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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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I was talking about this on another fitness forum the other day...

Justin Bieber reveals his gruelling 5-day-a-week workout after accusations of airbrushing in Calvin Klein campaign

Twitter users accuse Justin, 20, of being airbrushed in campaign
Singer claims he works out five times a week for 45 minutes each time

45 mins, three days a week (the other two are actually just ab days). Gruelling.

Bless you Daily Mail.

...and now: Justin Beiber's leaked untouched Calvin Klein photo leaks



You think you should be more? You're quite lean from what I remember.

I'm reasonably lean, but visually I think I look more like a low-20s body. More fat in the lower body than the upper, naturally.

But as I said, I've found that aside from being a minor point of interest, the BF measurement isn't really something that I'm using day to day. I'll continue to work out for strength gains and because I now actually like them. :) Whichever way the number moves is just a side effect.
I just started a cutting phase after a year of starting strength, and I'm having some trouble hitting my protein goal of 1 gram per pound per day.

I'm using MyFitnessPal, and I'm trying to lose 2 lbs per week, so they've set me at 1500 calories per day (and I input my exercises to adjust accordingly).

I weigh 220 lbs though, so it's really hard to get that much protein from meals. Even if I have 2 protein shakes per day, I'm still faced with trying to consume 160 grams of protein in only 1300-1500 calories of food. Most meals, even those with meat as the main dish, I've found only have around 30 grams of protein.

Is it okay to just load up on protein shakes, or is there some other way to do this that's preferable?
Okay, I've read the original post and I'm hoping I could get some advice on a program that would be better suited at incorporating activities I enjoy, while also taking into account some pretty dire nutritional barriers.

Age: 19
Height: 160cm (5' 3")
Weight: 42kg (93lbs)
Waist Size: Between 26" and 29" (inclusive). I don't know exactly, but I am wearing a 26" tracksuit right now, and I know 30" jeans are too large for me and require a belt, so it's in between those two.
Goal: I don't have any goal in mind. I guess I just want to lower my Body Fat Percentage and become more toned/well defined than I currently am.
Current Training Schedule: I try to go swimming daily when I've the time, but often this doesn't end up happening. I go a minimum of four times a week for about thirty minutes to an hour each time, swimming in a 50 metre pool. I couldn't say how many lengths I do if I'm honest as I don't really keep track. I also run somewhat less often, once every week or two usually, generally I only go about eight or nine kilometres, but I can run for 17km (at which point I have to stop as I'm too tired).
Current Training Equipment Available: Fully equipped gym (chalk not allowed), and a 50m pool.
Current Appearance: This http://i.imgur.com/SJ6Amrz.jpg (from about three weeks ago) and http://i.imgur.com/lGlFJBT.jpg (this is more recent; from about a week ago). I provided both as I've not really changed appearance wise and wanted to give it under two lighting conditions.

Comments: I know there is quite a heavy focus here on lifting in particular. If possible, I'd really like to continue running and swimming primarily to achieve my goal, but I don't know if that's actually possible; if not I'll go to the gym. I believe it's my diet that's holding me back the most but this is posing a substantial issue because I am an extremely picky eater and many textures are particularly problematic. Details in quotes below:
Currently the entire selection of foods I will eat are: Lamb, beef, steak, chicken, pork, potatoes, baguettes, pepperoni pizza (not often, once a month maybe), dark chocolate, white bread, brown bread (rarely), Special K, ice-cream (rarely), croquettes, strawberries, pancakes, oranges, and apples. If it's not there, there's a high probability I don't eat it (including rice, eggs, pasta).

My daily meals generally consist of:

Two slices of toast.
A bowl of Special K.
(on rare occasions) Two sausages, two rashers, and two slices of toast.

Three roast potatoes, and some form of meat.
Two roast potatoes, three croquettes, and some form of meat (lamb, chicken, beef, steak, etc.).
Two mashed potatoes and some form of meat.
I skip it.
Some form of meat on its own (e.g. two chicken breasts instead of just one).

Two slices of toast.
A bowl of Special K.
(on rare occasions) Two sausages, two rashers, and two slices of toast.

Generally, I have the first on each meal selection, but increasingly I've only been having some form of meat (option three) for dinner as it's less time-consuming to prepare (as the oven I have is terribly slow making potatoes a slow process).

Drinks I consume are: Water, tea, instant coffee (as I don't have a coffee machine), cappuccinos, alcoholic beverages (spirits, beer, and red wine), and orange juice.

