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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Just run out of my current protein shake. I am looking to get a better one,have you guys goylt any suggestions? I am willing to spend around £40 for 5kg.
Based on your use of the pound sign I'd say you're in Britain... so you could grab a bunch of MyProtein samples, or pick up one of the more popular flavours from Optimum Nutrition (Edit - scratch this). They're basically considered to be the best.


MyProtein currently has 25% off on the bigger packs of impact whey (I like cookies & cream personally, but I recommend getting samples first).

Edit - £40 for 5kg puts ON out of your price range by miles. MyProtein is inside with the discount.


Very good news Sadetar. :)
Great news Sadetar!
Good to hear both MTP and Sadetar are recovering.
great to hear
Thanks you all! ^_^ I am still sooooo happy. Also even if there is still pain, I have had couple nights now when I have been able to sleep better and that makes a difference. I am being very hopeful that I will be fine sooner than later.

LOL those pants, will probably make your legs and ass look great but I don't think I could ever be comfortable in those
I actually quite much like this idea. You should at least try... ;)

I've lost count of the number of times I've tried to do something that seemed quite easy just the week before and utterly failed... let alone move on to new heights. Sometimes your body just doesn't want to play ball.
I know this feeling all too well.

Wednesday when I was totally hyped I went up with nearly all my lifts and everything felt awesome. Friday I tried to do the same weights as on Wednesday and I couldn't get but around 75 % of the reps compared to earlier and even that was a struggle. I think I should have had one more rest day and ate better before hitting the gym though. Well, better luck next week.

Took a video during my deadlift session yesterday. Looking to keep bumping my reps up with 405 until I can get 3 sets of 10. Did 3x5 yesterday. Looking to do 3x6, 3x8, then 3x10. Then on to 455 :)

Ooh. I am always a fan of the vids you great people post in here.

That was awesome and you definitely made that look way too easy.
You also did look extremely good all in all.

Do I need to start wearing compression gear everywhere?
Good that you asked - yes. :D

Keeping with the light bench work. Shoulder still not 100%.

325x5 and some close grip work ending at 315x3. Here's the log.

Bench press 45lbs x40, 135x20, 225x10, 275x5, 325x5. Close grip bench press 225x10, 275x5, 315x3 Face pulls and curls to finish.

That was brilliant. I totally love the way you honestly think that is light. Thank gods there is other people posting in here or I would be totally lost what normal lads are capable of lifting (even though I know that even our other lads in here aren't really normal but also beasts among men).

Down to 239lbs now. 1.5lbs away from hitting 100lbs lost on the scale. Almost there...
That is so great to hear. You are truly and inspiration!

Are you soon going to share some comparison pics? :D I have been waiting for those. :)

Day fiddy-one complete. Still feeling fresh and strong. It helps that I got about 12 hours last night.
You are machine!

If I'm due for some catch up after a long week I could probably sleep 14 if I wanted.
I have been like that as well. If I am not in pain, I am able to sleep 12-18 hours straight without waking up. That is most likely also one of the reasons why it has been so awful for me to be in agony during night time, since I am so used to sleep so well. Oh well, it will come back.

Been really working on my grip/forearms the past few weeks, and noticing great results.
Great looking arm, not going to argue.

Finally got 405, which is my first 2x bodyweight squat. It's been about a year of doing rehab work and making my way back up and I blew past my old PRs this time around. A year ago I could only do 155#.

Brilliant work!


Based on your use of the pound sign I'd say you're in Britain... so you could grab a bunch of MyProtein samples, or pick up one of the more popular flavours from Optimum Nutrition (Edit - scratch this). They're basically considered to be the best.


MyProtein currently has 25% off on the bigger packs of impact whey (I like cookies & cream personally, but I recommend getting samples first).

Edit - £40 for 5kg puts ON out of your price range by miles. MyProtein is inside with the discount.

