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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Awesome job Brolic!


Got my wife to do farmers walks today! She could do 60 lbs in each hand (she's 108lbs). She couldn't quite manage 90 per hand.

I worked up to 180lbs per hand for 60 feet
I have a situation and don't know what to do.

I am looking for an exercise for my lower chest but all I think of either doesn't work as intended (or, I am doing it wrong) or I can't execute it.
There is a hammer strength iso-lateral decline bench press machine. The wide grip iso-lateral hits the lower chest, well, all of the pectoral really but it really hits it.

Low cable crossovers, I've never done them but they seem like they would hit the lower pectorals pretty good.


Getting close. Another 7-9 pounds and I should be where I want to be. You can see a little extra on my sides.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So I've been doing close-grip bench press because the wide grip hurts my shoulders. But I still want to work on my chest, so what are my options?

I've been working out 3-5 days a week for 4 months. How obvious should my results be at this point? (i'm a naturally thin guy)
I haven't been eating completely clean so that probably hinders my results.

Are you also progressively gaining weight? It took me about 4 months to notice a difference myself.


Are you also progressively gaining weight? It took me about 4 months to notice a difference myself.

If your weight isn't going up then you need to eat more.

4 months is an extremely short time so probably not very obvious. Depends on the programming and if you've eaten enough (calories/protein) also.

I definitely have gains (mostly in my biceps and back) but my weight has stayed at around 160-165. I definitely have to cut my sugar intake.


Lol, FitGAF is best GAF.

Celebrated last night with jack and cokes, two jalapeño doubles, went out for steak and shrimp at a fancy restaurant, went to a local orchard to get some Apple pie/caramel/pecan concrete, then came home and watched daredevil.

It was glorious. Taking this whole week off lifting completely. Next week I begin the weight reduction to 210-220 and working on prepping for relentless barbell strongman Classic in August.

We look forward to your next comp.

And I might add that it takes a real beast to eat concrete. Guys, we need to up our game.


So I'm a skinny mfer and rely heavily on whole milk for easy calories. I easily consume two jugs (4L each) a week and am happy with my results in terms of weight gain (+20 lbs of mass over 8 months, a good bit of it being lean).

Recently I've been hearing that drinking large amounts of milk may be bad for your health. What does FitGaf think?

When I started lifting a few years ago I went with the GOMAD to get the calories in too. It varied so I would be drinking anything from 4-8 pints whole milk a day. I don't think there is anything wrong with drinking large amounts of milk, maybe over a sustained period of time - but i'm sure someone can comment on it with more actual info/facts.
When I started lifting a few years ago I went with the GOMAD to get the calories in too. It varied so I would be drinking anything from 4-8 pints whole milk a day. I don't think there is anything wrong with drinking large amounts of milk, maybe over a sustained period of time - but i'm sure someone can comment on it with more actual info/facts.
If your digestive system can handle it then GOMAD is a good way to gain weight

I personally would destroy my toilet if i did GOMAD for a few days

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I've been working out 3-5 days a week for 4 months. How obvious should my results be at this point? (i'm a naturally thin guy)
I haven't been eating completely clean so that probably hinders my results.
I definitely have gains (mostly in my biceps and back) but my weight has stayed at around 160-165. I definitely have to cut my sugar intake.
You may need to clarify your goals, because it looks like you're trying to achieve two somewhat contradictory things here. If you're trying to lose fat, eating cleaner with less sugar could help. If you're trying to put on muscle/lean mass it won't. Also, how tall are you and what does your training look like?


You may need to clarify your goals, because it looks like you're trying to achieve two somewhat contradictory things here. If you're trying to lose fat, eating cleaner with less sugar could help. If you're trying to put on muscle/lean mass it won't. Also, how tall are you and what does your training look like?
I want to bulk up my whole body but lower stomach fat. I was skinny fat but I'm getting better. I'm 5'10 and doing a modified P90X schedule at the gym.

J. Bravo

2 hot dogs, a pretzel, vanilla oreo twister, 2 pieces of pizza, and a quart of chocolate milk all from Quiktrip tonight. food coma time.
Anyone doing the Murph this coming weekend? It seems to be pretty popular around Memorial Day.

1-mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1-mile run

Partitioning is OK, except for the runs.
Popular practice is, if you're not done with first mile and bodyweight stuff by 45 minutes, to quit and go on your last mile.