Generally I consume water, cappuccinos, and tea in large quantities during a day with the others much less common.

As can be seen, I don't really eat a lot (four slices of toast and two pieces of meat a day usually). I don't like eggs, and I cannot afford to buy large amounts of meat or chug gallons of milk, so if it is a dietary issue I'm going to need to go for a supplement (e.g. protein powder) rather than eating extra.

So yeah, I'm hoping somebody hear would be able to provide more information on what would be some good practices to do to increase my fitness further, keeping the many limitations (budget and, in particular, food related) I have in mind. Should I just switch over to the full body workout in the original post and continue swimming/running as I am, or is it possible to keep my workout primarily through running and swimming (as I love doing both, much more so than lifting) if I adjust my diet in some manner (i.e. supplements)?

I would pretty much appreciate any advice as I'm not really sure what the best route to take would be.
Not really got time to go into detail right now, but after a quick glance I'd actually say that if you want to make noticeable changes, then what you need is a little bit of muscle. You try to lose weight / fat on that frame and you're going to look severely gaunt... and I doubt there will be any muscle tone to show for it. (I re-read that and it sounded harsh, it wasn't my intention.)

You say you can't drink a lot of milk. Is that because you don't like it / lactose intolerant, or is it a cash issue? Because whilst protein via milk is expensive, protein via supplements is considerably more so. However, you do need to drink a shitload of milk if you go that way... so whilst I can't really recommend GOMAD, it's not a bad way to top up a bit on the cheap. By my (back of an envelope) calcs, protein from milk works out about a third the price of protein from ON's cheapest whey, though that's in the UK, I I have no idea where you're from). Some red meats can be bought really cheaply, but the cheapest cuts will need you to know how to cook them (usually in a slow cooker). Turkey can also be bought crazy cheap per kg, but again, how cheap depends where you're from (and again, you need to know how to cook it).

Oh, and there's nothing wrong with running and swimming (swimming especially)... though obviously everyone only has so many hours in the day, and you probably wont get what you want through those alone so you'll likely need to swap some of that for weights.


lulz oh lawd i was working out all wrong before. Now with doing the slow, 6 reps, each set after another, not only feel more burn but im not exhausted. good times

What the fuck did I witness at the gym today? This guy went up to atleast a 45 lbs plate on one side for his "deadlift." I took the above picture when he just started and only had a 25 lbs plate on one side (left side).

He was seriously doing deadlifts with a purposely imbalanced bar. No clip on the bar either as I recall.


What the fuck did I witness at the gym today? This guy went up to atleast a 45 lbs plate on one side for his "deadlift." I took the above picture when he just started and only had a 25 lbs plate on one side (left side).

He was seriously doing deadlifts with a purposely imbalanced bar. No clip on the bar either as I recall.

Guys just trying to iron out his obviously large muscle imbalance in his back, can't you tell?

I have no idea, that looks rather awkward.
Guys just trying to iron out his obviously large muscle imbalance in his back, can't you tell?

I have no idea, that looks rather awkward.

Yeah. And he may have tried higher than just the 45 lbs plate but I left by then. I was actually right in-line with his barbell when he set himself up and I moved the fuck out of the way ASAP because I could just see his dumbass fling the bar or himself into me. He wasn't controlling it well even with just the 25 lbs.
I really don't know how some people do it; go to the gym during peak hours that is. It's such a madhouse; I just can't do it. I get up at 4am, get to the gym by 5 when they open, and generally have the run of the place. No waiting, no watching knuckleheads doing inane crap; it's wonderful. Plus, it just feels good to get it out of the way and be done for the day, and helps me to focus at work. After work I just want to go home and relax.
Not really got time to go into detail right now, but after a quick glance I'd actually say that if you want to make noticeable changes, then what you need is a little bit of muscle. You try to lose weight / fat on that frame and you're going to look severely gaunt... and I doubt there will be any muscle tone to show for it. (I re-read that and it sounded harsh, it wasn't my intention.)

You say you can't drink a lot of milk. Is that because you don't like it / lactose intolerant, or is it a cash issue? Because whilst protein via milk is expensive, protein via supplements is considerably more so. However, you do need to drink a shitload of milk if you go that way... so whilst I can't really recommend GOMAD, it's not a bad way to top up a bit on the cheap. By my (back of an envelope) calcs, protein from milk works out about a third the price of protein from ON's cheapest whey, though that's in the UK, I I have no idea where you're from). Some red meats can be bought really cheaply, but the cheapest cuts will need you to know how to cook them (usually in a slow cooker). Turkey can also be bought crazy cheap per kg, but again, how cheap depends where you're from (and again, you need to know how to cook it).