Is the quality that much different? I'm going with significantly cheaper Whey & Casein made by some Swedish companies now (otherwise too expensive) and have not noticed much of a difference. Still don't need to fart from those proteins - had some huge issues with another brand. ;)
Some brands have been slammed for lying about the protein content of their powders, but ON and MyProtein came out pretty well in the report.


there is joy in sucking dick
Got my digital scale, yep, weight at the gym is exactly 10lb off haha. On the bright side, 10lb less than i thought I was. 25lb should get me around 10-12%BF and plan on bulking from that point on. Maybe do as Candito does, bulk to a certain body fat then drop to maintenance, bring BF down slowly, then bulk again. But ill cross that bridge when I get there.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Having issues bench pressing, found out ive been doing it wrong these last few months and bending my wrists as I take the bar off the rack, got used to it. Found a video online that said to make the wrists and hands straight and tried all today with just the bar and no weights but couldnt get it to work out properly, only way I can lift is if the wrists bend at an angle. Anyone had similar issues?


Was working on le bench when a thin hipster guy went to the deadlift platform.
Nazi haircut AND wearing a plaid button shirt.
He then deadlifted a bit more then 500 pounds. Kid looked like he was barely 20 and easy 10pounds lighter then me.

I was in awe and full of spite at the same time
Pressed 5x5 @ 120 today and it felt lighter than ever. Press has got to be the most wishy-washy lift for me. Somedays it just feels great and it "clicks". A lot more often though, the motion itself feels off and the lift struggles.


In Florida with my girls and no access to the gym. Normally this would stress me out but I'm all about making the best of shit these days. HIIT to the local park and then a full jungle gym workout (push ups, pull ups, dips, resistance band work, etc). I forgot what real cardio is...wow amazing workout.

Pressed 5x5 @ 120 today and it felt lighter than ever. Press has got to be the most wishy-washy lift for me. Somedays it just feels great and it "clicks". A lot more often though, the motion itself feels off and the lift struggles.

Do you always do OHP 1st or 2nd in your workout?


Are there any recommendations on a scale?

Body Fat % and other info would be nice I guess but I understand that anything that relies on bioelectrical impedance can fluctuate based on hydration levels and if a person has more fat in the bottom half or upper half of their body.

Still the information is interesting and its helped me follow my progress. I've only used a scale from a nutritionist to gauge my body fat percentage. I do have a Body Fat Caliper somewhere in my house but the convenience of a scale and even the potential to log the data for myself does sound tempting.

Yep, impedance scales and calipers are both pretty useless. A better guess (for males) would be to take your height in inches and multiply it by 2.0-2.5. If you're an intermediate level lifter, pick 2.25. That's your estimated lean mass, you can figure out your fat% from there.

Again that's a huge guess, but it'll probably be more accurate than calipers and definitely more accurate than those scales.


Are there any recommendations on a scale?

Body Fat % and other info would be nice I guess but I understand that anything that relies on bioelectrical impedance can fluctuate based on hydration levels and if a person has more fat in the bottom half or upper half of their body.

Still the information is interesting and its helped me follow my progress. I've only used a scale from a nutritionist to gauge my body fat percentage. I do have a Body Fat Caliper somewhere in my house but the convenience of a scale and even the potential to log the data for myself does sound tempting.



I bought the recommended scale - it's a simple scale that just gives you your weight, but it's nice looking and accurate. Fine for $29 off Amazon.


Also, found out this one guys at the gym who constantly brags how natty he is (and put on 80lbs in a year and a half and still has abs) admitted to one of my buddies he's done prohormone cycles.


there is joy in sucking dick
Yep, impedance scales and calipers are both pretty useless. A better guess (for males) would be to take your height in inches and multiply it by 2.0-2.5. If you're an intermediate level lifter, pick 2.25. That's your estimated lean mass, you can figure out your fat% from there.

Again that's a huge guess, but it'll probably be more accurate than calipers and definitely more accurate than those scales.

I did that calculation just now and I'm pretty much intermediate across the four major compound movements. Sounds about right, if not off by a pound or two. Real cool.


Yep, impedance scales and calipers are both pretty useless. A better guess (for males) would be to take your height in inches and multiply it by 2.0-2.5. If you're an intermediate level lifter, pick 2.25. That's your estimated lean mass, you can figure out your fat% from there.

Again that's a huge guess, but it'll probably be more accurate than calipers and definitely more accurate than those scales.

