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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I have genuinely no idea what my PRs are... mostly because they're all from about 12 years ago and I really don't want to find out how far off them I am now.

As much as I usually disagree with him, he's right though. Everyone knows how much they did as a best ever, the sentiment he's expressing is usually bullshit you hear from some has been either in the gym or outside when someone recognizes you lift and want to try to one up you or equate themselves to you.
So, it seems I have a tendency to round my lower back at the bottom (hip below knees) of squats and during deadlifts.

After reading online and doing some bodyweight reps at home in front of a mirror and without a shirt to be able to check my form more easily it seems to me the issue is remediated somewhat during squats if I focus on taking a wide stance and pushing out my knees (which my trainer told me to do as well) and if I make sure to take a deep breath at the top and hold it throughout the movement until I'm back at the top.

For deadlifts, it seems I do better if I follow the advice I see in some videos online of, when at them bottom, pretending that I'm starting the lift by pushing from my feet and keeping my chest up, until I push myself into a better position before I actually start the actual lift and not actually start the list until I'm in this position. I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone; it's a bit hard to explain.

Some questions:

1. Do the fixes I wrote above make sense?
2. The fix I wrote above would only help when getting the weight up, not when getting it down. How can I maintain form on the way down?
3. Do you have any other suggestions?
4. What is a good breathing pattern for deadlifting?
5. How awesome would it be if we all were sufficiently free of inhibitions and body image issues that we would have the guts to lift in the gym without wearing a shirt in order to be better able to use correct form?


the piano man
On compounds?

No way people don't know their PRs. It's possible under some circumstances like Psychotext but to not know what you're currently at it's just weird.

Even if you are all-bodybuilding, and have no strength goals, that's just... not right

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So, it seems I have a tendency to round my lower back at the bottom (hip below knees) of squats and during deadlifts.

After reading online and doing some bodyweight reps at home in front of a mirror and without a shirt to be able to check my form more easily it seems to me the issue is remediated somewhat during squats if I focus on taking a wide stance and pushing out my knees (which my trainer told me to do as well) and if I make sure to take a deep breath at the top and hold it throughout the movement until I'm back at the top.

For deadlifts, it seems I do better if I follow the advice I see in some videos online of, when at them bottom, pretending that I'm starting the lift by pushing from my feet and keeping my chest up, until I push myself into a better position before I actually start the actual lift and not actually start the list until I'm in this position. I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone; it's a bit hard to explain.

Some questions:

1. Do the fixes I wrote above make sense?
2. Do you have any other suggestions?
3. What is a good breathing pattern for deadlifting?
4. How awesome would it be if we all were sufficiently free of inhibitions and body image issues that we would have the guts to lift in the gym without wearing a shirt in order to be better able to use correct form?

For deadlift set yourself up where you pull the slack out of the bar and engage your lats/push your chest out before the lift. Somewhere in there brace your abs HARD. You should basically have a gut. Drive through your heels and keep the bar close. Once the bar passes your knees fuck the bar.

And you don't need to be shirtless to see shit form. Lifting shirtless or basically shirtless is for narcissists.


there is joy in sucking dick
Fuck the bar lmao. I've been doing high volume deadlifts and its helped my speed a bit and the hips def snap forward much quicker now.
For deadlift set yourself up where you pull the slack out of the bar and engage your lats/push your chest out before the lift. Somewhere in there brace your abs HARD. You should basically have a gut. Drive through your heels and keep the bar close. Once the bar passes your knees fuck the bar.

And you don't need to be shirtless to see shit form. Lifting shirtless or basically shirtless is for narcissists.

The bolded sounds similar to what I was trying to explain. Thanks for that and for the other description as well.

When you say I should have a gut, do you mean I should press my belly out on breathing in?

My last question was a joke.

Fuck the bar lmao.

I think I know what he means with that. Sounds like good advice :)
The bolded sounds similar to what I was trying to explain. Thanks for that and for the other description as well.

When you say I should have a gut, do you mean I should press my belly out on breathing in?

My last question was a joke.

Ya fill your lower stomach with air, like you're eating it and hold it until the end of the rep. Your stomach (not your chest) will be pushed out.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
The bolded sounds similar to what I was trying to explain. Thanks for that and for the other description as well.

When you say I should have a gut, do you mean I should press my belly out on breathing in?

My last question was a joke.