Oh, and there's nothing wrong with running and swimming (swimming especially)... though obviously everyone only has so many hours in the day, and you probably wont get what you want through those alone so you'll likely need to swap some of that for weights.

Thank you very much. I can definitely agree that I most likely need more muscle (as it is, I'm desperately weak anyway so it's not like that wouldn't be useful).

Regarding drinking lots of milk, there are a few factors. I suppose the primary one is that I don't like drinking milk as it is in isolation and I find that it tends to upset my stomach whenever I do drink it, even in small amounts. As such, I'm somewhat hesitant at the idea of going through huge amounts and being able to stick to a training regime. A second issue is regarding storage. I'm sharing an apartment with three others and the fridge is tiny as it is with very little space. I'm not sure I'd have room to store three two litre cartons (two to drink in a single day, a third for tea). The third is a fear that a substantial portion of the weight gained would be body fat. While I'm aware the idea is to gain weight/bulk, of which a decent amount is muscle, and then lose the fat that's been gained, my worry I suppose would be that I would struggle to then lose the weight through what I do (or would instead simply end up using muscle), and I may simply end up in a worse position than I began (as I'd rather be skinny and fit than strong but with a higher body fat percentage as, at my height, weight put on can be very noticeable). Perhaps it's misguided, but with something akin to whey protein (I've no idea if that would be optimal) I'd be consuming a lot less fat overall and, perhaps I'm mistaken, but I would have assumed a 'tub' would last for a few weeks. Finally, there's the issue of cost. A two litre carton of milk here is roughly €1.50. For four litres a day I'd be looking at €3 a day, or €21 for a week, simply on milk. Every three or four days I finish a two litre carton of milk through drinking tea and cereal alone, so that's another €3 in the week (up to €24). I'm on a budget of roughly €60 a week, so I'd be spending almost half of my budget on milk, and I'd still have food and miscellaneous items to buy during the week as the need arose, and any form of recreational spending would be pretty much impossible. I'm skeptical as to how well it could be sustained, given that it would be a continuous cost and not simply a 'one off'. Very cheap cuts of meat would be preferable, but the apartment I'm living in for college is quite under-furnished (a toaster oven, a toaster, a microwave, four ceramic hobs, and an induction hob are all there is) and I can't buy more appliances given that it's only a temporary residence so I think cooking may be problematic.

And great, I'll be sure to swap out some of it then. Would you have any suggestions on how much time to spend lifting weights/swimming/running, and what sort of weights to start out with (or should I simply go with the highest I can to complete the set in the Original Post and add from there)? The gym and pool are a ten minute walk from my apartment (I'm living on my college campus, they're both on campus, hence I'm very close to both and have easy access) and open from 6am to 10:30pm so having the time to go isn't really an issue (running I generally do on the weekend, but overall it's still only about an hour gone).
Dietary Fat doesn't = Fat TOWK. Far from it. I'm going to bed now so I don't really have time to explain that, but suffice to say that the bollocks that's been spouted in nutritional science circles for the last 50 years is sadly just that, bollocks.

I suggest you head to the nutrition thread for additional info: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=869633

As for the price, if you're going to bulk up a bit (at the end of the day, the more cardio you want to do, the more you'll need to eat to put on weight), then it's going to cost. You can run the numbers yourself fairly easily to work out how much each of the different protein sources is going to cost you, but make sure you work it out in price per g of protein to get an accurate idea.

IE. For me, 2.2l of milk costs £1.00. 100ml of skimmed milk contains ~3.5g of protein. So for £1 I get 77g of protein. £0.013 per g of protein.

Free range chicken breast (don't ask) costs £14 per kg. 100g of raw chicken breast contains ~ 22g of protein. £14 gets me 220g of protein. £0.064 per g of protein. Why do I eat chicken? Good question.

I just calculated a 1kg bag of MyProtein's unflavoured impact whey to be about £0.015 per g. So fairly close to milk, and probably about the same if you bought in bigger quantities (and easier to store). You'd have to be REALLY dedicated to eat the unflavoured shit though.

Sorry for the obvious maths lesson... but if you're trying to do protein as cheaply as possible you need to work out how much you're actually paying for actual protein, not the total weight of the original product.