I have some crossfit buddies that are stoked (and dreading) for it, and I thought I'd tag along and do it at home.



I've been trying to build up my sumo deadlift since I normally pull conventional and tore some skin from my supinated hand on Saturday doing speed sumo pulls. This is from my hand rubbing against the tights I wear under my shorts, looks like the skin was burnt off. Another reminder of how pulling sumo = eating butt.


Lol, FitGAF is best GAF.

Celebrated last night with jack and cokes, two jalapeño doubles, went out for steak and shrimp at a fancy restaurant, went to a local orchard to get some Apple pie/caramel/pecan concrete, then came home and watched daredevil.

It was glorious. Taking this whole week off lifting completely. Next week I begin the weight reduction to 210-220 and working on prepping for relentless barbell strongman Classic in August.

I celebrated over the weekend at the long island wineries, drinking enough wine to kill a small horse and eating filet mignon, shrimp al fredo and slow cooked ribs...except I didn't just place in a competition...lol


My first post in here.

Used to be seriously into bodybuilding when I was in my 20's. Since trimmed down due to bad shins and just keep in shape now.



Benefits of weightlifting with consistent training: 4 years since I've done Tae Kwon-Do and I can still spar and do a bolley kick with ease. I was a fourth degree (bastardized American) black belt


So I heard FitGaf was the one to ask about routines.

Here's my conundrum after reading the OP: I'm not trying to gain too much, I want to lose fat. I'm currently 315 lbs, I'm trying to drop 30-40 by the end of the year (I know this is do-able, I am being conservative as I lost move in less time previously).

So I have a diet going on right now, with some cardio and I want to add my old weightlifting routine to it. Below is what I used to do in 2013:

  • Barbell Squat
  • Standing barbell calf raise
  • barbell deadlift
  • lying leg curls
  • freehand jump squat
  • Barbell bench press
  • incline bench press
  • decline bench press
  • cable cross over
  • push ups
  • Chin ups
  • close grip reverse lat pull down
  • elevated cable rows
  • bent over two arm long bar row
  • Barbell shoulder press
  • barbell up right row
  • cable front raise
  • one arm cable reverse fly
  • dumbbell front raise
  • dumbbell shoulder shrug
  • Incline dumbbell curl
  • hammer curls
  • dumbbell spider curl
    Those three were a superset
  • tricep extensions
  • tricep pushdown v-bar

Do you have any suggestions? I know fitness is a vastly changing field, I want to know if I should change anything.


I'm not a fan of split routines for novices. I'd rather do compounds like squats, bench, over head press, and the like at least 2 to 3x per week. Starting Strength or Strong Lift 5x5 are good programs for this.

Basically, as a novice, your whole body is a weak point.

The programs in the OP are proven, if you can, do those instead.

BB split routines are more apropos after you've put on decent mass and are trying to address weak points.



Ryne, I would focus on getting your diet in order, being more cardiovascular (HIIT) and then focusing on the compound lifts (bench, squat, DL and OHP) 3-4 times per week...in that order. When you get the first two ON LOCK, start doing SS or 531 and stick to it religiously.


The programs in the OP are proven, if you can, do those instead.

Stuff like "Abdominal work" in the OP is just vague to me. As a novice, any suggestions for types of ab exercises?

Ryne, I would focus on getting your diet in order, being more cardiovascular (HIIT) and then focusing on the compound lifts (bench, squat, DL and OHP) 3-4 times per week...in that order. When you get the first two ON LOCK, start doing SS or 531 and stick to it religiously.
Yeah, my biggest issue is my diet, since I don't cook for myself and have the worst options around me. I'm already doing some cardio (2.6 km running in the morning with 12 km of biking within 40 minutes to work). I'm looking to add a weightlifting regime to that to see if it helps.
I think doing something like SS, SL, or Ice Cream Fitness might be better, but there is nothing wrong with what you originally posted. If you want to do that routine, go for it. Just remember that diet will play the biggest role in weight loss.


Stuff like "Abdominal work" in the OP is just vague to me. As a novice, any suggestions for types of ab exercises?