I have a gut since I'm a fatass, but here look at this Beltless, you can see I'm forcing it out more. You should be doing that, whether Beltless or not.


It's calld bracing. You should be breathing into your belly and pushing hard.

Here's a video on bracing. http://youtu.be/VcY3YSW9vX4

And here is an excellent video for setup.

I have a gut since I'm a fatass, but here look at this Beltless, you can see I'm forcing it out more. You should be doing that, whether Beltless or not.


It's calld bracing. You should be breathing into your belly and pushing hard.

Here's a video on bracing. http://youtu.be/VcY3YSW9vX4

And here is an excellent video for setup.


Thanks! Ok, yeah I can see what you mean by pushing out the gut. Btw, I don't you look like a fatass. You look really strong. I need to go to sleep now but I'll check the other two videos out tomorrow.

Of a deadlift? I always get new air at the bottom when I'm resetting my form to go back up. At the top of bench or squats? Ya thats when you need to breath.

Yeah, I get that I should breathe at the top for squats and at the bottom for deadlifts. I was wondering whether it would be ok to breathe at the top, in addition to at the bottom, for the deadlift
Yeah, I get that I should breathe at the top for squats and at the bottom for deadlifts. I was wondering whether it would be ok to breathe at the top, in addition to at the bottom, for the deadlift

I think you could let the air out at the top because you aren't really going to hold the deadlift for long usually. Brolic would have a better answer for that though I bet.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thanks! Ok, yeah I can see what you mean by pushing out the gut. Btw, I don't you look like a fatass. You look really strong. I need to go to sleep now but I'll check the other two videos out tomorrow.

Yeah, I get that I should breathe at the top for squats and at the bottom for deadlifts. I was wondering whether it would be ok to breathe at the top, in addition to at the bottom, for the deadlift

Lol, I appreciate it.

I think you could let the air out at the top because you aren't really going to hold the deadlift for long usually. Brolic would have a better answer for that though I bet.

I keep it held until the bar returns to the floor. Last thing I wanna do it decompress my core should I end up lowering controlled to the floor. That said, many people let it out at the top too. I just prefer to keep it in.
I keep it held until the bar returns to the floor. Last thing I wanna do it decompress my core should I end up lowering controlled to the floor. That said, many people let it out at the top too. I just prefer to keep it in.

Good point I thought of the core decompression after I posted that but I wanted your advice. I hold it in usually too but the bar doesn't take too long to go back down to the floor controlled.


Great day at the gym today. Back to normal eating. The bloat is real tho. Used to hit 8th belt hole, today only 7th. The struggle. Got 170x3 on OHP nicely, went up clean. Feel so strong.


Ah yeah sorry I misunderstood your post and didnt know who he was :-x

Now to clarify, it's not like I'll be eatng poptart ice cream sandwiches lol...but one poptart post workout with a side of whey would be great.

Then save the rice/potatoes for post-post workout.

I tried it for awhile. I didn't gain weight but got stronger so I'd call it a success.


I started lifting weights to have a better time doing JiuJitsu against stronger guys but all I'm reading or thinking about recently is lifting heavier shit.


I went from 4 times a week of jiu jitsu to ONCE a week so I can lift more heavy things.

The iron sickness is real!
I started lifting weights to have a better time doing JiuJitsu against stronger guys but all I'm reading or thinking about recently is lifting heavier shit.


Was in the same boat, then suddenly, while sparring with a lovely chap that decided to pressure a shoulder lock a bit more after i tapped, causing it to pop, hey presto, never wanted to practice bjj again. It happens.


Considering volume, I seem to put more emphasis on weightlifting volume on upper body days so maybe ill do two LISS days on lower body days. Something to consider. I should, honestly, slowly integrate cardio. Now I'm backing off this cardio-pocalypse programming I've strung together.

Yeah, maybe ease into it. Otherwise you'll burn out.


the piano man
So.. I was in the mood to do a comparison and put these back pics, right is current and left is from a series/shooting and it's the most similar to my stance on the right. light makes it kind of pointless but I think I've attained some size since and some V form is starting to show.


I started lifting weights to have a better time doing JiuJitsu against stronger guys but all I'm reading or thinking about recently is lifting heavier shit.


I went from 4 times a week of jiu jitsu to ONCE a week so I can lift more heavy things.

The iron sickness is real!

