Has anyone ever strained or pulled their lumbar?
I have yet to strain my lumbar. I hope I never do. It sounds painful as hell. I hope for a speedy recovery for you, fitbro

Has anyone ever strained or pulled their lumbar?
Has anyone ever strained or pulled their lumbar?
I've strained it twice over my life.
Good morning fitness GAF. Yesterday I went with my wife to the gym and it was leg day for me, 4am. I haven't done weights in about three to four months, so I was going to start pretty light. I started with leg extensions and did three sets of moderate weight that felt comfortable and gave some resistance, then headed over to the leg press machine.
On the leg press, I started with 4x 45lb plates total. After one set, I felt that the seat needed to be readjusted so I could lean back more and extend my legs more...when I sat up from the machine and squatted down to adjust the seat, I strained my lumbar. It just felt like a pop...and I stood up slowly and walked away. Flagged down my wife who was on the elliptical and we drove back home...on the drive home, I could feel the swelling starting to kick in because trying to relax in the car wasn't helping at all.
When we got home, it was pretty difficult to get out of the car and stand straight and walk. Once inside the house, I sat at a barstool which relieved some of the pain, but when I tried to sit straight, it just hurt. So, I got up and just stood and walked around the house without sitting.
This has happened to me before...probably the fourth or fifth time now over a course of five years. It's happened in hockey before a game started, it's happened while working in the garage and my hamstring cramped, it's happened when my hamstring cramped during bench press, and now it's happened from squatting down to adjust a leg press machine seat.
The urgent care clinic didn't open till 9am, so I had to wait around for that. Once we got there, I was starting to feel some relief but after sitting and getting up, it would hurt really bad to stand straight.
The doctor saw me and said it was my lumbar, I strained it. He asked if stretched before I did my leg training and I said no. He said also that drinking the pre-workout shake before lifting actually dehydrates you and that I needed to drink plenty of water leading up to the workout. On top of that, he said I need to stretch for a good 10 minutes to warm up the hamstrings and glutes and lower back.
I was stupid not to stretch...but it's so annoying having to recover from this because it basically sets me back a week or two for recovery. I want to stretch, but I'm afraid I will make it worse, so now I'm on steroid stim pack meds, muscle relaxers, and strong ibuprofen. I do cold and hot treatments...as I sit in my office...and sitting in my office chair gets annoying after a bit because I can't seem to relax.
Has anyone ever strained or pulled their lumbar?
Hey all, need some tips.
For the past 3 weeks I've been hitting cardio hard to try and drop some weight. I started at 225.5 lbs (I'm 5'11") and am not a big looking dude by any means, but I have a bit of a spare tire to get rid of. Today I weighed in at 221.5 which is the same as I weighed last week. So in about 2.5 weeks I've lost 4 pounds. Not awful, but I was hoping to see more results a bit quicker. The odd thing is I swear my bit of belly has gotten smaller, even though I haven't lost much weight.
Here's my schedule:
Monday - 55 min on elliptical hill setting
Tuesday - P90X Kenpo (55 minutes, kickboxing style workout)
Wednesday - 45-55 min elliptical hill setting)
Thursday - P90X3 Pilates (30 min), P90X3 Yoga (30 min)
Friday - Running on treadmill (25 min, hills), elliptical 15 min (hills)
I'm also on an eating plan where during the week I average around 1500 calories a day, and try to keep my carbs around 100g (some days 150g) and up my protein and fat to compensate. On weekends I end up eating a bit worse, and a lot more carbs but still try to keep it within reason.
Is there anything I should change? Or is it just something where it'll take time to get the weight loss moving? I was hoping to lose around 2-3lbs per week. It just frustrated me a bit to see myself at 221.5 last week, and then again this morning. I know 2.5 weeks is very little time to judge, though.
I'd like to stick to cardio if I can. I think if I could get down to 205 or so I'd look great.
What was your recovery like?
Do you guys stretch before each weight training session? Specifically on leg days?
Has anyone ever strained or pulled their lumbar?
