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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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I enjoy an occasional drink every now and then. Don't go too crazy with it. It isn't something I actively try to go out and pursue though.

And for the past month and a half, I haven't been hitting legs as hard as I could. Been real lazy honestly. Skipping them and doing them every other week. That changes today as I want to go hard on them. Need the size!

Pete Rock

Yea weed def isn't part of this purge.

Another factor into me cutting out alcohol is that even at 31 years old, my coworkers see me as this frat party boy who loves to drink. Fuck that noise
If you want to be guilt-free while indulging in cannabis I would suggest investing in a vaporizer. I understand it's harder for a student because you don't want any paraphernalia around but it is the ideal delivery method.

Alcohol is awful, good on you for dropping it. I was never much of a drinker, the last time I was intoxicated was two years ago. I haven't had a single drink since then and I actively avoid it along with carbonated beverages. For me the more annoying part about hanging out around bars would be the constant cigarette breaks. I can't even stand next to someone who just had one, let alone stand in their circle while they are actively smoking. No fucking way. Not now, not ever.

I looked at that lumbar curve video you posted but I wasn't exactly sure what the test was. It was interesting to hear him explain the floor foot grip and external hip rotation/corkscrew motion, as that is one of the most confusing cues for me to utilize on DL, so that was helpful.
I only drink when I travel and hit the bars (gg gay culture). Mostly because I'm shy as fuck. So I get like 2 Long Islands and mingle like crazy.

That all being said I just discovered my love of hard ciders and I'm tempted to have some on hand for rainy days, but to me that's just like bringing soda back into my place. Not a good idea.


Sadly, I'm going on my annual guy's trip up to Toronto for the film festival and this is basically what my entire weekend will entail...movies, booze, food.

Cut starts Monday!

Nice trip!

You can always stick to less high cal drinks. Vodka and soda water with a slice of lime, low cal beers, diet coke and rye, dry wines, etc. You can walk out of that weekend pretty unscathed, especially if you make some lower carb food choices. If you can't have fun then what is the point of all this fitness stuff? It's there to make my life better not stop me from living it!

There is a ton of incredible food in Toronto too from all over the world. Enjoy!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I had one summer where I had about 5 shots of vodka 2 times a week and maintained abs. It's possible.


Cherry, I almost never drink, which is a little difficult because my girl likes to have a drink almost every day. And the weekend is turn up time, so that's even worse.

One thing that helps me not to drink is that my body is intolerant of alcohol. I get a headache after one beer. So I pretty much quit drinking altogether.
Looking back I think my slow cut was by far my most satisfying and warranted my best results. Definitely takes laser like focus to get back on the your strict routine after so many cheats but each time you do you feel like you can accomplish anything!
Yeah!!! My past couple of workouts since coming back have been amazing, really felt like I owned the gym.

Who am I kidding, I always feel that way!


The thing which really put me of alcohol was getting absolutely wasted on new years this year and then swinging a door on to the corner of my forehead like a fucking idiot :/

Blood gushing out and a deep cut with flesh hanging off. Walked home and then looked in the mirror and noticed how bad it was. Was sitting in accident and Emergency at 4am on new years day seeing some of the most surreal stuff that still sticks in my mind.

Had a noticeable head scar for 4-5 months and now 9months in its only just turned feint and kinda merged in with my skin.

I had majorly cut down on drinking by that point anyway to pursue a more active lifestyle but that sealed the deal for me!

J. Bravo

I only drink when I travel and hit the bars (gg gay culture). Mostly because I'm shy as fuck. So I get like 2 Long Islands and mingle like crazy.

That all being said I just discovered my love of hard ciders and I'm tempted to have some on hand for rainy days, but to me that's just like bringing soda back into my place. Not a good idea.
Haha I don't know any straight males that drink long islands. I'll probably never order one, but i steal sips of them from people who do. They're fucking delicious.

As for my drinking, I go to dollar beer night every Wednesday. This last wed was actually the first week I haven't been since like march. That's all I have most weeks though. Rest of the time I spend smoking and lifting and working and sleeping haha. Getting pretty cut too. It's that 23 year old metabolism??


The thing which really put me of alcohol was getting absolutely wasted on new years this year and then swinging a door on to the corner of my forehead like a fucking idiot :/

Blood gushing out and a deep cut with flesh hanging off. Walked home and then looked in the mirror and noticed how bad it was. Was sitting in accident and Emergency at 4am on new years day seeing some of the most surreal stuff that still sticks in my mind.

Had a noticeable head scar for 4-5 months and now 9months in its only just turned feint and kinda merged in with my skin.

I had majorly cut down on drinking by that point anyway to pursue a more active lifestyle but that sealed the deal for me!

