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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
One thing I failed to mention regarding how yoke and farmer walks make my body feel. Yesterday after heavy farmers for 4 sets of 75ft (222 each hand) all night my legs were sore, but not DOMs sore, they were growing pains sore. That shit I ain't felt since I was a teenager. Not exactly sure what that means.
Well 315 hurts too much and I don't see a reason to go heavy an aggravate the tear. 275 is the sweet spot so I did like 4x8 and it only gets warm in the adductor with little to no pain. Slow process, I see my Dr this week finally so I can get her opinion on this.

I really hate to see you hurt bud.


Brian Burke punched my mom
One thing I failed to mention regarding how yoke and farmer walks make my body feel. Yesterday after heavy farmers for 4 sets of 75ft (222 each hand) all night my legs were sore, but not DOMs sore, they were growing pains sore. That shit I ain't felt since I was a teenager.

I really hate to see you hurt bud.

Thanks man!

It's good to see some of you get over injuries or just making some gains.


Thanks for the tips, I'll definitely look into some chucks. I've been having pain in the arches of my feet after squatting, so my tennis shoes' soles may just be too worn down.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay had a pretty decent workout today for one main reason. Normally my bench (and OHP) grip are pretty wide, so I decided to shorten them a bit and it made a dramatic improvement. I could lift the same weight before, except without the pain and a bit better even.

The grip was about shoulder length wide, or slightly longer. I know I don't feel any pain, but is that an okay grip to take?

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
PR'd on Deadlift today at 365 x 8 reps. I am getting closer to my life goal of a 405 lb deadlift. But my lower back, got damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn feels like a gernade exploded back there. I am super sore.


Okay had a pretty decent workout today for one main reason. Normally my bench (and OHP) grip are pretty wide, so I decided to shorten them a bit and it made a dramatic improvement. I could lift the same weight before, except without the pain and a bit better even.

The grip was about shoulder length wide, or slightly longer. I know I don't feel any pain, but is that an okay grip to take?

If there's no pain, I'd say stick with the new grip.
OHP grip isn't supposed to be that wide anyway.


I am still totally surprised about what happened today, but I am none the less going to find work out motivation from it for the numerous months to come... Somehow a random tourist (who I found out to be a personal trainer in London) asked me for drinks and I ended up having a cup of tea with him after work. Delighful and totally unexpected.

:D go gurl.

Getting back into it slowly tomorrow, full steam on Monday.

Going to be doing strength (20-36 minutes depending) in the morning and my kickboxing cardio (20 minutes) at night.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
PR'd on Deadlift today at 365 x 8 reps. I am getting closer to my life goal of a 405 lb deadlift. But my lower back, got damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn feels like a gernade exploded back there. I am super sore.
You've got 405x1 right now if you hit 365x8. Rest up and go get it!


Junior Member
You've got 405x1 right now if you hit 365x8. Rest up and go get it!

No kidding dude! I've pulled 475 and I'm not sure I have the willpower to hit 365 for 8. You've definitely got at least 405 in you.

A little progress pic from the last few weeks. I've been eating good since the first week of January and have shed a little bit of the extra weight I put on when I was bulking. Probably around 195 or 200 now.



:D go gurl.

Getting back into it slowly tomorrow, full steam on Monday.

Going to be doing strength (20-36 minutes depending) in the morning and my kickboxing cardio (20 minutes) at night.
Hahah, he just wanted a local person to hang around and talk to for a while. I need to admit that it was entertaining to talk about working out in real life as well. Normally it is just in here and I mention about it only if someone of my friends actually ask about it.
He did also mention I am cute though. That was like an added bonus.

I am in the same boat with you what comes to working out. :) My gym opens again on Monday after being closed for over two weeks. I am so anxious to go back to my normal routine. I am hoping my back will get better within couple weeks since now I have every night been waking up after couple of hours sleep because of the pain and then it is really hard to fall asleep again because of it. I am constantly so tired due that.

Also lately I have been again freezing and feeling hungry. Hopefully my body will again adapt after Christmas feast and get used to the cutted calories. I don't remember being hungry before with the same calorie intake so most likely I will be alright after a week or two. This is just the hard part to start again.

Edit. I just realizes the link above. Damn theytookourjobz, looking really good!
Impressive progress, keep it up!

Beta alanine is not a bcaa. Do you mean a bcaa blend also containing beta alanine?

Woops, I guess so. I drink a lot of coffee so I was trying to limit my intake of caffeine. I used to make my own preworkout with a Beta, water, and Hemavol. That was the ultimate face tingle.
Woops, I guess so. I drink a lot of coffee so I was trying to limit my intake of caffeine. I used to make my own preworkout with a Beta, water, and Hemavol. That was the ultimate face tingle.

Just wondering is this expected in pre-workouts? I've only taken one pre-workout for about a month, think it was called The Curse or something, just got it cause it was good value. Gave me a good pump but a so much tingling for the first week or so (didn't mind it too much but caused me to itch my forehead a lot and cause some bad skin).

What are some recommended pre-workouts by you guys? And when is it good to use pre-workouts?