If you can't drink regular cow milk because it doesn't sit well with your stomach, try Almond milk, goat's milk, or sheep's milk; other variations. OmarIsuf can't drink regular milk for the same reason and opts for other kinds.
I don't know how it costs in comparison, might be a bit more expensive unfortunately. It's the price you have to pay to get those liquid calories in that sits well with your stomach.
I really don't know how some people do it; go to the gym during peak hours that is. It's such a madhouse; I just can't do it.
My commute and work hours pretty much require me to go in the evenings after work when I imagine it is most crowded. I kinda resent the hs and jobless college age kids who go at that time, especially when i hear them brag how they just woke up from a 4 hour nap.

He was seriously doing deadlifts with a purposely imbalanced bar. No clip on the bar either as I recall.
Not sure but I accidentally OHPed one rep with a 5 lb imbalanced bar and it pretty much fucked me up for the rest of the session--I couldn't stop pushing harder with the side that had been heavier.

If he were doing it in a controlled way and switched sides I can kinda see potential benefit for core strength and balance but it's not something i would ever bother doing. I'd just do suitcase walks if anything.


Friday was work out insanity. 4 hours sleep and 2 hours and 45 minutes of working out (60 minutes of core musle training that I imagined would have been light but it sure as hell wasn't and on top of that normal gym training and stretches). I also ate too little and I was seriously going to puke on crosstrainer while doing HIIT. I needed to quit it early. I was so dead in the end but odd enough in a very good way. After the gym my back was feeling absolutely awesome and I felt no pain at the gym cause of it! Yay! :D

This week might actually end up being a week when I will be working out the most this far: 2 x pilates, 2 x gym, 1 x core training, 2 Nordic walking = around 11 hours of different kind of sports

I also mentioned to one ridiculously hot chick that she has sexy legs and asked how long she has been going to gym. She replied that ages and asked how long I have been hitting that particular gym. I said that since last year's March and she then replied asking that what gym did I use before that. Victory!

Just had my first workout since the flu. I haven't been since Christmas. Amazingly, no strength loss, and my weight is 204 (though I've got a lot of water weight on me from the holidays).

I felt like I was dying on the treadmill though.
Join the club. I had the same feeling today on a crosstrainer about either dying or puking. I needed to quit HIIT early. I am just not where I used to be. 4 hours sleep might also count as a factor though...

Fell victim to the influx of new girls at the the past week or two. Went against my golden rule of not asking girls out at the gym. We'll have to see how this goes.
That is very brave! Best of luck!

I'm going to start counting calories next week.

One thing I have a hard time with is getting enough carbs. Right now I get it from pasta and potatoes...but it isn't enough

whats an easy way to get carbs? Am I supposed to eat much bread? Like only bread?
You might want to check out this as well

What the fuck did I witness at the gym today? This guy went up to atleast a 45 lbs plate on one side for his "deadlift." I took the above picture when he just started and only had a 25 lbs plate on one side (left side).

He was seriously doing deadlifts with a purposely imbalanced bar. No clip on the bar either as I recall.
I saw a girl doing squats with a smith machine today in a way that she was leaning on the bar and her feet were like a foot on front of the bar itself. Her balance was soooo off she wouldn't have been able to stand on that position not to mention go up and down without the machine. The gym was full and nobody said anything. She was a tiny little thing with too little clothes. I didn't have heart to take a pic (I already regret that).

Haha oh, okay. Fair enough.

Yay! Glad you're getting back into it. How was your rest day today?

They're going okay here. I mean, even doing two a day, I'm only getting an hourish a day. I do my You Are Your Own Gym in the morning (36 minutes) and after work, I do 20 minutes of cardio. I should up the cardio. But I'm going to start adding a few other different things.

Today, I did 36 in the morning and hot yoga for 75 minutes.

I haven't been eating a lot the past two days (under 1000 cals), but I ate about 1300 today. Eeeeh.
What are you planning to add? :D

Also under 1000 sounds way too low and somewhat counterproductive! Don't eat too little, it isn't good for you and definitely bad for burning fat.

Tonight's meal:


Hopefully this is enough for a full day. I know that I'll be good on protein. I'll probably do eggs and meat again tomorrow.
Hahahhahah. Oh my gods!

Some really good flavours there though (not all I need to admit)! Also those berries look yammy.

I have to admit I have been eating way too many Quest bars lately. Like two in a day. Damn delicious.


What are you planning to add? :D

Also under 1000 sounds way too low and somewhat counterproductive! Don't eat too little, it isn't good for you and definitely bad for burning fat.