Yeah, doesn't work for us short peeps lol. Even if I use the low end of 2.0, it tells me I have 132 lbs of lean mass on my 140-145 lb frame lol.
Ahm, I'm from the time when there were roids, HGH and that's about it. What's a prohormone and how are they different from roids?

What i'm getting from wikipedia is.. weird.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I've found that the dumbbells I bought have handles that are too small around; they slip in my hands, but then the knurling catches my skin and irritates it, which is leading to some large, stiff, inconveniently placed calluses. I'd like to find something to expand the handles, preferably something that would be non slip and create some level of padding. Is there a product for this?

I was thinking of getting some handlebar tape from a bike shop for this purpose, but that stuff isn't really cheap, and I don't know how long it would last for this purpose.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Had a good workout today, pretty happy about that. Completed all my squats and barbell curls, and while I didn't fully complete my bench press sets, I did lift heavier than last time and did 4X3. I should be able to knock that out the next time I bench.

Question, for those doing GSLP. The barbell curl recommendation is 2 sets of 10-15 reps. Do you have to go up to 15 reps for both sets before you add weight?


Hahaha! Awesome thread...I thought I was too rare a breed of both a gaming and fitness enthusiast to have others like me congregate in such numbers. Indeed I admit I am actually more of a fitness and health guru first and a gaming nerd (affectionate term) second.

That said, although I was really impressed with the OP's link set, and what appears to be a pretty health conscious and knowledgeable crowd, I feel I likely can contribute at a fairly high level, given I was a high performance track and field athlete for 15 years, eventually earned a Bachelors in Kinesiology, a Masters in Health Promotion, and a 17 year career as a forensic mental health specialist and Recreation Therapist. The recreation aspect is what got me back into gaming after a 20 year hiatus because screw it.....games are FUN and fitness is my work and I need a break from it from time to time! ;)

I recognize there are too many pages to review in order to analyse who knows what about what they are doing, but I simply felt obliged to say a few words about ketones. FIrst of all, these are not new substances, despite the latest round of hype going around. Time and again augmented diets resurface under different names, the latest before "keto" was "Atkins" and ketonogenic diets have always fizzled out for non clinical populations since their inception in the ealy part of the last century. The reason? Ketones are not good, and indicative of poor health in the body, unless of course you are a cancer patient, epileptic, or an undiagnosed diabetic; in which case the presence of ketones is a good thing, as it means you will be properly diagnosed with diabetes, after which you best not have them in your system.Yes I am aware of macros albeit only superficially as they relate to health care practitioners who use them to try to mitigate the negative health affects of starving....but everyone is different, and the ones on websites look shoddy, as they cant possibly take into consideration the wide vareity of somatypes out there, and whom have various percentages of fast and slow twitch muscle. Plain and simple a medical practicioner needs to be involved. If not, don't do it.

Irrespective of the idea that I recognize that the people doing ketogenic diets could possibly know what they are doing, and may even have relatively good knowledge about it (one poster recognized it was "unhealthy" but didnt seem to care), it doesnt make sense for weight control for one main reason. Energy Metabolism. There is a reason the body prefers 60% CHO, 25-30% FAT, and 10-15% protein for diet....its because that is the breakdown of how our body burns the calories we consume. IN fact we dont really burn protein unless in an emergency situation where we run out of CHO...we dont burn fat in an emergency, its too slow burning...just try canola oil in your gas tank of your car. More on this later but there is not any way around the fact that fat doesnt burn fast when we limit CHO intake. We simply can not burn any better ratio of fat to CHO than ~ 60/40. Indeed, we can certainly burn less fat and more CHO all the way up to 100% CHO and 0 FAT, but I think most can recognize the futility of achieving that echelon on a regualr basis. Obviously the best strategy is to maximize our fat burning potential, keep it around the 60/40 mark, and eat a regular diet to support that. Yes I actually came on here to repeat the tired mantra that a regular diet is best! I went there. Yes we can convert fat to ketones, but as explaiend below, thats an emergecy only type of remedy only as you will also be burning muscle.

