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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Hey GAF, my mum's been talking crazy shit about my weight. I am not remotely fat, but I have put on a bit of weight and I am getting tits that would make Rick Ross and Pamela Anderson jealous. I am not crazy about changing my diet, however i plan to exercise more. Let's hope to see me go from 120 KG to 85 KG or so (I am 6 foot 2).

That's a pretty meaningful chunk of weight. Good luck to you sir.


Hah! I've always had this odd dream of being a bouncer. I think I just like the stand in front of the bar arms folded part, not kick people out part.

Just stare at each person walking by with an intimidating scowl while saying, "Enjoy it in there man, awesome DJ in there tonight"


It looks like this, is it kyphotic posture? I'm almost certain this causes shoulder and arm pain when I squat.

Sorry for the late response, I typed one on my phone but it didn't go through.

I consider that kyphotic posture; I use bad posture and kyphotic posture interchangeably. A day or two ago I posted a YouTube link to Brandon Campbell's video "Fixing Shoulder Issues", specifically for the squat. You should give that a watch since that will most likely help you alleviate your shoulder pain while squatting. Not only will doing what he suggested help alleviate the shoulder pain, it'll promote better posture. So what I would recommend to improve posture (in addition to what's done in the video) is to do band pull-aparts using a resistance band and work on thoracic spine mobility.
I've done band pull-aparts (during my warm-up) and work on my thoracic spine mobility (every morning) ever since I started lifting ~10 months ago and I only started stretching my pec some more. My posture definitely got better.
Another GAF user posted about how stretching his pec minor has been a game changer for his shoulder not too long ago.

I hope this helped.


Tonight's dinner, course 1 of 2:


- bison
- quinoa
- greens + greens
- onions
- shrooms
- eggs + eggs + eggs
- siracha :D
Well on a conceptual level I was being sincere, if admittedly befuddled. I do not know the specifics of these scenarios but I am assuming a situation without direct contact ie being on stage/cam doing a strip routine, fucking a grapefruit, whatever - while feeling sexy about yourself.

Is there a perceivable difference on the part of the observer if you are into yourself 110% as opposed to literally enjoying them groveling at your feet?

Particularly in the context of super skinny or super fat people who see you as an idol by default, on a personal level it seems like the "relationship" is already so internalized on their end that whatever you feel about them is irrelevant so long as you love yourself and radiate self-esteem that they lack.

Part of this line of thought is based on my own experience doing amateur open stage performances and part if it is based on presumptions. There has to be a certain suspension of disbelief on behalf of those who would consistently patronize or support those types of performers simply based on the knowledge that they probably don't have the same sexual orientation or interests as you do.

I recall consistently hearing this a few times in Vegas at a strip club, there was at least a handful who would cynically observe the proceedings and then say quite loudly to their friend "oh honey stop giving him your money you know he is straight anyways, all the good looking ones are".

I understand if we don't want to continue this line of conversation, curiosity just gets the best of me and other performers are generally the only folks I can have this conversation with in "real life".

Due to the shot orientation and cropping I can't see the important part which would be your lower posterior chain and your foot position. But based on what I can see I would say you need to focus on packing your neck and really keeping your chin tucked in. Upper cervical extension does absolutely nothing to pull the bar up and is really only something I see recommended as a high bar cue if at all. At the rep between :48-56 you can literally see the bar roll away from your hips and towards your neck because you aren't pulling your chest up. This becomes more exaggerated for the last two reps as the form is breaking down at this point and is obviously where the bar path is deviating from proper travel most aggressively.

For me the chest stays proud due to two cues, neck packed and long (think of pulling "up" at the crown of your head instead of forcing your chin down) and solid relative to the rest of my spine for the whole lift with elbows back and up to create that meat shelf at the low bar position.

It could also be that the bar is slightly high or low, I recall Rip saying that if it is too high it will creep and roll up and if it is too low it will creep or roll down towards your hips, so that may be an issue as well but it is hard to say due to the plates occluding that part of your anatomy from this perspective.
Thanks a lot for the form advice. Yea the last 2 reps I was struggling that's why I was lifting my head up. I'll try to post a vid with the right angle because my phone was placed on a weight rack


Hey GAF, my mum's been talking crazy shit about my weight. I am not remotely fat, but I have put on a bit of weight and I am getting tits that would make Rick Ross and Pamela Anderson jealous. I am not crazy about changing my diet, however i plan to exercise more. Let's hope to see me go from 120 KG to 85 KG or so (I am 6 foot 2).

Yeah... you're not gonna lose 35 kg on exercise alone. Not a chance. You need to change your eating habits as well.


Sorry for the late response, I typed one on my phone but it didn't go through.

