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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Question about cutting and maintaining strength:

I'm finding it difficult to get a good amount of HITT cardio while also combining some weight training. During one week, I decided to focus on legs more so than usual and when I went back to doing upper body, I found I couldn't meet my same reps for dumbbells chest presses (-1 each time) I did the week prior. Then, when doing incline chest press I even had to lower the weight by 5 lbs and even had difficulty completing that.

Is this mostly due to diet or it's just something you have to deal with when you're cutting and there's no way to reliably mitigate loss?


Question about cutting and maintaining strength:

I'm finding it difficult to get a good amount of HITT cardio while also combining some weight training. During one week, I decided to focus on legs more so than usual and when I went back to doing upper body, I found I couldn't meet my same reps for dumbbells chest presses (-1 each time) I did the week prior. Then, when doing incline chest press I even had to lower the weight by 5 lbs and even had difficulty completing that.

Is this mostly due to diet or it's just something you have to deal with when you're cutting and there's no way to reliably mitigate loss?

It's a combination of things. Your diet and the fact that you're burning some muscle being the majority of it for sure.

J. Bravo

Think I had a new breakthrough on DL this morning, all just felt right today. I've been stalled for a bit, and I've still got some kinks to work out I think (don't know if I'm engaging my glutes properly) but I felt everything in my glutes, hams, and core as opposed to lots of pressure on my spine.
What'd you pull?

edit: deadlift form check. I feel as tho its pretty on point but would like some input from you guys. I could be totally wrong. this is only 315x3. once I pull the 3rd rep I hold it for 10 seconds so you can close it at that point haha.



Question about cutting and maintaining strength:

I'm finding it difficult to get a good amount of HITT cardio while also combining some weight training. During one week, I decided to focus on legs more so than usual and when I went back to doing upper body, I found I couldn't meet my same reps for dumbbells chest presses (-1 each time) I did the week prior. Then, when doing incline chest press I even had to lower the weight by 5 lbs and even had difficulty completing that.

Is this mostly due to diet or it's just something you have to deal with when you're cutting and there's no way to reliably mitigate loss?

Most people I know who have this issue are cutting down too far on carbs or just cutting by too much in general.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Getting close. Another 7-9 pounds and I should be where I want to be. You can see a little extra on my sides.




Down another 2lbs this morning. .3lbs away from hitting all new lows. Although for sure I'm leaner then ever. 236.6 today, hopefully new record low tomorrow.

Cooter, you are looking absolutely incredible. The dad bod gaf deserves.

What'd you pull?

edit: deadlift form check. I feel as tho its pretty on point but would like some input from you guys. I could be totally wrong. this is only 315x3. once I pull the 3rd rep I hold it for 10 seconds so you can close it at that point haha.


Looked fine, except you're bouncing. Should come to a stop then pull again.


TFW you get measured for a tux and the guy has to size you up but give you the slim fit so "it can fit your shoulders and back but not be too big in the stomach"



Heavy rack pulls... Straps? Sets & reps? Talk to me.

100% straps due to the weight involved. It's to overload the top half of the dl and you don't want your grip to limit that. Personally I'd do 5x5 though they aren't in rotation right now for me.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
100% straps due to the weight involved. It's to overload the top half of the dl and you don't want your grip to limit that. Personally I'd do 5x5 though they aren't in rotation right now for me.
Thanks. I was thinking something similar but then entrement posted something almost directly opposite. I'm probably going to be pulling 600+ so I'd imagine I would have grip issues.


Getting close. Another 7-9 pounds and I should be where I want to be. You can see a little extra on my sides.

After seeing this, I looked in last year's Progress thread. Wow, you're even more defined now! Sean's progress was also stunning to see since that thread.


It's a combination of things. Your diet and the fact that you're burning some muscle being the majority of it for sure.

I guess it's inevitable to some degree. I'll try upping my protein intake and see if that helps a bit. I didn't think I would lose strength so quickly after neglecting those muscles for almost a week.

Most people I know who have this issue are cutting down too far on carbs or just cutting by too much in general.
I might be doing that. I've dramatically cut my carb intake in favor of protein, but it's difficult consuming vasts amount of the stuff. I read about people eating 12 eggs for breakfast and here I am barely able to consume 3.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I should have posted this as my goal bod in that summer workout thread
Well thanks for not posting pics of me in my underwear in the general OT. Ha

After seeing this, I looked in last year's Progress thread. Wow, you're even more defined now! Sean's progress was also stunning to see since that thread.
I find that hard to believe but thanks Coop!


Good shit Brolic. You continue to impress.


the piano man
so happy for you Brolic, getting a medal must feel nice.

Getting close. Another 7-9 pounds and I should be where I want to be. You can see a little extra on my sides.

easily the best pair of arms in this community.

Congrats for being so determined Cooter.