I used to enjoy running around and doing calisthenics , tralalee tralalaa having fun jumping around. lol

EDIT: Damn first post in a page...-_-

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Light be damned you definitely look thicker to me. And by now you guys know I'm a straight shooter and would tell you if you looked the same.

There's definitely a significant difference.


Bench slowly increasing. Set a 3 rep PR with 275, one more rep than I've gotten with that weight before, and also a 5 rep PR with 245 afterwards.
Good lord squatting with proper shoes and a good set of knee sleeves is just heavenly. Its a fucking shame I'm cutting right now and can't make any gains on my numbers :(
Y'know, i'm not one to bash gym clothing and the like, but sometimes, just sometimes, one sees something so ridiculously glorious that one can't help himself. Especially when it happens 5 feet away straight ahead.

Why yes, that is a guy doing bench dips. With jeans pants. With a belt. Who then proceeded to teach a new guy how to bench dip with jeans.


the piano man
Light be damned you definitely look thicker to me. And by now you guys know I'm a straight shooter and would tell you if you looked the same.

There's definitely a significant difference.

Thanks for the words brolic. I appreciate it.

The build is definitely different. The difference in mass isnt as remarkable yet but the shape is different.

Main assistance as of lately has been unassisted pullups, bent over rows and reverse fly.
Use your beard advantage. Combined with proper head movement, they will have a hard time locating your chin.

LOL I'm not doing any sparring just the workouts

So.. I was in the mood to do a comparison and put these back pics, right is current and left is from a series/shooting and it's the most similar to my stance on the right. light makes it kind of pointless but I think I've attained some size since and some V form is starting to show.


I used to enjoy running around and doing calisthenics , tralalee tralalaa having fun jumping around. lol

EDIT: Damn first post in a page...-_-

defiently looking wider man


Good lord squatting with proper shoes and a good set of knee sleeves is just heavenly. Its a fucking shame I'm cutting right now and can't make any gains on my numbers :(

Ordered Rehband sleeves over the weekend and they came today. Gave them a go tonight and wow, the warmth makes a huge difference. Squating 225 on Saturday was pretty tough and taxing, especially on my knees. Squatted 3x5 @ 225 tonight with relative ease.


Hold me.

My physiotherapist called and said she wants to try something new with me. She forbid me doing any kind of leg exercises or any leg stretches for two weeks saying that the piriformis muscle needs rest now. She also told me that she wouldn't want me to walk more than max 30-45 minutes either. Also I need to have something cold on it three times a day for 15-20 minutes. I feel so stupid at the moment laying down on the floor and having a frozen bag of oats sitting on my ass. The worst part still is that I will be losing all my gains during these two forced weeks of just basicly sitting on my ass.

That girl's ass is down to genes. She's the kind that'll need two chairs to sit down should she ever become considerably overweight.

At your bodyfat percentage, with your muscles, youre probably pretty close to max butt size, which will most likely shrink further as you progress with your weight loss, what with muscle being denser than fat and etc. But yeah, going for something that enhances an hourglass figure would work well. And make women hate you. 50/50.

Having experimented with all kinds, i can safely say that an average size firm butt > a humongous fatty arse. More comfortable to slap, less bumpy, doesn't need as much boyfriend help to remove ridiculously tight jeans. Anecdotal, obv.

Plus if you had a butt like that, imagine how extra hellish Zee Supervisor would be. Win win really.
Hahaha, and yes, anecdotal obviously. :p

I am afraid that you might be right. I will continue to try, but I am not waiting to get that great results. That being said this far even if I have lost 50 pounds in the last year my butt size has actually increased and after a point at least stayed on the same size. I have small hopes that it doesn't get significantly smaller since I doubt it has that much fat in it currently. Before the gym my ass was even more miserable than nowadays. We will see what does it look like after losing 20-30 pounds.

I am sadly an apple shaped human being and even what weight I have been none of the fat goes to my ass voluntarily. Muscle seems to be the only way of getting any shape to it. I have always been very "top heavy". A perfect hourglass figure is still a dream of mine. :D

Lol, oh and if I would have a butt like that, I would hope I would be swimming in the sea of money and not having to worry about supervisor's opinions. I wouldn't have married Mr. West though.

My wife wants the same thing. Wants the small waist, big ass, and of course big tits. I'm okay with all of this. Getting her there is going to be the hard part, but I think she's committed to it. I'm guessing that to get a wider ass you need to focus on the outer part of of the glutes? And just time? Of course genes probably help too. If you find out more info on good exercises for this let me know and I'll share them with her.