I didnt want to come on here and do a lecture series laden with techocratic jargon, but really the most important statistic in weight control is not BMI, its not even BMR! (although that one helps)...its your R value. Basically its the ratio of fat to CHO that we are burning at all times and it fluctuates based on our RPE, or rating of perceived exertion. The more we approach intense exertion the less fat we burn and the more we rely on CHO (glycogen stored it the muscle for emergency fight or flight.) Of course its more complex than what I am implying as each person has a wide range of mucle fibre types between slow twitch, fast twitch, and potentially a hybrid type that can be trained in one direction or the other (but not both at the same time.) Also, each person has a level of fitness that will send them into fight or flight a lot faster or slower based on their genetics and fitness history. Notwithstanding, the beauty of what I am about to tell you is relatively true for all people irrespective of goal, i.e. in order to burn more fat you want your body to do greater and greater intensities of training, at lower and lower ratings of perceived exertion (RPE.)

Think of me a trained athlete, I basically run a 10K faster than most can sprint, but do so with my mouth closed breathing only through my nose, eyes half open, in almost a meditative state, and am achieving an R value as close to the 60/40 maximum fat burning ratio possible; where if someone who was not trained to do this would be into 100/0 in the first 100 meters. For all on here, if there is one thing you would best do no matter if you want to get big or cut weight, is to learn how to do greater and greater work with less RPE. If you are hoping to get bigger (although I would question what it is you really wnat out of size, as most professional athletes who are not offensive lineman, DT's and occasionally LB's dont really need to be bigger as opposed to dynamically stronger), the ability to use more fat in your largely eccentric (with gravity) or static contractions saves glycogen for the end of your workout. Big surprise this will make you look leaner and more cut, if not make you stronger, as you will be able to lift more weight, but will tire easily if you try to maintain your white meat fast twicth output any longer than a minute or two. If you are attempting to cut weight, your largely dynamic (against gravity) contractions, will actually make you dynamically stronger and generally a better athlete, than if you got big for the sake of being big, and you will be encouraging dark meat or slow twitch msucle growth. By encouraging slow twitch growth the muscles increase the number of fat burning mitochondria, become rock hard, like steel, but dont grow very "huge" making you look more like spider man than the hulk... which is a good thing likely.

OK so with that said why not cut weight fast with a "keto" plan? Well first off, its extremely difficult to maintain without burning muscle. Yes that's right...our body has no ability to burn stored fat in a fight or flight situation when CHO runs out; rather it burns protein, mostly in the muscles that are doing the work at the time. How does that make sense! The whole point is to make more mitochondria and more energy burning muscle!!! I have experienced this occurrence first hand once when I did a 20k hard run on lower than normal caloric intake and could actually feel my muscle eroding away. I also could smell the ketones in my urine...it smelled like kerosine or acetone solvent...which apparently isnt far off at the molecular level. What I did not recognize until further study was that the reason it was in my urine is that the kidneys were working hard to eliminate it as fast as possible from my body, as it actaully is a toxic substance, particularly at higher than reasonable levels. THis is also why you get the lower electrolite levels, which in turn can wreck sleep etc. Of course medical practioners will be able to use tubes etc. while people are in hospital to regulate appropriately, but macros simply cannot relpace a team of medical professionals and sensitve medical equipment, which will properly assess the individual. Once the sensitive equipment determines the appropriate levels then they can go forward without doign damage...but only then...and its always with a risk/reward cost assessment based on the cancer or epilepsy.

Of course I can understand the allure of cutting weight faster than normal, but what I think people are missing is that by maximizing fat burning in a healthy graduated fashion, they will end up buring the fat almost as fast, and with greater ease, less calculators, eating whatever they want within reason, and becoming as close to a powerful athlete as one can get without actually being a professional one.

With a proper understanding of free fatty acids, and how the body burns these in the blood first before stored fat is tapped into, and as such workoutrs are structured with the first 2o minutes incurring any maximal RPE's, with the latter portion extending at least 40 minutes (as to at least start tapping into stored fat reserves) you all can cut your fat AND be ripped all with the same graduated workout plan. Yes this takes time and commitment, but will surely improve your sitution fruther and more permanently than with crash diets.