I got drunk and high on some substances at a superbowl party last year. I ended up faceplanting on the concrete and I still have a scar under my eye. I swore off that kind of behavior since then.


Hit 275x5 on squats today, and it looks like I've got 5x5 at 265 for Monday. I'm so close to being back at me pre-injury weights for squat and bench. Deadlift is getting there, too.

Also, sorry for missing the fantasy draft, I've been indescribably busy and Tuesday I had formal chapter for bid decision night so I couldn't be on my computer anyway. I'll make do with what I've got.


Haha I don't know any straight males that drink long islands. I'll probably never order one, but i steal sips of them from people who do. They're fucking delicious.

You know a bunch of insecure man-children then, because I was a bartender for nearly a decade, and it is far more often men ordering long-islands. Most women won't simply because it's far too much liquor for them to handle.

Drink what you like man.


I looked at that lumbar curve video you posted but I wasn't exactly sure what the test was. It was interesting to hear him explain the floor foot grip and external hip rotation/corkscrew motion, as that is one of the most confusing cues for me to utilize on DL, so that was helpful.

Which video is this again?

Pete Rock

Which video is this again?
Apologies, I should have included the pull quote instead of just referencing it outside of that context:
3) This is for my own curiousity and nothing else, but I was wondering how your end position will be after following this test by Dr. Stuart McGill (with your hands closer to the shins like where the bar is in a normal DL setup, not just below the knees as shown in the video).


Nice trip!

You can always stick to less high cal drinks. Vodka and soda water with a slice of lime, low cal beers, diet coke and rye, dry wines, etc. You can walk out of that weekend pretty unscathed, especially if you make some lower carb food choices. If you can't have fun then what is the point of all this fitness stuff? It's there to make my life better not stop me from living it!

There is a ton of incredible food in Toronto too from all over the world. Enjoy!
Got in leg day before I left so I feel good about that. No guilt this weekend.


I looked at that lumbar curve video you posted but I wasn't exactly sure what the test was. It was interesting to hear him explain the floor foot grip and external hip rotation/corkscrew motion, as that is one of the most confusing cues for me to utilize on DL, so that was helpful.

Oh, the test was to see where your deadlift setup "should be" by following along the movements/test as demonstrated by Aaron.

Wow. What an encounter I had today. I was trying out the sumo deadlift setup because my friend and I were talking about deadlift setups (also that Dr. Stuart McGill video). I had pretty much everything biomechanically correct for me. Some person I've never seen in the university gym before came up to me from behind,
Him: Are you deadlifting?
Me: Yeah I'm trying out sumo deadlifts.
Him: Oh I don't know that one. You're going to injure your back like that.

Interesting he would say that when he doesn't know what sumo deadlifts are and how they look like. My setup was more or less correct. There are also a lot of new students coming into the university gym that have poor or no understanding of gym etiquette. Many pairs tried to jack my power rack during my rest when I'm 4 feet away and facing the power rack.

Also, NYU has new rules for the Poly gym. Fucking lame. No barefoot deadlifting; it is bullshit after being able to for so long. No bags allowed so I can't bring my small bag holding my weightlifting shoes, resistance band, and lacrosse ball.


Oh, the test was to see where your deadlift setup "should be" by following along the movements/test as demonstrated by Aaron.

Wow. What an encounter I had today. I was trying out the sumo deadlift setup because my friend and I were talking about deadlift setups (also that Dr. Stuart McGill video). I had pretty much everything biomechanically correct for me. Some person I've never seen in the university gym before came up to me from behind,
Him: Are you deadlifting?
Me: Yeah I'm trying out sumo deadlifts.
Him: Oh I don't know that one. You're going to injure your back like that.

Interesting he would say that when he doesn't know what sumo deadlifts are and how they look like. My setup was more or less correct. There are also a lot of new students coming into the university gym that have poor or no understanding of gym etiquette. Many pairs tried to jack my power rack during my rest when I'm 4 feet away and facing the power rack.

Also, NYU has new rules for the Poly gym. Fucking lame. No barefoot deadlifting; it is bullshit after being able to for so long. No bags allowed so I can't bring my small bag holding my weightlifting shoes, resistance band, and lacrosse ball.

Yeah my gym has a no bag rule. I keep it out anyway.


Yeah my gym has a no bag rule. I keep it out anyway.
I keep it out as well, but the student workers started enforcing it because the supervisor drops by often.
I don't want to push my luck since I'm technically not supposed to be using the university gym for free since I graduated this past May.
Oh well. Hope my adiPowers don't get stolen because I don't do my warm-up/dynamic stretches in them.