Wondering if using a cable machine on the ankle and then lifting out to the side would be a good one for that. No cable machine at our house yet but that's the next purchase for our home gym.
I think that is quite much what majority of the women wants so I am not really that surprised. :p It is also my end game.

I will see if I can come up with anything to make it wider. Thus far it has grown straight to the back but not to the sides. It might be purely genetical, I don't know.

Sadly at the moment I can't do anything to the matter for the next two weeks. :(

Summer cuts are easy since then I am not freezing all the time so I am planning to get generally a bit smaller. At the moment I wish I would have even the waist I had last autumn. This pic is taken after over 100 clean days back then. Even if I weight more on that pic my waist is way smaller than currently because of the bloat and whatnot. I am curious to know how far will my genes let me go since I don't think I would be willing to get myself cut still (fine on other people, just don't see myself doing it). Like said, I am not happy in the overall look in that, but at least it is better than the current state. I dream that my waist would be around 70% of my hips and my hips and chest would be around the same. Also I have always wanted to be small and petite but I have realized that it will never happen.


Yeah, I'm cool with her getting them, but I just told her that I want it to be done by a reputable surgeon, so the plan is to fly down to Miami and have a Dr do it there that does tons of them and has great reviews. I'd rather pay a little bit more knowing that it's permanent and that it needs to be done correctly the first time.
You'd pay?

Damn. I might be a bit jealous now. Not does she only have a personal trainer to help her to achieve what she wants put someone actually really taking part as well. Lucky girl.

Good luck with your project!

Getting the breasts through exercise would be an impressive feat. In my experience they tend to lose them due to fat loss. =/
I am waiting this to happen. And yes, I am somewhat afraid of it. This far the weight loss have been happening in every other place expect the chest area. My cup size have actually increased since it is in correlation of the circumference that has been getting smaller. I don't know what will I do when it eventually does happen. Oh well, it is what it is then.

I just think it is so unfair since men can basicly train every part but women have no control over some parts of their body through natural ways to achieve their wanted look.

Anyone ever had a bulging disk? Not sure how long I've had it, maybe a long time. I can still go to the gym but I can't do stuff like deadlift or squats, I think (unless I'm really light). Physiotherapist has just given me some stretches to do, doesn't really seem like much of a solution.

Kinda sucks!
Poor babe! Being injured totally sucks, I agree with you there.

If a bulking disk is the same as a herniated disk I have had it. I had it a bit under two years. I actually started to work out because of it. I needed to start with just using the machines so I could have my back against something or just a very good posture if I was using a caple machine. So yes, you should do daily core muscle training and perhaps hit the gym using the machines. To me it took around half a year to heal fully when doing that. Only after it is properly healed I would suggest you to go back to squats and deadlits. And even then you should be extra careful with it.

So.. I was in the mood to do a comparison and put these back pics, right is current and left is from a series/shooting and it's the most similar to my stance on the right. light makes it kind of pointless but I think I've attained some size since and some V form is starting to show.

I didn't even notice there was another post before posting.

Damn Sphinx! I have said you have been getting bigger but I was wrong, you have been getting huge! There is definitely a change. Awesome work!


You'd pay?

Damn. I might be a bit jealous now. Not does she only have a personal trainer to help her to achieve what she wants put someone actually really taking part as well. Lucky girl.

Good luck with your project!

Ha, well I'm not a personal trainer. I'm trying to help how I can though. We're married so I don't really look at paying for them as me or her paying for them. In the past few months she got a much better job at the same place I work so she's able to save money from her paycheck.


So.. I was in the mood to do a comparison and put these back pics, right is current and left is from a series/shooting and it's the most similar to my stance on the right. light makes it kind of pointless but I think I've attained some size since and some V form is starting to show.


I used to enjoy running around and doing calisthenics , tralalee tralalaa having fun jumping around. lol

EDIT: Damn first post in a page...-_-

Nice work, sphinx!! Pretty noticable change.


Hold me.

My physiotherapist called and said she wants to try something new with me. She forbid me doing any kind of leg exercises or any leg stretches for two weeks saying that the piriformis muscle needs rest now. She also told me that she wouldn't want me to walk more than max 30-45 minutes either. Also I need to have something cold on it three times a day for 15-20 minutes. I feel so stupid at the moment laying down on the floor and having a frozen bag of oats sitting on my ass. The worst part still is that I will be losing all my gains during these two forced weeks of just basicly sitting on my ass.