I consider that kyphotic posture; I use bad posture and kyphotic posture interchangeably. A day or two ago I posted a YouTube link to Brandon Campbell's video "Fixing Shoulder Issues", specifically for the squat. You should give that a watch since that will most likely help you alleviate your shoulder pain while squatting. Not only will doing what he suggested help alleviate the shoulder pain, it'll promote better posture. So what I would recommend to improve posture (in addition to what's done in the video) is to do band pull-aparts using a resistance band and work on thoracic spine mobility.
I've done band pull-aparts (during my warm-up) and work on my thoracic spine mobility (every morning) ever since I started lifting ~10 months ago and I only started stretching my pec some more. My posture definitely got better.
Another GAF user posted about how stretching his pec minor has been a game changer for his shoulder not too long ago.

I hope this helped.
Thanks for the advice, this will be extremely useful for me as the shoulder pain was something that kept nagging at me while squatting.


You're not "remotely fat" yet you're at 265 pounds for a 6'2 guy? I'm guessing from your comment on your chest that you're far from all muscle. By all standards, you're morbidly obese. Don't do it for your mother, do it for your health. Which is also why she's worried I'm guessing.

My BMI might say I am obese but If you saw me in a shirt or t-shirt you would say I was of average build.


My BMI might say I am obese but If you saw me in a shirt or t-shirt you would say I was of average build.

Unless you have a ton of muscle BMI is a pretty good indicator.

125kg at your height is a lot. Also many fat people look "average" with a shirt on. Or atleast think they do. I was skinnyfat for a long time. Looked average with clothes on but damn I was fat.

Also I suggest not to trust the mirror with these things. Your mind can play tricks on you. I suggest to take a picture and look at that because then you can see how you really look.


when will it be my turn for cuts?


i had a tuna sandwich with colby cheese and hot sauce, it was delicious
You, good sir, are a piece of hot meat.

My BMI might say I am obese but If you saw me in a shirt or t-shirt you would say I was of average build.
Can we have a photo of you then?

Also I need to add that we are not trying to sound harsh or unreasonable - we are actually trying to help you.

I would recommend you to go through your diet. I am not saying to totally change it, but at least be aware what you are eating and think how much and what kind of food you actually need. Perhaps keep a food diary for a week or so. If you want, we could go it through with you and see if there is some easy things to change that wouldn't feel too much.


Tonight's dinner, course 1 of 2:


- bison
- quinoa
- greens + greens
- onions
- shrooms
- eggs + eggs + eggs
- siracha :D

Looks freakin delicious

when will it be my turn for cuts?


i had a tuna sandwich with colby cheese and hot sauce, it was delicious

Swoltastic dude

Benched 315 for 1 today. Current weight <170. Daps all around brothers.

That's what's up, and at 170 no less!


You, good sir, are a piece of hot meat.

Can we have a photo of you then?

Also I need to add that we are not trying to sound harsh or unreasonable - we are actually trying to help you.

I would recommend you to go through your diet. I am not saying to totally change it, but at least be aware what you are eating and think how much and what kind of food you actually need. Perhaps keep a food diary for a week or so. If you want, we could go it through with you and see if there is some easy things to change that wouldn't feel too much.

I'll see if I can take a picture without my face.



Finally lost most of my bulk bloat and my abs are coming back again, still the lack of energy compared to my bulk takes some getting used to.
dooood lookin BEEFY!!

holy shit dude, would also hire for security

I see delt arm separation FE! Well on your way big guy.



Gotdamn SwollenEdge


You, good sir, are a piece of hot meat.

Can we have a photo of you then?

Also I need to add that we are not trying to sound harsh or unreasonable - we are actually trying to help you.

I would recommend you to go through your diet. I am not saying to totally change it, but at least be aware what you are eating and think how much and what kind of food you actually need. Perhaps keep a food diary for a week or so. If you want, we could go it through with you and see if there is some easy things to change that wouldn't feel too much.

Looks freakin delicious

Swoltastic dude

That's what's up, and at 170 no less!

Thanks for all the love peeps! Greatly appreciated! Getting there and coming back from NYC and the wrestling show has got me motivated and excited. CAN'T WAIT.
Decided to experiment with 4 sets of 9 rather than 3 sets of 5.

Obviously lifted less overall weight per rep, but I feel like my body is responding really well to it.

So I'm going to experiment with two higher rep workouts (full body) followed by one lower rep (strength) and see what my gains are like.


Yeah, I'm hooked to my new training template after all the tweaks. Gives me the volume I love when I wanna kill it in the gym but the flex ability to just max out and bail when I don't want to spend an hour training.
What's the latest you guys have ever worked out? Like at a gym.

11 PM. Most gyms I have ever been to closed by 10 but one campus gym of mine used to stay open until midnight.

If I were single and had a nice 24-hour gym, I'd totally be up for some middle of the night lifting sessions. There's something calming about deadlifting when you know most of the country is busy sleeping, and then you go outside and the world is quiet, still, and dark. I like 5 AM lifting for this reason.


What's the latest you guys have ever worked out? Like at a gym.
I lifted after 11pm once, I forget why, I just remember that I was pretty much by myself in the gym. Maybe a couple people on treadmills and the night staff.

