Hold me.
My physiotherapist called and said she wants to try something new with me. She forbid me doing any kind of leg exercises or any leg stretches for two weeks saying that the piriformis muscle needs rest now. She also told me that she wouldn't want me to walk more than max 30-45 minutes either. Also I need to have something cold on it three times a day for 15-20 minutes. I feel so stupid at the moment laying down on the floor and having a frozen bag of oats sitting on my ass. The worst part still is that I will be losing all my gains during these two forced weeks of just basicly sitting on my ass.
That girl's ass is down to genes. She's the kind that'll need two chairs to sit down should she ever become considerably overweight.
At your bodyfat percentage, with your muscles, youre probably pretty close to max butt size, which will most likely shrink further as you progress with your weight loss, what with muscle being denser than fat and etc. But yeah, going for something that enhances an hourglass figure would work well. And make women hate you. 50/50.
Having experimented with all kinds, i can safely say that an average size firm butt > a humongous fatty arse. More comfortable to slap, less bumpy, doesn't need as much boyfriend help to remove ridiculously tight jeans. Anecdotal, obv.
Plus if you had a butt like that, imagine how extra hellish Zee Supervisor would be. Win win really.
Hahaha, and yes, anecdotal obviously.
I am afraid that you might be right. I will continue to try, but I am not waiting to get that great results. That being said this far even if I have lost 50 pounds in the last year my butt size has actually increased and after a point at least stayed on the same size. I have small hopes that it doesn't get significantly smaller since I doubt it has that much fat in it currently. Before the gym my ass was even more miserable than nowadays. We will see what does it look like after losing 20-30 pounds.
I am sadly an apple shaped human being and even what weight I have been none of the fat goes to my ass voluntarily. Muscle seems to be the only way of getting any shape to it. I have always been very "top heavy". A perfect hourglass figure is still a dream of mine.
Lol, oh and if I would have a butt like that, I would hope I would be swimming in the sea of money and not having to worry about supervisor's opinions. I wouldn't have married Mr. West though.
My wife wants the same thing. Wants the small waist, big ass, and of course big tits. I'm okay with all of this. Getting her there is going to be the hard part, but I think she's committed to it. I'm guessing that to get a wider ass you need to focus on the outer part of of the glutes? And just time? Of course genes probably help too. If you find out more info on good exercises for this let me know and I'll share them with her.
Wondering if using a cable machine on the ankle and then lifting out to the side would be a good one for that. No cable machine at our house yet but that's the next purchase for our home gym.
I think that is quite much what majority of the women wants so I am not really that surprised.

It is also my end game.
I will see if I can come up with anything to make it wider. Thus far it has grown straight to the back but not to the sides. It might be purely genetical, I don't know.
Sadly at the moment I can't do anything to the matter for the next two weeks.
Summer cuts are easy since then I am not freezing all the time so I am planning to get generally a bit smaller. At the moment I wish I would have even the waist I had last autumn. This pic is taken after over 100 clean days back then. Even if I weight more on that pic my waist is way smaller than currently because of the bloat and whatnot. I am curious to know how far will my genes let me go since I don't think I would be willing to get myself cut still (fine on other people, just don't see myself doing it). Like said, I am not happy in the overall look in that, but at least it is better than the current state. I dream that my waist would be around 70% of my hips and my hips and chest would be around the same. Also I have always wanted to be small and petite but I have realized that it will never happen.
Yeah, I'm cool with her getting them, but I just told her that I want it to be done by a reputable surgeon, so the plan is to fly down to Miami and have a Dr do it there that does tons of them and has great reviews. I'd rather pay a little bit more knowing that it's permanent and that it needs to be done correctly the first time.
You'd pay?
Damn. I might be a bit jealous now. Not does she only have a personal trainer to help her to achieve what she wants put someone actually really taking part as well. Lucky girl.
Good luck with your project!
Getting the breasts through exercise would be an impressive feat. In my experience they tend to lose them due to fat loss. =/
I am waiting this to happen. And yes, I am somewhat afraid of it. This far the weight loss have been happening in every other place expect the chest area. My cup size have actually increased since it is in correlation of the circumference that has been getting smaller. I don't know what will I do when it eventually does happen. Oh well, it is what it is then.
I just think it is so unfair since men can basicly train every part but women have no control over some parts of their body through natural ways to achieve their wanted look.
Anyone ever had a bulging disk? Not sure how long I've had it, maybe a long time. I can still go to the gym but I can't do stuff like deadlift or squats, I think (unless I'm really light). Physiotherapist has just given me some stretches to do, doesn't really seem like much of a solution.
Kinda sucks!
Poor babe! Being injured totally sucks, I agree with you there.
If a bulking disk is the same as a herniated disk I have had it. I had it a bit under two years. I actually started to work out because of it. I needed to start with just using the machines so I could have my back against something or just a very good posture if I was using a caple machine. So yes, you should do daily core muscle training and perhaps hit the gym using the machines. To me it took around half a year to heal fully when doing that. Only after it is properly healed I would suggest you to go back to squats and deadlits. And even then you should be extra careful with it.
So.. I was in the mood to do a comparison and put these back pics, right is current and left is from a series/shooting and it's the most similar to my stance on the right. light makes it kind of pointless but I think I've attained some size since and some V form is starting to show.
I didn't even notice there was another post before posting.
Damn Sphinx! I have said you have been getting bigger but I was wrong, you have been getting huge! There is definitely a change. Awesome work!