I knew there was a reason why you showed that pic at your heaviest some weeks (months?) ago :D you wanted to show what you are made of and man, mission accomplished,


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks Bum!

easily the best pair of arms in this community.

Congrats for being so determined Cooter.

I knew there was a reason why you showed that pic at your heaviest some weeks (months?) ago :D you wanted to show what you are made of and man, mission accomplished,
Not sure about that but thanks Sphinx. I posted that post bulk pic back in late February. It was more just to show people how much weight I put on for the duration of my bulk. But yeah, going from bulking to cutting always tests your determination. I had my ups and downs and I'm still not where I want to be.


Looking great bud, keep it up! You're my hero.

No one just starting out looking to go to the gym. You know what I meant. ;)

And thank you. Your compliments always carry more weight to me.


I guess it's inevitable to some degree. I'll try upping my protein intake and see if that helps a bit. I didn't think I would lose strength so quickly after neglecting those muscles for almost a week.

I might be doing that. I've dramatically cut my carb intake in favor of protein, but it's difficult consuming vasts amount of the stuff. I read about people eating 12 eggs for breakfast and here I am barely able to consume 3.

I set my macros up via target body weight, which i guess is about 230. I dont actually know what it is but I am taking a educated shot based on looking at progress pics of others with my height(6'5").

Protein is 0.85ish g/lb so thats 200g. This seems like a reasonable limit based on most articles or at least a point of vastly diminishing returns, despite some sources recommending up to 1.2g/lb

Fat is 0.5 g/lb so about 115g, i usually fall short on this as i tend to eat leaner meats and even with nut butters and adding butter to meals i just dont. Most IIFYM stuff recommends .35g/lb but my moods tends to be better when i eat higher fat

That gives me 1700 kcal (rounded fat down to 100g).

So Carbs are TDEE - 1700. I usually end up around 2400kCal for a day.

I am probably underating too as most calculators are putting me @ 3.5kCal (So I am at a 30% deficit) but trying to eat clean makes the calories less dense and stomach can only take so much.


I set my macros up via target body weight, which i guess is about 230. I dont actually know what it is but I am taking a educated shot based on looking at progress pics of others with my height(6'5").

Protein is 0.85ish g/lb so thats 200g. This seems like a reasonable limit based on most articles or at least a point of vastly diminishing returns, despite some sources recommending up to 1.2g/lb

Fat is 0.5 g/lb so about 115g, i usually fall short on this as i tend to eat leaner meats and even with nut butters and adding butter to meals i just dont. Most IIFYM stuff recommends .35g/lb but my moods tends to be better when i eat higher fat

That gives me 1700 kcal (rounded fat down to 100g).

So Carbs are TDEE - 1700. I usually end up around 2400kCal for a day.

I am probably underating too as most calculators are putting me @ 3.5kCal (So I am at a 30% deficit) but trying to eat clean makes the calories less dense and stomach can only take so much.
Thanks for breaking it down like that. I'll look into it more as I definitely need to be looking at the smaller details. I generally eat healthy meats like turkey, lots of salad greens, occasional rice for breakfast, lots of eggs (not all at once, though), banana and protein shakes. Hardest thing for me is to changing what I eat as I cook for the SO mostly and it's easier to eat the same thing rather than cook two different meals. Only thing I end up doing is forgoing rice for a varied mixed green salad.

Thank you for the advice!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Looking great as always coot.

Well thanks for not posting pics of me in my underwear in the general OT. Ha

I find that hard to believe but thanks Coop!


Good shit Brolic. You continue to impress.

Coot looking awesome.

Brolic strong.

Congrats Brolic!!

Looking great Cooter!!

On that last rep brolic, i was pulling back in my seat. Great lifts, good job.

so happy for you Brolic, getting a medal must feel nice.

easily the best pair of arms in this community.

Congrats for being so determined Cooter.

I knew there was a reason why you showed that pic at your heaviest some weeks (months?) ago :D you wanted to show what you are made of and man, mission accomplished,

Cooter's awesome dadbod and Brolic's deadlifts just made me erect and I'm pretty heterosexual

Thanks guys. This felt good. I didn't even peak my deadlift, this was "walk in the gym and hit a max on any given day" for me. We are gonna be doing this yearly, so will be interesting when I actually peak for on. But still, strongman is my focus now.

Took me long enough to compete, did two In two weeks and came away with a tangible award new friends and a shit load of experience and perspective. Getting a frame/box made for this medal and it's going on the wall. More will follow.


I find that hard to believe but thanks Coop!

I dunno, I can see more ab and general mid-section definition in the new pic. Your arms are crazy in both. So genetically gifted!

Brolic Gaoler said:
Took me long enough to compete, did two In two weeks and came away with a tangible award new friends and a shit load of experience and perspective. Getting a frame/box made for this medal and it's going on the wall. More will follow.

