" motion with my shoulders, it's just all traps up and down, then I let it back down slowly and drop it the last few inches so it doesn't bounce too violently. Your precious bits will be in the clear, that much I can guarantee.
I'm not sure, but I can tell you I really like doing shrugs with the trap bar. You have to start it like a strict deadlift, once you're in standing position it just feels so good. However I don't do that weird and seemingly dangerous "rolling" motion with my shoulders, it's just all traps up and down, then I let it back down slowly and drop it the last few inches so it doesn't bounce too violently. Your precious bits will be in the clear, that much I can guarantee.

AHHH, I don't think my gym has that kind of bar. That and a proper parallel bar must the only things missing there, damn

Pete Rock

AHHH, I don't think my gym has that kind of bar. That and a proper parallel bar must the only things missing there, damn
God Dayumm indeed! You could do them with heavy DBs, but I would set them up high on blocks so you don't have to dip down so low to scoop them up. I used to do them this way, but once I got past 100 lbs per DB I really didn't like independently pulling them out of the rack and putting them back, that part was more stressful on my low back than the rest of the procedure.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

How to do shrugs without the bar bumping with my dick? Is it ok if I lean forward a little?
Happens to me also. I don't do BB shrugs because of it. There are so many different types of shrugs it really doesn't matter. I like behind the back Smith machine shrugs a lot.


How many times a week should I work those out?

I do them either once or twice a week, I only do a couple of sets and it's still enough to destroy my abs. I usually do ab work after I do squats, because I never want my core to be weak/sore when I squat. I don't worry too much about ab isolation because pretty much all major compound lifts hit the core in some way.

Happens to me also. I don't do BB shrugs because of it. There are so many different types of shrugs it really doesn't matter. I like behind the back Smith machine shrugs a lot.

LMAO, I could never get comfortable with BB shrugs for the same reason! I liked doing DB shrugs. Does wonders for my grip strength too.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Anyone else ever psych themselves out of a lift? I was attempting deadlifts last night, just 5 pounds more than last time, and I've done single reps of a little more before, but I only got two reps total, like 10 minutes apart. I don't think I was especially tired or anything, maybe I was just overthinking it, or scared of the weight, I dunno. All I know is I probably looked like a jackass standing there in the starting position over the barbell for ten minutes without actually attempting any lifting (aside from those two reps which ended up being little problem). Funny how much of a mental game lifting can be...


My backs been feeling really good lately so i hope to squat and dead in a few weeks. I think im gonna pull the trigger on one of those inzer forever lever belts. Anybody here have experience with them? Lifetime guarantee if it breaks right?


Anyone else ever psych themselves out of a lift? I was attempting deadlifts last night, just 5 pounds more than last time, and I've done single reps of a little more before, but I only got two reps total, like 10 minutes apart. I don't think I was especially tired or anything, maybe I was just overthinking it, or scared of the weight, I dunno. All I know is I probably looked like a jackass standing there in the starting position over the barbell for ten minutes without actually attempting any lifting (aside from those two reps which ended up being little problem). Funny how much of a mental game lifting can be...
Happens to me from to time. I do the same thing. It can take me 10 minutes in between my working squat sets. I have no problem letting people work in with me for that reason. But shit, even if I were to get one rep after that, no fucks given, people can wait.


So, after a LOT of applications, call backs, interviews, and just not feeling right with what's come across my table, I finally have two, real deal, solid job opportunities. As a bleeding heart pussy liberal feminazi American hating terrorist, both companies I despise. But, a playas gotta have scratch for preworkouts, so fuck it. My soul does have a price.

The first, which I'm not excited about but is 100% stable and right up my alley is Tech Support, possibly supervision, for Comcast/NBC. Stable pay, solid benefits, and 40 hours a week with opportunities for overtime. Good stuff.

The second, which makes me really pumped, is a line technician for AT&T. Solid pay, benefits, all that. What really got me excited though, oddly enough, was the testing. 50 mechanical and spacial based questions. Being able to use my brain and work outside is great! Plus, when they ask "can you lift 80 lbs. repeatedly," I'll be able to just stare at them instead of answering the question.

Both companies do tuition reimbursement, which is something I desperately want right now because I'm going to just buckle down and get a degree. I'm almost 29, I'm pretty sure I'm grown enough to do it. And, I hate myself enough that the idea of learning both Spanish and Chinese seems like a smart decision.

I'm tellin' ya, chest and arm hypertrophy day, makes shit happen.


