Hahaha! Awesome thread...I thought I was too rare a breed of both a gaming and fitness enthusiast to have others like me congregate in such numbers. Indeed I admit I am actually more of a fitness and health guru first and a gaming nerd (affectionate term) second.
That said, although I was really impressed with the OP's link set, and what appears to be a pretty health conscious and knowledgeable crowd, I feel I likely can contribute at a fairly high level, given I was a high performance track and field athlete for 15 years, eventually earned a Bachelors in Kinesiology, a Masters in Health Promotion, and a 17 year career as a forensic mental health specialist and Recreation Therapist. The recreation aspect is what got me back into gaming after a 20 year hiatus because screw it.....games are FUN and fitness is my work and I need a break from it from time to time!
I recognize there are too many pages to review in order to analyse who knows what about what they are doing, but I simply felt obliged to say a few words about ketones. FIrst of all, these are not new substances, despite the latest round of hype going around. Time and again augmented diets resurface under different names, the latest before "keto" was "Atkins" and ketonogenic diets have always fizzled out for non clinical populations since their inception in the ealy part of the last century. The reason? Ketones are not good, and indicative of poor health in the body, unless of course you are a cancer patient, epileptic, or an undiagnosed diabetic; in which case the presence of ketones is a good thing, as it means you will be properly diagnosed with diabetes, after which you best not have them in your system.Yes I am aware of macros albeit only superficially as they relate to health care practitioners who use them to try to mitigate the negative health affects of starving....but everyone is different, and the ones on websites look shoddy, as they cant possibly take into consideration the wide vareity of somatypes out there, and whom have various percentages of fast and slow twitch muscle. Plain and simple a medical practicioner needs to be involved. If not, don't do it.
Irrespective of the idea that I recognize that the people doing ketogenic diets could possibly know what they are doing, and may even have relatively good knowledge about it (one poster recognized it was "unhealthy" but didnt seem to care), it doesnt make sense for weight control for one main reason. Energy Metabolism. There is a reason the body prefers 60% CHO, 25-30% FAT, and 10-15% protein for diet....its because that is the breakdown of how our body burns the calories we consume. IN fact we dont really burn protein unless in an emergency situation where we run out of CHO...we dont burn fat in an emergency, its too slow burning...just try canola oil in your gas tank of your car. More on this later but there is not any way around the fact that fat doesnt burn fast when we limit CHO intake. We simply can not burn any better ratio of fat to CHO than ~ 60/40. Indeed, we can certainly burn less fat and more CHO all the way up to 100% CHO and 0 FAT, but I think most can recognize the futility of achieving that echelon on a regualr basis. Obviously the best strategy is to maximize our fat burning potential, keep it around the 60/40 mark, and eat a regular diet to support that. Yes I actually came on here to repeat the tired mantra that a regular diet is best! I went there. Yes we can convert fat to ketones, but as explaiend below, thats an emergecy only type of remedy only as you will also be burning muscle.
I didnt want to come on here and do a lecture series laden with techocratic jargon, but really the most important statistic in weight control is not BMI, its not even BMR! (although that one helps)...its your R value. Basically its the ratio of fat to CHO that we are burning at all times and it fluctuates based on our RPE, or rating of perceived exertion. The more we approach intense exertion the less fat we burn and the more we rely on CHO (glycogen stored it the muscle for emergency fight or flight.) Of course its more complex than what I am implying as each person has a wide range of mucle fibre types between slow twitch, fast twitch, and potentially a hybrid type that can be trained in one direction or the other (but not both at the same time.) Also, each person has a level of fitness that will send them into fight or flight a lot faster or slower based on their genetics and fitness history. Notwithstanding, the beauty of what I am about to tell you is relatively true for all people irrespective of goal, i.e. in order to burn more fat you want your body to do greater and greater intensities of training, at lower and lower ratings of perceived exertion (RPE.)
