Well on a conceptual level I was being sincere, if admittedly befuddled. I do not know the specifics of these scenarios but I am assuming a situation without direct contact ie being on stage/cam doing a strip routine, fucking a grapefruit, whatever - while feeling sexy about yourself.
Is there a perceivable difference on the part of the observer if you are into yourself 110% as opposed to literally enjoying them groveling at your feet?
Particularly in the context of super skinny or super fat people who see you as an idol by default, on a personal level it seems like the "relationship" is already so internalized on their end that whatever you feel about them is irrelevant so long as you love yourself and radiate self-esteem that they lack.
Part of this line of thought is based on my own experience doing amateur open stage performances and part if it is based on presumptions. There has to be a certain suspension of disbelief on behalf of those who would consistently patronize or support those types of performers simply based on the knowledge that they probably don't have the same sexual orientation or interests as you do.
I recall consistently hearing this a few times in Vegas at a strip club, there was at least a handful who would cynically observe the proceedings and then say quite loudly to their friend "oh honey stop giving him your money you know he is straight anyways, all the good looking ones are".
I understand if we don't want to continue this line of conversation, curiosity just gets the best of me and other performers are generally the only folks I can have this conversation with in "real life".
Due to the shot orientation and cropping I can't see the important part which would be your lower posterior chain and your foot position. But based on what I can see I would say you need to focus on packing your neck and really keeping your chin tucked in. Upper cervical extension does absolutely nothing to pull the bar up and is really only something I see recommended as a high bar cue if at all. At the rep between :48-56 you can literally see the bar roll away from your hips and towards your neck because you aren't pulling your chest up. This becomes more exaggerated for the last two reps as the form is breaking down at this point and is obviously where the bar path is deviating from proper travel most aggressively.
For me the chest stays proud due to two cues, neck packed and long (think of pulling "up" at the crown of your head instead of forcing your chin down) and solid relative to the rest of my spine for the whole lift with elbows back and up to create that meat shelf at the low bar position.
It could also be that the bar is slightly high or low, I recall Rip saying that if it is too high it will creep and roll up and if it is too low it will creep or roll down towards your hips, so that may be an issue as well but it is hard to say due to the plates occluding that part of your anatomy from this perspective.