Going to add Jillian Michaels back in. Probably do this level for a bit before moving to level 2 (which is more cardio and standing abs). I also want to put my strength yoga back in at some point, especially since my hot yoga is running out next week and I'm too poor to get more classes. So, YAYOG, cardio kickboxing, cardio abs, yoga. I really need to do more time at it, though. 5 hours a week isn't enough at all.

I didn't mean to eat that little, it just ended up happening. I ate 1200 yesterday, and today probably 1500 because I depression-ate chocolate. Meh.


Junior Member
If you can't drink regular cow milk because it doesn't sit well with your stomach, try Almond milk, goat's milk, or sheep's milk; other variations. OmarIsuf can't drink regular milk for the same reason and opts for other kinds.
I don't know how it costs in comparison, might be a bit more expensive unfortunately. It's the price you have to pay to get those liquid calories in that sits well with your stomach.

Yeah. I can't drink milk either. Almost every kind of dairy I've tried just totally screws with my stomach. Not a huge deal because I get enough protein from the copious amounts of ground beef I eat. I actually haven't even had a protein shake in about a month.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Some really good flavours there though (not all I need to admit)! Also those berries look yammy.

I have to admit I have been eating way too many Quest bars lately. Like two in a day. Damn delicious.

The fruit Quest bars, especially the raspberry and apple pie are easiest on my palate. Fuck double chocolate.
One of you people still needs to send me the quest chips. :mad:

Related, I have to buy some quest bars as I've run out. The last lot I bought in Vegas, at about half the price they cost me in the UK. Grrr.


I really don't know how some people do it; go to the gym during peak hours that is. It's such a madhouse; I just can't do it. I get up at 4am, get to the gym by 5 when they open, and generally have the run of the place. No waiting, no watching knuckleheads doing inane crap; it's wonderful. Plus, it just feels good to get it out of the way and be done for the day, and helps me to focus at work. After work I just want to go home and relax.

When I get to the tail end of my 5x5 routine I actually prefer going at peak hours as I need good spotters for my bench press. If I go during off hours, I usually don't trust/like the people at that time to give me a good spot.


Been very strict on diet and it's paying off. Just weighed in at 246.5lbs, new low. Started at 337.5lbs and 0 muscle, so down 91lbs in actual body weight but likely a lot more then that in fat due to the muscle gain. March 1st 2015 will be the three year anniversary of when I started lifting (but not dieting), I hope I'm at 237.5 or less by then to hit the 100lb mark.


Been very strict on diet and it's paying off. Just weighed in at 246.5lbs, new low. Started at 337.5lbs and 0 muscle, so down 91lbs in actual body weight but likely a lot more then that in fat due to the muscle gain. March 1st 2015 will be the three year anniversary of when I started lifting (but not dieting), I hope I'm at 237.5 or less by then to hit the 100lb mark.

That's inspiring, man, keep up the awesome work.


Been very strict on diet and it's paying off. Just weighed in at 246.5lbs, new low. Started at 337.5lbs and 0 muscle, so down 91lbs in actual body weight but likely a lot more then that in fat due to the muscle gain. March 1st 2015 will be the three year anniversary of when I started lifting (but not dieting), I hope I'm at 237.5 or less by then to hit the 100lb mark.

That's quite an achievement! Congrats!


Been very strict on diet and it's paying off. Just weighed in at 246.5lbs, new low. Started at 337.5lbs and 0 muscle, so down 91lbs in actual body weight but likely a lot more then that in fat due to the muscle gain. March 1st 2015 will be the three year anniversary of when I started lifting (but not dieting), I hope I'm at 237.5 or less by then to hit the 100lb mark.

Very nice and this definitely requires some before and after shots!
Not sure but I accidentally OHPed one rep with a 5 lb imbalanced bar and it pretty much fucked me up for the rest of the session--I couldn't stop pushing harder with the side that had been heavier.

If he were doing it in a controlled way and switched sides I can kinda see potential benefit for core strength and balance but it's not something i would ever bother doing. I'd just do suitcase walks if anything.

He did switch sides. I still think it's a terrible idea though.

I saw a girl doing squats with a smith machine today in a way that she was leaning on the bar and her feet were like a foot on front of the bar itself. Her balance was soooo off she wouldn't have been able to stand on that position not to mention go up and down without the machine. The gym was full and nobody said anything. She was a tiny little thing with too little clothes. I didn't have heart to take a pic (I already regret that).

