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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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It's strange. I hated running mostly because I tried doing it on treadmills.

Once I started running outside my whole outlook changed. The spring weather also makes it easier.

It's strange but it becomes addictive.

I also had your same thoughts, but as a long term lifter, I wanted to improve my aerobic engine, which I neglected for years.

I still consider myself strength first, though.
Same here. I haaaaaaaaaaaaated running. Only cardio I did growing up is what my various sports teams forced on me. I did do a stint of cardio focus when I was 17 during spring and summer to do a massive fat cut so I could switch from D Line to Linebacker or D End. But I hated every minute of it.

Now that I run outside 4-5 days a week rain or shine (in Western Washington so mostly the former), and I run with my awesome dog, I absolutely love it. Get that Vitamin D, get that huge dopamine dump to fight afternoon dulldrums. Plus, any activity I can keep up for an extended period because I have the aerobic strength to just deal with it, even if I'm mostly out of gas.

J. Bravo

the only cardio I do now is the 10 minute bike ride to and from the gym haha. and it's an easy ass ride.

BUT. I am going to deadlift today. 405x5. gonna try and scrounge up some chalk from somewhere seeing as how its my grip that is weaksauce.


the only cardio I do now is the 10 minute bike ride to and from the gym haha. and it's an easy ass ride.

BUT. I am going to deadlift today. 405x5. gonna try and scrounge up some chalk from somewhere seeing as how its my grip that is weaksauce.
The extent to which I would do cardio is pushing or pulling a sled, farmer's walks, and some other stuff that isn't coming to mind.

I just knew you were going to post that picture, Szu lol.
I hate cardio as well but it makes me more well rounded if that makes any sense. And that puts me in an overall state of mind of being a bad ass.

cheesy i know
For being a thread about strong people, I didn't realize there'd be so many weak ass jabronies in here.


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Unconfirmed Member
You still couldn't pay me to do cardio. I'm glad you guys love it, it's just not what I need to hit my goal, so I stand clear.

Maybe once I lose more fat I might consider it.

It's a hell of a lot more fun when you're light and aren't carrying a bunch of extra body fat.

It really is a case of "people who aren't fat exercise," and not "people who don't exercise are fat." Exercising (aerobic) when you're overweight is fucking torture.
Regarding the cardio discussion, I did quite a lot of running last year, and after a month or so, I really liked it. We have a nice forest close to my job, with a lot of VERY hilly running tracks. But, I'm not doing it now, because long-distance running is very far removed from my current fitness goals. Basically, I'm a skinny ass motherfucker. At about 175 cm, I weigh about 65 kg. I really need to pack on some muscle, so burning a lot of calories with cardio isn't really compatible with that. Especially as I have a really hard time with gaining weight. It's a bit of a shame because, from my understanding few things are as important for long-term health as cardio-vascular health. But I'm still relatively young (26) I can afford to spend some years focusing hard on lifting and gaining weight before starting up the cardio again.

well, now I'm extremely conscious of squat butt wink.

I feel like it's anatomically impossible for me to get below parallel or even to parallel without bending my lower back. Some people say you need to stretch your hamstrings, others say it's foot angle, foot width...anyone here any experience fixing it?

I have a huge problem with butt wink myself. My trainer told me I shouldn't go lower than I can without the butt wink, and that's barely down to parallel. I don't know, I find it really difficult to tell whether I'm doing it or not, so probably most of the time I end up doing it. I really need to remedy this; don't want to hurt my lower back. I think I'm supposed to squeeze my glutes? But I'm not sure how to do that.
Damn, I hope it's okay to ask this here as I don't want to stray off topic.

I need gym clothes. Stuff that is comfortable as possible while also hiding my fat as much as possible. When I run my man tits bounce all around. I'd like to hide that as much as possible WITHOUT WEARING A SPORTS BRA LIKE I KNOW SOME OF YOU WILL SUGGEST lol.

What do you guys recommend?


Damn, I hope it's okay to ask this here as I don't want to stray off topic.