I appreciated the milk tips in the OP's preamble....although I would add sardines and oysters to the mix, very cheap and concetrated food with extra omega oils in natural digestible form; and with the exact amount of vitamins necessary to help the protein and oils absorb. Why? Because that's the kind of food our bodies have adapted to consume over the last 100K years!

I have a career already, have a busy existence, am not here to sell myself, or anything else for that matter, and despite that I wish I could help you all personally, I cant. This would best be done by an exercise physiologist closer to your home who can wrap the skinfold calipers on you and assess your Vo2 max etc. Do not be afraid to spend a few bucks getting a real physiologist at the University to assess your situation...personal trainers are dime a dozen and cheap, and sceintists are rare and cost more, but you get what you pay for, and you wont be tricked into buying anything. The key indicator you have found a true professional is that they will promote no expensive consumable products to you, tell you that it will take hard work to get goals met, likely more than you thought you bargained for, as that is the reality, but will recommend a long term program that is tailor made to you personally.
Ok, that was a long post. Interesting, though I don't agree with all of it (but mostly looking at certain aspects from the perspective of a cyclist).


Hi Pantheon...I raraely spend any time on this site in this kind of topic as it is usually my refuge from work topics!!!! Apologies for the length to everyone...got a little late, realized I was too tired to finish what I started....and although I admit it got too technocratic, and I wasnt able to reference much or exlain all details, I encourage people to check the facts...they are pretty solid. It would be different had I not experienced the ketogenesis myself...the brain gets to use the ketone bodies and can do so only so long, then we die. It was beneficial in our development as humans during the ice age as we coudl stay alive searching for food while runnign on empty longer than most other animals even...its just not desireable to take advantage of this process when enough food is available however; you kind of want to be an inefficent lambourghini long term, not an energy saving ford focus.

Ok, that was a long post. Interesting, though I don't agree with all of it (but mostly looking at certain aspects from the perspective of a cyclist).
Really? Cool. Sprint or Endurance? Looking back I definitely let my bias toward endurance over sprints leak through in my delivery. ;) I dont know any cyclists that look like the HUlk regadless of their distance though, not many athletes do. Time for this Spiderman to go bed though before I get any more loopy.


Question, for those doing GSLP. The barbell curl recommendation is 2 sets of 10-15 reps. Do you have to go up to 15 reps for both sets before you add weight?

I'm not doing barbell curls on GSLP, but you still do progressive overload on the BB curls, like on any other movement. On Johnny Pain's forum:

Johnny Pain said:
2.5lb jumps on pressing movements and curls (when rep ranges are satisfied)
So I guess if you increase the weight and you get 9 reps, you drop it 10% in your next session.
Really? Cool. Sprint or Endurance? Looking back I definitely let my bias toward endurance over sprints leak through in my delivery. ;) I dont know any cyclists that look like the HUlk regadless of their distance though, not many athletes do. Time for this Spiderman to go bed though before I get any more loopy.

Mountain biking mostly... which has aspects of both, and obviously strength can be very important.

It wasn't about the hulk part of it anyway, it was about focussing on lower intensity training... which really isn't going to get you very far in cycling unless you have literally hundreds of hours to spend on it, which no-one bar professional athletes (and filthy students) does. On paper, you're absolutely right of course, but in practice you have to work with the time you've got available.


Question, for those doing GSLP. The barbell curl recommendation is 2 sets of 10-15 reps. Do you have to go up to 15 reps for both sets before you add weight?

I don't do GSLP but if you can increase the weight and still hit at least 2*10 I'd say go for it.


Also, found out this one guys at the gym who constantly brags how natty he is (and put on 80lbs in a year and a half and still has abs) admitted to one of my buddies he's done prohormone cycles.

Seems legit.
I know a kid thats 160lbs that's hopping on the juice, wants to get shredded for the summer brahh!!
Mountain biking mostly... which has aspects of both, and obviously strength can be very important.

It wasn't about the hulk part of it anyway, it was about focussing on lower intensity training... which really isn't going to get you very far in cycling unless you have literally hundreds of hours to spend on it, which no-one bar professional athletes (and filthy students) does. On paper, you're absolutely right of course, but in practice you have to work with the time you've got available.