On the early side of things I've trained at 3:30am on a lunch break. Early or late really becomes a matter of perspective at that time of night.
i just realized ive been lifting fairly regularly for about a year and half now and ive yet to do a 1 rep max for my bench

just never really thought much of it or found much value in it

but now im curious


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I went 7 days without going to the gym. Once I did, I noticed I got weaker.

I could barely do my 3 sets of bench press at 205 lbs.
Same with OHP and DL's. And I got fatigued after the DL's.
All muscles are sore and it's been two days. They aren't as sore as yesterday so I'm thinking of hitting the gym again, bad idea?

J. Bravo

Yeah, I'm hooked to my new training template after all the tweaks. Gives me the volume I love when I wanna kill it in the gym but the flex ability to just max out and bail when I don't want to spend an hour training.
Anything significant? I'm still doing your program btw. It's fun. Except arms day lol. And I have yet to complete a full leg day because of personal issues. Probably won't happen anytime soon either since I just got a nice Charlie horse in my leg from basketball lol.


Unless you have a ton of muscle BMI is a pretty good indicator.

125kg at your height is a lot. Also many fat people look "average" with a shirt on. Or atleast think they do. I was skinnyfat for a long time. Looked average with clothes on but damn I was fat.

Also I suggest not to trust the mirror with these things. Your mind can play tricks on you. I suggest to take a picture and look at that because then you can see how you really look.

Yeah, this is me. People are surprised when I tell them how overweight I am. I carry it well with a shirt on, but shirtless I look like 3 months pregnant. Feels bad man.

What's the latest you guys have ever worked out? Like at a gym.

Around 3 am one time. Great not having to wait to use anything.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm getting close to where I want to be guys. Also firmly believe I put on some size with this last bulk. Nice to know that it wasn't a waste of time. Give me a couple weeks to put some color on and I'll post a final post bulk pic.


Thanks guys. That had been the goal for the longest time. I know this isn't popular, but I might scale back and turn this over into a bodybuilding routine.
I went 7 days without going to the gym. Once I did, I noticed I got weaker.

I could barely do my 3 sets of bench press at 205 lbs.
Same with OHP and DL's. And I got fatigued after the DL's.
All muscles are sore and it's been two days. They aren't as sore as yesterday so I'm thinking of hitting the gym again, bad idea?

Do it bro

The soreness will go away once you become consistent with working out again.

Take an NSAID before you go.


Junior Member

Are calves important?

Do they offer any functional benefit?

My calves are really really thin. But I really don't know how to train them (I have a home gym; rack, bench, lat machine, dips/pullup, barbell and dumbbells).

Are calves important?

Do they offer any functional benefit?

My calves are really really thin. But I really don't know how to train them (I have a home gym; rack, bench, lat machine, dips/pullup, barbell and dumbbells).

Nah I'm thinking about getting mine removed, never enjoyed walking anyway.

Are calves important?

Do they offer any functional benefit?

My calves are really really thin. But I really don't know how to train them (I have a home gym; rack, bench, lat machine, dips/pullup, barbell and dumbbells).

Best way to train them is to do squats.

Thinness and thickness of calves comes down to genetics more than anything. The only reason I have big calves is because apparently filipinos have naturally full calves
Walk some stairs I guess. I do calf presses on the leg machine or that stupid thing than looks like you're fucking it and they worked at the beginning but you realize something is wrong when you're pressing 20 reps of 500lbs and the knees give up before the calves even feel anything. The treadmill gives a better burn but I don't think it will pack much mass.

Raises are good... as a trap and shoulder exercise lol
Speaking of calves have you guys had really sore calves? My left calf has been really sore the past few days and I'm not sure why. I hit them very hard last week, but I don't think DOMS can set in a week later can it?

I'm honestly more worried about it being another clot. I had soreness in my calf shortly before my PE, but it was never this intense. Also the clot pain moved day by day (from calf to hammies). This has only been in my calf. Last week my right calf was sore as well after my leg workout.

Maybe I just pulled it and didn't realize. Regardless if it doesn't go away/moves I'll go to the doctor, no need to suggest that.


This thread goes on for years, and we still want bigger calves.

The calves are soaked with slow-twitch muscle fibers. We use them constantly. Being the fitness thread, most of us at least walk about on our feet for a bit every day, and so we carry 115lbs - 300lbs+ on our calves all day long. For thousands or tens of thousands of reps. Are you really going to grow them much more with three to six sets of calf raises every week?

I recall we came up with a few possible solutions.

  • Daily bodyweight calf raises. Emphasis on peak contraction at the top. Do 100 reps/leg for a month.
  • Heavy volume. Arnold supposedly did twenty sets a few times a week.
  • Dance. Ballet has you on your tip-toes all day long. Ballerinas have awesome calves. Makes sense, right?
  • Sprint, or sprint up stairs. These task the calves noticeably, and you probably need more cardio anyways.
  • And my favorite solution, be a fat guy for five or more years. Fat guys have huge calves. They are repping 300+ pounds for thousands of reps just walking.
For the love of god, don't get fat to grow your calves. Just... don't

For what it's worth, my calves are most sore following stair sprints.
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