Yeah, my biggest issue is my diet, since I don't cook for myself and have the worst options around me. I'm already doing some cardio (2.6 km running in the morning with 12 km of biking within 40 minutes to work). I'm looking to add a weightlifting regime to that to see if it helps.

Re: your first point...don't worry about ab work yet. If you're 315 and want to lose 40 lbs by YE, forget ab work and focus that time on more HIIT or stabilizer accesories.

Re: your second point, I'd highly recommend replacing your steady state cardio for HIIT. Trust me, it will destroy you, but you'll thank me.

Lastly, regarding food advice: buy a crock pot / slow cooker, throw a bunch of stuff in there and eat for days. Pre-cooking your meals is the easiest way to avoid eating fast food / out.


I think doing something like SS, SL, or Ice Cream Fitness might be better, but there is nothing wrong with what you originally posted. If you want to do that routine, go for it. Just remember that diet will play the biggest role in weight loss.
Thanks, I will go with the SS routine, just to try something new.
Re: your first point...don't worry about ab work yet. If you're 315 and want to lose 40 lbs by YE, forget ab work and focus that time on more HIIT or stabilizer accesories.

Re: your second point, I'd highly recommend replacing your steady state cardio for HIIT. Trust me, it will destroy you, but you'll thank me.

Lastly, regarding food advice: buy a crock pot / slow cooker, throw a bunch of stuff in there and eat for days. Pre-cooking your meals is the easiest way to avoid eating fast food / out.
Never done high intensity workouts, so I don't know where to start with that. Any good suggestions for it? Should I grab one of those fitness routine DVDs like P90x?

Also, do you guys mind if I post updates every week or so, or would that be annoying? I used to work out with a friend and made my best progress doing so because it kept me committed. Now that we work worlds apart I don't have a friend to go to the gym with to keep me honest.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Massively off topic, but I got a huge promotion. No more shift work, weekends nights, holidays off with 4 10 hour shifts. No more inmates and caps,out at 64k a year.

So awesome.


Congrats Brolic, I heard Guantánamo Bay is super nice during this time of the year!

And speaking of nice weather,
Its so much easier to stay with a diet when its hot outside, Canadian weather seems to be made for the bulk/cut cycle of doom.


Gym was terrific today. Hit 185x3 on OHP easily. Felt extremely strong today, also seems like my body is adjusting to the new food properly. I adjusted my accessories to include dips and pull ups in the main routine and got rid of some excess lifts.

My goal at this time is 5 sets of 10 pull ups. I got today:


These were full pull ups, chin above bar. Felt really good with this as a starting point. This was also done after the OHP sets.

Right now at 237lbs, 1750 calories a day.


Thanks, I will go with the SS routine, just to try something new.

Never done high intensity workouts, so I don't know where to start with that. Any good suggestions for it? Should I grab one of those fitness routine DVDs like P90x?

Also, do you guys mind if I post updates every week or so, or would that be annoying? I used to work out with a friend and made my best progress doing so because it kept me committed. Now that we work worlds apart I don't have a friend to go to the gym with to keep me honest.

For HIIT I would get on a treadmill and do alternating periods of running and jogging. I'm 5'9", 170 and in good shape, and a session of 1 minute @ 10 mph alternated with 1 minute @ 6.5 MPH for 20 minutes will absolutely destroy me. Steady state cardiovascular allows your body to get comfortable...HIIT doesn't.

And of course we don't mind progress updates dude. With that being said, expect very little immediate progress. You'll be doing this the right way and the right way is a marathon and not a sprint (as cliche as that sounds)


Hit 310 on decline pause bench for my max effort day, 10 lb PR. Feel like my bench is really starting to progress after being stalled for a little bit.


Any suggestions for headphones for the gym? The ones I have are cheap 20 dollar ones that broke and get real sweaty in my ear.

I got the MW3 munitio earphones on clearance a while back and love them, but i mainly listen to edm. I loved them so much i bought 3 pairs. One has broke, still have 2 more.


Definitely vouch for Jaybird too. I have Freedom 3s for about a year now and they've been great. Custom ear attachments to put them in the the pinna of the ear or over it. Sweat all the time during cardio and since it uses a membrane-like sound transmitter, it doesn't get wet. Range is good for about 15 feet depending on the device's BT transmission range, and battery lasts about 6 hours. I bought a second pair from Amazon when they had them discounted to 33.00.
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