Congratulations. That's really something to go from purely personal lifting to prize-winning, and with this event not even being your main focus.


Has anyone looked into Athos? http://www.liveathos.com/

I'm obsessed with stats and am kinda bummed there isn't much for weight lifters in regards to fitness tracking. This looked kinda cool and I'm debating trying it out. It's pricey, but really, it's not that much more than a new high end fitness tracker.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ugh. I was sick for about a week and I lost 5 lbs. Took me a goddamned month to gain that. :(

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I dunno, I can see more ab and general mid-section definition in the new pic. Your arms are crazy in both. So genetically gifted!

Congratulations. That's really something to go from purely personal lifting to prize-winning, and with this event not even being your main focus.

Thanks cooper!

Ugh. I was sick for about a week and I lost 5 lbs. Took me a goddamned month to gain that. :(

It doesn't work that way. You're fine.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You're not gonna lose 5lbs of muscle that fast. If you even gained 5lbs of muscle in a month. Most/all of what you lost being sick was water.

Oh yeah I doubt I gained 5 lbs. of muscle in around a month, haha. I just meant 5 lbs. of weight in general, which took that long to gain.


I've been working out 3-5 days a week for 4 months. How obvious should my results be at this point? (i'm a naturally thin guy)
I haven't been eating completely clean so that probably hinders my results.


I've been working out 3-5 days a week for 4 months. How obvious should my results be at this point? (i'm a naturally thin guy)
I haven't been eating completely clean so that probably hinders my results.

4 months is an extremely short time so probably not very obvious. Depends on the programming and if you've eaten enough (calories/protein) also.


I've been working out 3-5 days a week for 4 months. How obvious should my results be at this point? (i'm a naturally thin guy)
I haven't been eating completely clean so that probably hinders my results.

If your weight isn't going up then you need to eat more.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Cooter with dat dad bod. And Brolic with that dad bod strength.

Dads represent in FitGaf.

Woo hoo!

Lol, FitGAF is best GAF.

Celebrated last night with jack and cokes, two jalapeño doubles, went out for steak and shrimp at a fancy restaurant, went to a local orchard to get some Apple pie/caramel/pecan concrete, then came home and watched daredevil.

It was glorious. Taking this whole week off lifting completely. Next week I begin the weight reduction to 210-220 and working on prepping for relentless barbell strongman Classic in August.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Lol, FitGAF is best GAF.

Celebrated last night with jack and cokes, two jalapeño doubles, went out for steak and shrimp at a fancy restaurant, went to a local orchard to get some Apple pie/caramel/pecan concrete, then came home and watched daredevil.

It was glorious.
Taking this whole week off lifting completely. Next week I begin the weight reduction to 210-220 and working on prepping for relentless barbell strongman Classic in August.

I shed a tear of joy reading that.


the piano man
I have a situation and don't know what to do.

I am looking for an exercise for my lower chest but all I think of either doesn't work as intended (or, I am doing it wrong) or I can't execute it.

Decline Bench with Barbell: apparently I am too small for the bench, the bar is way behind my head and it gets really dangerous when trying to unrack. Any weight I can unrack safely, has me in the 20 or more rep range...

Decline Bench, Dumbbell: I can't get into position with any decent weight and I am not going to risk any wrist injury. I could practice with small dumbbells til I feel confident, not sure I wanna try, I probably should though

Dips: too much tricep involvement. I do them already and I can't say I feel anything on my chest. Should probably check my form? I know there is a small variation depending on what you want to hit, but I can't seem to find the right ROM or angle.

anything else I can try? there's bodyweight pushups at a certain angle I guess.


So I'm a skinny mfer and rely heavily on whole milk for easy calories. I easily consume two jugs (4L each) a week and am happy with my results in terms of weight gain (+20 lbs of mass over 8 months, a good bit of it being lean).

Recently I've been hearing that drinking large amounts of milk may be bad for your health. What does FitGaf think?
Decline Bench, Dumbbell: I can't get into position with any decent weight and I am not going to risk any wrist injury. I could practice with small dumbbells til I feel confident, not sure I wanna try, I probably should though

Wrap your wrists?

I do decline dumbell presses a fair bit, and whilst I don't use insane weight, I've never noticed too much pressure on my tiny little wrists (trust me, no matter how small you think your wrists are, mine are smaller).


So I'm a skinny mfer and rely heavily on whole milk for easy calories. I easily consume two jugs (4L each) a week and am happy with my results in terms of weight gain (+20 lbs of mass over 8 months, a good bit of it being lean).

Recently I've been hearing that drinking large amounts of milk may be bad for your health. What does FitGaf think?

If you can digest lactose and tolerate dairy products fine then I don't know why it would be bad for your health. Unless you believe that saturated fat is unhealthy for you..
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