I've gotten into mountain biking the last two years, and I've been thinking of switching my weight lifting routine this spring to something more endurance focused for it. Do you do any training specifically for biking, or do you just do a powerlifting routine?

Also, since I mostly lurk I wanted to say that I really enjoy the thread, and have picked up some good tips reading it. So thanks for that!
I'm currently doing three types of training.

1: Turbo trainer work. This is mostly in the winter, but I'm working my way through a specific plan on TrainerRoad. Less important in the warmer months as I spend a significant amount of time out on the trails.

2: Weights. I run my own routine that fits in a number of exercises that I know are particularly helpful to throwing the mountain bike around / reducing fatigue on the trail. I still do the big three / four, but I use a higher rep range than most here. I'm not particularly interested in becoming massive, as obviously any additional weight you have to haul up the hills. Weights are done on a two a day setup with the turbo trainer work. Weights first, then food / short rest, then I get on the turbo trainer for an hour or more.

3: Skill work. Not as often as I like I get out specifically to practice certain skills over and over again. This is something I really need to improve as I've neglected it a bit for pure fitness / strength.

This guy has a lot of good ideas on the whole subject, so you might want to have a read through his site for some inspiration. I'm not doing his full on routine, but I've incorporated aspects of it.



there is joy in sucking dick
I wonder if 2adepts point regarding Keto still stands when you consider he's talking about endurance and/or general cardio. All the articles I've read regarding keto ask that the dieter lifts heavy, eats copious amounts of protein, and drops any longer bouts of cardio in favor of HIIT based training. All these things are suggested to preserve muscle mass. All I know is my strength has maintained if not gotten slightly stronger on a Keto diet for two months now.

I agree on the time it takes to lose weight though. Low carb, low fat, both roads seem to be even it just comes down to personal preference. I like low car due to being satiated throughout the day versus the hunger I would feel on low fat with a caloric restriction.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm done feeling fat and barely being able to reach my back to wash. I'll run it another week to hit my PR goals but I'll be counting the days until it's over. Blah...
I agree on the time it takes to lose weight though. Low carb, low fat, both roads seem to be even it just comes down to caloric deficit. I like low car due to being satiated throughout the day versus the hunger I would feel on low fat with a caloric restriction.


As far as fat loss speed is concerned, dont think theres any other metric that applies.

Keto does make deficits far more tolerable for me tho.

I mean, fucksake i was on sub 1thou kcal a day and wasnt feeling hungry.


I wonder if 2adepts point regarding Keto still stands when you consider he's talking about endurance and/or general cardio. All the articles I've read regarding keto ask that the dieter lifts heavy, eats copious amounts of protein, and drops any longer bouts of cardio in favor of HIIT based training. All these things are suggested to preserve muscle mass. All I know is my strength has maintained if not gotten slightly stronger on a Keto diet for two months now.

I agree on the time it takes to lose weight though. Low carb, low fat, both roads seem to be even it just comes down to personal preference. I like low car due to being satiated throughout the day versus the hunger I would feel on low fat with a caloric restriction.

Isn't it the other way around? I think on keto you're supposed to eschew HIIT unless you carb cycle because it becomes overly catabolic due to the lack of carbs for quick fuel. I think it uses your muscle over fat for quick fuel in the absence of glycogen.

I could be totally wrong here though.

edit: just saw this, seems to support my point: http://www.reddit.com/r/keto/comments/1i0ium/hiit_on_keto/


there is joy in sucking dick
Isn't it the other way around? I think on keto you're supposed to eschew HIIT unless you carb cycle because it becomes overly catabolic due to the lack of carbs for quick fuel. I think it uses your muscle over fat for quick fuel in the absence of glycogen.

I could be totally wrong here though.

edit: just saw this, seems to support my point: http://www.reddit.com/r/keto/comments/1i0ium/hiit_on_keto/

Ahhhh that makes sense I guess I'm speaking from someone doing cyclical Keto, where I do a carb refeed every 5-7 days. On cyclical its HIIT that is suggested sense it helps to run down any glycogen stores. It's faster paced, longer steady state cardio (like marathon running) that's suggested against.
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