What was your recovery like?
Do you guys stretch before each weight training session? Specifically on leg days?
I just took it easy and constantly stretched my back.
I always stretch before and after each session. For upper body, I always stretch my rotator cuff and the whole back. I also stretch my chest and shoulders on chest and OHP days.
For leg day, I do a ton of stretches and warm up exercises.
It's all diet. I wish there was more to it. If you eat 1500 5 days a week and 6000 on sat/sun, you will cancel out a lot. Also if you are drinking alky, that will show you down a lot depending on your body.
2-3lbs a week is also extremely unrealistic unless you have amazing genetics. Like cooter, that genetic beast.
What type of stretches do you do for your back?
How soon do you think I could stretch? I'm scared to stretch anything if it's still sore.
It's more like 1500 during the week and 2500 on each weekend day (sometimes). I still end the week in a deficit. Haven't had booze (aside from one beer) or soda in 3 weeks either.
We'll see how it goes over a few more weeks. Just was a bit frustrated this morning not losing anything in the last week.
Hey all, need some tips.
For the past 3 weeks I've been hitting cardio hard to try and drop some weight. I started at 225.5 lbs (I'm 5'11") and am not a big looking dude by any means, but I have a bit of a spare tire to get rid of. Today I weighed in at 221.5 which is the same as I weighed last week. So in about 2.5 weeks I've lost 4 pounds. Not awful, but I was hoping to see more results a bit quicker. The odd thing is I swear my bit of belly has gotten smaller, even though I haven't lost much weight.
Here's my schedule:
Monday - 55 min on elliptical hill setting
Tuesday - P90X Kenpo (55 minutes, kickboxing style workout)
Wednesday - 45-55 min elliptical hill setting)
Thursday - P90X3 Pilates (30 min), P90X3 Yoga (30 min)
Friday - Running on treadmill (25 min, hills), elliptical 15 min (hills)
I'm also on an eating plan where during the week I average around 1500 calories a day, and try to keep my carbs around 100g (some days 150g) and up my protein and fat to compensate. On weekends I end up eating a bit worse, and a lot more carbs but still try to keep it within reason.
Is there anything I should change? Or is it just something where it'll take time to get the weight loss moving? I was hoping to lose around 2-3lbs per week. It just frustrated me a bit to see myself at 221.5 last week, and then again this morning. I know 2.5 weeks is very little time to judge, though.
I'd like to stick to cardio if I can. I think if I could get down to 205 or so I'd look great.
Shout out to the dude doing deadlifts in .75 squat shoes. You aren't as smart as you think you are.
Here some good stretches.
I would wait a bit.
I'll echo what was said around the scale not being entirely accurate as water weight and other things can cause fluctuations. Take pics in the same pose wearing the same thing at the same time of day every week, and you'll see progress.
In regards to whether or not you can change you're workout at all...I think MOST people in this thread aren't huge fans of strictly cardio regimens for many reasons (which I can get into if you'd like). I'd HIGHLY RECOMMEND doing a HIIT / lifting structure, focusing on compound movements - squat, deadlift, bench and OHP. If you want more info or a sample workout, let me know!
He said also that drinking the pre-workout shake before lifting actually dehydrates you
I've been eating 2K calories for the last two weeks. How long is a good indication if it's my maintenance calories or not?
Shout out to the dude doing deadlifts in .75 squat shoes. You aren't as smart as you think you are.
My routine is DESTROYING me and I'm feeling really hungry. No actual pain aside some little discomfort in my right thigh, in a very specific point btw. I've been gaining weight, hope it's not only fat...
My routine is DESTROYING me and I'm feeling really hungry. No actual pain aside some little discomfort in my right thigh, in a very specific point btw. I've been gaining weight, hope it's not only fat...
I'm the same boat. Recently made my own template of lifts and events. I'm sore as shit and constantly hungry. Basically it follows like this.