Im curious about this aswell.

I'm of the mindset that it does, however not due to really the gaining and losing of weight but more to HOW one gains and loses weight.

Remember, bodybuilders don't count the world of healthy physique. Generally, a bulk is done very dirty on a lot of steroids. Followed by a cut using.... a lot of steroids. Now, steroids, all things considered, aren't REALLY that bad (yes, you read that correctly). Deca is given to AIDS patients. Anavar and Dinabol are given to cancer patients. However, besides their unique side effects, they're not designed to be cycled off and on for, well, ever. There a crutch for people in a hot spot and then need to be gently taken off of.

I'm not entirely confident that a peer reviewed, double blind, study has been done on a group of people over an extended period of time showing a bulk/cutting cycle, without steroid use, actually causes a reduction in years lived. Especially if it's just done with straight clean food.

That being said, having a massive amount of muscle tissue can add stress to the heart that, if not strong enough, could be eventually fatal, but I've seen plenty of ripped old folks so I'm not sure how detrimental that is.

Besides, I wanna be dead and shredded by 60 anyways.


It's not saying that you won't absorb the protein after certain amount. The article I linked says that the anabolic response maxes out at a certain point and eating more protein at that time won't increase the response. The anabolic response and ingestion are two different things.

So as far as I understand, for ingestion it doesn't matter if you eat all your protein at once or spread it out. For anabolic response it's better to spread it out a bit. Though I'm not sure how critical it is. Probably not too much.

I think the most interesting part of the article was the info about how manufacturers manipulate and spike the protein content up by adding "worthless" amino acids. And how BCAA's are made from animal fur..

That's BS. Show me a study that shows eating protein throughout the day is better anabolic than consuming in larger chunks.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That's BS. Show me a study that shows eating protein throughout the day is better anabolic than consuming in larger chunks.

So what do you think the body does with the excess protein that you just dumped into it? Sets it aside for processing later on? If that were the case, then how big can this repository get? If it's always going to just save it for later, wouldn't it then be a good idea to consume as much protein as possible at all times, since none of it will go to waste?


That's BS. Show me a study that shows eating protein throughout the day is better anabolic than consuming in larger chunks.


As a matter of fact, IF works on the the very principle that the quantity of your macros is what matters as opposed to the timing. In so much as if you can cram everything you need to eat in a 4 hour window, you'll be doing better.

Personally speaking, I've had more success doing my macros in 5-6 meals a day as I'm never hungry and I've always had success with that. However, I know for a fact IF works and, if your body could only absorb x amount of protein due to the anabolic yada yada, IF would be a crock of shit.

And, turns out, it's not.

So what do you think the body does with the excess protein that you just dumped into it? Sets it aside for processing later on? If that were the case, then how big can this repository get? If it's always going to just save it for later, wouldn't it then be a good idea to consume as much protein as possible at all times, since none of it will go to waste?

Your body takes what it consumes and uses it for what it needs to.

If it has no need for the excess protein, you shit it out. However, if it has use for it, it will be used. Whether you worked out last night or this morning. You'd be surprised how long it takes for you to truly enter a fasted state or for you body to just flat give up and say " fuck it, dump the proteins, we can repair them."


That's BS. Show me a study that shows eating protein throughout the day is better anabolic than consuming in larger chunks.

I'm not gonna try to dig any studies for you, I have better things to do. I'm just going by what Dr. Layne Norton has said. I'd think he knows what he's talking about.

Also just to make sure. I'm not saying that eating six meals a day is somehow inherently superior than for example three meals a day. I eat three meals a day and I think you should eat how many/few meals as you like. It doesn't make that much difference. I was just clarifying to others what the article I posted was saying ie. there is probably a maximal anabolic response you can get from protein at a given time but it's not related to how much you can ingest.
Protein absorption is in dispute, I'm sure you can find studies that support both sides, and both of them make logical sense. It's one of the criticisms against IF. But it works, so yeah.

Too bad I don't have access to journals, are there free sources that are not just cryptic abstracts?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What does "IF works" even mean? Of course working out and eating food works. Isn't the whole discussion about different levels of efficiency?

We obviously don't have any controlled studies that specifically look at the efficiency of different diets paired with weight lifting when it comes to muscle building, so all we can really do is speculate. It's even more confounded when you have so many different individual variables.

Too bad I don't have access to journals, are there free sources that are not just cryptic abstracts?

Befriend a doctor who has access.
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