Junior Member
Just wondering is this expected in pre-workouts? I've only taken one pre-workout for about a month, think it was called The Curse or something, just got it cause it was good value. Gave me a good pump but a so much tingling for the first week or so (didn't mind it too much but caused me to itch my forehead a lot and cause some bad skin).

What are some recommended pre-workouts by you guys? And when is it good to use pre-workouts?

I like C4 and coffee.


No kidding dude! I've pulled 475 and I'm not sure I have the willpower to hit 365 for 8. You've definitely got at least 405 in you.

A little progress pic from the last few weeks. I've been eating good since the first week of January and have shed a little bit of the extra weight I put on when I was bulking. Probably around 195 or 200 now.


Looking great. Nice wiener.

I'm also dropping my holiday bloat. Just about all gone. It's amazing what a couple weeks of controlled eating will do.


Just a quick question on deadlifts - what should the lowering part of the lift look like?

Should I be dropping it fast and guiding it or should I be lowering it slowly and dropping it in a controlled manner?

I ask because my gym has been complaining about the noise I'm causing doing the first method


there is joy in sucking dick
Just a quick question on deadlifts - what should the lowering part of the lift look like?

Should I be dropping it fast and guiding it or should I be lowering it slowly and dropping it in a controlled manner?

I ask because my gym has been complaining about the noise I'm causing doing the first method

I control it when lowering but when you get extremely heavy for your own strength its harder to do. You should be able to blunt the speed a bit without having to put any torque on your back.


I'm hungover. My wrist feels like some one has stabbed it with a knife. Yet I'm still at the gym! No excuses people! LETS HIT THE GYM TODAY!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Just a quick question on deadlifts - what should the lowering part of the lift look like?

Should I be dropping it fast and guiding it or should I be lowering it slowly and dropping it in a controlled manner?

I ask because my gym has been complaining about the noise I'm causing doing the first method
Drop it quickly with your hands still on the bar. Trying to control the weight on the decent is inviting an injury.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Not at all true.
Very true unless you're working extremely light.
Go watch people lifting heavy and tell me how many are focused on controlling the descent. Once you pull to the top the lift is complete. Why would you waste energy on the way down?


I control on the way down ;_;

I do working sets of 405 for 4 sets of 5. I control both decent and lift to make sure my form is good.


I'm with Cooter on this one. After a day of researching back when I had to choose between just dropping it or controlling it down, I decided to stick with the former for the reason mentioned above. The benefit of getting more mass does not outweigh the risk of back injury for me.
Pretty down about that workout. First time I've done a chest focussed routine since injuring my back and based on what I managed there, I'd say I've lost about 6 months of progress.

I really, really hope it's just temporary, as to be honest if it's not I sort of just feel like quitting. I seem to tweak my back a lot (never during lifting, just doing general shit), so it's only a matter of time before it happens again.


Junior Member
I'm with Cooter on this one. After a day of researching back when I had to choose between just dropping it or controlling it down, I decided to stick with the former for the reason mentioned above. The benefit of getting more mass does not outweigh the risk of back injury for me.

agreed 100%
If i'm pulling more than 2 plates (225 lbs) I am dropping that shit. I don't give a fuck what anyone says at the gym. My back is more important than the opinions of ignorant people
If I am doing something like 1x8 @ 405, I am not dropping nor slowly letting it down. I do the motion, keep my hands on the bar, and just kinda do a combo of both. Something like 1x2 or 1x3, I will drop and reset basically. Just really depends.
I do this sometimes, especially since my back injury prevents me from DLing sometimes so I have to relearn the motor pattern frequently.

Reverse Engineering The Deadlift

Basically a pause DL but backwards. If I had a normal back I would do his suggested % and reps but I just do it with 135 as part of my warm up.


I am about a year into my transformation. I am near 6'3". At this time last year I was 176 pounds. I felt weak so I signed up for the gym.

At the start, I could squat 185 for a couple of reps, maybe three at the most. My bench press was at 135 for four reps and no experience dead lifting. Needless to say, I was weak.

At this time, I weigh 205 (nearly a 30 pound increase) and have less body fat than last year. My calorie intake has spiked to around 4,000 a day - primarily chicken, tuna, oats, rice, fish, and vegetables. As far as supplements, I take pre-workout (C4), whey protein (ON) and Beta Alamine (BCAA).

My numbers are now:
Max bench: 275
Max deadlift: 435
Max squat: 335

They're not amazing numbers but I am proud of my progress. My ultimate goal is to be around 215 pounds.

Here's to another year of progress!

I think those numbers are pretty great! Ive been training a bit longer and I'm not close to those numbers.
So please feel free to keep updating / elaborate!

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Was shocked to weigh myself and find I was 66.3kg today. I'm just shy of my personal bests on squats and deadlifts when I was 6kg heavier. Right now my 1RMs are 150kg and 187.5kg, so pound-for-pound I think this is the strongest I've ever been.