I need gym clothes. Stuff that is comfortable as possible while also hiding my fat as much as possible. When I run my man tits bounce all around. I'd like to hide that as much as possible WITHOUT WEARING A SPORTS BRA LIKE I KNOW SOME OF YOU WILL SUGGEST lol.

What do you guys recommend?
Compression shirt under a regular looseish shirt.

It kind of is a sports bra at that point, without the humiliation.

I've been there breh.


Deadlift went extremely well today. 375x5 and still on 1750 calories or so. I hate hex plates so badly but what can you do. Dropping after 3rd rep, the plates just dashed to one side. I had to put it back in place and keep going, but lost my tightness. So 4th rep was rough, but then got tight again for 5th and that was a super good lift. 5s week is finished and I hit every rep and upped the weights on my accessories successfully as well. Feeling great.

It's a hell of a lot more fun when you're light and aren't carrying a bunch of extra body fat.

It really is a case of "people who aren't fat exercise," and not "people who don't exercise are fat." Exercising (aerobic) when you're overweight is fucking torture.

Everything is worse overweight. Thin is always better.

J. Bravo

For being a thread about strong people, I didn't realize there'd be so many weak ass jabronies in here.

Lol breh I'll run a sub 7 mile by next thursday. I haven't ran more than a basketball court length in years. Its not hard. I just haven't focused on conditioning lately. If I can't do the mile, that might change.

Also, failed deadlift today again. Fuck my life. Gotta get some chalk by this time next week. 405x3, followed by 5x3 @ 315 with a 15 second hold at the end of the 3rd rep

Edit: Also, these romanian/glute ham raises are killing me. 5x10 with a 45 plate. One more set lol, fuck this 😞

J. Bravo

I was saying that totally tongue in cheek, by the way. I like a good natured ribbing.

haha i know, but all this talk surprisingly has me in a wanting to run mood. it's weird.

edit: do you guys think liquid chalk will be sufficient? or do I need actual gymnastic chalk? gonna make my own liquid chalk either way but would like to know if i need the other stuff.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I do sled sprints and soccer field farmers walks for 'cardio' but only during summer. In winter I hibernate indoors and acquire le mass.


haha i know, but all this talk surprisingly has me in a wanting to run mood. it's weird.

edit: do you guys think liquid chalk will be sufficient? or do I need actual gymnastic chalk? gonna make my own liquid chalk either way but would like to know if i need the other stuff.
Dat run high so good.

I've seen a few people in here say liquid chalk is the way to go.


I want to start running but don't have proper athletic shoes. Can anyone recommend some cheap, but decent quality entry level running shoes?


I want to start running but don't have proper athletic shoes. Can anyone recommend some cheap, but decent quality entry level running shoes?
Totally 100% depends on your foot and what kind of runner you are. I know that's a pain in the ass, but seriously, getting the wrong pair of shoes can fuck you up. Getting the right pair of shoes will prevent injury.

If you're in a decently populated metropolitan area, there should be a dedicated runner store somewhere near you. They will have you run on the treadmill, take a look at your feet, and find a good match.

Otherwise, you can try to figure it out yourself, which is certainly possible. This guide is pretty great.


Also, I think the thin shoes that are designed for forefoot striking are a gimmick that quite literally lead to serious injury. They're like the Crossfit of the Running World.
I have a huge problem with butt wink myself. My trainer told me I shouldn't go lower than I can without the butt wink, and that's barely down to parallel. I don't know, I find it really difficult to tell whether I'm doing it or not, so probably most of the time I end up doing it. I really need to remedy this; don't want to hurt my lower back. I think I'm supposed to squeeze my glutes? But I'm not sure how to do that.

Yeah even at parallel it happens for me (if just slightly).

