I asked for some recommendations in here the other day for some effective in-home, equipmentless workout routines. The suggestions were good - except for the fact that all of them required equipment
I know this is far from ideal. I'm gone 12 hours every day for work, don't have a car, refuse to pay $70/month for my local gym, and I don't even have a television to watch damn workout DVDs on. I'm moving in a few months, and reconfiguring my daily schedule and making sure I'm close to a reasonably priced gym.
I need something to keep my body from turning to a melting popsicle in the interim, though. After a good 45 minutes of googling, I found two things that are what I'm after - I just want some opinions as to whether or not doing one of these circuits (say, five times a week) will actually be effective in some way. I don't want to start this if I'm just following some hodgepodge routine cooked up by a random jpeg artist in search of clicks.
Anyway, here are the two I'm looking at right now:
Would doing four or five circuits of either of these five days a week be worth my while?