2015 is going to be a good year.
Anyone got any vids for teaching front squats?been doing them on my own and they feel great. I've been doing them cause my backs been bothering me, just trying to make sure I'm doing them correctly though


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Can't you also possibly injure yourself by going to fast on a deadlift movement going down? Isn't it quite common for muscle tears to occur with quick, jerky motions?


Anyone got any vids for teaching front squats?been doing them on my own and they feel great. I've been doing them cause my backs been bothering me, just trying to make sure I'm doing them correctly though

My Evernote link in the OP has a few videos on how to front squat. I didn't include links to how (Chinese) weightlifters have the rack position.


Hahah, he just wanted a local person to hang around and talk to for a while. I need to admit that it was entertaining to talk about working out in real life as well. Normally it is just in here and I mention about it only if someone of my friends actually ask about it.
He did also mention I am cute though. That was like an added bonus.

I am in the same boat with you what comes to working out. :) My gym opens again on Monday after being closed for over two weeks. I am so anxious to go back to my normal routine. I am hoping my back will get better within couple weeks since now I have every night been waking up after couple of hours sleep because of the pain and then it is really hard to fall asleep again because of it. I am constantly so tired due that.

Also lately I have been again freezing and feeling hungry. Hopefully my body will again adapt after Christmas feast and get used to the cutted calories. I don't remember being hungry before with the same calorie intake so most likely I will be alright after a week or two. This is just the hard part to start again.

Lol, whole first paragraph sounds good. Gym buddy/friend! :D
Who also thinks you're cute

Your back. :( I'm hoping that you getting back to routine and taking it slow will help. Good luck and don't push too hard that you further injure yourself.

Same thing with the food, though most of my extra calories over the holidays was junk anyway. Lol. But I need to stop eating breakfast again too, so I'm going to work on that again. And I'm poor so I'm not going to have lower carbs because poor = soup and mac&cheese lol :( But I'll at least keep calories in check even with things like that.
Weren't you the one saying you purposely curl in the squat rack?

I was. And all the 180lb "I'm working on my form" kids give me dirty looks before going home to write about it on the internet.

There's nothing more dangerous about the eccentric half of a deadlift. Unless you're fully developed--like your frame is carrying all the muscle it can, you should be welcoming every opportunity to build muscle. Telling yourself that you need to drop 405 like it's heavy is taking a shortcut. The last thing your generation needs is more shortcuts.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
edit: ah, screw it... no point in arguing with arrogance.


So I'm 100% tired of chicken breasts. if I get them at the store could I just ask the meat department to grind it, or should I look into getting my own grinder? Anyone have experience with this?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So I'm 100% tired of chicken breasts. if I get them at the store could I just ask the meat department to grind it, or should I look into getting my own grinder? Anyone have experience with this?

I imagine most meat departments would happily grind it for you. Do they not sell it pre-ground?


Drop it quickly with your hands still on the bar. Trying to control the weight on the decent is inviting an injury.

I'm with Cooter on this one. After a day of researching back when I had to choose between just dropping it or controlling it down, I decided to stick with the former for the reason mentioned above. The benefit of getting more mass does not outweigh the risk of back injury for me.

If i'm pulling more than 2 plates (225 lbs) I am dropping that shit. I don't give a fuck what anyone says at the gym. My back is more important than the opinions of ignorant people

Is there anything I can say to them or show them if they start bothering me about dropping my weights again?

A highly reputable list of sources would shut them up about "if you're dropping the weights, they're too heavy for you"
Not quite sure how you typically prepare your chicken breasts RoeBear, but if you don't have poultry shears, pick yourself up a pair. You can cut down breasts into small enough chunks to cook them in a saucepan easily. Not only do they cook faster but you can do more with them that way.

Just another alternative to help spice up that chicken, but also don't be hesitant to just eat something else entirely.


So, yeah, have done my first few weights sessions over the last week and my whole body just aches now, does this pass or should I get used to it?

Also, pull ups. I can't do more than one of them. Is there anything I can do here or just keep trying until I can do a few more?


5s week and bench day done, got all 5 easy, had a ton more in the tank, felt beastly strong tonight. Feels so good to just go at it with no more distractions.

Hope everyone else is kicking ass also, 2015 starting off real nice.


there is joy in sucking dick
So, yeah, have done my first few weights sessions over the last week and my whole body just aches now, does this pass or should I get used to it?

Also, pull ups. I can't do more than one of them. Is there anything I can do here or just keep trying until I can do a few more?

Your body will get used to it

And the pull up alternative is cable pull downs with the wide bar


I was. And all the 180lb "I'm working on my form" kids give me dirty looks before going home to write about it on the internet.

There's nothing more dangerous about the eccentric half of a deadlift. Unless you're fully developed--like your frame is carrying all the muscle it can, you should be welcoming every opportunity to build muscle. Telling yourself that you need to drop 405 like it's heavy is taking a shortcut. The last thing your generation needs is more shortcuts.

It's not a shortcut if the lift is completed at the top. There is no eccentric portion in a deadlift. You just set the bar down, as quickly and safely as you can.

You can do it however you want to if you're not concerned for yourself but it doesn't mean that others should also.

I personally would rather keep my back intact.
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