When I went in for deadlift day last time, I setup the bar with 1 45 per side and then took 6 more 45s and laid them next to where I was, since I would be needing them. As I'm about to start, some dude comes up and starts grabbing some 45s from the stack I made. I tell him those are for my deadlift, he nods then tries to grab the 45s again. I tell him again, I'm using them, he nods and goes again to grab them.

At this point I don't even care anymore and said do whatever you want, he got upset and said he would grab 45s from elsewhere. Just another wtf moment.
Hey guys.

So I recently ended things with a girl, and I know the best way to cure a broken heart is to hit the gym. Starting Strength was what I had planned to do. Squats went fine, however I noticed my left elbow popping (with pain) during the bench press. The same thing happens when I'm doing the shoulder press. I went to see the doctor, who didn't really tell me what was wrong. But I was told not to do any exercises that caused the pain in the arm.

Is it worth doing arm isolation exercises until my elbow feels better? I'm desperate to put some size on my upper body and increasing my strength. I'm feeling really bummed out that I can't do the two compound presses. I can't even manage a single press up without my elbow giving me pain. Fuck.

Things keep going wrong for me at the moment.


Is it worth doing arm isolation exercises until my elbow feels better? I'm desperate to put some size on my upper body and increasing my strength. I'm feeling really bummed out that I can't do the two compound presses. I can't even manage a single press up without my elbow giving me pain.

Can you take a video of yourself performing the lifts and post it here? If it's a form issue, which pain often is, the experienced lifters might be able to identify the problem.

Isolation lifts most likely aren't the answer. If you still want some good upper body work, you can you do traditional unweighted (and possibly assisted) exercises, like push-ups and chin/pull-ups.

J. Bravo

You know a bunch of insecure man-children then, because I was a bartender for nearly a decade, and it is far more often men ordering long-islands. Most women won't simply because it's far too much liquor for them to handle.

Drink what you like man.
Maybe its just me then. Purely anecdotal experience. If they were ever included in drink specials at my bars I would probably get them a lot more.


My pull-ups have gone to shit as my weight has increased. Around 6-8 weeks ago ccould hit 6-8 reps a set.

Today it was just 4-6 a set. Guess I am lifting more weight but still miss hitting that 6-8 each set.
Can you take a video of yourself performing the lifts and post it here? If it's a form issue, which pain often is, the experienced lifters might be able to identify the problem.

Isolation lifts most likely aren't the answer. If you still want some good upper body work, you can you do traditional unweighted (and possibly assisted) exercises, like push-ups and chin/pull-ups.

I'm 100% sure this isn't caused by a problem with my form. There is something definitely wrong with my elbow. I mean, I can't even do a standard push up.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm 100% sure this isn't caused by a problem with my form. There is something definitely wrong with my elbow. I mean, I can't even do a standard push up.

I wouldn't fuck around with that kind of injury. If you can't even do a pushup, you have no business lifting weights. Take it easy until you figure out exactly what's wrong.


Is it worth doing arm isolation exercises until my elbow feels better?
Personally I wouldn't just because in my experience isolation exercises (tricep extensions in particular) are the worst for elbow pain (chin ups kill me too though), but you might want to try-out very light weights (along the lines of a weight you can do for 30 reps) and very slow rep tempos (along the lines of three seconds to raise the weight, and three seconds to lower it), and see which exercises start to aggravate your elbow. If you start getting any pain whatsoever though, stop and don't come back to the idea, because it's not worth it to start out hurting yourself. You have literally a lifetime of lifting to become banged up and useless like myself, don't trip at the starting line.


I'm 100% sure this isn't caused by a problem with my form. There is something definitely wrong with my elbow. I mean, I can't even do a standard push up.

Have you had any arm injuries in the past? If vanilla push-ups hurt, I would personally look for additional professional help from a physical therapist or proper specialist. Was the doctor you saw just a general family medicine doctor? Did he/she get any sort of imaging tests for you?

Meanwhile, I would just leave the upper body alone. The risk and long term consequences are too high.
Have you had any arm injuries in the past? If vanilla push-ups hurt, I would personally look for additional professional help from a physical therapist or proper specialist. Was the doctor you saw just a general family medicine doctor? Did he/she get any sort of imaging tests for you?

Meanwhile, I would just leave the upper body alone. The risk and long term consequences are too high.

Appreciate the replies, guys.

This is the first arm injury I've ever had. Such shitty timing. And yeah, the doctor I saw was just a general practitioner. He examined the elbow with his hands and checked to see if there was swelling anywhere (there isn't). I think I'm going to wait it out for a month, and if there's no improvement, I'll consider going to a specialist. I'm feeling really impatient and frustrated with this. Lifting weights is the most effective antidepressant.


Happy weekend guys!