Think of me a trained athlete, I basically run a 10K faster than most can sprint, but do so with my mouth closed breathing only through my nose, eyes half open, in almost a meditative state, and am achieving an R value as close to the 60/40 maximum fat burning ratio possible; where if someone who was not trained to do this would be into 100/0 in the first 100 meters. For all on here, if there is one thing you would best do no matter if you want to get big or cut weight, is to learn how to do greater and greater work with less RPE. If you are hoping to get bigger (although I would question what it is you really wnat out of size, as most professional athletes who are not offensive lineman, DT's and occasionally LB's dont really need to be bigger as opposed to dynamically stronger), the ability to use more fat in your largely eccentric (with gravity) or static contractions saves glycogen for the end of your workout. Big surprise this will make you look leaner and more cut, if not make you stronger, as you will be able to lift more weight, but will tire easily if you try to maintain your white meat fast twicth output any longer than a minute or two. If you are attempting to cut weight, your largely dynamic (against gravity) contractions, will actually make you dynamically stronger and generally a better athlete, than if you got big for the sake of being big, and you will be encouraging dark meat or slow twitch msucle growth. By encouraging slow twitch growth the muscles increase the number of fat burning mitochondria, become rock hard, like steel, but dont grow very "huge" making you look more like spider man than the hulk... which is a good thing likely.
OK so with that said why not cut weight fast with a "keto" plan? Well first off, its
extremely difficult to maintain without burning muscle. Yes that's right...our body has no ability to burn stored fat in a fight or flight situation when CHO runs out; rather it burns protein, mostly in the muscles that are doing the work at the time. How does that make sense! The whole point is to make more mitochondria and more energy burning muscle!!! I have experienced this occurrence first hand once when I did a 20k hard run on lower than normal caloric intake and could actually feel my muscle eroding away. I also could smell the ketones in my urine...it smelled like kerosine or acetone solvent...which apparently isnt far off at the molecular level. What I did not recognize until further study was that the reason it was in my urine is that the kidneys were working hard to eliminate it as fast as possible from my body, as it actaully is a toxic substance, particularly at higher than reasonable levels. THis is also why you get the lower electrolite levels, which in turn can wreck sleep etc. Of course medical practioners will be able to use tubes etc. while people are in hospital to regulate appropriately, but macros simply cannot relpace a team of medical professionals and sensitve medical equipment, which will properly assess the individual. Once the sensitive equipment determines the appropriate levels then they can go forward without doign damage...but only then...and its always with a risk/reward cost assessment based on the cancer or epilepsy.
Of course I can understand the allure of cutting weight faster than normal, but what I think people are missing is that by maximizing fat burning in a healthy graduated fashion, they will end up buring the fat almost as fast, and with greater ease, less calculators, eating whatever they want within reason, and becoming as close to a powerful athlete as one can get without actually being a professional one.
With a proper understanding of free fatty acids, and how the body burns these in the blood first before stored fat is tapped into, and as such workoutrs are structured with the first 2o minutes incurring any maximal RPE's, with the latter portion extending at least 40 minutes (as to at least start tapping into stored fat reserves) you all can cut your fat AND be ripped all with the same graduated workout plan. Yes this takes time and commitment, but will surely improve your sitution fruther and more permanently than with crash diets.
I appreciated the milk tips in the OP's preamble....although I would add sardines and oysters to the mix, very cheap and concetrated food with extra omega oils in natural digestible form; and with the exact amount of vitamins necessary to help the protein and oils absorb. Why? Because that's the kind of food our bodies have adapted to consume over the last 100K years!
I have a career already, have a busy existence, am not here to sell myself, or anything else for that matter, and despite that I wish I could help you all personally, I cant. This would best be done by an exercise physiologist closer to your home who can wrap the skinfold calipers on you and assess your Vo2 max etc. Do not be afraid to spend a few bucks getting a real physiologist at the University to assess your situation...personal trainers are dime a dozen and cheap, and sceintists are rare and cost more, but you get what you pay for, and you wont be tricked into buying anything. The key indicator you have found a true professional is that they will promote no expensive consumable products to you, tell you that it will take hard work to get goals met, likely more than you thought you bargained for, as that is the reality, but will recommend a long term program that is tailor made to you personally.