I'm at a loss as to what to do. I'm going to keep trying the stretches but ever since I read about butt wink I've noticed the soreness at the lower back and it makes me cringe. Don't want to mess anything up.
Have you guys ever gotten a box of hard quest bars? I got 2 in the mail and one was full of rock hard bars while the other was perfect. This is the second time it's happened, one from puritan pride and once gnc.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Have you guys ever gotten a box of hard quest bars? I got 2 in the mail and one was full of rock hard bars while the other was perfect. This is the second time it's happened, one from puritan pride and once gnc.
Yes. They taste like sweetened garbage.

I think I might need some suggestion on wether or not to start lifting weights, and which priority to give to which muscle groups... I'm guessing it would be ok to post body pics, right?



I think I might need some suggestion on wether or not to start lifting weights, and which priority to give to which muscle groups... I'm guessing it would be ok to post body pics, right?

Lifting weights is always good. Regarding muscle groups, it's best to focus on the whole body at first at least. More info on the OP.

Pics are welcome of course.
Well, for the last 6 months I've been doing some basic calisthenics in addition to my running because I felt I was too skinny, and this is the current result:

I'm uncertain because I think I'm probably having more fun going to the park and doing pullups and pushups in the open air, but I'm starting to feel that since I'm lucky enough to be 6 feet tall I would probably look much better with a more muscular build, hence I'm considering paying for a gym membership.


Well, for the last 6 months I've been doing some basic calisthenics in addition to my running because I felt I was too skinny, and this is the current result:

I'm uncertain because I think I'm probably having more fun going to the park and doing pullups and pushups in the open air, but I'm starting to feel that since I'm lucky enough to be 6 feet tall I would probably look much better with a more muscular build, hence I'm considering paying for a gym membership.
You look good man.

But if you want to put on more muscle, strength training is certainly a good way to do it. I'm sure if you absolutely wanted to stay outside, there's ways you could add resistance to what you are doing to build more muscle.


Vacation was great. Hamstrings are sore as hell after squatting this week, though. Not sure what that's about. Lifted lighter this week since I got sick right before my long flight back.


I was training legs today and during my accessory ab work I got the meanest cramp in my abs. I legit thought I developed a hernia, called it quits after that.


After a month of resting my shoulder, no bench or OHP and no sample bottle shaking at work, my shoulder still isn't 100% back to normal. So I spoke with the company physician and he set me up with a physical therapist.
The PT did the diagnosis and a test. He said it was good news that my rotator cuff isn't weak and there's just pain, easier to treat than a rotator cuff that's weak and in pain. It should be back to normal in two to three weeks. Can't wait, because I want to OHP again
(fuck bench)

Funny thing, since the company I'm interning for is covering for this, seems like the PT has to follow OSHA regulations (?). Can't tell you what exercises to do, you need to do your own research and give the PT a rundown of the exercises you found and they approve of that or not. A waste of time IMO, why can't the PT just tell you what to do; god damn OSHA. Luckily I'm fairly informed with shoulder-related exercises because I use them as warm-ups and he approved of them all.

Glad this will be cleared up before I start Olympic weightlifting.


Think I had a new breakthrough on DL this morning, all just felt right today. I've been stalled for a bit, and I've still got some kinks to work out I think (don't know if I'm engaging my glutes properly) but I felt everything in my glutes, hams, and core as opposed to lots of pressure on my spine.


Almost back at my weight i was before i took my diet break, i was 236.4, this morning 238.6. Getting there. Getting proper sleep and water has been key. Also, first day today wearing size 34 pants and size large shirt all day. What a difference, its insane. When i started this whole thing, i wore size 48 pants and XXXL shirts. I still feel weird wearing clothes that fit tightly, but i hope the more i wear them, the more comfy i'll be with the idea of proper fitment and not baggy to feel safe. Still not a drop of bloat at all ever since i cut the dairy, total life changer. My old underwear is falling off as well, need to throw them out and stick to the new smaller ones. Things are going well indeed.
My left hip flexor is flaring up during squats, looking at a muscle diagram of the hips it looks like the 'Tensor fasciae latae'. Thought using a foam roller for a few days would make it better but if anything it's made it worse. :(

Gonna have to start doing a load of leg stretches for the next week and see if it helps at all.
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