I've seen that before. It usually means they're trying to keep their knees behind their toes as the whole "if your knees go in front of your toes during a squat you will hurt yourself" broscience has been floating around for years.

Been very strict on diet and it's paying off. Just weighed in at 246.5lbs, new low. Started at 337.5lbs and 0 muscle, so down 91lbs in actual body weight but likely a lot more then that in fat due to the muscle gain. March 1st 2015 will be the three year anniversary of when I started lifting (but not dieting), I hope I'm at 237.5 or less by then to hit the 100lb mark.

Congrats. Good stuff for sure.


Good job man.

That's inspiring, man, keep up the awesome work.

That's quite an achievement! Congrats!

Very nice and this definitely requires some before and after shots!

Congrats. Good stuff for sure.

Thanks so much guys, and i will be doing before/after shots once i hit the 3 year mark.
Anyone here make their own pre-workout?

I've been doing it on a per drink basis for a while, with good results, but it's starting to get annoying. What I'd prefer to do is make up large batches and then scoop out X grams of it... but I'm a little concerned that it wouldn't mix properly, and I'd end up consuming 15g of beta alanine and ending up in hospital or something.

I'm guessing that the commercial stuff all gets ground together so that it mixes properly. Even then though I've heard of people getting to the bottom of a tub and finding that they've suddenly consumed a ton of caffeine or beta alanine!

Any thoughts?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You're the man bish! People like yourself, Sean, and darth are what make this place what it is. You're a great testament to what determination and will can accomplish.
Anyone here make their own pre-workout?

I've been doing it on a per drink basis for a while, with good results, but it's starting to get annoying. What I'd prefer to do is make up large batches and then scoop out X grams of it... but I'm a little concerned that it wouldn't mix properly, and I'd end up consuming 15g of beta alanine and ending up in hospital or something.

I'm guessing that the commercial stuff all gets ground together so that it mixes properly. Even then though I've heard of people getting to the bottom of a tub and finding that they've suddenly consumed a ton of caffeine or beta alanine!

Any thoughts?

I pre-portion my protein shakes into sandwich bags. ( I use a mixture of protein, sugar, beta-alanine, and creatine.) So before each workout I just pour it into a cup of water, mix and drink.

I know it's not quite the same idea you had in mind, but it's very convenient.


I pre-portion my protein shakes into sandwich bags. ( I use a mixture of protein, sugar, beta-alanine, and creatine.) So before each workout I just pour it into a cup of water, mix and drink.

I know it's not quite the same idea you had in mind, but it's very convenient.

Someone needs one of these!


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Been very strict on diet and it's paying off. Just weighed in at 246.5lbs, new low. Started at 337.5lbs and 0 muscle, so down 91lbs in actual body weight but likely a lot more then that in fat due to the muscle gain. March 1st 2015 will be the three year anniversary of when I started lifting (but not dieting), I hope I'm at 237.5 or less by then to hit the 100lb mark.

Well done bud. Keep focus on the goal as you have been!
I pre-portion my protein shakes into sandwich bags. ( I use a mixture of protein, sugar, beta-alanine, and creatine.) So before each workout I just pour it into a cup of water, mix and drink.

I know it's not quite the same idea you had in mind, but it's very convenient.

Yeah, that's basically the same as I already do, just doing lots of them in one go.

Unrelated, I'm getting bigger, but not stronger... which is freaking me out a little.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Cross post from the facebooks

Can't help but feel my training is on point right now. I failed at 620lb deadlift at my knees. When the bar slowed my chest cramped so I dropped it. Where others may be discouraged or see failure I'm encouraged. I haven't pulled heavy since June (6-7months) I hurt my back pretty badly less than two months ago and I've been training Beltless for a while now. Getting 620lbs to my knees (which would be a new personal best) with all of these factors tells me I'm doing it right. Pretty stoked right now. http://youtu.be/k_Fyq2jShyM


there is joy in sucking dick
360g worth of carbs sounds brutal to hit on a clean bulk. I personally can only stomach so much rice and potatoes. Maybe look into making carb dense shakes that have lots of fruit, still get a blast if sugar though here with fructose. There's also dextrose that you can add that can easily net you 50g worth of carbs in a shake.

Edit: Actually it's hard to hit when backloading which is what I do. The smart thing to do would be to make sure everytime you put something in your mouth it comes with a good amount of clean carbs.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm shocked you didn't get that Brolic but reading your description it makes sense. It was flying up and all of the sudden you were done. Watching that I'd say you're good for 635 plus.
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