Saturday is my refeed day, so im looking at eating a Tripple Cheese pizza and lots of ice cream this evening! I know a lot of people call them cheats, but i purposely make room for one day like that every week. Just because i want to and this is supposed to be a lifestyle you enjoy, not something you force upon yourself.

Also, is anyone here planning on playing Destiny on PS4? Figured id ask seeing as it is a game forum. Would be nice to have someone to team up with now and then with the same interests. My PSN is TheMrMuscle, go ahead and add me if you like.
You know a bunch of insecure man-children then, because I was a bartender for nearly a decade, and it is far more often men ordering long-islands. Most women won't simply because it's far too much liquor for them to handle.

Drink what you like man.

Wait how old are you? For some reason I thought you were around my age so like 25

and yes long-islands are the bomb


Happy weekend guys!

Saturday is my refeed day, so im looking at eating a Tripple Cheese pizza and lots of ice cream this evening! I know a lot of people call them cheats, but i purposely make room for one day like that every week. Just because i want to and this is supposed to be a lifestyle you enjoy, not something you force upon yourself.

Also, is anyone here planning on playing Destiny on PS4? Figured id ask seeing as it is a game forum. Would be nice to have someone to team up with now and then with the same interests. My PSN is TheMrMuscle, go ahead and add me if you like.

I think I have you on my friends list because of Diablo.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You're not the only one MrMuscle. I'm lining up a massive cheat day tomorrow to kick off the first Sunday football day! Lots of pizza and plenty of doughnuts. If you're going to do something do it right!

Sundays are usually a rest day but I figured I might as well lift on such a massive calorie day so I'm rushing in before the games start for chest and bis.


My pull-ups have gone to shit as my weight has increased. Around 6-8 weeks ago ccould hit 6-8 reps a set.

Today it was just 4-6 a set. Guess I am lifting more weight but still miss hitting that 6-8 each set.
Yeah an known effect of a higher (muscle)weight, maybe go with some intense negatives when you can't go up anymore.


Happy weekend guys!

Saturday is my refeed day, so im looking at eating a Tripple Cheese pizza and lots of ice cream this evening! I know a lot of people call them cheats, but i purposely make room for one day like that every week. Just because i want to and this is supposed to be a lifestyle you enjoy, not something you force upon yourself.

Also, is anyone here planning on playing Destiny on PS4? Figured id ask seeing as it is a game forum. Would be nice to have someone to team up with now and then with the same interests. My PSN is TheMrMuscle, go ahead and add me if you like.

I'll add you on PS4 when I get home.
Haven't worked out for three weeks now. Was making good progress but work has been a bitch and to be honest the longer it goes the harder it is to get back into it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm back from a ban, and my mental state has deteriorated HARD due to depression and I've been to the gym maybe twice. It's really hard to get out there, and I'm all UGH about it.


GAF, could use your advice.

I'm male, age 29, 6'1". About a year ago, I was a solid 180-190lbs, and had been for nearly 10 years.

After a horribly indulgent summer and nearly a year at my first 'career' job (read: sedentary office setting, sitting all day, couldn't find time to work out properly, began eating like shit due to becoming too busy and being lazy), I hit 210 or so. Freaked me out. That was like a month ago.

I said, fuck it, I'm nearly 30, and made lots of changes. I was already eating decently (low amounts of junk, no pop, etc.), but decided to do even more: cut drinking beer down to 1-2x a week, stopped eating after 8pm whenever possible, cut tons of carbs out (still eating some, don't worry), upped my water intake, and began hitting the gym again (3-4x a week, 40 mins of cardio coupled with 30 mins. of beginner's weightlifting) with either a protein shake and/or a protein-focused dinner afterward.

A month later, I feel and look better, and am happy. But just weighed in today at 224 lbs. I'm gaining 2-3 lbs. a week. Is this really muscle and not fat?

I'm officially at the lowest end of 'obese' according to most BMI calculators, but that can't be right....right? People call me 'thin' for fuck's sake.

Is this normal at the start of a workout/diet change? Is my body taking a couple months to recalibrate itself, so to speak?

Is the most efficient way to quick/safe/healthy weight loss to up one's cardio?

I'm going to read over the OP to see if it answers some of my Q's, but wanted to post to start a discussion as well.



You need to stop worrying about what the scale says. If you feel and look better then thats what's important

I like + love this answer.

I realized how out of shape I was (I was a practicing 2nd degree black belt in Taekwondo four years ago, and while I was never ripped, I was at least in shape). So I told myself, before I embark on the dream of pulling a Chris Pratt and getting ripped in time for next summer, I need to just get back to the gym, change eating habits, and do anything to feel good and get my life regimented again. After 2 more months of this, I think I'll look into and embark on a serious program that includes well-structured weight lifting and planning like the stuff in the OP.

I may even tackle P90X3 again!
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