That kinda sucks, but hopefully it's for the best.
Ordered Rehband sleeves over the weekend and they came today. Gave them a go tonight and wow, the warmth makes a huge difference. Squating 225 on Saturday was pretty tough and taxing, especially on my knees. Squatted 3x5 @ 225 tonight with relative ease.

Too anybody considering getting a good pair of Rehbands--go ebay. Lots of pairs on there and I got a pair for 35 bucks instead of 85-90 retail. Starting bid was at like 10 bucks, I wasn't even going to play around because I know bidding would have gotten into the high 50's, so went with the buy it now option.

Might try a crossfit class

do you want to pay 50+ bucks a month to do as many olympic lift reps as fast as possible? please don't do this.


Got my plan in check for my cut. Got the plan from Blackflag (greatly appreciated btw) but I'm not doing it, not right now at least. Reason for this is the fact that it was written for someone who trains 5x a week and is more advanced than I am. I currently train 3x week and I'm not advanced enough to justify 5x a week training. But when/if I someday am, then I'll definitely give it a try. Or if I switch to a gym closer to home. Both the diet plan and the lifting routine. Seemed pretty good.

In the meantime, I'll try something less complicated. Basically Eat Stop Eat. I'll eat at around maintenance or just slightly over 5-6 days a week and fast for 24hrs for 1-2 days week. This should give me a decent fat loss rate without compromising muscle mass. I might even make some gains if I'm lucky during the feeding days. Let's see how it goes..


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
In my everlasting quest to balance losing fat while keeping muscle I felt it was necessary to add a few extra calories these past two nights. Nothing major but something I felt I needed. I'm in no rush anyway.
In my everlasting quest to balance losing fat while keeping muscle I felt it was necessary to add a few extra calories these past two nights. Nothing major but something I felt I needed. I'm in no rush anyway.

Nothing wrong with that. You know what you need to do. Look good, feel good. Feel good, play good.


sphinx: as others have stated, you can definitely tell a difference. keep it up

I say go for it. If you like it, then continue on. Just be smart about it.

most of the people there seemed in shape and the warehouse they had had a ton of equipment.

but I did see somebody doing those rocking pull ups instead of keeping their body still. That kinda turned me off.

my current gym is ok I guess but when I ask different trainers if my squat form is good I shouldn't get 2 separate answers.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
most of the people there seemed in shape and the warehouse they had had a ton of equipment.

but I did see somebody doing those rocking pull ups instead of keeping their body still. That kinda turned me off.

my current gym is ok I guess but when I ask different trainers if my squat form is good I shouldn't get 2 separate answers.

Post videos and we will get your squat in order. You don't need trainers or $150 a month gyms.


Hello FitGaf, I need an advice, I'm currently fat, really fat lol.

Two month ago, I was doing only cardio almost everyday ( 5/7 with Wednesday at rest ) and I think i lose some weight, like really ( but it's probably because I'm too fat ).

Then I thought it wasn't enough, I want to lose way more and I know it doesn't feel right to say this but I don't care so I started doing even more workout, I'm currently working with a "Full Body Program" 3 times a week and I use the other days for running...

I'm eating 1500 cal/Days avoiding sugar, sodas etc.. and i feel good, not feeling tired or shit, I try to do my best "every day" at gym and I'm doing ok but I'm starting to doubt myself of the method because I don't feel like losing weight like I did with the cardio, should I continue with the workout and the cardio or should I focusing on cardio and build muscles later when I get slimmer ?

My Full-Body program :

Monday/Wednesday/Friday :

- Bench press 4x12 ( 1 min rest )
- Incline Bench Press 4x12 ( 1 min rest )
- Pull-down ( on the chest and behind the neck ) ( 1 min rest )
- Dumbbell Seated Press 3x12 ( 1 min rest )
- French Press 3x12 ( 1 min rest )
- Squat 4x15 ( 1 min rest )
- Standing calf raise 4x12 ( 1 min rest )

+ 30 min elliptical bike at 70% of FC max.

Tuesday and Saturday :

Running 1 hour outside.

Sorry If my English sucks, I'm not a native English speaker and I'm doing my best. :p
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