Day 1 squat
Day 2 event day - carries
Day 3 off
Day 4 bench
Day 5 event day - sandbag/stone loads
Day 6 off
Day 7 deadlift
Day 8 event day - yoke walk
Day 9 off
Day 10 overhead/log press
Day 11 event medley
Day 12 off
All lifting days are done by feel and the goal is to hit a rep or max PR.
I suffer with it in my wrists from time to time and the only answer for me has been fairly meaningful doses of NSAID and rest.
I forgot to ask, but how long does it take before you feel 100% with your wrists? And how often does it come back? Preparing to live with this crap if I can't rehab my tendinitis to 100%.
Brolic, when you do a compound day, how many sets do you do? Do you do any auxiliary exercises?
Usually work up to what ever rep max I'm attempting and if I get it I move on to an assistance movement. If I dont, I'll drop back and go for a new rep PR (at a lighter weight and higher reps)then move on. If I have time I'll do a supplementary movement after assistance, but it's not mandatory.
Shout out to the dude doing deadlifts in .75 squat shoes. You aren't as smart as you think you are.
Yeah, whatchu mean? My friend and I DL in oly shoes. Although I just switched back to Chuck Taylors last workout.That directed at me?
I see. I went to the gym twice last week and I'm going to go twice this week, and will continue to do so as long as I'm doing my internship, so maybe at the end of this week is a good indication. I was strict, stuck with it. Got the cooking and everything down.2 weeks is a good frame of reference. You'll know where you are at by then, just be strict the whole 2 weeks. If you are lifting that 2 weeks, that can change things on a day to day basis, so keep that in mind.
What is your goal? Gain weight? How much?
Yes, I intend to gain around 4 kilos by the end of February, but I may gain more if things continue this way....
And on average, that'll take you around an hour and a half? Our physiques are completely different - as are our goals - but you're a huge motivational tool so I'm just always curious as to how much time you put into it on a daily basis.
Also, you really make me want to eat fast food and cake.
Hey man, not bad, but you might be doing too much! I'd do 4-5 sets of dead lifts (instead of three) and more heavy back movements and maybe stop doing cardio if you're trying to gain weight.
Yeah, whatchu mean? My friend and I DL in oly shoes. Although I just switched back to Chuck Taylors last workout.
I see. I went to the gym twice last week and I'm going to go twice this week, and will continue to do so as long as I'm doing my internship, so maybe at the end of this week is a good indication. I was strict, stuck with it. Got the cooking and everything down.
It's just the first week here, I messed up a bit. Plus work had free catering food for the week of orientation. I happened to lose weight during that time. I was 150# morning weight before I moved, after peeing and pooping and only in my boxer briefs. Two weeks ago I weighed myself at the gym, with my gym clothes on and shoes off, after having breakfast, lifting, and drinking a lot of water and I was 146.5#.
Thanks a lot, FE. Now, I'm reevaluating my career choices.
There's a job out there where you just eat Taco Bell. What am I doing with my life?
These 10 minutes of cardio are just a warm-up, I enjoy doing them and I get pumped to start my routine =)
Maybe I'm doing a little bit much, but it's because I work my legs too. DL, pull up and row are the demanding ones actually. It takes around 50 minutes to finish with the cardio.
That's the same sort of bollocks that has people saying that coffee dehydrates you. Assuming your pre-workout shake actually contains more than a 3 to 1 ratio of water to powder (and good luck drinking it if it's less), there's no chance of it dehydrating you... unless you're spiking it with salt for some reason.
You should definitely be drinking plenty of water before working out though.
On the subject of back injuries... I pull muscles in mine all the time. Never lifting though, when doing general crap, which is even more frustrating. NSAID, ice, rest... and time. =/
How many days a week do you lift?
I get calf cramps a lot while sleeping...I was told that it may be cause from dehydration, which may be true cause I never used to drink water
I get calf cramps a lot while sleeping...I was told that it may be cause from dehydration, which may be true cause I never used to drink water
Second Workout
5, I have two routines, this is what I did yesterday:
Where are you getting numbers like 88.18 lbs from? The 18/100ths of a pound part, I mean.